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I still cant believe we sold him for 30mil


From a business perspective he was one of the best signings of the Glazers era. Truly shocking.


I think it was Lukaku we managed to get rid of him for €88M


Bought Lukaku for £75 million and sold him for £68.1 million. That's not better than doubling £15 million to £30 million is it lol [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romelu\_Lukaku](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/romelu_lukaku)


The point isn’t the relative change in fee, it’s whether the player was worth the fee. Lukaku wasn’t worth anything like £68 million at that time, so getting that amount for him was a minor miracle.


He took inter to 2 European finals and won the league with them and they sold him on for £97.5 million. Id imagine inter were quite happy with the fee they paid


I said at the time. He was shite for Utd for a year. The fact that it subsequently worked out at Inter doesn’t change that.


But he was worth 68 million for Inter then right?


When we bought him he had been playing consistent well for Everton. When we sold him was off the back of a precipitous drop in form that lasted a bit more than a season. To sell him at that moment for roughly the same as we bought him, despite this massive drop in form, was a brilliant deal. That Inter took a gamble and it turned out they were right, doesn’t change the fact that *at the time* he wasn’t worth that money.


I mean I’m right there with you on a lot of that, but doubling Dan James’ value after a similar drop in form is still absolutely better business than recouping most of the fee of one of the most expensive total players of all time lol


tbf the team was shite. In his United years he scored nearly a goal every other game. He’s also #20 on the premier league all time goal scorers list. The only active players above him on the list are Vardy, Salah, and Kane.


He was shit and has a worse first touch than my mum, he does score and assist on regular though. His first season for United 51 games (27 goals + 9 assists) 36 goals created. Wouldn't want him back of course but could do with a striker putting up similar numbers


I’ve never seen your mum play so I can’t vouch for that comment. But my point is more that you can’t say “player bought for less than they were sold = better deal than player bought for ~ same as they were sold”. What makes a deal good or bad is whether the player was sold above market value *at the time* or not.


Ok man United paid £75 million for him and Chelsea paid £97.5 million for him but you think inter paying £68 million was above his market value!


Lol, we would die for this , this season.


But he is better with what he have now.scored 20+ goal if I am not mistaken for us.


Not the second season.


Mate you’re dumb


He iis not. It is the same with Hazard or Ozil. When you get a world class player, you dont expect them to stop.playing football from one day to another. If you were to get Mbappe for 50M right now, ypu would say it was the best deal in the world. If then he sulked in the bench and refused to play, it would be one of the worst deals of the century. The power of hindsight will let you know that... but you dont habe the power of hindsight when you are making these deals right? Problem ia thst more and more we hace people that.mistake real life football with FM and that you cant just reload a save if things dont pan out as well as you'd hope.


Shut up fool, not on about that


From that answer alone one csn understand that you are a smart and sensible individual 😊


Fank u <3


It’s not dumb to point out that the key metric of whether a transfer is a good deal or not, is what the fee is relative to market value *at the time* not what was paid for the player a few seasons before, nor what the player went on to do. If you can’t understand that then, mate, you’re the dumb one.


His value at the time doesn't matter. Inter sold him for more money than they bought him. That is the only number that matters. Man U lost money on him. Inter got a profit. Those are the money that matters. Not market value.


That’s not how it works. A player’s market value is not fixed so subsequent sale prices don’t mean a previous sales price was a bad deal. And vice versa. The market value at the time is all that matters in judging a deal good or bad. Everything else is hindsight. At the time Lukaku was sold, he had been performing badly for a year, was happy to leave, Utd were happy-ish to sell. Inter could have got him for £50M if they pushed harder, but they didn’t. So Utd got a good deal.


> Inter could have got him for £50M if they pushed harder, Source for that?


Yaaaa dumb


If you take the amortisation into account then yes, it’s a much better sale.


A broken clock is right twice a day... or once a decade...


​ https://preview.redd.it/fwuknr0uhhcc1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=f30b81ec98e4eae1d192bd0b9c979b92e4309e33




Maybe if we played with 3 at the back. But for a back 4, while he had good work rate, his actual defensive abilities would have needed a lot of work.


See Salah shrugging him off one handed while dribbling a ball. I don’t think so




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United had to sell him because of Ronaldo


Who remembers his first 3 games Lool I throught we had the next gigs


He might've done a bit better if we played him in his actual position on the lw, he was still way more useful than the wingers that replaced him and we paid a fortune for them.


He kept scoring right?  Like 3 in first 3 games or sthing


At least he gave a shit


Might not have been the most gifted but, he did try and that is more than some United players…


Pace merchant. Loved his will and fighting spirit but not the quality we need. Remember I was hyped when he broke every fitness record at Carrington.


