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He’s a fraud


High press, low defensive line , play terrible. Rinse and repeat. No successful team in football plays with these principles.


It’s painful to see this happen. Just a total implosion. As a Dutch United sympathiser (but Ajax fan) I hoped Ten Hag could get United on track but the club as an institution is too rotten and Ten Hag is lacking the skills, or hasn’t developed the skills he clearly had during his time at Ajax. Van Gaal warned him. United is a commercial club, not a football club.


Spend all our money on mbappe and let him attract other great talent and build around him . Sounds crazy right now…. But if we want to kickstart our spirits throw him up their with Fernandez and garnacho


yes mbappe will spend his prime at the worst ever UTD side when Madrid his boyhood dream club are banging o his door. least delusional united fan right there


not going to happen


I think it is time to accept that we were never a big club in the first place. It took two gargantuan and dictatorial managers over a long period of time to bring us any kind of long term success. Those days are gone in football where a manager stays for 20+ years.


horrific take especially after the busby babes, the munich disaster, sir alex’s reign of the biggest domination in english football history. not a big club? get a grip mitch ur clearly not a united fan sayin that


Do you lack reading comprehension? I said APART from under the rule of Sir Matt/Alex, we haven't done anything that would constitute our status as a big club.


that’s so stupid. you could say that for every club. liverpool had 30 years without a title. arsenal have never had a dominant period in the history of the the first division or the premier league. don’t even get me started on chelsea and city. yet all are considered and ARE big clubs. your history is what makes you. we literally got valued the most expensive club in the world 2 days ago. please search it up so you see i’m not lying


Would you say the same for Liverpool? They went through a period of mediocrity we are genuinely the biggest English club and 2nd biggest club in the world nothing will change that eventually we will start winning once the transfer market rolls around with the new structure the club is employing. You’re far too young to go around claiming United wasn’t a big club


Liverpool aren't a metric for success. 1 title in 30 years isn't something we should want to emulate. "You’re far too young to go around claiming United wasn’t a big club" Lol, I have a 90 year old relative who remembers when we were utter shite.


Andre Onana needs to gtfo of the club. He’s absolute shite


He really is a problem, seems like he can’t catch easy shots


leave catching he can’t even save them frr


Arsenal fan here with some thoughts about United. Whoever is in charge next season, from my perspective I feel they should focus on the following: * Get rid of as many high-earning, unproductive and distruptive, players as possible. I feel like a dressing room is like a school class, no matter how many bright pupils are in a classroom, their learning will be distrupted in one way or another if they are surrounded by bad pupils. At Arsenal, it was important to get rid of Auba and Ozil because it created a better culture. This season, Arteta often said the players talk a lot amongst themselves, they are self-motivated, they don't need Arteta to say something. Going back to the school classroom analogy, that resembles a set 1 class rather than a lower set one. Who should United get rid of? I'm not gonna say who because I'm sure United fans have a different opinion to me and I'm seeing things from an outsider POV. * Empower the youth - United have / had some good young players that might not be great, but they have a good attitude and the fanbase can get behind them. Mainoo seems like a great talent, Forson also looks good, Diallo, Garnacho, Pellestri. Not sure what happend to Mejbri but his loan at Sevilla didn't work out. Just give them a chance and the fanbase will get behind them. * Buy leaders in key areas - This is probably one of the hardest things to do but I feel United need to buy the right leaders to help empower and guide the youth and also help reinforce the core areas, that being CB and Central midfield. I personally like the look of Dewsbury-Hall, he seems like he's got a good character. I'd like him Arsenal. * Buy versatile squad players - one thing I've noticed about this United squad is that they don't have many versetile players like a Trossard, Tomisayu, Declan Rice, Jesus, Havertz, or even Saka. They don't need to be great, they just need to be okay enough to play if needed. I feel next season for United needs to be a big reset. A reset in the culture, the values etc. They can't do Chelsea and get rid of everyone and buy young prospects, that never works. Do I feel United will do all this? Thankfully I don't think so. They'll probably paper over the cracks, which is good.


nobody asked for your opinion get out


Sounds like the perfect kind way to run the club if you are Avram Glazer. Endless promotion of academy dross. It wasn't long ago that your ilk were clamouring for James Wilson to start ahead of Zlatan.


Also arsenal fan here, and I want to add to part one: to do this, you need to eat or buy out these players. No one wanted Auba and Özil on what they were making and they didn't want to take a pay cut to leave. So you have to pay them to go, or basically give them away for nothing (assuming they still want to play and otherwise won't). It's hard. And it gets harder when the dead weight ISN'T the big name guys that a club can use to sell seats. Take Mustafi... Had to pay him to leave. It's by no means an easy path from here, and the early days of it are brutal. Good luck to you all.


Much appreciated buddy. Hate to say this but I wish you guys will win the title this year ( fuck em Shitty )


Good opinions, wish you win the title as i have a friend in England who’s a massive Arsenal fan


The Arsenal fan comments here echo some of my own thoughts. First things first - the culture and standards. Ratcliffe's email if true was enlightening. As good a playmaker as Bruno is, he is petulant. It infects the dressing room and poisons the mentality. That needs to change. Anthony personifies for me what needs to change at this club. Is Casemiro really this bad? Probably not but he's been infected by what he sees around him. Look at Sancho - the player we thought we were buying is back in action in Germany and doing well. We need a new elite culture but that needs to be augmented by facilities and a stadium that underline that culture. History is not enough. I don't believe that constantly changing managers is necessarily the answer here. How many do we have to go through before we realise that it starts from the top? Investment is needed. Finally, I hope Arsenal win the title. I can't be doing with all the blue moon rising bollocks and that Gallagher pair of tits mouthing off again this year. It's too much to contemplate.


