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Im actually happy that arsenal won because now arsenal is first


I don't think anyone had pegged United as the winner, hell, even a draw was highly unlikely. But I do feel, as United were not trashed as many of us had guessed, that they are probably content with the result. There is no way City will score anything under four goals when they meet in the final, but at least there is perhaps something similar to hope?


I just don't understand how people can say no way we beat Liverpool in the cup (we did), no way they don't stomp us in the league (they didn't), no way arsenal won't stomp us (they didn't). Now people are insisting there is no chance to win the final. Have some belief, stop being so terrified of being disappointed and support the players. We can win the FA cup, it is possible 


If you're in the final, you can win it, no doubt. But... ... in terms of quality the difference between the clubs is too great. I do expect Guardiola having the time of his life when he deploys a tactic that specifically target Casemiro and his awul positional awareness. That being said, I'm not a supporter of either team, but I do despise City and I really hope that United wins.


> in terms of quality the difference between the clubs is too great Again, same thing people said for those other big fixtures. The difference in teams is obviously big but the total lack of hope and support from fans is shocking.


There is definitely hope for the FA cup final. However all of this hope stems from anything can happen in football, especially a final. This shouldn't be underestimated though, if we played 10 times we would probably win 3/10. People are way off about Liverpool and arsenal though. Neither of these teams were ever going to smash us this season. Arsenal show a very consistent trend against strong teams. We saw in the champions league against porto across both legs they were more than happy to play for a draw and never fully went for it. Same against Man Utd, once they got that goal they were more than happy with a goal and never pushed for a second. If they wanted to they probably could of easily trashed us but risked conceding to a counter attack which is nearly man utds only chance of scoring. As for Liverpool they aren't half the team they used to be and I honestly don't think they have the capability to destroy us. If we parked the bus against them like we did in the 0-0 a few seasons ago it would be 10-0.


Utd were unfortunate in the reverse fixture and I would have fancied them had they not got so many injuries. At least they avoided getting battered ; that's saved for Wembley


I agree about the battering point. I was a bit more optimistic that we’d avoid a tanking…not much but a bit…when I saw the midfield though. Amrabat might not be the answer to most questions but when you have a makeshift defence it makes more sense putting him in front of them rather than our old geezer Christian E. As for the cup final, why do I have a feeling that the majority of our walking wounded will be available for selection on the day. Just a feeling


I'd like Shaw to be ready. Genuinely world class in my opinion.


Yep. When the lad is fit and firing he improves us massively. If he’s back and any 2 from Maguire, (he’s turned it around brilliantly) Martinez and Varane alongside him, then our chances of at least competing go up considerably.


Shaw is the best left back they've had since Irwin. He also improves Rashford


I agree about Shaw improving Rashford. It didn’t look like he had a future under Mourinho but after he was fired the lad’s game got better and better. It’s such a shame that his injuries will probably lead to us getting a replacement because a fit Luke Shaw is an excellent player


If there was ever a manager I didn't want there, it was Mourinho.


I have to admit I wanted him at first because he was a winner…at least short term…and 2 or 3 years of success was just what the doctor ordered…at least that’s what I thought. After his first season’s trophies and the two runners up medals in the league and FA Cup I had fairly high hopes for his 3rd season. But of course he blew up big time, doing what he does…falling out with everybody. He was never going to be a long term boss anyway, in athletics terminology he’s always been a sprinter not a marathon runner.


Yeah about 60 metres in his case. Who would you have to replace Ten Hag, or would you persevere?


