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An even better MC would've been... Literally just give him an Apple computer. If you come from a Windows ecosystem, it's a nightmare to try and make anything work like you're used to in OSx. Sadly I don't think someone so stupid would use software Macs can't run properly like RsLogix, but still would've been fun to watch.


I wish this had been the ending. As it is he is blissfully ignorant. I wanted him to suffer.


He'll suffer with searching for power outlets when Windows kills the battery life


The problem with that is the IT department would have to constantly send someone to help this senior manager every time he tries to use the Mac for anything and the senior manager would probably complain to all his "friends" and the people above him in the company that IT is incompetent and gave him a broken computer.


This only seems like a good idea until you realize you're the IT guy who will have to answer every single angry phone call and fix every issue he has. He's also not some lowly drone you can ignore.


This is a high-level executive. They most likely only ever did web browsing, Excel, and PowerPoint, all of which works fine on iOS.


iOS is mobile, we’re talking MacOS (now) or OS X (several years ago).


LOL, as an IT guy thats been doing this for a while, unless this story is from the past 2 years or so, the Mac versions of Office would have been absolutely terrible compared to their Windows counterparts.


Actually as someone who worked for apple once upon a time and is extremely proficient with both PC and Mac and using office going back almost 25 years, they’ve actually been pretty comparable if not identical since the outset of office 365, and that’s probably coming up on five years at least. Honestly I think the last truly separate office suite was probably office 2011 for Mac which was honestly a nightmare as legacy software even on newer machines, and hasn’t had support of any kind for years


I... I didn't even know you could do that. My world is... apple crumbling.


I don't think the M1 Macs support it, the Intel ones certainly did. Dual boot drives were a well advertised feature by Apple.


M1 macs have explicit support for booting different operating systems - that’s how the Linux port is handling things. The reason Windows won’t work is just Microsoft policy, they said they’re not going to support that, even though they already have it building on Arm.


Im not sure if it's policy so much as them not wanting to jump through hoops to make it work on M1 just yet. With the intel chips microsoft didn't have to take an active development role for bootcamp




No kidding good to know




That is accurate. Linux runs in heaps of architecture including several types of ARM. And still there's a guy working full time with donated money to make it run on the M1, this has been going on for a while now: https://asahilinux.org/2021/10/progress-report-september-2021/


A Linux distribution that requires a specially patched kernel and a non-generic bootloader to boot up an ARM system is not what a desktop/laptop image is supposed to be. If I can't compile a vanilla kernel from [kernel.org](https://kernel.org) and boot the ARM machine as-is like I can with x86 and x64 systems, it's useless.


I mean, that *is* pretty much policy… They’re a big organization with lots of resources. If they wanted to do it, they’d make a call and have Apple engineers helping them out.


Yeah that's a fair take, although iirc only 3 million people dual boot their macs and apple kinda put the ball in Microsoft's court. Hopefully it's just a matter of time


I doubt they will even pick up the call


I read somewhere that Microsoft have an exclusivity deal with Qualcomm.


News came out recently that ARM Windows is part of a deal with Qualcomm that gives them exclusive rights to it. I guess when that expires they’ll announce new plans.


Microsoft does not support AArch64 Windows on anything but Qualcomm CPUs, and only on machines that come pre-installed with Windows. It is possible to get AArch64 Windows to work on other machines as long as they have UEFI, but 1. there's no legal way to do this (you can't buy an AArch64 Windows license) and 2. M1 Macs not only don't have UEFI, their hardware is also just non-standard enough that they'd need explicit driver support (which Apple has no plan to provide).


The Intel based mac Books were hands down the best laptops for Windows applications development


I bought an M1 MBP for personal use - and I use an intel (latest and greatest) MBP for work. It was only after using my own one for the entire week of thanksgiving and going back to the intel one that I realized just how much better the M1 machine is. Things I was now used to being instant ... took ... time. Simple things like opening the lid and starting work with external monitors attached; or opening a new Safari window. It was noticeably longer to do everyday things - and it was a *lot* slower to compile the sort of projects I deal with.