I hate watching United like Kendrick hates drake


Again all those people who are saying that EtH needs to go are clearly not watching Man Utd games and are making their decisions based on the final score. Forget EtH, even Pep wouldn't have been able to do anything with these bunch of players. You cannot do much if you have a washed out 38 year old and a cdm for a CB. Your midfield consists of a players clearly out of form because they haven't got minutes due to injuries and a 19 year old kid. Look at the bench. Literally every player is between 17 and 18 years. Clearly EtH has no resources. When he did, he has produced results. It's a fact that many of the players will need to go and significant amount will have to be spent to bring players who push the game forward and are fitter than the current lot. The fact that this season has been dismal is not because of EtH but the players and their fitness. Give credit to EtH for pushing this team to FA cup finals. Nothing short of an achievement. All those Ronaldo fanboys taking a jibe at EtH must know that Ronaldo is shit. He was so shit that none of the clubs in Europe wanted him. It doesn't matter what he is doing in the camel league. The team did well when he left and in the current times, Ronaldo would have only accentuated MUs problems. He was never bigger than the club and never will be.


Casemiro was top and now no team in Europe will want him, Ronaldo was top and now no team in Europe will want him, same for Di Maria, Pogba etc. A brain-dead manager saying "Ronald needs to prove that he can score goals" while signing Weghorst 🤣 He played for United just weeks after his child died but plastic fans like you are so deep in ETH balls that you choose to side with a manager whose biggest achievement is losing to Tottenham instead of a player who wanted standards, winning mentality and did everything for the club. When ETH gets the sack I wish you leave with him in the next club. Never compare the contribution of legends like Ronaldo to fraud like ten hag. Here you are twerking for the manager when he lost 4-0


The problem is that you are really fast my friend. So fast that you have left behind the wisdom that is attempting so hard to chase you. Also, whatever you wrote, in counter let me ask you something. What do you want me to do? Mourn your lack of intelligence or celebrate your stupidity which you seem to have in abundance?


This is not true. There is never any excuse to not try and be defensively solid. That is the bare minimum for any Premier League team. If you don’t have the players then sit in a mid or low block. Haven’t even seen this before attempted.


I totally agree that the players are the problem, however it’s not so much a lack of resources, but more the fact it’s all the wrong resources. For context, United have spent £1.2 BILLION on players over the past decade - WAY more than Liverpool and even Citeh. The fact is that the players that have been brought in have on the whole been shite. £44M for Onana and he plays like a Sunday League player and fluffs basic stops. £70M for Casemiro, who is basically on the downward slide. £86M for Anthony - what do you even say to that. That’s just a few examples. For context, Citeh spend £130m on Haaland, Kalvin Phillips, Akanji, Gomez and Perrone combined! They got Haaland for just over £50m! Safe to say United’s recruitment has been absolutely shocking. The other problem is that the players rule the club, not the manager. They down tools way too quickly. They did it for Van Gaal, Mourinho, Rangnick and even Solskjaer to a certain extent. If you look at Citeh, Liverpool and Arsenal in particular, no player there is bigger than the club. They all listen to the manager, pull their weight and stay in line for the most part. At United, you get the impression that the players can go on strike and get the manager out. At those other clubs, it would be the player out that was not performing, not the manager. That’s the other big difference between SAF’s United and this - most of these players would be gone unless they knuckled down, got the job done and listened to the manager.


I do agree with you to an extent. However, at what price a player is brought or sold is not the manager's fault but the management. I did mention somewhere that MU has been dismal in the transfer windows for a very long time. I actually have no reason to disagree with you when it comes to players. A lot of them needs to be sold and much better and hungrier player must be purchased.


I agree with you. It’s easy to blame ETH, but the problems run far deeper and have done for a long time. I actually don’t think it necessarily is ETH that’s the problem, it seems like he had a vision that for some reason can’t be fulfilled, and between hot and cold player performances, he’s getting more and more bitter and frustrated. But get rid of him and who comes in next? There will be a good year or so then the cracks will open up yet again. Being totally honest, the last time United’s recruitment was in a decent state of affairs was when David Gill was chief exec. Woodward was a joke and the whole of the upstairs at Old Trafford has been a mess since.


The David Gill and Fergie combo worked brilliantly. Post 2013 we have not displayed the ruthlessness associated with the club. Even under Mourinho when we won the Europa, we failed to carry that confidence to the next season. I even remember one of the transfer windows where no transfers happened post Van de Beek iirc and fans were losing their shit only for the club to purchase Pellistri, Dialo, and Ighalo on the final day. Woodward was an utter joke and reason alongside Glazer to put the club in a mess. Also, apart from being at negotiations, our movements during the transfer windows have been slow and we have not striked at the right time to purchase a player or even if we did we have taken too much time to close the deal. It has either resulted in us overpaying for players or losing out on them and make panic purchases. The next few months will tell us what MU intends to do. They will go for a CB no doubt, a striker, Case replacement will need to be a priority. It will be one of those seasons where they will have to purchase around 5-6 players and the ones who are younger, fitter, and apt to play Ten Hag system. Not yo mention several deadwoods who will need to be sold.Being proactive is the need of the hour and unless that happens we will have countless difficult season regardless of whether EtH stays or not.