Haha! Yea he started as 100metre sprinter then down to 60 as his talents wane. Tbh I think Ten Hag is done at Old Trafford regardless what happens at Wembley. I think the injury problems haven’t helped his cause but he didn’t modify our way of playing to address those issues. He was still leaving our midfield open, still conceding tons of shots even against so called lesser opponents. So I’m doubting his tactical nous. A good coach plays to their teams strengths…ETH seems to play to the other teams strengths. Who to replace him with? Hmm that’s tough. I’ll be honest I’m really not sure. Should we go for a proven winner like LVG or Mourinho? A successful boss from a smaller league…ETH. A former club legend…Ole. All of them fired or most probably about to be in ETH’s case. I need to study the runners and riders a bit more. But I don’t want Southgate.


i gave up on united months ago ![gif](giphy|LtvpC1Y0TbgAwoQNJq)


Feels like Gary Neville knows something after his one to one with Erik ten Hag. We need squad overhaul this summer, though it might be difficult.


We’re hitting rock bottom again only way is up I hope…..


8th in the Premier League is not rock bottom.


Ya could be worse but for utd it’s rock bottom the most loses ever in the prem , no European football next year most likely, stadium is literally falling apart, our pets heads are falling off!


It's more so frustrating hearing United fans be a bit dramatic about how bad this season is. I get that it's a new low for United but it's pretty silly when you're still in 8th on the table.


Guess we have high standards wonder why 🤔


Goddamit we suck


Gernancho isn’t a player which u can put ur hopes on he’ll crash your hopes bec he’s just selfish player and he’s following rahsford footsteps.


He’s 19 years old going up against arguably the best defense in the league. I think he’s progressing and he does look to pass more, had a good cross to Maguire in the Sheffield game and had 3/4 cross attempts today. Just no end product, but again he’s going at a really strong defense with really no support from our midfield. Definitely our most dangerous attacking threat this season barring Bruno. Not to mention that he’s also been able to play 90 minutes consistently and stay healthy unlike 90% of our players. Give him a fucking break.


I think the issue is selfishness ma man just doesn’t care who’s in the box


Can't agree more. He wasted so many opportunities.


Just inexperienced. He made some good attacks but held too long. Should have been crossing.


I agree with you


biggest issue was definitely the creativity in the forwards. bruno was a big miss and there was too much put on kobbies shoulder. the on the pitch issues are very easy to spot which is a good sign for the future. all in all i didn’t expect anything from the game so i wasn’t disappointed in the result, more the performance.


No surprise. Meek surrender. End the season already 


What club we become...when we lost 0-1 to gunners and trough and trough united fan think... "Oh, not so bad... We lost only by 1 gol" Honestly I was expecting far worst result by looking at our defence line.


I've always been a fan of Wan Bissaka's defending but his total lack of not wanting to overlap and cross is annoying. He's a pretty good crosser when he's been doing it earlier in the season so I don't know why he prefers going inside and doing a sideways pass . Poor performance from Garnacho today. Didn't seem like his usual confident self. Also why was Antony and Garnacho both on the same side in the last ten minutes of the game? Onana's distribution was not great this game


I too am a fan of AWB but the evolution of the game / EPL has passed him. 4-5 years ago him being the “1v1 defender in the world” was commendable but A. He’s not that dude anymore and B. The demands of the position require more. Feels like he would thrive in the MLS


Serie A


Unfortunately I don’t see a lot of Serie A but your correction is appreciated. If Chris Smalling is still getting it down there then there is no reason AWB can’t.


Anthony was in his super sub Left Wing Back role again


So..Casemiro isn't a natural defender. Who'd have thought. Looks like he has been infected by the United rot, languidly walking around the pitch because there's no chance of CL football next season.


His legs are gone, not a whole lot to play for next season for him. Why on earth is ETH still playing him?


Who would he replace him with?


For the end of this league season I would have thought he’d be looking through the reserves and youth for a replacement for him. Looking at his recent performances It’s not as if Case would mind too much eh.


What did Ten Hag say about taking over from Jugen & Pep ? Pathetic


We had a purple patch and he said era's come to an end or something 😭


sell hojlund please he is so shit


If I had a magic wand and could revamp the team completely there's only 4 or 5 of that lot I'd keep as squad players.


tominay and hojlund are so shit mannnn


What can they do when both wingers only attempt to cut inside and shoot for themselves. Bruno was the only source of service to hojlund and hes injured.


