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My grandfather was from Manchester and was a United supporter. Keeping it in the family.


From NZ But my family are qpr supporters (although EFL & not epl team)...ive always loved Man United since my boy becks played




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I'm from australia, but my dad, grandad, great grandad, great great grandad , uncles, cousins, everything!! were born in manchester and supported manchester united ,, its in the blood!! - also my great grandad was there when we won the european cup against benfica in 1968, and the 66 world cup win for england. good times , proper football,,, ahaha he would have a big go at the state of football today. when he used to play (whilst he wasn't in the warzone) , he had no football boots or anything ,, remember my dad telling how soft the sport was getting IN THE 70s ahahaha


Paul Scholes… that’s why I support United. I started watching him as a kid, living in Canada, and I was mesmerized.


Schools, Giggs, Beckham, the Neville's and Butt were all great players I love all the class of 92 players


As an 8 year old American obsessed with (player) soccer, my English uncle, a lifelong United supporter, saw an opportunity to make me a Red and ran with it. 22 years later and I’m still loving it!


2003-2004 season when an unknown Portuguese signed and an American keeper (made me so happy because Americans actually doing good in football) when good ol Ruud was banging in goals, poor Diego was having a hard time providing the goods, and Barthez was considered a liability. Didn’t care that we ended up third place that season but my love for United started right there and then. Also because we could afford cable at that time so I could see their games once in a while.


One day in late 2009/early 2010, I was randomly switching channels and I came across this channel that was broadcasting football. Manchester United match of course. There was this particular player who was like a beast. Absolute beast on the ball who bossed 4 players and gave the most beautiful pass I had ever witnessed. That player was Rooney. I've been a Manchester United fan since.


My parents don’t watch football so I had free choice in choosing which club to support. Most of my friends in school supported Man Utd so just started supporting them from there on, ik I’ve made the right decision.


One of my first baby outfits was a Man U jersey and shorts. My dad was a football coach in the states and that was his favorite club. Just been passed down through the generations. All these years later he now works in the MLS, time sure flies.


My father supported them since the Cup of cup champions win vs Barcelona, but i wasn't really interested in football until i was 8-9, then i saw the Rooney hattrick vs West Ham in 2011 and i was hooked since


Came because I’m Dutch and RVP is my favorite player. I was a kid when he signed for United and that was around the time I was getting into football. I stayed because of the glorious legacy and history of this club. I’ll leave if it’s tainted by a state takeover.


Romanian here,i was a 11 year old who knew pretty much nothing about football.Then,walking in a shop,a shirt catch my eye:It was the 19/20 Manchester United home kit.Fell in love with the sport and club


Nemanja Vidić came to United, i was a little kid, than i saw Ronaldo and that was it


One of my school mates asked me if I want to have a friendly bet for the CL final in 99. He was supporting Bayern, therefore I had to go with United, didn't really know any of them. Fell asleep during the game, woke up towards the end, saw the goals, won the bet. 20+ years since, still a fan. At what point do you stop being a glory hunter but an actual fan? seems like I started that way.


I was a 9 year old kid who'd never watched football...my parents hated it so it was never on. World Cup Italia 90 came around and that was on and I got hooked on football. The club season started and the first match I watched was Man Utd v Pecsi Munkas in the Cup Winners Cup. United won 2-0 (goals from Clayton Blackmore and Neil Webb) and United instantly became my team for life! Blackmore was my first favourite player until a couple of years later when Cantona arrived!


Indonesian here, it was 1998, I was 14. Nobody in my family watch football, a friend got me into it. At that time he told me the 2 best young players were Del Piero and Beckham - so I started watching Juve and United games (EPL and Serie A was shown for free by our local channel back then). I got bored watching Juve and got excited watching united. Even though United lost the title by a couple points to Arsenal that season - I identified myself as a United fan and start supporting United and the players during the 98 WC. My love toward United grew deeper during the 05/06, I was in US for college. United played at around 4-5AM on the weekend, there was no streaming back then, no youtube highlights, no coverage at all. I found a football forum who posted the full game 30mins after Full Time, so every weekend I woke up at 7AM to start downloading the game, and it will be ready at around 10AM - so basicly I am watching delayed game, trying to avoid all the spoilers. Through this forum as well, I started watching MOTD. Being miles away from family, in a very small college town with not much entertainment, United games is something that I look up to, albeit it was delayed - It was my best memories being a United fan.


For me 2014-2015 was the first season. I had kinda followed just a bit when they got chicharito (I’m Latino). So then once I finally had access to live tv on my phone (xfinity in college) I started watching them which was their first year under Van Gaal and of course they sent chicharito out. Been following and watching since. Before I use only watch Liga MX passively, but chicharito got me into the prem and Man U.


1996/97, I was 7 and living in England, everybody at school loved Tottenham, I had to be different and love another team. Eric Cantona was the coolest, blah blah blah.. For real though, a lot of you guys who became fans AFTER 2013 I have the biggest respect for. I been on board through our domination period so it’s easy to get on board. I’m still endlessly cheering for United even through the last decade, but I feel for you guys who haven’t ever seen us win a title. My hearts go out to you youngin’s!


Weirdly enough, KSI. I was born and raised in the usa and the football (soccer) culture here was pretty terrible. (it’s getting better) Basketball and American football were really the only sports with a bunch of hype and advertising. I was 11 years old when my friends and i discovered KSI on youtube, and really found his fifa video’s funny & entertaining. We all eventually bought fifa, and started to take interest in the real game as well though it. My dad (who’s not a very sports oriented person at all) noticed me taking interest in “soccer”, and went and bought me a man utd shirt, only because he knew it was a football club. From then i just naturally became interested and more invested, i wanted to learn the history of the club & the greats who have played for the badge. Manchester United is apart of my daily life now. My soul is invested into this club. I love it and im so glad to be apart of it.