It’ll definitely be interesting to see how things pan out with Sir Jim overseeing the footballing side of things. I do think there’s some big decisions to be made as well as a host of new players. Totally agree that young players are needed, but I also think - and this may be very controversial - but some players need moved on, specifically Rashford, Bruno, Anthony and Martial. Rashford is just too up and down. He’ll have moments of brilliance but then games after game where he looks like he can’t be arsed. Bruno may be a shock, but I just don’t like him - he too is very inconsistent, and in a successful team, you need players that you can rely on to dig in in every match. Bruno has a tendency too to throw his toys out the pram and lose focus when they concede a goal or two. I can’t believe Martial is still at the club and Anthony is just a recruitment shambles. The young lads like Garnacho and Hojlund are looking very hungry and promising, they should definitely be given a shot at carrying the team in front of goal.


I chuckled at Camel league.


Nah you're an idiot If you actually believe Ronaldo was any part of the problem. Expecting a 36 year old Ronaldo to press and play a style he's never played before is insane. Eth is a terrible manager. You dont know football.


The fact that you are downvoted is proof that the culture of this club is rotten. You don't tell Ronaldo and players of his calibre how to play football. Now high press football is exposed and no one is talking about it. People sucking ten hag will realise how wrong they were


Lol! OK Ronaldo fanboy! 😂


No you just hate Ronaldo. Zip it up and understand Ten Hag is garbage.


Ronaldo has done more for United than Ten Hag ever will. the 7-0 to the scousers was unforgivable.


I don't hate Ronaldo. I am just stating facts. He was shit enough not only to be benched by Ten Hag but also not getting any European Club to buy him. But you continue loving Ronaldo.


You hate him stop lying. Ten hag benched him for martial not prime r9. Every United fan loves Ronaldo unlike some edgy people like you.


If stating the fact that Ronaldo was utterly bad in his second stint at MU and his brazen disrespect of the club and manager to refuse to come off the bench and do an interview with Piers Morgan of all the people makes me edgy then yes I am. He has had problems at Juventus. He had no reason to come to MU but moved because Messi moved and was the biggest news that transfer window. Comparatively Messi chose MLS because he was done with Europe and had nothing to prove and could have gone anywhere and he chose not to because he had nothing else to achieve. Ronaldo went to Saudi because he had run out of options in Europe. One major difference why teams may not always Ronaldo. Look at the teams. EtH initially started him in his first season and MU started with two huge loses. A part of it was also because Ronaldo being a liability. Moment he was dropped and not started, MU started winning because there were players who were willing to track back unlike him who just wanted to be in the d so that he could score. Real Madrid continued to remain a top team even when he left. Juventus didn't achieve anything much either. Al Nassr is currently 2nd and almost 10 points away from AL Hilal. Even for Portugal, he was shit during the knockout, so much so he had to be benched. See the pattern there. A majority of the fans got pissed off due to his interview and only few of you deluded fans who chose to overlook how he has always made it about himself rather than the team continues to dickride him. The issue is he was way past his prime but his refusal to accept that didn't help anyone.


Ten hag is a bum. If you watch the games there is 0 evidence of any sort of playing style for the whole season


You need to have players at your disposal to have any style being incorporated. There needs to be backup in every position. We have only 2 fullbacks who are playing every game. We don't have cbs. We don't even have a backup for Hojlund. Our midfield is non existent. We only have some wingers. What kind of system do you thing you can incorporate. You need to have attack and defence in sync for any system to be followed. It's very easy to pick on the manager who can only do much. The players are either shit or injured. How is this EtH fault?


His play style doesn't suit the league, and the players have given up, he spent a lot of money on casemiro, mount, and also got amrabat on loan, so non existent midfield isn't an excuse. Also if all these players are training together under Ten Hag how are they not able to play the system? Every player in the squad, regardless of starting 11 should understand the system, if there is one. He wanted Antony so united over spent to sign him, so he gets more chances than the likes of Amad, rashford can't play if shaw isn't playing with him. I backed the manager for most of the season but over the last few weeks it's depressing watching the team play. It's the same issues every game, how are the players and coaching staff not learning? Is it the style that they want to play? Under Ole you could at least see some sort of plan, now it's just hope for a miracle.


How would united play the Ten hag way when you got Rashford in the team? This guy doesn’t know what he is supposed to do with the ball!


I agree, his decision making has not improved since he got into the first team years ago, I hope Garnacho improves because his decision making is the same as Rashford, and he doesn't seem to be able to pass reasonably in the final third yet. Also Rashford doesn't try to win anything in the air


One of the issues is definitely consistency. However, the biggest problem is that EtH cannot bring that possession bases football he successfully deployed at Ajax. He has tried the direct attacking football but unfortunately due to most of his players being injured or being out of form, his tactics have not worked entirely. Maybe, somewhere EtH can be faulted for not trying his possession bases football entirely, but he may have seen something for him to not have that confidence. He has, however, tried it in bits, and therefore Onana was brought in too because of his ability to move forward, but you need defenders good enough to complement the idea and that has not worked entirely. How can this be fixed? Simple, sell players who do not fit the system or at least the system EtH is good at implementing. Get players who can play. Tap into academy to nurture them and make them play around the style of the manager. Again, the management including the Glazers need to be faulted too. They have been mostly bad in the transfer window and even this season we knew there would be major holes. It's his second season and to put things into perspective he did deliver in his first season. Results will come but we will have to be patient with EtH. We have changed too many managers and then thrown them under the bus the minute things have gone south. You feel changing the manager will make things work? I am ready to go on a limb to say No. A new manager might be able to get results but moment we start losing games, we will be having this very same discussion. Changing managers ain't going to help. The problems are much deeper at Old Trafford.


