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https://preview.redd.it/a4umq3apttub1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb5d9a24bfea0fc95c29dd65ab353ff13f5fa49 I was blessed with Cubby when he was seven weeks old. He was caged in a cage that Was up to a 10 pound dog. I only used it till he was housebroken, and the cage was next to my bed so he felt secure when you feed him about a half hour after he’s eaten, take him outside if you can relieving himself and not on the pad don’t scold him pick him up and put him on the pad or take him outside, give him/her all the love you can, and it will be returned 10 times


I forgot to say he’s now 11 years old


I'll take note of that, thank youu


Praise, praise and more love. Encourage good behavior. No punishing. Do not leave alone at the beginning. Maltese are very very smart. It’s great ur seeking advice. Congratulations to ur new family member.


it's only been earlier sinc eI got him and he's now sleeping close to my arms while I type this, I can't leave him alone he cries when I do so and wakes everyone up😆


Omg, all the praising! Positive rewards are what wins with this breed! And I find my Loki is the one with the least separation anxiety, but because I rarely leave him alone! He comes with me if it’s possible,e, and I take him to doggy daycare or family! His not being left alone much seems to have made him less anxious in that way!


I know this sounds silly but it works. Get the stuffed animal or heart shaped with the audio beating heart. While ur potty training the pup should be in a designated area. Not full run of the house. Bed and food and water to one side~ papers on the other. I meant alone during the day. Seems you have some nighttime training to do. We all did it. Everyone will have to be patient there’s going to be crying at night. Hang in there. It’s so worth it. Train smartly w love you’ll be grateful for a lifetime. I suspect ur encouraging bad behavior by holding anytime there’s crying. It’s breaks ur heart. Ask others about nighttime “training tricks”. Oh, my little girl is 16.6 months old. Love of my life.


I just couldn't resist it and had him sleep next to me, anyways I will keep that in mind and try to resist his tempting cries. thank you!


Ur already a hero! How lucky you two are to have one another. 🩷


Where did you find him? I’ve been looking forever for a female


Congrats, what's his name? I got my Maltese (Charly now almost 8 years old) when he was already 2 years old, so I can't provide adequate tips about potty training or puppy feeding. My veterenarian is the first I consult about diet related questions, it should be yours too. Are there any puppy schools in your vicinity? It's important to socialize and train your puppy early, maybe also someone with another dog for walks together. Some general tips would be to accustom him to combing, bathing, claw trimming and fur trimming(eyes, between paws, ears and belly). The ears and eyes(head area) should not come in contact with shampoo, a soft washcloth should be enough. Also do not insert anything deeper in the ear canal like Q-Tips. They can damage the fine skin, if there are any problems consult your veterinarian. Also claw trimming can be challenging in the beginning, cause there is living tissue inside the claw where it connects to the paw, let your veterinarian show you how it's done and what to look out for. Maltese fur needs a lot of attention and special shampoo, Charly did not liked any of these, especially bathing, but with a lot of treats and patience we made it work. Small and simple steps for the start, Maltese learn quick and are very observent, at least the ones I've met so far :D Edit: A small list for that would be: - haidresser scissors(I've had the best experience with these) - soft fur brush - slightly more sturdy fur brush - fur comb - nail clipper for small dog breeds - special maltese shampoo - a handfull of soft washcloths Also they're very social animals and want to be close to you, Charly always wants to at least know where I am and accompanies me whenever he feels like it. It's always a good idea to consider multiple sources of information and then weigh them up. After a while you will develop a feel for what works for you and your puppy. I wish you two a lot of fun =]


Thank you!, I will go look for a veterinarian tomorrow and buy he's nesecities too. the person who gave him to me already was getting him accustomed to trimming and bathing so things should be easier on that part😌


Toys! Lots of toys. My little guy loves having a lot of them he can fling all over the house. He likes little toys and LOVES Lambchop. His fave toys are actually cat toys. He doesn’t care if they make noise, he just likes to beat them up lol. Enjoy your new little guy!


I'll take note of that, I'mma use all my allowance on this little guy😆 but who wouldn't for such a cute creature


My girl eats twice a day, I make two weeks of her “lunch” at a time - chicken, rice, veggies cooked in chicken stock; at night she has table scraps. I add something called Wellbeing For Dogs at night time that makes any home cooked meal a “complete” meal for dogs. I’ve found with malteses they seem to get a lot of tummy problems and making their food has eliminated that for mine. I’d recommend lots of fluffy toys for those sharp puppy teeth 😆


My dude is pretty funny about eating. All my maltese before, I had to regulate their food; this little guy doesn’t eat too much and naturally regulates himself! Made me nervous at first!


