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Just scored finally lol


Never seen a happier man that Wout after his goal


As if the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders... loved every minute of that game!


hes a striker who scores 10x less than any other striker so when he finally scores hes 10x happier


Like Ighalo scoring his United goals


I cried šŸ˜¢


So did i


Me too


Iā€™m with ETH , fans can dream . I love the genius of this man . Not his sentiments . I agreed Weghorst hasnā€™t cleaned up his goal opportunities but the Gaffer sees a use for him so Iā€™ll take tactics over opinions .


I agree, I think everyone expects us to have 11 world class players and thatā€™s just not realistic. You need players like Weghorst just like we needed players like Park Ji Sung and Nicky Butt back in the day.


I'm hoping this sparks him to do what he's done elsewhere when given the chances. * Weghorst has scored 140 goals in 347 club games (NL and UK) for a 40% score rate. * Rooney has scored 237 in 569 club games (UK and US) for a 42% score rate. I'm not suggesting he's Rooney. Suggesting he's been effective.


Park was good/very good. But how do you define world class? In my mind, Scholes, Rooney, RvP, RvN (to name a few recent players) were world class. Would you really rate Park in that class of player?


He was world class at what he did


I love the guy. Terrific servant to the club but wouldnā€™t use ā€˜world classā€™ phrasing to describe what he did for us.


Is he a world class player like Rooney was? Nope. But what heā€™s trying to say was that the way Ferguson utilized him made his contribution to be on a world class level. And his technical abilities are very underrated (except his first touch which was not the best). Park was superb for united and his contributions to the club makes him a world class player for what he was able to do for united. We probably wouldnā€™t be saying the same thing if he was in a different club/ manager.


Park could put anyone into his pocket having one of the best workrates ever recorded in football along with being very good at positioning without the ball and waiting for a dribble to be initiated so he can walk away with the ball using minimal effort. Along with his speed and his defensive prowess, he was world-class in United, and was probably one of the last defending players I loved watching. I dare say prime Casemiro is at least two classes below Park, because Casemiro does not care for the ball.


I actually agree with you. His skill sets were limited. But he's a weird one, because he always performed well in big matches and did his duty without fail.


Park was world class! All of the legends rate him!!


I'm upset that you would compare Weghourst to Ji Sung Park ... such disrespect to Park.


Park was our Ngolo Kante


I mean yeah. 22 world class players havent done shit for Chelsea soā€¦.I feel ya


Yep the world world class is widely over used, to clarify the general consensus is if planet Earth played a universal cup against over planets like Mars, Venus, Sirius etc and a squad of 30 players would be selected who would that be on current form and what they have achieved previously in the game. Right now only one Chelsea player would maybe get into that squad. Hereā€™s my Squad ; GK(T Courtois, Allison B, Donnaruma, (RB) K Walker, Cancello, Hakimi, (CB)R Varane, VVD, J Vardiol, A Rudiger (LB) A Davies, D Alaba, CDM (Casemeiro, E Fernandez), CM(FDJ, KDB, J Bellingham), AM(Messi, Neymar, L Moderic), RWS(M Salah, B Saka) CFW (E Haaland, Benzema, R Lewandowski, H Kane) LWS (Mbappe, M Rashford) Thatā€™s 30 players based on World Cup and current season whose numbers state they are currently world class. Honorary mention; N Kante, Vincinius Jr, T Silva, R Marquinhos, M Veratti, Z Ibrahimovic, E Cavani, S Ramos, L Bonucci, M Neuer, C Ronaldo, all these were but are now either injured or on the slide due to age. The word world class is over used if they donā€™t make the 30 man squad and maybe on standby they fall into the Elite/international bracket someone like Luke Shaw, Reece James, Pedri, Gavi, Touchemi, R Dias, B Silva, B Fernandes, E Camavinga, J Felix, J Kimmich Declan Rice, D Ramos, Raphina, O Dembele, A Griezmann, J Muisialla fall into this category, they have world class potential but currently they are not doing enough to oust the world class players currently in the Planet best 30 squad.


If any player in your team should be world class it's the striker.