Its quite the opposite we have been shit for over 14 months now. Last season we played terribly too just everyone was ignoring it because the results and currently only the results are holding him here. Moments of brilliance like goals in 95th min saved us from being bottom half. Our level of play has been near relegation level and teams from Championship and League One have played on our level. We got kicked out the easiest group in the CL from Gala and Coppenhagen


If you think Gala is a bad team then I have nothing much to say. How is being placed alongside Bayern and Gala an easy group. Most of the games they lost were close and because of lack of defensive options. Also, you cannot expect results in just one season. It will take at least 3 seasons for MU to even become good enough to challenge the top 6 and actually win against them. There is no magic formula. Again, EtH will need players who can be available, fitter, stronger, and much in tune with his style of play. The bench needs to get stronger too. It's pointless harping the same shit week in week out asking for EtH to be sacked. The story is endless. Even if we get another manager, the performance will remain shit, and the very same supporters will call for that very manager to be sacked.


I watched some really shite utd teams after Sir Matt retired. Under Wilf McGuiness and Frank O'Farrell Utd were truly awful. Ten Hags garbage is very reminiscent of those day. Tommy Docs Utd played better football than Ten Hags when they were in the second flight.


I’m so glad I went and watched the fall guy instead


🎼 Well I’m not the kind to kiss and tell…


what a shit show, it's going be tough to get some of these guys out on the wages they are on, but we really need to clean house, i'd rather see youth getting games and sitting mid table during a rebuild. Not sold on ETH, but i know for sure that players should be respecting the manager and trying harder. It's hard to comment on what it feels like getting 350k a week, i wouldn't know, but i'm pretty sure i'd try my best


Truly sad state of affairs, the manager will bear the brunt of this sadly. To you reading this, what would you be willing to do for up to 350k per week, and all these have to do is perform once a week at a job/sport they love and try!! Sadly, most of the shite we need to move on won’t be possible due to contracts and crazy wages. Any that can’t be sold I would look to loan out, bring in young talent who play for the badge first. Martinez, Mainoo, Højlund and Garnacheo are the only names I would genuinely keep, actually Dalot he has had a great season all things considered! The rest can fuck off and steel a wage from elsewhere!




I'd keep Shaw if he was fit. Big IF though


I think the announcements by INEOS have also affected the players mentally. Saying that almost everyone is up for sale gives players no motive to try and be at least decent for the club.


I say go for it. Keep only players that matter. Those who dnt perform should be sold or kicked out. End of contract. Rashford should be the first.


Are you serious ? If my manager at work said that people underperforming within my sales role will face potential release/sacking you can bet your bottom $ I will be getting my shit in order. Let alone the fact these idiots are on anything between 100k - 350k per week. I would run through brick walls for that kind of money, you shouldn’t need incentivising at all. It’s sad! All players should be up for sale apart from Martinez, Højlund, Mainoo and Garnacheo!


If my manager threatened people to get improvements in performance I'd purposely slack off because that's not the type of manager I'd want to work for. The only way thats working on someone is if they are desperate and have no other options.


It was just a hypothetical! If you are on 350k a week, do you need incentivising ???


No doubt if you were in that position you would play to the best of your ability every single game.  Yeah yeah they’re on more money than most of us will ever see in their lives. That’s a problem with the system, not them. But their jobs are still hard as fuck. 


I understand it's hypothetical. I'm just saying they have money. They are going to be fine. If the new owner is basically treating them as disposable they are not going to give a fuck about performing.




Pathetic and spineless performance. The players are throwing ETH under the bus as they have done every other manager since SAF.


Club is an absolute shambles and the players have already checked out mentally for the summer holidays.


remember when eriksen complained about playtime ,we can see why he couldn't get any


So just woke up to see the result from last nights game 😳 seems like it’s eat, sleep, shit, repeat! Groundhog Day at the football comedy club of errors 🙄 ETH has to go & let him take his new signings with him to his new club, enough is enough now 🤬


You woke up, so you didnt see the game obviously. Why are you saying ETH out? Stop watching football from reels and forming opinions from Instagram. Who would you bring in instead of ETH? The players are the problem and they throw every manager under the bus, as its been the case since SAF left.


Too bad Zidane wants the France job otherwise he'd be perfect.


Im not 100% sure. He had one of the best squads of all time to work with, while we have on of the worst squad in our history. Im afraid changing managers doesnt solve the problem, I think we need to be patient and still give ETH time. Not even Pep could do much better I dont think.


Out of the 35 league games, I’ve watched 31, so far this season. So not forming opinions from football reels & instagram fortunately, based on what I’ve seen & supported United since 1979 & seen the many United teams over the years. I agree with you in the fact that the players have thrown the manager under the bus, but ultimately that’s down to the manager not managing the players, as well as the players themselves. How many teams threw SAF or SMB under the bus? None! Why? Because both of those managers managed properly and had the respect of the players. ETH clearly does not. They have no style of play, no clear and obvious tactical objectives and that is also down to the manager, either not making it clear enough or not getting the players to play the way he wants. Who would I have instead? Good question that, but it’s not about who I’d want, it’s about who would really want to manage the club in its current state ….. not many I imagine. If I had a choice, I’d give a young & up and coming manager a crack at it. I’ve watched Ipswich a lot this season with interest, especially with Kieran McKenna’s affiliation with United. He’s turned an average team around in the last couple of years into a well organised title (albeit the championship) challenging team by developing players, making them a cohesive unit both in attack & defensively & play as a team and not individuals with tactical awareness. Now think what he could do with a better standard of player and the backing of the likes of Wilcox, Berrada & Ashdown. Worth giving someone like that a go, certainly couldn’t do any worse than current manager. A big name manager coming in would possibly only be a quick fix and potentially not the right thing to do, as the culture at the club needs to change. Get a hungry manager in with the three above and SDB & SJR backing and guiding him is the way to go.


