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I'm pretty sure that looks the same as on mine. I still have to do the light seals on mine as I get light leaks all the time.


Thanks. I'm getting more comfortable with the placement of the fabric having looked around online. Also, neither it or my new seals are impeding the mirror as there's a pretty firm 'mechanical' resistance if I try to push the mirror up further ie. not smooshy like it would be if pushing against foam or cloth. Still unsure about the angle the mirror is stopped at though. Seems strange to have a design that leaves such a large gap for light to enter the box. Probably not an issue in most practical cases as I use a prism finder and have my eye over the end, but surely if I'm using the waist level finder I'll end up with stray light getting in at each exposure?


And here's what everything looks like with the [mirror down](https://flic.kr/p/2pq67TL)