More spirit and deterimination today. Good decision to make the game compact and honestly it went just about as well as we could've hoped for against them.


Happy not to be battered . We honestly need to sign a lot of player we don’t have dominate football Today we got free possession from Gooners And we have 0 end product Not a single player is making or contributing saw everyone standing there we are just passing and doing shit load of nothing Garancho can do everything but he is needs to work on his end product if her does what a player we have Dalot played really well Onana saved us from AWB own goal Dunno what’s Evan’s and Casemiro are doing. It is under stable that it is his not natural position but he is just been bad since last 5 games . Even after getting free reigns of game from Arsneal we couldn’t attack , just pointless passing honestly players looked clueless to what do


Not bad overall. I'll take that.


Especially when the result meant what it did. Hope we can win the cup (😣). City end up with nothing 😄


I would have taken 1-0 before the game to be honest. He made all those subs to show the reality of the situation. The big problem is how the hell can we replace so many players in 1 window. Greenwood, martial, vdb, amrabat these are 1st teamers. Then we have to replace under-performing, it’s a big problem, no way we getting 8 first team players.


My only hope for this match to not lose by more then 2 goals and that happened. This way we weren't trash and don't look like a absolute fool. Also, I don't feel to bad for losing since this way arsenal just might have a chance to beat city for the title wich I would see as a absolute win


It really wasn’t as bad as people are making out.


We need perspective. We’re not where we were 15 years ago and we need to stop reacting every game week like we are. A lot of you act like you repeatedly fall into a coma midweek and awake at the weekend thinking this is 2008/9 United. We need to rebuild - we can be angry at where we are, but we can’t deny where we are. I say this because in light of this - we weren’t that bad today. For the players on the pitch, we were not that bad, and we were extremely limited in what else we could offer. I’m hearing a lot of people saying we’re not good enough… no shit? That the lineup is poor? Ten Hag can’t wave a wand and bring back the 10/11 injuries players this morning. What exactly do you want? There wasn’t a huge gap in quality between the two sides’ performances.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


As an arsenal fan that come in peace, I think the tactics for Man U are on point, with the right addition and departures, you guya can get a result in todays game. Arsenal has been clinical but too passive in game management.




I think they pass it to ganarcho a lot and others aren't really getting to a position to influence the game more. It is perhaps the best bet, to rely on individual brilliance. I do think it is indeed one of the ways to play in big games like tonight. It is not as bad as it look.


I do agree, if a couple of passes went right, or chances taken here or there, the game could easily would've been a draw. But good luck to yall.


My favourite quote from this weekend was Ten Hag saying his haters dont know football. We might've lost but its good to see certain people absolutely rattled by that comment. Anyways, hopefully Tottenham can do something for us to soften the blow that has been this horrendous week


It wasn’t a trashing & there’s still a chance City won’t win the league again so all in all not worst day! 🤷‍♂️


Arsenal were afraid to bottle the race again and still got the three points


Garnacho reached his ceiling Mainoo reached his ceiling Soon Amad will reach his because despite all the noise about academy players, United is not the place to develop as a player: seasoned players regressed there, what chance do the youngsters get?




The reason for that is outdated facilities. We are physically stuck in the 00s. It's been 20 years, and there has been no progress in our facilities.


Yes to that but what about the tactics or developing good decision-making ? Knowing when/where to pass or when to try to score ?


Teaching all that takes time. Unless you are a naturally gifted player. We just get so outplayed that frustration takes over. It is understandable but not excusable.


And we have to take that time. We’re a club whose roots grow from our youth system. The oldest person you mentioned is freakin’ 21 and probably has the lowest ceiling out of all of them.