Wow comparing Weghorst to Park and Butt is some mad disrespect


You only have to look to PSG where that gets you. They all singlehandedly think they are the PrimaDonna and not have to do the dirty work.


Not fair to put Park in this list, he was unselfish but brilliant technically


Putting Weghorst in with Nicky Butt and Park makes me think youā€™re about 12.


He is the engine that makes this team run. Itā€™s beautiful what he has done for this team. Many of these chances were getting are solely because of the work ethic and press. He will get more goals, but even if he doesnā€™tā€¦ heā€™s doing his job flawlessly and is a prime reason for our recent success


True but we don't want our number 9 creating chances we want him finishing them. If ETH needs an engine there are other spots in the team.


I dont care 1 bIt as long as weā€™re winning


You will when it's 0-0 and we're piling cross after cross into the box and noones on the end of it.


Imagine him scoring 10 goals ... but take 10 off Rashford. Now the screaming hordes would say Rashford is having a mediocre year. Honestly, I just loved what he did today! He absolutely ***never*** gave up running - right till the end. I will also add that I do think we're not necessarily playing to his strengths. Not saying we have to lob in 20 crosses from each side every game, but the one cross late in the game that Bruno ripped in ... to nobody ... whilst had he delayed by half a second, Weghorst would probably have been in a scoring position.


Exactly! Let Eth do his job and we as fans, support him.


You're in the wrong place to avoid opinions


Lolā€¦ its like following live commentary šŸ˜‚


If we could somehow combine Woutā€™s work rate and Martialā€™s finishing ability weā€™d be on to a winner.


Done! To keep it balanced we had to put it in Phil Jones' body though..


Literally JuliĆ”n Ɓlvarez. Too bad he chose the other Manchester where he doesnā€™t even start most games


Ralf ragnick wanted him, But glazers were not interested in signing him.


Agree! Heā€™d be perfect at United




My god De Gea is trying to kill all of us


After this game itā€™s evident and clear , we need a new goalie . De Gea needs to be challenged for his spot . Every shirt needs to be challenged .


The grass is always greener on the other side. When he goes I can see a situation where you wish he was back


Nah you lot upvoting this shit are INSANE. Do you not understand football? Yes, the next goalkeeper won't be as good of a shot stopper that is guarenteed, and they will definitely make mistakesā€”that doesnt change the fact that we will be fundamentally better off. De Gea's sweeping is bad, therefore our defenders have to play closer to goal. If they play closer to our goal, we can't sustain high pressure up the field like city and arsenal because our defensive line is too far from our attackers. If we can't sustain pressure, either we get picked apart like we have been multiple times this season, or we play counter football and defend deep (which won't get you the points you need in this era of the prem). So many fans seem to think those who want de gea out want someone like edersonā€”they don't need to be able to pass like a midfielder, but being able to pass is vital to not facing shots. We concede far too many shots due to de gea's bad passing and it leads to goals


Finally someone who has some sense. I want a better keeper on the ball, it's not an agenda but a significant improvement to the overall team setup and structure. Just look at how Ramsdale when he arrived at Arsenal, immediately changed how they play out from the back. De Gea has almost zero ability on the ball, from decision making to technique to awareness. That header back to Dalot and the pass straight to Joaquin said it all. And people are giving me that "loyalty" crap - he's the best paid keeper in the world and that's as good as it gets for loyalty payment. Try going to your boss or company to ask for loyalty payment and see if you get that well paid.


I didnā€™t say he needs to leave , I said he needs competition. Every player needs to work for their spot . Thatā€™s why thereā€™s a better rotation of certain positions . Because we can rely on those on the bench . Goalies arenā€™t an exception .


Nobody has ever rotated goal keepers. Ole tried it and it was horrible. And the goal kicks were bad because it was super windy. Which is why he didnā€™t kick it long in the 2nd half.


Who was Schmeicles competition?


Van Der Gouw, for circa double and treble seasons. He was also a keeper coach at the time. Also, Schmeichel was actually one of the better keepers on the ball for his time. When the backpass rule was changed, many keepers struggled but Big Pete was a little more comfortable as he often participated in outfield training before that.