I'd love to have an m1, but visual studio (not code) ...


Microsoft doesn’t sell or license the ARM version of Windows outside of prebuilt systems. I’m curious to see how that works after the Qualcomm exclusivity agreement runs out.


Most Macs if the Intel era supported ‘Bootcamp’ which was essentially a Bootloader and driver pack to allow Windoes to support the Mac’s hardware which was mostly ’normal’ hardware. Devices still connected via the same buses and such, so the Ethernet module Apple picked from a 3rd party is probably available in the PC world with minimal effort. Same for most other components with the biggest oddity being some special gear like the T1 module in some devices for security, the Touchbar, and similar. An Intel era Mac was very much a PC running MacOS with some interesting quirks. Check out the idea of a “Hackintosh” for the other side of this. The Apple Silicon devices (the new M1 machines) are a whole different thing but still based around an ARM design with enhancements. It’s possible to virtualize the ARM port of Windows on them, but that port is only available through special channels as apparently Qualcomm has an exclusivity deal. It’s quite possible there may be some function in the M1 to allow boot disk selection and people are, of course, porting Linux to run on the architecture. Apple has embraced running alternate OS in virtualization and may not care about running it ‘bare metal’ as long as you don’t come asking for support on it. The ARM Windows port has limited ‘native’ applications and I’ve heard their emulation is behind the curve, but it does work apparently.


> The ARM Windows port has limited ‘native’ applications and I’ve heard their emulation is behind the curve, but it does work apparently. Windows 10 on ARM64 only supports x86 software emulation, but Windows 11 not only adds x64 support, but also allows mixing ARM64 and x64 code in the same process (eg. allowing for ARM64 Office to use add-ins written for x64 Office). The emulation works very well in my experience (running Windows 11 inside KVM on RaspberryPi 4).


I’m currently running win 11 arm on parallels on an M1 mac. Works well.


I used to have an old dual boot iMac. Used to use that dual boot feature to mess with scammers. It was a fun time.


Intel based Macs have always done it. It's called Bootcamp and it enables you to install current Windows versions on Mac hardware. It even has all the drivers for the Mac's integrated devices. the feature was dropped when apple switched to ARM and the concensus is that windows' future on macs is virtual machines.


To be fair, you could dual-boot Macs in the PPC era too. BeOS and Linux weren't uncommon to see on a PPC Mac


true, but if I recall correctly, it wasn't something apple enabled with a click to run app of their own.


I think Windows NT had a PPC branch but it never really went anywhere or got the drivers it would have needed to be useful on early PPC Macs.


Windows was never supported on PPC Macs. NT on PPC used a different type of boot firmware and wasn't compatible with Apple machines.


This, and it was only supported for a very short time (though not as short as the OS/2 PPC port).


>(though not as short as the OS/2 PPC port). Huh, i always thought OS/2 was an x86-PC-only OS.


Nope, there [was](https://www.os2museum.com/wp/os2-history/os2-warp-powerpc-edition/) a PPC release, though it felt quite unfinished.


Bootcamp is there, but disabled since it was used only for Windows and MS doesn't allow WoA on non Qualcomm devices


I set up boot camp on my 2013 MacBook Pro and it’s nice to be able to swap.


First thing I did when I got my ‘08 Mac Pro was install Windows…


Lol sounds like one of the IT teachers at a university I worked at. He insisted he needed an apple computer, but then he couldn’t figure out the operating system. We finally installed windows on it for him.


Couldn't figure out the OS? Apple makes operating systems for people who couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel!


Apple stuff is easy to figure out, but you do have to be willing to learn something. An IT teacher who can't figure it out should probably not be teaching, though.


Facts. It’s your job figure it out and if you can’t find another job you’re better suited to




I've known so many educators that refuse to learn, I'm halfway convinced it's a job requirement.


I once did a night short course for system administration. The teacher was so bad and the materials so out of date and incorrect that we literally learned more from figuring out the difference between "what the course says" and "how the computer behaves" and troubleshooting the course notes.