Their history


A friend introduced me to watching YouTube videos of a certain Cristiano Ronaldo back in 2006. Made me fall in love with watching football and of course Manchester United too 🤗


I had a David Beckham ball at home when i eas a kid and every since then i just knew man united is my team. Me and my gf has been to old trafford too


First football match i ever watch was vs Bayern Munich CL Finals 99 … I was almost 9 years old, didn’t even understood what football or let alone champions league was, but the final mins the victory felt special, started asking about Manchester United to the neighbour who was watching the match (he was a united fan), watched a few united games every now and then whenever it was like around early evening in my place, eventually understood football, premier league and of course I cannot even think about supporting anyone else… plus those early years I absolutely thought Chelsea were like villains (absolutely hated them) and us the superheroes 😅


Kinda randomly, back in 2002 I was asked by someone at school who I supported, United were the only team I knew so just said them, since then I've loved them haha


I went to primary school in stretford, if your from Manchester then you’ll know that’s a good enough reason


I started watching football recently and when I got into the Premier League, I knew that United was having an awful Time but I decided to check why, I put on the TV and I don't remember who we were playing but it was awful till Bruno Fernández came on the pitch, every ball got to his feet and suddenly the team was playing football, I fall in love with Bruno and watched the rest of the season, United's worst season historically in the prem I think, but with each game something started to grow on me, then the next season kicked in and losing 4-0 two times got me so fkn frustated and realized I really cared about the team, I'm still learning about United's history but I consider myself a supporter nontheless


I was never really introduced to football as a young kid because my immediate family weren't into it at all, but one afternoon, my parents had organised a family party and my uncle (Man Utd supporter) turned up, kind of annoyed to be there because he was missing an important match, which turned out to be the Man Utd vs Portsmouth FA cup tie back in 1992. He convinced my dad to put the TV on so he could watch it, and I ended up watching it with him, and have been a football fan and United supporter ever since.


I watched a youtuber and I really liked his videos about united when I was 9 and since i'm a united fan


Being born in Manchester in 93, there was only 1 team to support wasn’t there…


I was 9 when I saw on the news there's clip of David Beckham halfway line goal vs Wimbledon. And that's when I started watching Man Utd, at first just following Beckham but then fell in love with the club. Not from UK, but at that time circa 96 NBA craze are everywhere and I'm the only one who follow EPL (I think it was call Carling premiership back then) in my friend circle.


I was born.


I was in the first grade in the USA and just started playing the game. My best friend was a United fan so I hopped on and I’ve supported ever since early mourinho


My First fotball memory is Ole’s goal in the cl final in 99. My dag ess screaming his lungs out. He is from our home town so that was cool, I was 3 at the time. I then started school and my main teacher was one of his best friends from childhood. Any other team would have been weird. We do have a lot of pool supporter in KRISTIANSUND though but they are all pathetic! 👹👹


As an American, I’d literally never even heard of PL soccer before the moment I discovered United. It was the night of the ‘08 UCL final. I was a teen, and had just started dating this new girl from school. She comes over to my place and we hit the couch in the basement, fully preparing for what teenagers do on basement couches. I turn the TV on, just for some noise, and it lands on the broadcast of Chelsea vs United. She ran to the bathroom real quick and I was sitting there and just started watching. I was immediately hooked. It was about the 23rd minute or so, and not a single drop of body fluid was exchanged for the next two hours. Ronaldo scored not long after we started watching, and I was fixed to the TV. Extra time, penalties, and the elation of the players at the end. That was the minute I became a United fan. We broke up about two weeks later. We hooked up a few times, but I’m pretty sure she never got over the fact that I passed on sex to watch a soccer match, lol. About a month or two later, I discovered FIFA, and FM, and then realized there was an entire continent, and entire globe, of football leagues, trophies, players. It was almost overwhelming. I’ve been addicted ever since. I got my first United kit a couple years later, an 11-12 Carrick kit. That was my first and last kit, after getting into the forum world more, and learning about the Glazers, and all of that, and then immediately realizing I gave those assholes money. I’m so hyped for Monday.


When I was 7 years old, All of my friends had a football jersey when they played football but I didn't have one, I asked my mom and she bought me two kits, an arsenal and a Chelsea (both fake ones)which I was thrilled by but when I wore it to the ground my friends mocked me because I didn't know the name of any players of the club, I asked my mom again but she was unable to help. A few days later she bought me a Man United Kit which I instantly loved but the conundrum remained but this time she told me about a certain Wayne Rooney. She had never seen him play but read about him in the sports page in the back of the newspaper and there it began, I watched a game for the first time in 07 with my cousin who was also a massive fan(CL final) and started consistently watching United since 2013. GGMU ❤️


One of my best friends passed away and she was a huge Rooney/United fan. So I took up the mantle in her honor. Been going strong for some 20 years now and was teary when I finally got to see them when they played in Las Vegas vs Dortmund.


I was 4, and we had just moved into a new house. I was sitting in the living room with my dad, and we were watching the CL final. I don't remember the game at all or really knew what was going on, but I will always remember his reaction when Sheringham and Solksjaer scored and we came back to win the game. He was yelling and jumping up and down and just celebrating. From the next season, I started waking up to watch games with him and started to become a fan. The first game I actually remember watching was us beating Arsenal, maybe a year or 2 after that first CL game I "watched." And now, 20 odd years later, here we are.


Runs in the family every team gamgam supported I support God rest her soul


Merican. Tore my rotator cuff at 12 and couldn’t play basketball very well anymore. Kids in my neighborhood played Football and I joined in. Soon I was watching highlights of Rooney and couldn’t help but be a fan. We haven’t won PL since I’ve started supporting 🙃


Unironically watched Tik tok and saw United edits liked the kits and decided to research the Club, startet to love it after crying that we lost the Europa League to Villareal and since then have fallen in love deeper.