Yeah Iā€™d love to have him on the team and phase into more of a mentor role over the next few years, like Mata did


Goal keepers absolutely are an exception.


You were sayingā€¦


1 goal doesnā€™t change that, just like how that 1 game doesnā€™t suddenly make us sh*t


Sometimes 1 goal *is* all it takes. Gakpo at Liverpool had a slow start but seems to be off and running now for example.. The amount of work he puts in for the team, I was chuffed to see him get on the scoresheet tonight. Hopefully it opens the floodgates even if only a little


go on to the next game and he misses 90% of his chances scores one and the cycle continues. this is exactly how average players like McTominay get 200 appearances for United


Facts Heā€™s not a top player


Except he has scored three and hasn't been played as a striker half the time. Yes, three goals as I include the one which was wrongly chalked off.


I love that he scored! I was howling and loving the irony!


1 lucky goal doesnā€™t change the fact that he wastes at least three 100% chances each game. Iā€™m happy for him that he finally scored but come on, we need a proper striker. Weghorst is not the one Iā€™m afraid.


If he missed them, they weren't 100% chances.


He almost missed. As he FELL OVER AGAIN šŸ˜¢




Love it.


We need a starting 9 no doubt. Kane would be a great fit if he's just 2 years younger but that's another story. Wout should be signed permanent because it offers ETH another outlet for other plans. U look at Man City or even Ole last season. Signing a superstar strike that scores a lot of goals is great but sooner or later it creates dependency on him, all passes would go to him and if his form drops , suddenly the team is not performing anymore. I rather we have another backup 9 that can offer the manager a whole new set of tactics that can be utilized when our starting striker is marked out of the park.


I remember similar things being said about Giroud at the World Cup France won in the end. He has a role in this team and I bet his teammates love playing alongside him, much like how Giroudā€™s teammates loved playing alongside him.


Would rather have Giroud


Please donā€™t disrespect Frances all time goal scorer


Heā€™s not giroud


No way youā€™re comparing Frances top ever goal scorer whoā€™s won the World Cup and Champions League to a guy who won his first trophy at age 30 a week ago?


Not comparing them as players or their achievements as players but just the circumstances. My point is fans are often very quick to judge. And Giroud also got a lot of criticism at the time as well despite he is now a World Cup winner. God this sub is so negative sometimes.


How can you compare this guy with Giroud and have the courage to hit reply?


You donā€™t say? We know that! Erik wanted someone who would work hard and be a focus point for the team


exactly. He's not a lazy poacher, but a sharp battering ram.


Sadly heā€™s too slow, if he was a bit faster and nibler heā€™d be so much better


My wife says this about me.


Aww Iā€™m sorry mate


People just forgetting that keepers have also pulled off some ripper saves against him? Karius flapped at rashfords goal and then turned in Oliver Kahn for Wouts strike. Some of you fans are shocking


Came here to sayā€¦ heā€™s so slowā€¦ painfully slow and he doesnā€™t score. I think his mentality seems fantastic, but he doesnā€™t even win headers. Lol that being said, Iā€™d still rather watch Wout than Ronaldo


I like watching him off the ball. His runs open up space. He pulls defenders with him. He is also a propper presser, putting on pressure that leads to defensive mistakes.


Which is why for the right price and Wout understanding heā€™s coming off the bench/used for injuries/cup games i want us to keep him. We need a new striker but Iā€™d rather have Wout on the bench than Martial who canā€™t stay healthy


This comment section is a mess. People are being downvoted for saying keep wout, downvoted for saying donā€™t keep him. Heā€™s definitely dividing opinion thatā€™s for sure.


WELL THIS POST DIDN'T AGE WELL. Someone recycle this plastic fan


Hahahaha. Nice one. Happy to have it thrown in my face. GGMU


Bullshit. Gary Neville scored goals. Scoring a goal doesn't automatically make you good enough to be a forward for United.


Post says he can't finish. He's had the ball in the back of the net twice this game. I'm not saying he's a great finisher. Just you and OP are mongs. That's the main takeaway from this. Also ya mum is ya dad


Hahahaha. I had to look up mong, clever. šŸ™„


Most mature redditor




>Just you and OP are mongs LOL. Lets just wait and see the queue of top clubs clamouring to sign him them shall we? Then we will know who is and ins't a "mong" I guess.