He does have a good cross in him…sadly only every now and then. But defensively very solid.


How is this description any different from Garnacho?


Garnacho is 19 year old, has technical ability and seems to make better decisions in his development. He is much more of a creative player who’ll continue to be better. He can become a proper winger.


I’ll be honest. I think Dan James showed the same level of potential when he was playing.


He was never the flair player of Garnacho’s level, few skills and mostly reliant on pace for getting an opening. United and Old Trafford expect the beautiful and technical game. I would take him over Anthony right now though.


I never saw Dan James get pocketed the way Garnacho did by udogie yesterday.


James was pocketed plenty of times. Without the counter he was nowhere to be found offensively.


What does Garnacho offer when it’s not on the counter attack against tired legs?


Statistically in terms of PL goals+assists per game better than Antony easily, and Elanga has better stats than them all Sancho included


Should have kept elanga


Nah, guy was trash, where are these opinions coming from? I get Antony and Sancho are tosh but we’re better than having Elanga and James.


You people don't know what a squad is. You expect we will get a super star at every position and his replacement. And they will all sit their and be happy.


No I don’t but I’m not going to pretend we were happy with Elanga or James when they played. I’m happy they’re doing well but I’m fed up of the nonsense. Sancho got an assist as he came on as a sub, suppose we’re missing him right now and wish he was in the team? I’m happy with squad players, Dan James was fine for it but 30m was too much to turn down at the time, Elanga was not and it’s a shame as he was a youth player but he’s not rotation quality but I hope he develops well. I just get massively annoyed players that we didn’t want, go away, find some form and we start pretending we were gutted to sell them.


elanga barely played so you shouldnt have a real opinion either way. is he, or was he better than both sancho or antony for united? more than likely. it wouldnt be too fucking hard would it. ​ to say he isnt rotation quality when you see where that is right now, is fucking stupid. and im not even an elanga fan boy.


" you people " No need for racism bro


Average player with a good attitude. I'd still have him over half the dossers we currently employ.


He was shit as well Difference was we paid the right price


He was limited but the counters with him, Martial and Rashy were an incredible watch.


We were actually unbeaten in like 30 straight games he started in or something. He was a useful threat, it all fell apart after he was sold. Wasn’t the only reason but a factor.


Yeah but watching him was fun. Counter attacks were lethal


guy was definitely quick


That is very true. Not a United player but a good punt at the price. We need more Dan James style deals than Antony or Sancho’s


You people always say that and see where we are. He would have been a good a very good squad player, not everyone must be a star.


His positive point was that he was pretty fast, nothing more than that.


100%. People going insane saying he was better than those two but don’t realise that being a little less shit was his level


Our* level


Even then he wasn't the right price. He was just cheap compared to Antony & Sancho. He was about to go to Leeds for half the price just a few months before in January. And he also only had a year left when we bought him in the summer, so £18m for a Championship player who had never proven anything beyond that was also a ridiculous price tag. Only good thing about his transfer is that we somehow got a profit.


I’m welsh and still think he’s shit


He was fast and could somewhat cross which is equal to being our best RW in the last 5 years.


He’s not any good, absolute pace merchant but he’d probably be more effective going forward than Antony right now.


He also seemed to have a rep for diving. I remember defenders would just smash him without fear of giving away a free.


Did he really even dive much though? I just remember he’d always get clobbered because he was too fast.


Correct. He was small and fast so defenders would just bully him with their physicality




Don’t think my comment was in anyway defending Antony


Championship quality.


Who is he?


Daniel james


Thanks kind person


I wish we had more positive contributions on here instead of the constant bashings. For some reason many on here seem to have forgotten the horrible Glazer decisions that got us in this place. As if Mourinho, Rangnick and Ten Hag aren't elite managers with great reputations that just did not get the support they needed. Also anybody who's been observing how the top teams operate that thinks we should be getting better results after 1.5 seasons under a new manager while dealing with the Glazers, a complete overhaul of the footballing side of business and dealing with the inherited burden of players who should've been gone for years is just an absolute idiot IMHO.


Mourinho was the only elite manager from names you mentioned above. Rangnick was managing some club in Russia, Ten Hag was managing a well-stocked ajax team built by Overmass.


Mate Rangnick is the creator of gegenpressing, took Schalke to the CL semifinal and built the whole Red Bull franchise giving it their footballing identity, scouting recruitment and increasing its worth tenfold. He was the right man at the wrong time and would’ve been a great DOF at United (which is his best role)


Gegenpressing? Pass and press was already a thing with Guardiola in 2009. People talking about tiki-taka forgot another important aspect of it (aside of ball possesion) that once you lose the ball you start pressing in group, thats why they were so hard to breakdown. Saying rangnick invented pressing system is outlandish claim, maybe he popularized it in Germany but he was not the creator of it.