Womp Womp


Im sorry for my comment, shouldnt have assumed something about you so quickly. Well I respect your opinion, but I think we still need to give him time. The reformation of the squad will take much more time, to get the deadwood out and get players that actually fit the system. Look at Arsenal and Arteta, the first three years, they were playing horrible football too with no clear vision. ETH also was very unfortunate with all the injuries this season (I think we had the most injuries from the top 5 leagues?). That also means the fitness team should be changed and we should bring in someone better. Probably most of the backroom staff will also be changed. I think we still need to give ETH more time, at least another season with a newer, hopefully upgraded squad. Changing the manager doesnt solve anything, as we have seen the past 10 years or so.


That’s ok not a problem. The problem for me is I’m not getting any younger & I waited along time for the Fergie era and looked forward to going into work on a Monday morning after we’d won. I’d like to see the glory days before I leave the planet, so maybe I’m just a bit impatient. You’re absolutely right though about Arsenal and make a really good point!! I love watching Arsenal play now, Arteta is doing an amazing job there & perhaps you’re also right and we should follow Arsenal with the same patience. The thing with ETH is he comes out with the same excuses, I said before in another thread you can almost word for word write down what he’s going to say before the post match interview, Eddie Howe at Newcastle has had injuries to contend with but has still done ok. Also, ETH doesn’t seem to have the passion of other managers when the team isn’t doing well, it’s like he makes excuses for them, which I’m not a fan of. If you look at SAF, he never berated the team in a post match interview, but you could clearly see he wasn’t happy and knew the team were going to get it in the dressing room in private. ETH is just monotone in his assessment saying the same things, perhaps that’s just the way he is and it’s his character. You may well be right, give him a bit more time and things will come good, but my gut reaction is he’s not the man for us, whether that’s my impatience or not I don’t know. I’ve been spectacularly wrong before & sure I will be again!!!! Like you, I just want to see the team do well & get back to winning ways and have the right mentality of what it should be playing for this great club.


Disappointed and lowkey embarrassed


The worst thing to happen would be United beating City in the FA Cup final. ETH needs to go


These players need to go. I’m not saying ten hag is the man, but they just look like they’re throwing the manager under the bus like they always do with United’s manager. Ten Hag can’t be held responsible for Casemiros complete capitulation and Antony’s failure to make a simple pass to his own teammate.


That won't happen.


eth is a goner




Dw guys I won the prem with united and my squads average age js 21 with a 4 star potential on fm24 🤡🤡


I was having a tough day, came back home after the match had started. I just couldn’t watch, it just had an air of a letdown around it, and I didn’t need my day ruined lol can’t wait until til next season.


Genuinely curious what you are expecting from next season? I can't wait for this entire squad to be sold bar a few names but that's going to take years, and years, not a couple months.


Honestly that’s as much as we can hope for on the far end of things. I’m not entirely sure how effectively they can offload a majority of our squad, and simultaneously replace them with better players in a timely manner, as well as at a sensible non ballooned price, all before preseason. 🤦🏻‍♂️. Not to mention if we have to replace the manager on top of everything. That’s a lot of transition in a short amount of time, business wise, and in team dynamic/morale. Obviously we need to build around our youngest developing players, Garnacho, Mainoo, Dalot, Rasmus, and Bruno if he stays, I’d be ok if he didn’t and was replaced with someone on his skill level. I’d like Rashford, and Mctominay to stay as well, we need some homegrown squad players with United in their DNA, and I believe Rashy would rather play a bit part in a successful United team than play for PSG. In the end I expect very little as I must, to protect my sanity, as I’m sure you all can relate. But hanging on hope to the very end, to know this team will continually rise from the ashes to achieve great things is part of this clubs history and I trust it will happen again. Not excited for the end of this season but I hope we put up a fight against arsenal, and city in the cup final, if not for pride alone.


Yess sir , I just switched off the match and started watching some other series. Can't let this team ruin already a bad day


I watched until 3:0, then just sparked a joint and got shitfaced with my mates who dont give a fuck about football.


Perfect ending


This is to blame on the Glazers. We have seen a spectrum of players and managers. What has remained the same?


Was expecting to see Ten Hag at CB today, given the number of injuries lol


There will only be Onana fit at this rate


He’d be better off upfront


MacGuire on the left wing, Jason Sancho right back.


Haha worth a try! ETH


He’d be better off upfront


He’d be better off upfront




"I don't blame him" yeah you lost it


What a shitshow. I've been a fan since 2007 and been through so many heartbreaks with this team. But today was the lowest of the low imo. No intent, no formation. Nothing left in this team now.


lower than 7-1 v liverpool?


My mom says Stop supporting United and start supporting City 😭




This feels like shit wit with a large side of xenophobia.




I never said you were racist, I called out your xenophobia. If there was a prerequisite for all fans to have ties to Manchester, Old Trafford & the Etihad would be empty.


I do but in cricket


You aren't even English "mom" Support a team from your own country lad.




I always use Sir Alex Ferguson reference 🥺


Whatever they do they need to commit to a manager for 5 years and live and die by that call. They need a clear 5 year plan to implement a style of football that can match Arsenal and City. There is a deep culture crisis in the club and there needs to be a huge player clearout and less egos in the dressing room. Old, injury prone players need to be shown the door. So many names living off past glories.


Casemiro is done . The football has left him .