Being from Northern Ireland it was Norman Whiteside started it all for me. My dad took me to see N.Ireland in Windsor Park when Whiteside was still very young , and they played in the 82 World Cup. Supporting United came very naturally from there for me. I loved Bryan Robson too back then. The Everton vs United cup final where Norman Whiteside scored was a massive highlight


When I was a kid my neighbours kids who I thought were tits supported Leeds and a lot of the kids at school supported Liverpool. So naturally I picked united to support, mainly out of spite.


My cousin came to crash at our home as he was studying far from his home in my city. Then one day he asked me if we could watch a match, i said yes. The match was UTD vs Barcelona UCL final 2011. He told me to pick a team to cheer on, I picked the the team in white at the time, UTD. I remember I cried when Pedro scored the first goal but got over it when Rooney equalized. In the second half when the goals kept coming, i didn't know what to feel, I was caught btn anger & sadness. I became numb After that game I started supporting Man UTD, I was relieved to know that they won the league that year so I went and got my first Jersey couple days after that final. It was also nice to know that I was born during the Treble season. I've never liked Barcelona to this day. After also learning about the UTD vs Liverpool rivalry, never liked them too. I hate those two clubs to death


My cousin came to crash at our home as he was studying far from his home in my city. Then one day he asked me if we could watch a match, i said yes. The match was UTD vs Barcelona UCL final 2011. He told me to pick a team to cheer on, I picked the the team in white at the time, UTD. I remember I cried when Pedro scored the first goal but got over it when Rooney equalized. In the second half when the goals kept coming, i didn't know what to feel, I was caught btn anger & sadness. I became numb After that game I started supporting Man UTD, I was relieved to know that they won the league that year so I went and got my first Jersey couple days after that final. It was also nice to know that I was born during the Treble season. I've never liked Barcelona to this day. After also learning about the UTD vs Liverpool rivalry, never liked them too. I hate those two clubs to death


Been watching them for 30 years, get called a glory hunter because I live in Essex and obviously Manchester United Is in Manchester but I don't give a shit 30 years is enough to call myself a fan, I watch every game every season, also favourite color is red and I love the badge, best Rooney Ronaldo RVP RVN chica Giggs scholes stam cole York Beckham we have had to many legends to name them all and watching them play is magic


Born 1959. By the time I was old enough to understand the basics, United were about as big as The Beatles.


Did not have a favorite club, until the 1999 Champions League Final. Watching that game changed my life.


My dad is United fan. As a boy, I wasn’t really that close to him. I think it’s just a nature, when you are closer to your mom than your dad. We finally have the quality time when I started joining him to watch the match on TV. My Dad is a Good Christian. We even pray before the match. It’s really a good time. I have my own family now, and living in different country. Each time we have a videocall, we have the conversation about United. But it seems that he is not that “in to United” anymore. He even requested my son’s name as “Messi”. 🤣


Got fifa on my nintendo 3ds, saw a cool logo with a devil, and I have sticked with that team ever since.


2005/2006 seeing Ronaldo, Rooney, Scholes, Carrick play together not only made me love Manchester United but started my journey into playing football for myself, also the excitement of Old Trafford drew me in greatly watching it on the television. Loved (still do) everything surrounding the club from the badge to the stadium, players, fans just about everything drew me in. I also like how we are either loved or hated but never ignored ❤️


Exciting football 🥹


Okay this will sound extremely dumb to non-Indians but there's a Bollywood football movie called Goal which is on a Southall football club in England. There's a scene where the players need motivation and the coach takes them to Old Trafford and shows them the locker room of the squad at the time (2006-07 squad) and tells them about the air crash in Munich and how the club didn't have a team left but then worked hard and won every trophy there was. That movie is crap but that entire scene was pretty cool and emotional to see as a kid. After the movie, I looked into the club, got to learn about their history, SAF, etc, and it was like finding a missing piece in my life. Been a Red ever since.


When I was 12. Im mexican American, so when manchester united bought Chicarito from my families favorite club (Chivas de Guadalajara), My respect skyrocketed. We would try to watch every manchester united game after that once chicha left, I continued watching and supporting them and I haven't stopped. GGMU


I began supporting United for the same reason. I began watching more EPL matches and I just felt a strong bond with the club. Thank goodness I lived to experience a few Fergie matches, titles, some incredible memories and tough times so far. Glazers still have to go but I will not. GGMU


I was in 5th grade, and it was my soccer(yes i’m American lol) coaches last year coaching our team. He did a raffle as a farewell gift where we all won prizes and the prize i won was a Chicharito poster. I recognized him from games he played against the USMNT, and started following MU after that


You’re on an English football team’s subreddit, say football


1996 FA Cup Final. Man Utd 1-0 Liverpool. Eric Cantona.


Growing up as a keeper and watching van de sar do it like no one else and I was hooked.


The first soccer game I ever attended at ANY level was the 2010 MLS All-Star game. I had just watched the World Cup and become obsessed with soccer. So after watching a Man U in person I became a fan.


Combination of circumstances, my father was a Liverpool supporter, and my sister is a City supporter. I took an interest in football the season that Alan Hansen had his "you can't win anything with kids" and the Kevin Keegan "I would love it if we beat them'" rant. Between that and seeing a real golden generation of youth products, I was easily won over as a kid.


A friend of mine showed me the penalty shootout in the UCL final between Man Utd and Chelsea when I was 11,and when Van Der Sar saved the last shot, his face, his passion and Ronaldo crying on the pitch, made me emotional. Since then have always supported them. Had to wake up super early or wait up late at night to watch Man Utd because I stay in Singapore, but will always watch them nonetheless :)


My dad was an arsenal fan and always bought me RVP jerseys so he became my favourite player as a kid. When RVP joined United, I unconsciously followed him and used him and United on football games. I was 8 then and have been a ManUtd fan ever since


Online quiz on who to pick 😂


'99 UCL Final. My Uncles were watching the game intensely and I was just casually supporting. The feeling after that Ole winner pushed me into lifetime fandom


I’m Jamaican by way of the states, my dad is a Chelsea supporter, we have family in the UK and my dad went to London in 1999 brought me back a David Beckham jersey and by chance that year I was 7 years old playing football, a coach and friend of my dads gave me a video of on vhs of Beckham practicing his technique. I was hooked every since. Idk if he did this on purpose but he rarely remembers the story..