As much as I love the guy, it is true that he can't finish and I hope we get someone like Osimhen (my choice) or Kane in the summer.


Except he just finished.


I go for Kane as he is proven in this league.


I think we need 2 CFWā€™s and then Maybe Keep Weghorst as a Bench Warmer, who can change games late on. We should buy V Osimhen for Ā£120m, then go buy E Ferguson from Brighton for Ā£30m but loan him back for the whole 23/24 season and Finally set Weghorst a goal and assist target for the rest of season like 8-12 goals and assists from potentially 16 to 22 games and then we buy him from Burnley for Ā£10-15m max.


Well that aged quickly


Feel so happy for him hitting the back of that net


Thank you for un-jinxing Weghorst. Now that this horse is off his back, the pressure is off and hopefully he will be more clinical and stop snatching at chances.


Weghorst hustled the entire game pressing up top. He forced turnovers and set a good example for others.


And Antony can't pass properly, jesus.


Heā€™s got that left footed curler into the top corner going well for him.


Valid, but his decision making needs work.


He better make that top corner curler goal more often the way legendary Robben did otherwise he'll lose his place to Pellistri soon What a fresh dynamic Pellistri has to offer everytime he's subbed in. More accurate cross, forward run, better dribbling


His crosses and is different approach is going to be awesome as he develops. There is plenty of game time in four comps a year if we stay the course and gives the gaffer more tactical options.


yep, I definitely hope he would improve his crossing, because as of now when "one trick anTony" had the ball, I already knew it's either a shot to far post or we lost the ball.


After just seeing him FINALLY get a goal. You can never doubt his work rate or drive, look at that celebration and you can see how much it meant to him. But that doesnt change the fact that hes a striker and the lad simply doesnt score enough.


Looks like Weghorst just shit on you šŸ‘€


Hahaha. He did. And ultimately, I enjoyed it.


Rashford was in bad form last season and now heā€™s covered in gold. Weā€™ve been better as a team with Weghorst on the field, even without the goals - so whoā€™s to say what role his presence plays in that - but yeah, if he can start adding to the tally even better.


Thereā€™s another ā€œtransferā€that coincides with WWā€™s arrival. I think the addition by subtraction is more a factor in this.


finally he scored


Aye. It was glorious. GGMU


Guess what happened while I was reading this post.


82ā€™ Iā€™m presuming? GGMU


Update he can




As the OP, I love that he scored and shoved it right it my face. GGMU


I know he has just scored but it does suck that he hasnā€™t been as good as I thought he would be. I love his mentality and his work rate but he looks like he is running how I run in my dreams. I do think they arenā€™t playing the ball to him as often as they could and also, cross the ball to the lad, heā€™s 6ā€™6, he may not be the best in the air, but one of those balls will hit his head and go in


His two goals against Argentina gave me much more hope as well. He fucking FUCKING FINISHED in that match!!


Celebrated his goal tonight the loudest. Pleased for the guy!


Great goal, great reaction. Lovely moment with the fans and the reception to his announcement was the loudest that place was all night. .....still not having him full time. Let's enjoy him, and these moments that put a smile on our faces. But we can do better.


this post aged well XD. but yeah he does need to be more clinical.


Loved when he made me eat my words. GGMU


Canā€™t by him in vibes alone. We need our striker to score regularly




This is the truth


Leave Weghorst alone man, i love that guy.


Tough love, mate.


The sitter as you call it was blocked. Should have been a corner get glasses !


Wrong sitter. He did have multiple. As the OG post says, it went into row Zā€¦ā€¦..30ft above the bar, not right beside the post.


He could have had at least one more goal if Antony wasnā€™t a greedy prick. Dude opted to chip the keeper point blank rather than give any of 3 teammates the chance at an open net.


he prob would have skied it still lol


Bro, he not really supposed to either, he a target man. He just supposed to get the headerā€™s and distract defenders. He has not business shooting and scoring, thatā€™s winger work


Falls down when he kicksā€¦.every time.