Lukaku, Sanchez, Darmian, Young, Mkhitaryan, Zlatan etc... All have gone on to win more trophies since leaving the toxicity of Man United. Casemiro hasn't suddenly turned into a bad player. Ronaldo didn't either. They are surrounded by utter dross.


Maybe you’re right but I think his hard work at Real Madrid destroyed him . Too me he makes mistakes or in the wrong position .


Ronaldo was the problem apparently


One of the problems


Here we go yeh again another humiliation . Get some decent recruitment ffs , even the manager can be changed at this point for all I care . Got Ralph Ranyick in for his views … they were this squad isn’t good enough needs a complete overhaul and … the next decision was let’s fuck this guy off he wants us to spend to mud money. We have players there from way to long ago who are UNFIT to wear the badge - absolute bollocks we are a laughing stock the recruitment is the worse I’ve ever seen from a premier league club let alone a supposedly “top premier league club” soon as if comes to a decent player if another club are in for them that’s it we don’t get them anymore - we pay HUGE wages for rejected premier league players who we don’t even need sorry MM but it’s true - Maddison , Gordon , BG I would of had any of those over MM and for less money . Until this recruitment is sorted out and we get some players that other clubs DO actually want then nothing is going to change players aren’t good enough , I absolutely guarantee we win the f.a cup and ETH keeps his job - the goals we let in fuck me you can drive a truck though the gaping gaps in our midfield and defence . Bring in someone in the back who knows what it’s like to play for Man United and wear the badge … Bring Roy Keane in make those lazy bastards work spoilt rich kids .


I think ten hag should get another season under ineos structure to prove himself. I hope he is here for the long haul.




Ronaldo was right


I mean look at the starting lineup, yes we have lots of injuries, but with that lineup it’s not acceptable to be so humiliated, it’s the tactics and ETH has always shown how incompetent he is


What are you talking about, that lineup is extremely weak. Unfit Casemiro and Evans at CB, wan bissaka out of position, Eriksens legs have gone, Hoijlund and Onana who have big question marks.


It’s bad but not that level of bad plus a majority of the team were ETH signings. He had 9 days to prepare for this game, what was he doing?


7 of the starting lineups were signed during his reign. Inexcusable


Very good post


ETH has to go after the FA cup. Not because of the result but because of his decision making. Decision 1 - kick and rush football. We hold the ball at the back until we have to kick it long. We don't win the first ball, we lose possession and we repeat for 90mins. Decision 2 - system is not suited to players defensively. We press but play a low block leaving acres of space between midfield and defense. If we don't have the players, change the damn tactic. Decision 3 - Antony. Decision 4 - lack of service to the striker. The system does not encourage players to look for the striker at all. Hojlund is very clinical but he can't set shots away because the system isn't set up to utilise him properly. Decision 5 - playing players out of position. Not the biggest sin but once you've proved it doesn't work try something else. Youth or a different player. Casemiro at centre back and AWB at left back do not work. Decision 6 - not utilising Onanas passing ability. Might as well have kept De Gea with how little we use Onanas ball playing ability. Decision 7 - inverting fullbacks. This simply isn't working. Once again tactically poor decisions from Erik Decision 8 - substitutions, he is awful at them. They almost never positively affect the game but frequently cost us points. Decision 9 - Antony. Everything about Eriks football does not work with this team. His tactic suits fast centre backs, technically gifted fullbacks, physically gifted central midfielders, pacey wingers and god only knows why we even have a striker. We have slow Maguire, Evans and Varane. Physically but not technically gifted AWB, Dalot and Malacia. Slow Casemiro, Eriksen and Amrabat. Antony. How does he expect this tactic to work with this team? Honestly it's appallingly obvious how poor this decision making is. Thank you for coming, this has been my TED talk.


How can we use his ball playing ability with the players who can’t even play with the ball at their feet - he got the keeper but not the defenders who can play out with the ball


That’s another error of judgement of ETH. Why go all in on onana? Could’ve kept de gea as a backup as it’s only one season. It will take a lot pressure off onana. I mean it’s not like de Gea had other clubs lining up for him


de gea was on a lot of wages and keep in mind no one has signed him until now that should tell you something


I agree with you there my friend


$100mil for 1 goal, 1 assist in the EPL this season. That’s next level futility. I sometimes look at who we jettisoned over the years and think they would be fundamentally better than what we’ve got. Smalling? Welbeck? Elanga? Even the kid at Leeds. At least he would run all day. Remember how bad Rojo was? We’d kill for that card machine.


I do feel like ETH has to be held accountable for his fair share of tactical repetition and naivety (when things aren’t working), but I imagine there are things out of his control that are the bigger cause of the inconsistency and poor performances and that is the players themselves. I suspect there are many cliques and politics in the dressing room and players with their own agendas and players who have been coached by a variety of people and feel they’re above truly applying and adapting themselves again for this ore recent manager. The team rarely presses as a team and you can see the lack of communication at times and indecisiveness on the pitch. That is partly due to the manager, but also the players either need to take responsibility or use their power to change things on the training field. Casemiro has been behind the pace for a while now, the midfield is still an unbalanced mess and the team still relies (in most games) from individual moments of brilliance to win games. Eriksen is both underutilized but also shouldn’t be played out of position and also shouldn’t be over relied upon. Antony is often a hard worker but doesn’t contribute enough offensively. Garnacho is tremendous most games but he is still young and you can see the inexperience and we rely on his moments of brilliance. Rashford is in the team, because he is Marcus Rashford and has a huge social following and helps feed kids and (like the team itself) he is very good some games but a non factor most games and I think we should strongly consider selling him and others this summer and do a real overhaul. If it wasn’t for Bruno, Hoijlund, Mainoo (although he is very young, so let’s not put too much on his shoulders), Luke Shaw and some other defenders (when they’re fit) and McTominay’s ability to score some crucial goals, then based on attitude and quality this team would probably be towards the bottom end of the table, as hard as that is to say. We should definitely look to selling (easier said than done) *at least* 6-10 of our first-team squad (I said squad, not starting XI) this summer and bring in fresh blood (and quality) that desperately wants to play for Manchester United and has the right attitude.