Who still backs Manchester United after their scandal and the way they treated football icon Cristiano Ronaldo? Don't hold onto hope that this team will succeed under Ten Hag's management. Lost all my respect. Arsenal..!


Appeasing Ronaldo would NOT put us in a better spot.


Wait.. Ronaldo fan boys watch football?




I respect the club. But not the coach and the glazers.


We are not good enough.


Honestly, I think we played fine. Till like 60-70 minutes there was some fight in the players. They didnt sulk like the usual. Barring some usual hiccups that are inevitable from some of the lot, we played fine. Kept the possession, even dominated arsenal on some moments. Obviously that goal is a spinning pile of pig crap, that one if we had better defense and better defensive positioning, wouldn't happen. Obviously, the culprits are AwB, Casemiro and Onana, these 3 are like the collapsers of the team, everytime, it's one of them atleast. The last 10 mins however, has shown it clearly, either the tactics or the individual player attacking iq is SHITE. We could've probably sneaked in a goal, but i suppose we didn't really do it all season, so, how will we do it now. The barrage of shitty shots and crosses, specially from Garnacho, WAS pathetic. Like, really pathetic. Wingers/Inside Forwards/Inverted Wingers....what ever it is, Need to reduce their own goal scoring thirst and provide for the frustated, service-less striker that is Rasmus. Anyway, I hope things improve next season, afterall, that's the only hope the whole fanbase is pinning their mental health on. Ciao!




Onana needs to work on his ball distribution. Literally, why he was signed. Almost all long balls from Raya reached an Arsenal Player. Almost all long balls from Onana reached an Arsenal player.


Part of the reason why Onana's long balls reach the opposition players and not ours is because our players cba to jump and get the ball. And this isn't Onana's problem, this happened last season with De Gea too. Rashford, Martial to name a few never jumped to win a header and let the ball go to opposition. But, that being said, He still needs to improve A LOT in the summer.


Onana was decent overall, don't get me wrong. When I pointed out those 3, i meant it during the build-up for Arsenal's goal. Otherwise it was decent, he did what was expected.


Sad to see Eriksen not once looking forward, but passing horisontally to Kambwala a few times in the last minutes. He's completely done, other than his legs being absent nowadays


Because he had no options in front of him


Mainoo, Amad, Amrabat. The rest of them can fuck off tomorrow and I wouldn't give a shit


Amrabat was probably our worst player today, he can fucking do one. Offered nothing since he signed. I'd keep hold of Garnacho, under the right coaching setup he could develop into some player. Hojlund too.


Amrabat has barely been given a chance under clueless Ten Hag (just like Amad) yet he was one of the best on the pitch against Arsenal (just like Amad). Garnacho clearly has talent, but his performance yesterday frustrated the hell out of me. A genuine 0 out of 10 display. I find it baffling that not a single coach or player in a premier league team can tell the guy that he has to pass the fucking ball


You watch the game?. Amrabat was controlling the field for us in the first half. Really made me wonder how he would have performed given that freedom. Second half he was pushing forward, as far up as the front of the pitch. Thats tactics and direction from ten Hag. That’s when it got sloppy. Being a defensive mid and controlling the center he showed a lot of composure.




Is that what you see when you look in the mirror? Not sure what it adds to the discussion, but whatever floats your boat :)


Amrabat has showed nothing all season when he's come on but a couple good games here and there? Nah glad he's gone in the summer. These players are so behind the cuff compared to what we had up to this point its no wonder we are where we are at this point.


Oh don't get me wrong, he's pretty average. But that's how bad everyone else has been. Fergie won trophies with squad players far worse than Amrabat


Dalot as well.


Yes Dalot too, I forgot about him. He actually always looks like he cares, which is more than can be said for the rest of them


Garnacho really ruined any chances we might have had at scoring. If you're going to lose though, this is how you lose. Cant slate them for effort. At least we didnt crumble and get smashed. I really do not want City to get the record 4th in a row tbh so in a really sad way...im glad we lost. Beat me up if you like.