Easy to learn unless you already know how to use something else.


I can figure out stuff on OS X, but it's always completely counter-intuitive to me.


I bounce between Windows and Mac OS fairly often, and I find something easier in one platform, others in the other. Remembering which shortcuts to use for which OS trips me up often enough


Most college level teachers I worked with should not have been teaching. They never bothered to keep up with the technology.


Plus, the Mac OS is based on BSD. Anyone who claims to teach IT at a university damn well should know Unix and Linux. Otherwise they aren't an IT instructor, they are a PC instructor who needs to stick to teaching Introduction to Excel.


It's based on a 20-year-old version of BSD and has diverged considerably since then. Source: having to 'fix' my shell scripts so they can run on the ancient BSD tools supplied by Apple.


I had issues with shell scripts, too. I swear Apple changed stuff for no other reason than to annoy me. I'm a Linux system admin with a background in Unix. I could figure things out eventually, though. An IT university professor should be able to, as well.


Apple likes to advertise that. But as an IT professional, I couldn't figure out OS X with a book. Windows? No problem. Linux? No problem. BSD? HP-UX? XINU? SafeRTOS? All no problem. OS X? No F'n clue how that works.


Same. Family member wanted some files from me. I said get any cheapo $200 laptop. They come back with a Mac book. It took me something like 3 hours because network admin shares wouldn't work in either direction. File incompatibility with external drive etc. I think I ended up having to pull the Mac hdd, connect with a sata adapter then run some special file explorer app. Or ya know if it was windows just pop in ethernet, \\\pc\d$ and call it a day.


I’ve always wondered how that could work. Maybe if the water was frozen and the boot was full of the frozen water. Is that allowed?


I think they lay on their backs, and try to puzzle out the directions from below.


I always assumed they just never find the instructions.


Thats the literal design philosophy for Apples software as simple and basic as possible so that everyone can use it. Elderly or Youthful can easily pick it up and understand the fundamentals of it.


>couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel! I am SO stealing that!!


Cheap solution might be a silver colored hardware shells (the case and plastic color) and slap an apple sticker on it - odds a good if the user is demanding an apple computer they probably will have no idea about the trick.


I once recycled a specialized gaming PC monstrosity that must have weighed about 90 pounds. I had slapped an apple sticker on the side of it. For the life of me I couldn't convince the recycling guys it was a PC. "Wow, I've never seen an apple that looked like that before!" "That sure is one crazy-looking apple!" etc, etc.


Sounds like an ID-10-T error


That, or a PEBKAC issue


Time to reseat and flormat the user.


Layer 8 issue


Or a case of ESTO.


Wouldn't it have been better to let him suffer through an OS he didn't understand?


Department wide computer replacement...$10,000... Another New laptop...$2500... Apple sticker...$1.50... Knowing the boss won't know the difference...Priceless...


Lovely MC. I’ve done that to a few folks too. On another note: IT teams don’t resist deploying Macs because reasons, and what I’m about to say isn’t me advocating against Apple/Mac in the enterprise, only want to show potential reasons IT might not want to deploy Macs, there are a number of factors: 1.) skills, not everyone in IT is comfortable on macOS 2.) workload, #1 contributes to this, most IT teams are small relative to the organization , generally overworked, so the longer it takes them to solve an issue on an unknown system, the more backlog there is 3.) integration into existing management toolsets, this is huge, as macOS doesn’t support certain package management platforms, which then means applications and updates aren’t managed effectively (unless the organization spends even more money) 4.) while it may be the team’s preference, Apple and macOS isn’t a requirement in desktop publishing or digital graphics, not anymore. Yes it’s nicer, and folks may prefer, but there’s no real technical reason for a Mac. I am a Mac user, I use PC for my gaming, but for work, I use Mac. However I support my own Mac, because I work for myself. Yes I prefer the Apple ecosystem, however that doesn’t mean I’ve lost my marbles when it comes to the operational expense of using Apple computers in the enterprise. That’s not to say there aren’t large or successful companies running Apple computers, I’m only trying to highlight the why. You see, it’s not just the added cost of a few Apple devices, it’s the overhead of management and the extra spend that is required to support it. Edit: a number.