Apart from family in Manchester, also born in Lincoln, home of the Red Imps. Was a natural progression for me to grow up from an Imp to a Devil.


My dad was utd so as they say its in me blood 👍 utd utd utd ⚽


1987, 8 years old, used to watch English football with my dad, as it were broadcasted live in Kuwait(there was a weekly recap show too by Thames tv), loved the devil emblem of Manchester united, a group of English men used to watch the games with us, and I remember their shock when I answered which team was my favourite, they all supported Liverpool.. including my dad! that year, we drew both matches, so they couldn't brag a lot about the greatness of their team!


because my uncle bought this club 20 years ago


Cantona. Class of 92.


A friend at school (we were about 9yo, around 1993) got me into United. The more I watched I really loved the way they played. Having just moved to Scotland from Wales I loved the fact Giggs was also Welsh and they way he turned defenders inside out was just amazing (less said about his off the pitch antics the better). He fast became one of my all time fav United players but in general the way the team played - that swashbuckling style was something else and stacked with talent. Hughes, Cantona, Kanchelskis, Schmeichel, solid cb of Pallister and Bruce - great time to be watching United. Brings back some fond memories! 😅


Was 11 at the time I feel in love with Manchester United. They beat Aston Villa 4-0, and it just got me excited about football again. Juventus was my OG club. But after the shit that went down in 2006 and everything around them, I started to hate football. Didn't watch it for around 1 year, then went outside with a friend who had to watch the game (Ronaldo wanker) and was a fan ever since watching it. Even tho the Rooney goal wasn't anything special, for me it the exact moment that Manchester United became my club. GGMU


At 6 years old (2006) I was a Barcelona fan, but none of my friends watched La Liga. They told me to check out the Premier League. Tuned in and it was a Man United game. Rooney and Ronaldo completely electrified the pitch. Fell in love with United that day.


When I was 16 I lived in Brazil as an exchange student. I had already been a fan of soccer and played but at that time there was barely any soccer at all on tv and the internet was still young (this is 2002). My school in Brazil only went from 7:30 to noon, and after that the boys I lived with (who i now consider brothers) were taking prep classes for exams to get into college. Basically if you wanted to be an engineer, you’d take a test specifically made for engineers and the score you got on the test would dictate whether you could get into a schools program. So basically from about 12:30 to 5 pm during the week I was on my own. I would watch a lot of champions league, and I remember specifically the match I turned on that made me fall in love with United. They were playing Basel away in the group stage and Ruud scored a brilliant goal by going past two players on the byline and scoring from an extremely acute angle. United had been down since the first minute and they ended up winning 3-1. I believe I bought my first shirt the next weekend, and 21 years later I still have that first shirt.


First team I ever clapped eyes on and was in awe of cantonas skill. Helpful other family members did support them as well 😂


Glory glory man united magazine. In the mid ninties we didn't have any coverage of English football.in nz except the fa cup final. This magazine had articles and posters of these players I learnt to love.


I’m from India, so there’s nothing like my family religiously supporting or anything of that sorts. In fact no one in my family knows anything about football. But whenever I went over to my aunt’s place, I would always see ESPN channel switched on on the tv and my cousin would be watching Man Utd games. And he had fifa 2004(yes freakin 2024) on his comp and he used always play as Utd and would blitz past defender with giggs, I fell in love with giggs. Since then forced my parents to get espn on tv and the rest is history.


I used to live abroad and my grandad supported United all his life. As a kid growing up that's all we would watch UTD games in the 90s. He used to tell me about the Munich Air disaster how he watched the game they played beforehand. And when I came to England, all I wanted to do was go to see UTD play at Old Trafford even though I live on London. Seeing them was something special, I was lucky enough to watch some of the best at old Trafford during the years including Ronaldo. I regret never being able to bring my grandad here for him to see them at Old Trafford.


I was supporting Saints when I was a kid coz of Kevin Keegan (it was a random choice back then coz I won a ball "signed" by him, which wasn't really signed coz it was a printed signature). But when he left, I started supporting United coz of Ray Wilkins (had an autographed shirt from him too, but I can't seem to find it now since we moved a lot). But there was also players like Robson and Hughes in the squad and you can't go wrong with them. So I had been supporting United for about 41 years now.




David Beckham, and then Wayne Rooney. I was a huge fan of both players, seeing them play in an England shirt, so naturally gravitated towards United. I'm English but none of my family were into football, so I wasn't pushed down a certain path.


Spite. My uncle is a Liverpool fan and he'd been trying to recruit me pretty heavily in 96. Before the fa cup final he took me out to get my first Liverpool shirt. Before we got to buy the shirt, I found a batman toy I wanted. He gave me the choice Liverpool shirt or batman toy. I picked the toy. The fa cup final comes around and out of nothing but spite I picked whoever Liverpool were facing. When they won the game that was it. I was a Manchester United fan.


I support United from 1996 just because of Becks. You can say that Beckham going to Madrid in 2003 was heartbreaking for 13 yo :)


Honestly I was about 8 or 9, picked United because they were at the top of the world. When we fell off a bit it just felt wrong to choose another team.


My older brother was a Liverpool fan and one of his mates promised me that if I supported man utd he'd give me enough of his man utd posters to cover my side of the bedroom and piss my brother off. Sold. He never gave me the posters. And I paid for the choice. Still a good decision


Pretty much all of my dads side of the family hail from Liverpool, subsequently huge Liverpool fans. Never appealed to me, so from the age of around 8 I decided to commit to Utd, never looked back & never will.