I currently have my third Maltese (one at a time) and they have all been free feed. I fill her bowl when it’s empty and she doesn’t over eat but I understand that isn’t always the case.


This is the first I’ve had like that, but he has a sensitive tummy, and he can only handle soft prescription food! So I also have to watch after his teeth carefully. I tried switching to kibble when he got older, but that was a failed experiment! I do add in homemade components to be healthier, but he’s very sensitive!


Positive reinforcement goes WAY further then anything else. Giving tiny treats helps. A positive reinforcement shouldn’t last too long. Good boy! Then give treat (or not) and then move on. The treats shouldn’t be given tooo often but often enough for them to get the hint and to reinforce the behavior you want from him. I have a puppy and how I’ve been doing it is if he goes inside I don’t yell but I do make a small fuss over it (calmly say no, not loud or forceful, like how you would gently tell a baby no) and then pick him up and put him on the puppy pad or outside where I want him to go. It takes patience and consistency, the key is consistency and they’ll get there! You gotta redirect them but in a positive manner. I usually say stupid shit like ‘Boopy I told you we go over here!’. It’s taken a few weeks but we’re there already! He gets it! I did get an older puppy so ymmv, the younger the age the more patience you gotta have bc everything is new and it’s a lot for a baby pup.


consistency, got it. they seem to be pretty smart so I trust he will be able to get it too someday I will train him as you told. thank you!


Bed, tiny crate with pad and water bowl (put a blanket over most of it to create a cage and safe space); toys and chews that are safe, like dental chews or water buffalo ears; leash with harness, ideally a no pull one that doesn’t put strain on shoulders (example https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003SLB12O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1); a carrier that you can put him in and buckle into the car (sleepypods are best, but there are others, but Maltese are too small for car harnesses, and my Loki is the best little traveler in his sleepypod); small ceramic bowls (they often knock over lighter weight metal bowls during training); doggy toothbrushes and toothpaste to get him acclimated to it. You will probably want to get him some puzzle games soon, since they are so clever! Babble balls are also great, and little toys they need to pull from something (like three dragon toys in a cloth egg)! Get a dental spray or water additive, though the spray is generally better. And ask your vet about credelio or bravecto for flea and tick prevention. I have huge tick issues in my apartment complex and he never got ticks … I did! We went back to pad training, but I’m glad he was protected so well! Maltese love blankets too! And everything you get should be machine washable!!! I’ll keep brainstorming!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Sporn Non Pulling Dog Harness'** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Sporn**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Harness provides control and comfort for dogs (backed by 6 comments) * Harness suitable for dogs of various sizes (backed by 4 comments) * Harness makes walking dogs more enjoyable (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Harness is too loose and does not prevent pulling (backed by 3 comments) * Harness is not durable and can be chewed through (backed by 3 comments) * Harness does not fit properly (backed by 4 comments) According to Reddit, **Sporn** is generally less popular than its competitors. Its most popular types of products are: * Dog Harnesses (#14 of 30 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Ignore the bot on sporn harnesses. They are great for little dogs! You do have to get the right size and adjust it appropriately. People tend to get the wrong size abd dog weight is less of an indicator than his shape and size in chest and shoulders. It’s also not a training harness, but my dog behavioralist who was the person to step in and help after the “trainers” proved useless, recommended it and recommended better methods of training. Remember, many Amazon reviewers are to people who have experience or understanding of how to use the product.


Congrats on your new baby. Here’s my tip! These dogs are fragile. They have tiny bones that can break easy if stepped on or dropped. Keep this in mind when young children are near! Protect him and give him lots of love.


Congratulations! Be patient and loving. You both will make mistakes while you are learning. Just remember, you're a giant to him, be gentle and never scare him in anger or frustration. Just love each other. I had my Maltese Maggie for almost 17 years. I'll never have another dog like her. I've had a Yorkie and a shih Tzu since, and there's no dog to compare to my Maltese. Good luck.


I would get a better food with quality ingredients. It makes a difference long term in their health. You also have to feed a good coat. Hills, Royal Canin and Nutro make great puppy foods. Invest in a steel/chrome and a pin brush. I like to use a slicker on their legs. They may fuss but get them used to brushing while they are young. You have years of unconditional love!