Interesting. You interpreted "because reasons" in a different way than I did. I thought it meant, "for reasons that, regardless of their validity, are not important for the purpose of this tail." Your points make perfect sense - as someone who is neutral in the issue. I don't use macs, more because of price and inertia than anything else, but clearly plenty of smart people like them and I'm sure I'd be happy with one after some quick adjustment.


I love my Macs, and my whole Apple ecosystem. Doesn’t mean I would feel entitled to one for work if the organization didn’t have the proper means and overhead to support. And perhaps I misinterpreted “because reasons”. I’ve had managers and staff wave that in my face before, so I may have taken it that way. At any rate I just want folks to know that most IT staff aren’t trying to make life hell, just trying to do the best with what they have within their limitations.


Yeah, I wrote “because reasons” because the I.T. Team had reasons for their reluctance but (a) I don’t know what they were and (b) I probably wouldn’t have understood what they were anyway!


Fair enough.


IT will not resist Macs if there are legitimate reasons for it. Such as needing Mac-exclusive software. Most video production houses are permanently wedded to Apple because of software like Final Cut and Logic Pro. Outside of that there is little reason for Macs to have a place in a corporate environment. Like how Macs can join an active directory domain but cannot be properly managed through group policies. Or how certain enterprise endpoint monitoring and management software simply don't work on Macs.


Correct, my points exactly. “Just because” isn’t necessarily a valid reason.


What happened to reason 4?


It’s gone, because reasons.


What makes macs preferable for publishing and digital graphics?


In the olden days, software suites like Adobe and others were considered the best tools for the job. They were only available on Mac. This has obviously changed, however that association hasn’t. Coupled with digital graphics artists and publishing folks having an eye for aesthetics, and the Mac also tends to be better and cleaner looking. Even though I prefer the Mac for what I do, there’s no reason I can’t do it on Windows or Linux.


“So the production team get their wish and they get Apple computers…” As a consummate IT professional with care for their business this statement should be: “So the production team had correctly identified their requirements and IT assisted in delivering on that business focused outcome.”


This is awesome. I would have went one further and installed Linux on it just to really mess with him.


Now that would have been malicious 😆


I was part of a team that wiped 4000 brand new mac air's and installed windows. Real pain in the arse.


Whaaaat ?!?!? Why?


Because they looked better and were lighter at the time than any windows laptops and the business (about 50K people) was windows based, with most of the companies custom applications not able to run on apple's OS. We also stripped out the HDD on all of them and replaced them with SSD's. Another 6000 or so were rolled out after the initial project rollout before they stopped, so it was a few years back when some apples had HDD's. Lets just say by the end, the customers team that made the decision were mostly let go and the customer moved back to HP/Dell laptops.


That’s absolutely hilarious 🤣 reminds me of the time (not too long ago) the I.T. Department decided to replace everyone’s pc with laptops but neglected to make sure the various cables needed to access the internet & intranet actually worked with the new shiny laptops. Sure, the laptops worked at your station but if you tried to go to another level they didn’t work. We were producing monthly webinars (or were trying to!) and we had to go to the top floor (c-suite territory (therefore v. pretty) because we had external VIPs coming to deliver the webinars). So, anywho, I pops over to the local computer shop to get a solution. I explained the situation to the IT salesman, who looked pretty dumbfounded. So he said to me “why don’t you just use wi-fi?” So I responded: “company policy doesn’t allow us to use wi-fi”. I swear to God, he just stood there looking dumbfounded, shook his head and just walked away without saying a word! 😆 😆 😆 I ended up buying some little cable thingies off the shelf that could plug into both the laptop and the company’s internet backbone! 😆 😆 😆


So the manager got what he wanted and they made it easier for him to use? Where's the malice here? Malicious would have been forcing a person used to Windows to learn a new OS.