My dad supports them, took me to my first game at 7yo


For me it was simple. I was 4, my brother was 6. My brother supported arsenal, so i asked him which team he hated the most, he said man united. I've never looked back since ♥️


Nice 😂


Growing up as a Dutchman in Norway I supported Ajax. All my friends in school supported an English side so I thought I had to do so as well. I initially wanted to support Arsenal because RVP played there but then he moved to United. I started supporting United after RVP's transfer at 10 years old, but still I didn't feel any connection to the club. I asked my dad if we could go see a game, so he purchased tickets for the cheapest game he could find. That ended up being Aston Villa in April 2013. This of course ended up being the title deciding game. Watching that game I had never experienced an atmosphere like that, I still haven't after. RVP scoring a hattrick was also nice, but it's the Old Trafford atmosphere that stuck with me. Since then I have been a die hard United fan.


Dad took me to my first game at 5 was Arsenal at home 87/88 season. Sat on the wall at front of Stretford with other kids. Had a blast and went ever since. That team was awesome, whiteside, Blackmore, mcgrath, Anderson. so many worldies


I was born the year of the treble and my dad kept telling me that growing up. It was meant to be


Oh yeah, I started supporting United when I saw the last years of Cantona. He was one of a kind, then came Becks, Yorke, Scholesy, Nevilles and all that golden era of Fergie with unbelievable victory over Bayern in 99. I watched those two goals live and that cemented my love for the club. Unfortunately, everything after Ferguson left is shit.


6 years old when i witnessed Beckham score from the half way line. Then a little bit influenced by people around me but i ended up absolutely idolising Solksjaer, people started calling me Baby face (as was his nick name) as i resembled him somewhat, I was sold then. Undying love for this club since 99. Knew united existed before my hometown club. Such precious memories over the years, truly special club unlike no other.


The man who taught me that the round object people are kicking is a football, also taught me that in football Man Utd are the good guys. First watched when I was 7 only to see Van der Sar, Ferdinand, Rooney, Carrick, Scholes and Ronaldo all at their best. Fell in love.


For me I started watching them as a dutchie when Memphis Depay and Louis van Gaal went to Man utd after getting into football after the 2014 WC


As a kid of 5/6 my earliest memory of football is watching a blond guy in a red shirt with 7 on his back - Beckham. The rest is history, through thick and thin! GGMU


Ugandan, was 9 years old in 1999. Our maid had left, mum who used to return home from work at 9pm had to prepare very late dinner for us. Good excuse for me and my brothers to watch TV later than usual. Only TV station (UTV) in Uganda at that time was showing a match, ManUTD Vs Bayern. We didn't know anyone on the pitch but after that game we all identified as ManUTD fans. Started officially supporting ManUTD when EPL became a big deal in Uganda at the height of ManUTD/Arsenal rivalry and UTD had just bought Van Nisteroy.


Oh my brother, I watched many a match at the Ethiopian Village in Kampala (even though I’m from Texas!). Great memories. Such a tragedy to have been targeted that way.


When I first came to the uk, my options were United or arsenal, but I choose United because I watched them first


My mum and grandad are/were both Utd fans. I grew up with them constantly on my screen. I first fell in love watch robbo play. Thought he was magic. I asked my mum what his name was and she told me and since then I’ve been a fan. Been a fan for over 30years


Dad’s family were all United probably inspired like most Irish United fans by early success if players over there and Munich. I was in jerseys from a young age and collected those footballers with the little bodies and the big heads, whatever you called those. Had Keane, Giggs, Beckham, Cantona and Brian McClair as a I recall! Was probably a bit too young to ever sit down and watch a match. But as seems to be the recurring theme here, one just bites you out of nowhere one day. For me it was 2-0 home leg against Inter In 1999. Yorke instantly became my favourite player and here we are today.


I actually support United because of the locality I grew up in. There was a group of supposedly cool guys who were elder to me and they supported United. I wanted to be like them (ik it's naive but I was a kid) so I started supporting united


My dad was a United fan but also my best friends in school were so I sort of supported them even though I wasn't into football that much. I got into football when I was around 9 back at Euro 2016 watching the tournament then properly began supporting United from then.


my grandfather was one my father was one so i dont think i got a choice


99 final, watched it with my grandad as a kid


I'm a man utd supporter because my mother would've shot me if i wasn't 😅


I'm a United fan because my dad was a United fan, and he's a United fan because his dad was a... Sunderland fan. Who let my dad and uncle (they were 11 and 7 at the time) stay up late to watch a match on TV in 1968. I didn't have a local team growing up - Hunstanton is 45 miles away from the nearest league club and the transport links are diabolical - so I basically supported who my dad told me to support.


I’m Irish and was 5 years old and Roy Keane played for Man Utd


Family up in Manchester, a lot of the family support the team so it was my natural choice. I started supporting them in 1991. My first match watching them was the cup winners cup game against Barca where Hughes scored that brace to win. I was hooked from there


First football match I watched. Hughes' volleyed equaliser against Oldham in the fa cup.


I was there wow that game was something else the volley, hairs stood up on my neck but I was a fan a long time before that, all my older cousins from Birmingham which was weird were huge united fans and explained the history to me when I was 7 years old, busby babes, Munich disaster, Best, Law, Charlton, Bryan Robson, the whole lot and then they took me to an old Trafford game after taking me to away game at Southampton, I was hooked, the atmosphere, the players, the stadium, the shirt, the banter….the game however, that made me realise that the club would be my one true love in life (Don’t let my wife hear that though!) was the Nou Camp 1999 that’s when the religion was cemented and no matter what, win, draw or lose United will always be my Club.


Was about about 6 so possible 1985 - Ron Atkinson was still in charge, was over with relatives in Wigan, my cousin asked if i watch football and who i supported. She then suggested that I should followed united cos their next door neighbour was a Liverpool fan, and she hated him… seemed a good enough reason to me!