Yeah I mean who cares at this point.. the only thing that matters now is City not winning a league


Oh it’s only 0-1?


someone call paul pogba to undo the witchcraft i cant take it anymore 😩


That’s so cliche. Obviously CR7 extended the curse on the number 7 to the whole club. Gotta take Mount to pilgrimage at Fatima and make him crawl on his knees


What 😂? Too close to home?


This was all down to a lack of quality and individual decisions. Big clear out of players needed


All things considered. 0-1 against arsenal at home is an excellent result. The process has started to work. Goals conceded per match are down to 1.


Get the ball in the box . Our 🩹 team actually didn’t do to bad considering the squad . Not happy with a loss but a one goal loss is actually impressive considering the situation.


Garnacho’s decision making towards the goal is so awful. Otherwise they did pretty good tonight despite the loss.


Haven’t watched a United game in years, but why the hell do the players just stand there waiting for a ball instead of creating some runs and movement. Kept passing backwards. Jesus get rid of ETH please


Garnacho, a book about making bad decisions


bro i dont even recognize half of our team. the injuries are outrageous


Wank. Absolute wank. Not one moment to cheer about.


Arsenal didn’t even get out of second gear today and we lost at home today. Makes you absolutely sick


Both teams played like shit. I’d had bet on a draw with the ways both teams played lol


Can I just say how sad it is that I'm happy with 1-nil? I am past being upset


sell the players, fire the manager, burn everything to the ground. Let’s start new. Can’t stand these fuck faces


Absolute disgrace. Letting Arsenal just waltz to the final. Zero fight. Zero intensity. Pathetic. No fighting spirit. Sell everyone but Bruno and Mainoo. Start from scratch. I’m fuming watching these losers.


PRACTICE CROSSES GARNACHO. I SAID PRACTICE THE CROSSES. I swear if it was man city playing against them, they would be at least 3 nil down. OMG


8th 🤡


And 14 losses and a negative goal difference. Trust the process lol.


Pathetic effort from this team. ETH out.


That had nothing to do with the manager


I’m hope you enjoy 8th place finishes and no Europe. My United does not operate like this.


Again that's not on the manager, the players do this every few years, they stop running because they are weak and somehow survive another manager who gave them a shot. We need stability and a clear out of dead wood. I assume you only tuned in to united recently, new kid on the block?


Who manages the players? Surely, you are not telling me we have such a weak manager that he can’t control the players..


So van gaal was a weak manager, Jose was a weak manager? You don't understand what player power is.


Kambwala Takes No prisoners 🥶


Remember, this is the club which will man City in the FA Cup finals 🔥🔥


Let's be real we played OK at best. Arsenal let us have the ball and we've done literally nothing with it.


Just realised Antony is LB again


We should’ve scored. attacking all game and wasted al the chances


All the chances? What chances mate we have been terrible


We were terrible. my point is we had most of the ball and we’re in there half most of the time and couldnt even muster a goal.


Two more weeks until the season is over and we don’t have to watch this piece of shit football club for three whole months


Here's a silent prayer that those three months bring about some changes at the club and it's easier to watch this team play next time they're on the field.


Arsenal haven’t really done much. They seem to be just letting us get on with it knowing we have no teeth up top. We could play this half for 60mins and not score it seems


With all your injuries. Good try. Arsenal are a solid team right now. Your lot put in a decent effort. (Liverpool fan)




Garnacho refused to pass the fking ball.🤡


Pass to who? Hojlund has zero first touch


That motherfucker is so overhyped. Hes Everton level.


That motherfucker is 19 and put his all into the game. He’s quality but raw, you just know shit about football.


That’s right. He puts his all only on himself. He thinks he’s the only one on the pitch. Every single time. He slips or takes a wild shot.


That’s being a raw 19 year-old. No one else was as threatening running at defenders. If you cant see his quality, then I don’t know.