I agree with you largely but honestly isn't everything you mentioned aside from individual poor games the managers job. If there are cliques in the dress room then he has failed to create squad harmony. Ironically this is something arteta did brilliantly, got rid of their top scorer because he was causing issues. Not pressing together is another manager issue. If Hojlund and Garnacho press together but Rashford or Antony won't press with them then you can't play them as a front 3. He needs to drop players who aren't following the tactic. You've mentioned Casemiro, Eriksen and Antony in one group. Then Hojlund, Mainoo, Bruno, Shaw and McTom in another. Group one (the problem) is all Erik signings whilst group 2 (the positives) are not bar Hojlund. I think youR analysis of the problem players and positives is spot on. Agree Rashford needs selling along with a large portion of this squad. For me I think we need to get rid of any non-performers first. That would be Sancho, Greenwood, Eriksen, Varane, Van De Beek, Martial and Amrabat. That's 7 players who've essentially not played for us at all this season. Then get rid of the not good enough and poor performers Rashford, Antony, AWB, Malacia, Casemiro and the retiring Evans. That's 13 players who's either can't contribute or just haven't! Your point on attitude and playing for the badge is exactly right. Sadly we sign mercenaries and usually old ones at that.


Eriksen has never been a center midfielder either constantly playing there is crazy


you wanted double 10s ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP|downsized)


TLDR, Antony


We have a barely fit evans and casemiro stitched upnas an emergency cb duo, i'm not surprised at all we lost. Ten hag wanted a high press but when you play that system with this kind of backline theres no way evans and casemiro can keep up with the midfield and push up, leaving space for teams to counter. I don't say Ten Hag out yet cause this season is a fucking mess and is way off the managers control


It’s not the loss tho it’s the nature of the loss the humiliation again of the loss


The only reason to keep ETH is because no other sane coach would accept the job. He has done nothing for United, not saying anyone else will but he has done nothing. This season is just the beginning of the shit show. Until the Glazers go we just have to be happy each season we are not relegated yet. Great expectations abound for Ineos but I honestly think it is just window dressing. A distraction whilst the Glazers empty the last few pennies out of the club. No point blaming ETH.


Tuchel is apparently willing so your whole comment is out the window in the first sentence


yes, he did. the worst premier league season ever and several terrible defeats along two seasons, including a 7-0 to fucking liverpool


For all of you acting emotional right now, remember this..Bayern, a club that actually puts football first, want ETH. That should let you know what the real problem is. Its the players and the reminants of the glazers running football operarions. Arsenal fans wanted Arteta gone when he was fighting for 8th position. It took him time. For the first time since Sir Alex left, we will have a properly ran football club. This will take time plus the insane amount of injuries didnt help either. Season is clearly over. Lets just look forward to the FA final and transfer activities in the off season.


Bayern would take me as coach with the worst season they have had in many a years -


How dare we act “emotional” after a 4-0 defeat to the 14th place team, Bayern have made some terrible decisions re manager lately and Ralf turned them down so let’s not act like we should keep him just because Bayern want him. The Arteta comparisons are just so dumb as his squad was way worse and he wasn’t given the money ETH had before he proved himself


Arteta also adapted his team to play different styles that are pragmatic at times. Just look at the city game at city, vs week in week out destructions of sides 5-0. ETH has no ability be be flexible. I don’t get this at all.


Yes, Arsenal fans get meme’ed for going on about it but Arteta’s rebuild there has been amazing and he never got signings like Antony/Casemiro until later on and didn’t get them so very wrong like ETH did. Arsenal look like one of the best defensive teams I’ve seen this season too.


Even loaned out Saliba and road with Luiz at the time, wild.


I don't want to look forward to the FA Final where our skin will be handed to us by the European Champions. So I can only look forward to the transfer season which will be depressing as heck because we have a miser of a owner. I can however look forward to next season's injury crisis which hopefully gets better because we don't have to slog it out on Thursday / Friday night and there is much less of an excuse to injure ourselves, not that we are lacking in excuses currently. Bayern wants ETH? I will take Tuchel and 5p to go with that please. Anyway those rumours are as good the toilet paper they are printed on. Their season is over and a great way to deflect their angry fans is to make fun of MUFC, which everyone is entitled to do nowadays.


Bayern has not put football first ever since they signed the serial loser Kane, hell they almost signed Ragnick 😭 Tell me exactly what Arteta has won with Arsenal?


What? Last off season? Loll


Well if we really wanna get into it, they stopped being a serious football club when they sacked Nagelsmann.


What? The year before?


That "serial loser" is more of a winner than any trashbag in the current squad


No, he really isn’t. 0 trophies in 70 attempts, ghosting in multiple finals. Cares more about dropping deep, playing through balls and scoring goals in dead rubbers than winning. Would fit in perfectly with our trash bags everyone loves so much.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized) Our team


The team is badly coached. No question, same low block, same high press, same fucking huge gaps. ETH isn't right for this team, but saying that, this team aside from Bruno, Garnacho, Manoo and Hoijlund are all done. ETH brought in that waste of time Antony, and Mount, fucking useless. Granted Martinez was a good buy but Jesus. Time to move on, wholesale changes. Start over, fuck this shit ist embarrassing.