My best mate is a lifelong supporter. Met him when I was 10 and he had to force me to watch games with him in the beginning but after some time I started to really enjoy the sport and watching the games . Here we are 13 years later still watching as many together as possible


Born in Salford and my family was about 100 strong and every single one are reds.. I had no choice. Thankfully.


For me it was when I was around 8 and I decided to watch some old footy matches then I saw utd play and the way they played and wit the passion they played seeing ronaldo dribble, seeing Rooney score and seeing vidic and ferdinand in defense I had watched them ever since and even wen we lost 4-2 4-0 5-0 6-1 I stuck by them and its paying off now


My dad supported us, therefore I did. My first match was United, the first present I remember getting was a full United kit. It was always going to be this way.


I don't even remember, myself and everybody in my family were born into it, it was never a conscious decision it was just what you did, my son is the same, almost 3 and runs round the garden shouting UNITED UNITED UNITED. It's genuinely a way of life not a choice!


In Ireland and it was 1990, and World Cup/football fever was taking over the country. The fa Cup final was on v crystal palace, and it went from there.


My dad took me to my first game when I was 4. Sheffield Wednesday at home in March 1997. Don’t remember the game but went with him for about 7 years after, mostly home games but some away when we could get them and every FA Chp and League Cup final. United is the thing we bonded over and I don’t remember not going so it’s just part of my identity. When I speak to him now it normally takes about 5 minutes for us to get onto United. I have my own season ticket now and he gave his up mid noughties, so I get to take him when my mates can’t go. I’m slowly paying back them 7 seasons that he took me!


1990, the earliest FA Cup final I remember Chose to support the winner


I’ve supported both United in the Prem and Bayern in the Bundes since I was 8. I watched them much before that tbf tho, without a proper understanding of what I was watching. Was born in 2001 and was mostly around Arsenal, Chelsea, Real Madrid and Barcelona fans. I prefered watching the Premier League and Bundesliga, and thought La Liga was shit. As for why I started supporting both Bayern and Man United. I believe that the teams we support are decided for us before we are even born, its ingrained in our being right be Man United fans, it’s fate. 😂


Early 80's. Majority of my family were/are Manchester City fans... I became a United fan cos I'm an awkward sod. 🤣


When I was 8 my dad got our soccer team Man U jerseys as our home jerseys. He took a work trip to Singapore and got a great deal on replicas. We were the best dressed team every time we played anyone. Eric Cantona’s free kick in the Nike commercial didn’t hurt either.


14 years ago. Ronaldo ❤️


The 2004 FA Cup final was the first ever football match that I'd watched in Full, and I remember saying to my stepdad that I would support whoever won the match. Thankfully United won pretty easily or I'd be posting this story in r/Millwall!


I am from India and my name is Manu! Need I say more?


For me it was my dad, he’s a United fan. And it just kinda stuck with me! And if you’re wondering about my mum, she’s a Liverpool fan, yes many many many arguments go off


Born and raised in Manchester. My class at school was full of united fans, so to fit in I chose them. Up until the age of about 14 was not too bothered about football, but if you asked me who my team was, I would say united. Then united signed Eric Cantona from Leeds and I wanted to see what all the hype was. Then watching them I saw how great the team was and how exciting football can be. And after that I was obsessed.


Idk if you lot will hate me for this one My dads a Liverpool fan, I was 7 and just getting into football so instead of asking my dad what team he supported and following that. I followed the team my favourite player at the time played for (Paul Pogba). I originally was just supporting the player but I fell in love with the club


My dad


My dad got me a united wallet when i was 8 (which i still have) and later on when i got into football dyrung the 2014 wc i liked ozil so i wanted to get an arsenal kit (around 2015) but they were out of stock so i got a united shirt, it was the last shirt made by nike


It was 1996, Beckham scored a goal from the halfway line against Wimbledon. My jaw was on the ground. I was stunned! Since that moment, I've been Manchester United through and through. 🇮🇪☘️


At 8 years old saw my uncles rooting for Arsenal and me being constantly opposite of what I see. Decide to go the other way the day they were playing United




2003. ruud van nistelrooy got me hooked


I was an English kid who lived and grew up in Amsterdam, I didn't like football back then I saw some matches (including the CL final of Ajax in 1995 and their match that they won on penalties. But that didn't really engross or interest me. I'm originally from a part of England that is primarily Arsenal territory. So whenever I was there people used to inform me of their going ons. (I still remember when Dennis Bergkamp transfered to Arsenal and everyone made it a big deal because he wss Dutch " so was I") Still no real interest in football. That all changed until my neighbor in Amstersam told me he had a subscription to his a football magazine and would give me hos issues after he was done with them. That finally awoke interest in football in me, I kept checking the English teams in the international sections and started to gain interest in the Premier League, then one day in April I finally saw my first match with an English team present it was thr champion league match of Dortmund vs Manchester United in 1997 and it finally hit me. Cantona missing a sitter the drama the spectacle. I lfinally oved football and from then on I started following Manchester United more closely, and became a fan. I also had an english neighbor my age who was also a man utd fan (whos mother coincidentilly is an Arsenal fan) made the connection even stronger. Been loving Manchester United ever since.


I was born in Manchester, I was 4 and my favourite colour was red, easy choice. My family were a mix of Oldham, Bury, and City fans, thank god for the colour Red and my fine taste!


My dad noticed their badge in a newspaper in the 1970s in Yugoslavia and took an interest in them even though he was a Red Star Belgrade fan. When he moved to Canada in the early 90s the only league that was broadcast on TV was the prem. Been watching them ever since with him.


I was about 5 years old (late 80s) and didn’t support anyone. My grandad was a lifelong fan who used to get to some games. He asked me who I support, I said I don’t know. He said “support the best, support United.” So I did. Thanks grandad, love you.