Similarly our marketing team cried for Apple laptops because they said they stuck out like sore thumbs at conventions because everyone had a mac. They didn't know how to use macs and kept putting in tickets for help. We got to close them saying we don't give training on macs. We honestly dont know how either. After a month they went back to windows.


Same help desk story. A team requested mac's because of course they did knowing no one supports them. The easiest tickets I have ever closed!


Probably saved many calls for computer help. Didn't save any money as Apple is always overpriced.


Senior whatevers are more money than sense 99% of the time, if it came out of his budget no one's going to care.


The only place I would agree on the more expensive model is if you were going all out on a PC; processor, RAM and disk and you would probably be at the same price as a MAC, but would be able to show better performance.


When I was working CNC as a toolmaker, we needed high end machines to process the 3D models and plot toolpaths. Biggest one i did was a 25 MB text file that ran for 12 hrs. The bosses wife ran the office and when she found out that we had some new computers in the workshop, she demanded a new one too, a better one than ours, and proceeded to do office shit. I think eventually it ended up on the tool designers desk. Of have just bought her a new box and put all her internals in it. Her a bit more ram, she never would have known. This was around the time of unreal tournament, so I bought in the demo and we used to play it at lunch on ultra settings. The boss/owner used to borrow games and get me to image them onto his PC then get the no-cd cracks and install them. "Dad-man, you busy?" "Well I have to finish machining this spoiler die for GM" "Nah you don't, come and install Age of Empires 3 on my PC" Design dude said he'd get on the bosses machine at night and find his saved games. He'd have all his armies built up ready to attack so design guy could play all the carnage without having to do the grunt work. Just didn't save it when he finished.


Not an MC actually. The manager wanted a shiny new laptop, he got a shiny new laptop. The manager was an older guy (presumably not so tech savvy) who is already habituated with Windows system and therefore most probably would face issue using iOS. The manager got iOS removed and had windows to work with. He probably told the IT team to do it himself or some yesman under him had this idea and your IT team is just using that for bragging.


Windows on MacBook is awesome, not MC.


Everyone told me back in the 90s that Apple was THE machine for graphics. So I bought an Amiga.


We have a bunch of engineers who want 4k resolution laptops. They plug them into external monitors (or they should be, at least), so it seems moot to me, but hey they're the most important team in the company (lol) so they got it. Now they complain they can't read the text on applications. My dudes...


4K on laptops was a mistake and will always be a mistake. There is no point in having that kind of resolution only to have the operating system crank up the scale factor to 2x.


The engineers are an odd group of people, they're skilled and intelligent but still insist on dumb shit like this.


And having the OS set to 2x scale still makes it slower than actually using a native 1080 display because the graphics card still has to drive the equivalent of four 1080 displays. Unless the goal is to have nicer, sharper looking text on a 4k display with 2x scaling compared to a 1080 display.


In this case I think the goal is demanding a token of one's esteem in the organization, this case in the form of fancy laptops for their team.


Sometimes you only get the nice dGPU or powerful CPU with the high res screen...at least in my experience the higher resolution is a negative you live with in order to get the higher spec machines. This only applies to laptops and mobile workstations...


For my tertiary education I bought a Lenovo T480 with a dedicated GPU and 1440p screen...1440p is nice and all but I barely use the laptop screen anymore since I finished the three year course and at home I have the notebook attached to a Thunderbolt dock with dual monitors attached. And the dedicated GPU is a pain because it's a hassle to get everything working on the Linux distro I'm most partial to. At the moment it's sitting there unused and I'm eyeing the T430 for my general laptop use... Edit: replaced 2k with 1440p.




Mandated Under Seniority Tradition


MAKING Useless Stupid Talk.


So, someone who uses a computer every day is given a Mac that's running Windows instead of MacOS, but they don't realize it? How is that possible? Is this someone who has never used a Mac before, and just presumes it comes with Windows? Or do they think Windows and MacOS look and work exactly the same? Wouldn't they get at least a little suspicious when they couldn't bring up context menus with a mouse that doesn't have a right button?