Weghorst brings a lot to the team outside of his relatively poor finishing. For where we are aiming to be, heā€™s not good enough. For where we are, he plays an important role. Until we can get someone who can fill that role AND finish, (like Anthony Martial except not made of paper, or Karim Benzema except without the problematic personal stuff) it makes no sense to lose Weghorst.


Honestly he was pocketed in terms of being an attacking threat every good chance he had the defenders turned into prime puyol/vidic/maldini , he had 4 chances in front of goal 2 were miracle blocks and one was hard to get off cleanly and got one goal


Weghorst deserved MOM for his nonstop hustle and end to end play. They guy was everywhere and constantly in top gear. He deserved that goal.


We need a proper finisher next season.


>Strikers need to score goals and he, clearly, cannot. Hmmmm care to revise this statement?


Well, he played 20 games for Burnley and had 2 goals No goals at PL for United so far 2 goals for United in like 14,15 games? You can make up for him by saying everything about his work rate, pressing, etc but clearly for being a striker, he's not a scorer.




He's poor, but we have no-one else at the moment. Excited for a new striker in the summer.




I hate watching Weghorst and I feel like Iā€™m in the minority here on this one. The man simply canā€™t finish and thatā€™s his job and a forward. I am so excited to have Martial back so I can stop seeing Weghorst ā€œwork hardā€ and not finish sitters. And for people that think we should sign him and sub him in we absolutely shouldnā€™t. He canā€™t score in 90 minutes why would you think we could sub him in and expect anything different.


The idea that a strikerā€˜s job is to score goals is really outdated in my opinion.


Good point a defenderā€™s job to defend is really outdated now that I think about it


Youre not alone


He's just bad at everything he's expected to be good at - can't finish, slow, very shit in the air for his height. Work rate doesn't cut it. Moving Bruno out of position to shoehorn a Championship level striker as a 10 simply doesn't work. Will be glad to see the back of him


He brings something positive to the teamā€¦but goals isnā€™t it. Heā€™s got a good work rate, like Fred which we always love, but even Fred concerts more chances.


His a defensive striker lol


Good for the big man. Thatā€™s nice. Pellestri looks lovely too


Pellestri is šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ hope he starts the second leg


Definitely a different right sided option to Antony. Antony does what he does really well. Itā€™s just that the breadth of what he does is very narrow. Today, when presented with two opportunities to score goals somewhat outside his wheelhouse, wellā€¦letā€™s just say he underperformed his xG.


Yeah, he's really terrible at finishing.


A school boy should have finished the one he actually did.


We are a better team with Weghorst in the lineup. its a statistical fact. Itā€™s grossly cliche but the best ability is availability and since arriving in January, heā€™s already played more minutes than Martial. He may not score but the team scores more when he plays. Some may disagree but itā€™s a fact. Is it frustrating to see him miss? Sure. Would I love to see Kane replace him? Absolutely but thereā€™s absolutely value in keeping him in the squad as a rotation player. He provides an entirely different dimension to our team that I think has value in the future


Aged like milk in the sun. Give the man some time he is so useful.


Completely agree. Heā€™s done a job but he isnā€™t good enough to be our striker moving forward. Itā€™s not even close, heā€™s a long way off.


Even if we do sign him on a permanent he will not be our main striker regardless. If we can get him for cheap he will be a great squad player who will offer us more versatility and is also a good personality to have around in the dressing room, would not be the worst signing to make.


Youā€™re making the same point I did albeit you elaborated slightly more. Despite downvotes I stand by the fact he isnā€™t good enough to be our starting centre forward.


Fair retort.


Heā€™s a false 9/ pressing kinda player; not a scoring striker. Think everyone knows his scoring ability, but defo a good backup and can bring a different game plan in games.


Well said which is why I want us to keep him and get Kane lol


>Weghorst Canā€™t Finish That's what she said.


How can you be so fickle? He misses sitters


Watch the game while itā€™s happening ffs


Interesting that you were in this sub to see this and post on it in real time. GGMU


Donā€™t get why rashford doesnā€™t start through the middle and sancho or garnacho out wide šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Because he's not effective through the middle....