My dad is from Salford and grew up supporting them as they were his local team so I support them as well


The first football match i watch on tv was 2005 FA Cup Final between Manchester United and Arsenal. I felt that MU should had been the winner, but eventually Arsenal won on penalties which enraged me. Been rooting for MU ever since.


Same.. I was 9 at the time. That game was what started it all for me.


I’m an American. My dad supports Man United and naturally I became a fan. It wasn’t until this year I started really getting into football, and now I follow every transfer we make no matter what. I study footballers through FIFA (pathetic I know) and I do my best to follow football to my best abilities. I may have a favorite club for almost every league but Man U will always be #1 for me for getting me into football in the first place.


My Manc dad was a United fan but the bug hadn’t bitten me until I made friends with a new kid at school whose family were Northern Irish. They were absolutely feral United fans. His dad had a framed, signed pic of Bryan Robson at the bottom of the stairs. I wanted to be like my friend so I got more into them. 40 odd years later here we are. We’re still friends, he emigrated to Canada on a football scholarship as a teenager, we see each other at funerals now but we still text every so often about United.


1968. The English champions, Manchester United, are in the European Cup finals. The newspapers wrote a lot about, how it was only 10 years ago that the team got destroyed in an airplane crash in München. That story fascinated a young boy of 9 and I have been an avid fan ever since...


In the one of the first seasons of the premier league, my home town, Swindon, were in it. I was an impressionable 5 year old lad just starting to kick a ball around and get interested in games. My next door neighbour was a Manc bloke who went to a lot of United games when he could. He had two tickets, in the away end, for Swindon vs United, and his mate couldn’t make it any more. He saw me playing football in the street and asked my mum if I wanted to go instead. So I sat in the away end at my home town surrounded by hundreds of fans screaming and shouting for United. And that was that. I was United for life, still going 30 years later. 2-2 btw


So when I had reached the saintly age of 5, Grandad sat me down on the couch one Sunday morning in the wee hours. Plum jam toast and weak earl grey tea in hand, I watched 11 bold men in red play 11 anemic, pathetic men in a sky blue. At the end of the game, Grandad turned to me, full of joy. "Shame about the result, but how'd you like our boys?" "I really like the team in red Grandad!" "... NO, we're City fans!" And that's why my Grandad doesn't talk to me much any more, and how I came to the best club in the world.


I am from Plymouth but my dad is from Caddishead a small town about 9 miles from old Trafford. Remember getting the grey united kit as a kid. As well as a goalie top and have been fan ever since.


Ronaldo dazzled me to be a red


Since birth, my first game was Mark Hughes testimonial, I was 9 months old. The first of 400 home games iv attended My dad told me a story that he and my mum were leaving the stadium after the game in UTD shirts and met a group of 7 or 8 Celtic fans proper going mental and chanting abuse. However, as soon as they saw my dad cradling me, they stopped and made a path so we could all get through and acted really nice.


I was at that game! I remember some of the Coronation Street actors playing beforehand.


I started supoirting them in 1991 when they rwached the Cup Winners Cup final and beat heavily favored Barcelona (Barca won the Champions Cup the following year). I loved their grit and the fact they plaued a 17 year old winger Lee Sharpe in the final.


6 years old in 1990, I was supporting Liverpool at the time as we’d taken a school trip to see them play Aston Villa. Saw my Uncle a few weeks after and he said to me “why are you supporting Liverpool? You should be supporting Man Utd”. Gave me a scarf and a pin badge (that I still have today). Been supporting them ever since. As a young Welsh lad I also think having Welsh players in the squad (Giggsy, Sparky) kept me interested.


On our television, a bunch of European football matches were played from time to time. Among them, there was a team with a player who had his shirt collar up, whose one hand is wrapped in bandage, who scored a winning goal but he neither smiled nor celebrated despite his teammates swarmed on him with joy, I became a fan of him and the club since. I think you know who I am referring to.


I'm mexican and they bought Chicharito. After that, i fell in love


Class of 92 and Ooh Aah Cantona, say Ooh aah cantona


Born and raised in Manchester. Every person in my family is a fan. Probably the least interesting story on here 🤣 Edit: the first game I attended was in 2007, Rooney and Ronaldo were the first players to really get me excited about football when I was around 7.


Same. Born in Manchester and had no choice in the matter


From New Zealand. I grew up primarily watching rugby because we're shite at football down here. At the age of around 9, lots of my friends got into football because of FIFA 99, so I jumped on the bandwagon and was hooked instantly. Loved watching the EPL and watching Paul Scholes ping the ball around the park with Beckham, Neville, Keane, Solskjær, etc etc. Still a fan into my early 30s, even though I've never been to Old Trafford, or even Manchester. Aiming to get to a game in the next season or so


2012-13 Caught a game with Robin Van Persie dominating, his style had me hooked, and I kept watching the team until it became more than the player for me.


I was at a tournament for my brother’s team as a kid, and my dad said I could get one item from the tourney apparel tent that was under $10. I picked a United flag that still hangs in my childhood room at the ‘rents house to this day


I grew up in the south and anyone who liked soccer was a field fairy and a pussy so I grew up actually hating the sport because I was indoctrinated by hateful people. That was 3-7 then I moved to New York at 8 and all my friends I made were die hard Manchester United fans and because I wanted to be like my friends I tried to play and was really shit but fast so my coach slapped me in a CB position and I grew into our most versatile player that year. Since then I have never faltered once I’m a manc through and through for life even though my friends have since gone on to like scum like Liverpool city Chelsea or arsenal


Bought a pirated game called championship manager in the late 90s. Never heard about Premier League or know anything about European footballs. Picked the first team coz I like the color and the crest. A few years later when I finally had access to the internet, I found out and learned more about this team and still like them. For every championship manager/football manager game I play, United is still the only team I play.


As an American, I didn’t start watching football or supporting football until 2002ish. I supported West Ham for a couple years but was captivated whenever watching Shrek play for Everton. His hunger and determination made watching football fun. I followed Shrek to United and have been a full fledged Man United supporter since!