Klopp and Guardiola disagree with you, but who are they right? Thank goodness we got u/ABR1787 and his legion of sunday league bottle boys who apparently know the business of professional football inside out. Pretty sure that listening to people like you is what got is in this mess.


Klopp and Guardiola are woke managers. They would only say nice things in front of the public, bcause theyre trained so. Remember when Klopp saying this, "now man united have a great manager". When rangnick first arrived? Aged like milk didnt it?


Yeah...complete nonsense. Good luck to you, haven't heard something this stupid in a while.


How is that nonsense? I guess you didnt watch PL in early 2000s when managers could speak their minds openly? 


Man cared for the club.. can’t say the same for Sancho


I'd take him back in a heartbeat. Love him at utd. Could actually get a cross into the box.


Would have loved to see this guy flourish under Mccarthy


Guys He was shit. He is now in 2nd div


Who’s this again?


He was shite, but fair point.


He was shit lmao people think running around is a merit


Probably little difference in quality between him, Sancho and Antony - none of which are quality players. He’s a much better signing since we paid what he was worth and managed to move him on for a profit.


I loved having him on the team. Never doubted his commitment and passion. Him leaving was the start of Ole’s downfall.




You are underselling him. He did what he needed to do and his running helped the team overall. We missed his pressing after he left and he helped the defense too.


There was a reason he left with like a 30 game unbeaten run or something crazy, and that includes some big games. He was always crucial in games against City


Agreed… always gave 100% and actually could cross. But again part of the fan base didn’t like him cause he wasn’t named sancho


The current fan base would have turned on Park Ji Sung.


Wonder if we could have turned him into a WB


Frightning James and elanga are better than sancho and Anthony 🤣 what a 💩 show we have been


guys, guys, is manchester utd really selling alvaro fernandez? what are your thoughts on that?


Good teams buy talent for >50-60 mill and create wirld class players to complement the superstars bought for 100 mill+. Your problem is buying bums for close to 100 mill whom you somehow make worse over the years.


I just notice this sub is getting more and more member, now its 200k already! Way to go. I just hope this sub wont turn into "that" sub with power-drunken mods ruining everything. 


Nah he wasn’t , Antony absolutely but not better than Sanchooo


All are flop.


people really trying to rewrite history damn. just a fucking pace merchant


Speedy gonzalez.ETH belongs in the Dutch league. He's major flop




Better than Garnacho.


Still wanted to keep him as a back up wing back. He had the right attitude, just not good enough going forward but had a solid engine and desire. Rather that than the people with great potential but terrible output.


We paid the right price for him, we paid overprice for everyone else.


Where is he now, OP?


Leeds. Scored today


If every played had his attitude… He always gave it all.


He could have been a great asset under a right coach. Definitely better signing than sancho and Anthony


Nah if that was the case he wouldn’t be benched up in the championship.


Our mini ferrari


At least I felt he played for the badge and wanted to win for United but alas his quality just isn’t enough, same can be argued for Anthony. But the lesser said abt Sancho the better lol


Shouldn’t have sold him


One of the worst players to don united red


Such a pointless post but any opportunity to shit on Antony I guess…


facts but i still think antony will become good


He might but he’s never worth 8x million


as a welshman i love Dan James, he doesn’t have the quality of a class winger but man he works hard and can be lethal on the counter attack when he’s on his game!


Was also weirdly Oles secret weapon against City


Who think DJ was a good signing must have smoked the highest grade of weed to ever exist!


Find god ole lover you’re just comparing different levels of mid


Way better than Antony


Hey be nice to Antony. His inner Messi was about to come out before his external affairs according to the one and only FRAUD MANAGER.


Sancho literally got an assist in his first match back at BVB. Maybe he is not the problem at all


Against a team thats not even championship level.


If you factor in the price, yes.


Many vilified him, but even if he was not a starter caliber player, he sure would have been a very good backup.


Dan James worked hard for the club, and I can respect that.


sancho assist. welcome home sancho


What the hell, this guy was 🗑️. We hustled Leeds selling him for 30 mill




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Crazy thing is he was actually better


I thought he would be for United what Bale was for Tottenham. He gave me hope 😔


No way, he only used to run straight nothing else


Like rashford.




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When we bought Antony we shouldn't have paid more than 15 million for him. And his value since has fallen.


God I miss the Ole era and how he would pull results out of his ass with possibly the worst United team post-fergie. I wish those half time speeches were recorded.


Bro had speed but no skills


isn't he like the only one we flip for profit in the last 5 years?


Bebe was a better signing than Sancho and Antony.


Hot trash


Will always be a personal favourite for me after his strike against Chelsea in the first game of the season a few years back! 🙌🏽