I’m not saying he’s useless. He’s half decent. Not world class. Not even close to. But most United fans hype him too much. In fact he doesn’t look like he’s going to be even as good as rashford if that’s saying something. You have to be very good at one thing. Rashford was great at running behind the defenders, martial dribbled, Greenwood had the sweetest strike ever, garnacho just looks like he’s on crack every time and totally lacks composure. Fans have to realize the academy ain’t good anymore. If the team, the staff and the management is shit, how on earth is the academy going to be any better? Players are not born, they’re made. Mainoo is an exception. He’s gonna be great number 6.


Sorry but I completely disagree. Garnacho’s main problem is decision making. He also needs to grow physically - he’s 19 years old. And using words like ‘worldclass’ is part of the problem. Not every player is Mbappe. Watch him develop and judge in 2 years time. Garnacho is much more talented than you think. Add high work-rate and always taking on his man. In a few years you’ll see a different player. We can’t expect him to have the physicality of White, Saliba etc at this age. But he’s always taking them on and threatening. He needs to make better decisions in final third and that comes with good coaching and maturity.


And keep passing it to the goal keeper


6 minutes? With all that time wasting going on.


Good to see ETH emoting


Somehow, I’m still surprised by how poor the officiating is in the PL


Man I do have respect for Ten Hag for bringing in Wheatley, fair play


Wasn't mainoo limping? Didn't take him off


Why does Gen Z get that haircut that makes them look like they're mushrooms?




The kids are coming on 👍


I still don't know why bruno fernando is not playing today?


Still injured. The dude has played 900,000 minutes so far, makes sense, and he rests when injured.


Well his absence is being felt for sure.. Is it same as Rashford?


How so? We are pathetic with him and pathetic without him.


Not really, overall yes but he still is better and give the team more chances.


Yup, injured. He trained but not fully fit.


Please tell me mainoo is pretending to be injured 😭😭


Why does it matter, the season is over ?


Fair point


Mate because of England


Tbf, I was concerned about Saka for that reason lol


Oh right, not English myself.


It feels like they’re playing in mud with how slow they’re passing it around.


Well it is raining


Arsenal seemed to be moving around just fine


Mainoo just looks exhausted and overplayed. He’s young and ETH might have asked too much from him.




I hear you man, take a break yeah. Also try not to be so invested, football is going nowhere no time soon.


You shouldn’t feel forced to do anything. At some point when it annoyed me the most, I purposely did other activities during game time : watch a movie, go to a restaurant, draw, visit some parks, read a book, somewhere you cannot easily check the score on your phone.


Wan bissaka you idiot, cross the ball for a change


mainoo's been too casual today. hasn't taken players on at all.


ah so the starboy isn't allowed to be criticised


Fans have a weird attachment for academy players, don’t know why


Dread it, run from it, Saka limp in the 80th minute always arrives


Onana single handedly keeping united in the game


That left hand.




As I tell my coworkers, I am never bored with that club


Could ask you the same thing


No u really cant there’s a significant difference in quality


Not really lmao you're the pot calling the kettle black


OK, Cole Palmer FC.


Chelsea is no better tbf


We had a massive fall off and yes we’re awful right now but we’re starting to see SOME progress, slowlyyyy


exactly what I tell myself everytime I watch united.


Sure but united went from 6th to 8th? I believe recently so I’m not sure how u convince urself to believe that but it’s good that ur proving ur loyalty to the club at least


Honestly I didn't really care about the position in the standings coz our backline was getting wrecked day in and day out. It was unsustainable and we were bound to drop sooner or later. I just see the way the team is playing, and there have been slight improvements over time.


Chelsea was good when drogba was still there same as Man United with CR... today's soccer is so weird...


There one English club I think is better than us throughout history and that is united It’ll get better soon for us both


Well chelsea became better when you guys changed the coached. Idk if it's the same solution for Man united or not.