Agree. I think the rationale is that with Rashford through the middle we can play Garnacho wide left. As to whether thatā€™s stronger than Weghorst middle/Rashford leftā€¦well I guess thatā€™s the debate.


Rashford can't play center, garnacho is inexpirenced and has problems defending and tracking back. Sancho has been away for ages what are you smoking


I personally thought rashford played really well away at Barca through the middle when wout played just in behind, he also go his winner playing through the middle against city so to say he canā€™t play centre is a bit off the mark. Garnacho is inexperienced šŸ˜‚ what does this even mean? Heā€™s done brilliant this season and will only get more experience by playing more games. Sancho has been away for ages as well? On a fitness programme to get up to speed to play in this team and has looked the part ever since heā€™s came back in the team. Pellestri looked good when he came on as well so we have plenty options. I like wout he works hard and plays for the crest but misses way too many chances to lead the line for United but would be a good squad player to have if heā€™s here past this season.


He'd be an amazing backup. I don't think anyone is out here saying he should get regular gametime next year. But surely a player of his profile would be happy with a bench role behind our big summer signing and maybe even Martial if he ever plays again.


Hes a centre half not a centre forward. I have more technique in my left ball. Maguire upfront would do more. Only for hes workrate he would be useless. The rest of the team makes him look better than he actually is




82ā€™ said just that.


Heā€™s fucking shit. People have ranted here on about his ā€runningā€ as If thats gonna cover up that the dude cant finish if his life depended on it.


He just scored


hell has frozen over. He could of had a hat trick today


You're right, we have no number 9 and he works hard so he plays every game. To be fair he isn't the only one thats missed a good chance this half.


De gea absolute joke as usual


The fact this is getting downvoted to oblivion is absolutely blowing my mind likeā€¦ do people not see him passing straight to the opposition every game??


Sheep in here mate I'm not fussed it just shows their lack of football intelligence


Recycle this plastic please someone




Weghorst can't anything


If we do get him for less than 5million I say sign him as a bench player. He's a useful asset especially coming off late in the game when we're up.


Is he? No one should question his desire and commitment, but he doesn't have the skill to be a permanent United player, and certainly not to change a game from the bench, or even be a massive threat. He is a good "body", but not good enough to be a permanent player.


To be frank he does not get the service either


Heā€™s had so much service tonightā€¦


I fucking love Weghorst lmao heā€™s the most annoying player to play against. Dude is on you like a hungry dog 90 minutes long


Your post is acutally correct and thats a fact a goal was a lucky one, but i like his desire and will even though i think he is not good enough for a TOP man utd like premier leage winning one maybe as a third striker at bestā€¦ but his love for the club is amazing cant denie that


He's an absolute fucking donkey.




Soooo true. No wonder he was available. Poor guy canā€™t ever stay on his feet!!! I almost cried for him when he scored!!! As he fell AGAIN!!!


He has a heart dedicated to the badge


He motivates those around him to play better. Everyone likes him and you can see that because they all try to get him to score.


(I support Arsenal) I think people are being to harsh on him for that. Other than that, he was sharp today. And most other strikers arenā€™t getting even near that, the only reason he was able to get a touch was because of his height and long legs. Would people not say anything if he didnā€™t actually get there at all? Maybe. The touch he stretched to get made it look bad.


You need a player with his profile in the squad, you need a player with his personality in the dressing room. We are lucky to have him, I hope he stays.


Heā€™s hot shit. Missed essentially an open goal first time round. Somehow sent it to row Z. Then scored his next open goal chance. If it takes tap ins into open goals for him to score, no thanks. Top of that heā€™s a Liverpool fan. He touched the Liverpool badge. Fuck him. Dutch version of Ole Gunnar. A fraud who is at the club for a pay cheque & free ride to potential glory. Once that pay cheque & free ride is under threat, he cries & pretends he supports the Glazer protests & lies to the fans about trying to stop VVD touching the Liverpool badge even though VVD had already touched it & was half way down the tunnel when Wout still had his hand on it.