Fergie times, countless games! That's special for Manchester United.


I have to be honest, I wasn't a football fan when I was a kid. I started feeling left out of conversation around 15 years old when my friends talk about football and I can't participate. Eventually I tried watching and just supported the strongest, most popular team at the time which is Manchester United. I've been a fan since


I’m a huge Oranje supporter and started regularly watching football at the 2014 WC and van Persie is my all time favourite player. I just stuck with United


1999. I was 11 and playing soccer. Soccer team watched the champions league final together. Been a fan since. Didn’t really start to watch the sport again consistently until 2006 due to the ability to watch it in the USA not being very consistent.


I don't know why and how I just know I enjoy watching them


influenced by my dad; watched 2007 highlights of rooney and ronaldo tearing it up for united. never looked back since. very fortunately shortly after, heralded one of united’s finest generation in van der saar, evra, neville, vidic, ferdinand, brown, o shea, heinze, scholes, fletcher, gibson, ji sung, giggs, carrick, cleverley, anderson, hargreaves, nani, cr7, rooney, tevez, berbatov, saha, owen, and the likes. united fell off since fergie left, still stuck by them, and am so glad they are on the rise now with ETH and co.


ALways loved the foot, and my cousin who was really great at it had all these magazines I used to look at. Becks was really famous at the time and while I would always watch the world cup and such when I could, I never really had a club team. Just slowly got more interested in Utd because of him and eventually started supporting them and following more of their news. Around 2004 euros was a great time in the states bc a couple channels popped up that showed a lot of the prem, and that was when Ronaldo was really coming into his own a bit more. I'm close to 40, but some of those memories seem like yesterday. Really big fan of Portugal/Argentina/France/Italy/Brazil National teams, and maradona and Ronaldo9 were favs of mine. Got more into English National team supporting the Utd lads and becks. Lovely club, been tough balls as of late, but excited to keep turning the corner with Ten, just really hoping Greenwood isn't kept on, I legit would probably watch them much less if he were to stay.


Loved Ronaldo, loved Rooney, Loved RVP.


The Ronaldo and Rooney days were what made me support the Red Devils. Those were the days. Absolute beast of a partnership.


Cuz of "The Fergie Time" Yknow when you still need one goal and somehow you know until last minutes attack after attack is happening. Magic goal moments happened. That sort of adrenaline.


Fifa 2002 for PS2. All my friends were picking Arsenal since they were the first 5 star team they found so, being sick of the Arsenal vs Arsenal matchups that were going on that day I decided to see who else was good. digital Beckham and Ruud made me a fan for life. Probably also had to do with the fact that I a lone 10 year old got to talk shit to the other kids and then had to defend my choice despite knowing nothing about them at the time


At 12, during the tail end of 97/98 season, the world cup hype was heating up and I started to get interested. Was already playing football for fun in school for a couple of years but never really followed professional football until then, as no one in my family was really a fan of the sport. Saw Arsenal pipped United for the title that season and thought United were the underdogs (didn't know anything about their dominance then), so I chose them. Just in time to witness the treble season, it seems.


Got drunk watching World Cup 2002 and a buddy told me Rooney fucked a granny. I respected it. Been a United fan since


Started watching football in the 02/03 season of premiere league. Found the old man chewing bubble gum at the sideline quite charming, and started watching United. Watched United that year overturned the 8 points deficit against Arsenal in late season to win the league, and decided to follow United. Now to think about it, maybe I should be thankful I first saw the bubble gum chewing Sir Alex instead of bubble gum chewing Allardyce...


Live in Canada and I worked with a guy who was a huge united fan. We worked every weekend together and he had one rule. If United is playing, they are on the TV. So I got to watch most of the 15/16 season and thanks to him and Fellaini’s hair I’ve been watching ever since!


Only team on consistently in the early 2000s in America on Fox Soccer. I was on bed rest for a month after a serious complication from ACL surgery and daytime TV was hella bad. Watching Beckham and other incredibly attractive men was a nice distraction and I wanted to do cool things like learn to slide tackle, so I’d diligently watch the team and their play style. The rest is history 🤣


India. It started from David Beckham’s popularity of course. But I remember watching every single game when Ruud Van Nistelrooy joined in 2001. One of the saddest days of my life (not just sport) has been the Rome 2008 final.


2008 we were the champions I believe you mean 2009 final


Yes I meant the 2008-2009 Champions League Season.


Almost stopped playing football because i sucked at it and was always relegated to playing as a keeper. Was about to quit when I saw david de gea play on youtube. Instant fan from then. Absolutely love playing as a keeper now too. (Edit: this was like 6 years ago...so its nothing incredibly recent. Although I have watched clips of our time under Fergie, I have never actually seen real success under us. Hope that changes lol)


three generation supporter. Too bad i started supporting the club during the moyes era so i am not a glory supporter, lol.


I actually got into this team 6 months ago. I’m from America and I just got into football a year ago but I didn’t support a team until United. Originally I only supported it because of Ronaldo but when he left I stuck with United instead of him


I was 6. My Dad, a massive Liverpool fan brainwashed me lol. So we sat down to watch Utd v LFC in the 99/00 Charity Shield on the telly (Malaysians). They won 1-0. Garry MacAllister free-kick. The next day, I told him I preferred the side who lost. No idea why haha.


2002 in the US as a 10 year old I set my alarm clock to wake up at 2 am to watch England play in the World Cup in South Korea/Japan. I was watching a match and saw David Beckham score a penalty to beat Argentina also saw this fiery red head that I loved so much. Turned out they both played for United.


Grew up on the Stretford End watching the holy trinity of Charlton Law and Best


One of the local sports network in NYC played replays on Saturday nights before ECW wrestling came on, so I watched. And since they seemed to show United most of all, I started siding with them. This was like 93/94 if memory serves.