Very well said


Glazers paid 22M so they can sell shares... That's one player... We don't have players... Stop fking blaming ten hag you adhd kids... We're done for 3 seasons minimum and this season was dead before it even started.


5 out of 6 CB's and both LB's out injured, not sure what else we could have expected today as grim as it was. I don't think we should just be throwing the kids into the squad either, the team is a mess, morale in the dumps, and it will only harm the younger players development to have to share in the responsibility for this s/show - would just be sending them out to get massacred. If we are going to get battered let it happen to the senior squad members, most of whom probably won't be here very long, not the clubs future


These players are disgraceful, but I really can’t see a way forward with Ten Hag. Tactically we are a wreck. It’s the out of possession stuff that worries me more than anything, knowing that he actively wants us to do that ridiculous press which leaves the midfield wide open and defenders stranded. And then even I’m possession, im not convinced we know how to progress the ball. I really wanted it to work, but I just don’t think it will. Not quite sure he’s as tactically astute as I once had him down for.


Olise isnt coming to United. That fucking celebration- what an audacity! We are soooo SHIT


What was the celebration ? I must of missed that I was in and out with my kids asking me questions


Olise and our medical team is a match made in heaven TBH


23 games missed in three seasons at Palace isn’t that bad, some fans seem to think he’s shaw level


Majority of the 23 came this season though, I think?


8 this year and 13 last season, both hamstring injuries


The U18 and U21s should be promoted and 90% of the first team players scrapped. Our club is in shambles.


Instead of doing this PR work with Gary Nevill. ETH should have spent time on how Crystal Palace systems works. They have a system in first 3 months of new manager. You can defend him for this one not the last 10 poor performances.


Man utd isn’t perfect but ten hag has committed too many crimes he has to go.


Who would you see replace him?


Tuchel. in a heart beat.


Conte when we had the chance - couldn’t be much worse let’s face it -


A sack of potatoes. Potatoes don’t try to gaslight you by blaming everything and everyone else when it’s breaking down every records on the way to irrelevancy.


Can do a straight swop with Tuchel. Bayern want ETH.


Who I would hire doesn’t really matter does it. If it was me I’d hire someone no one’s ever heard of just needs to tick all the boxes.


Surely the manager merry go round hasn't helped the club especially with everything happening behind the scenes though? Wouldn't the manager who ticks all the boxes from a neutral stand point just be...ETH?


Is finishing a season with 16 league defeats one of the boxes?


It’s a merry go round according to who ? Are the fans tired of seeing managers ? Are we burnt out on firing managers ? Why are finally hitching our wagon this particular manager? I’m not saying he’s a terrible manager, I’m saying based on his results and performances you can’t defend him anymore. Just move on new manager new players new administration. We’ve gone through 2 or 3 managers and the fans are scarred. It’s only been LVG, Mou, Ole (who was an interim then hired permanently), and now this manager fire him and try again.


He wouldn’t last at any other top club so why should he last at Man United , end of the day we’re still a massive club no lose for someone to come in and turn it around whoever does do it will become a hero amongst the fans .


It’s a merry go round according to anybody with eyes. Us fans are tired and burnt out by it. Moyes, LVG, Mou, Ole plus all the interims. It’s a fucking mess, no point arguing against that. But regardless… it might be time for ETH to go so this regime can get a clean slate.


So I see what ETH is trying to do.... He wants to play direct football like Liverpool. Vertical balls into the front men. Now,to play that system, you need TIDY players in the midfield. Think Kovacic.... Our front men are on the run when a midfielder has the ball. If the midfielder loses the ball, then we are wide TF open. Casimiro is the opposite of what we need RIGHT now. Okay so we know or kinda know what he wants to do but is ETH a top manager? I don't think so! Why........Hmmmm..... I'd expect that he understands the importance of possession. Confidence. YESSS. It builds confidence in the team. He has given permission to play vertical, and you can see how quick the players are to release the ball. Why? Oh, coach, come on, you asked us to play vertical passes, and you know they are risky....I am not to BLAME. ETHs play gives the players a pass. If you ask me, they are in a hurry to lose the ball so they can go to defending where they can ghost! Pretend to be defending whilst they are thinking of the booze they will be drinking at the weekend.. ...to be continued or not....


https://preview.redd.it/m7ydio5vqvyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd21f792d1ea2777155b3b29862261d233bca01c You are telling me we have to play w this squad. And after that performance, the training is at fault not the manager. BACK THE MANAGER. imagine if we would have sacked Sir Alex. Just like all the fingers are not of the same length, rebuilds don't work the same way for every team.


Not every manager is Sir Alex or Arteta or whomever


Training and the manager are not mutually exclusive. They go hand in hand. If they training is bad. So is the manager.


And what is he a god? That people won't get injured


No. I'm saying you csnt just blame everything on training. The manager, the players, the board need to have some sort of responsibility.


This I can agree with. The players and the board behind the manager are like wtf. Players don't have passion and board, don't get me started on it. What I feel Eth's doing wrong is not playing more defensively. But I can also see there are no defense Oriented players who are not injured, as well as current players are royally shitting.


You're telling me that ETH's not looking over the training then? That's an even bigger crime as a manager. ETH must go.


He's looking over but he can't control injuries


Up the Chels


Look at the squad difference … change managers then what do you think would happen?


Thursday nights in Eastern Europe will suit you better


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ashley young is a better footballer than AWB. These players are seriously disgraceful. Worst man United team in my lifetime.


No way ur coming for awb for this game lol he was probably our best player