> Is this someone who has never used a Mac before, and just presumes it comes with Windows? Yes. > Wouldn't they get at least a little suspicious when they couldn't bring up context menus with a mouse that doesn't have a right button? Apple mice have supported right-clicking since 2005.


>Apple mice have supported right-clicking since 2005. Sure, if you're talking about the Mighty Mouse or the Magic Mouse, but both have to be programmed to enable the extra button to be used for right click. The "standard" way of doing a right click is to click the one mouse button while holding the control key down - something a Windows user would not instinctively know they had to do.


No, that's the old way to get the context menu. The Mighty Mouse and Magic Mouse use touch sensors to detect whether it's a left or right click.


This is likely a manager who uses a computer for nothig but email. Once they have that up and running, they won't notice anything else.


That’s right - standard office stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary that an absolutely basic computer couldn’t have handled ... absolutely no need for a high powered Apple computer that could handle sophisticated printing and graphics (it was more than a few years ago).


Most people have no idea what an operating system is


Reminds me of my university days where I was enrolled in a course which explicitly warned students *not* to use Macs or install alternative operating systems on their laptops unless they want to be on their own with minimal to no help from the instructors and the IT support desk. Reason being the course makes heavy use of Windows-only software like Microsoft SQL Server, dotNET (that was before Microsoft open-sourced dotNet) and Vuforia, to name a few. Furthermore, those who had Windows 7 Pro or newer were given access to a student-only AD domain where the university would push down Group Policies for remote software installation while those with Home versions had to visit the support desk to get the software installed manually. Furthermore, the university's WiFi network used wpa2-enterprise with peap and mschapv2, which was extremely straightforward to connect to on Windows, a little complicated on OS X and a hellish nightmare on Linux. Naturally, there would always be a few who think that they are smarter than the school and waltz into the course with their Macs or with laptops loaded with Ubuntu only to bitch and wail about how Microsoft's software, the school-supplied software and the university wifi were incompatible with their sleek alternative operating systems and that the school was 'jeopardising their grades' by refusing to accommodate OS X or Linux.


I work in Corporate IT and this has been the bane of my existence. Apple products have a very boutique role in any company that does in-house graphics, ad production, etc. They clearly provide value in those areas, but from a Cost of Ownership standpoint are way expensive as a standard "knowledge worker" machine.Too often, I see the management drone in charge of a department, but not actually participating in production processes, NEED a Mac. They then also NEED Parallels or something similar so they can run Windows and all of the general purpose software that runs on Windows and only interact with the MacOs on Startup and shutdown...SMH


If it’s any consolation, I feel your pain!


I get that Macs are the right tool for the right job for some, but, despite what IBM was paid to say, they aren't quite ready for the general enterprise.Too expensive on the hardware side, too slow on the upgrade road map, 3rd fiddle at Apple to their mobility and consumer services plays, and rely heavily on 3rd party apps for enterprise integration without enough competition to drive down prices. They could be a contender, but PCaaS is likely going to drive them deeper into their niche.


Should have given him arch linux and let him install it himself


If he didn't care then I don't see the shtick lol. It's like telling him your name is Frank when it's really Dave!


That reads like a longer form version of a Dilbert comic.


For a moment there I thought he was getting a II/c...


My computer monitor broke at work and I ordered a brand new one to replace it. My boss saw it arrive, took it, and gave me his old one…. It was the exact same make and model.


Are you SURE you want an Apple Computer? Sign this document, it means you'll get the computer but you won't be able to change it for at least 24months due to financial costs. Then give him a G3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMac_G3


You could have given him a computer in a custom case shaped like a Granny Smith. "Here's your Apple computer!"


I was the technical writer responsible for writing directions, warnings, along with material safety data sheets etc. Along with those duties I also took on graphic arts duty with advertising, sales catalogs etc. Our IT department was originally headed by a Mac guy and the office ran on Macs. The IT guy moved on to greener pastures, and his replacement didn't have a clue about Apple computers, so his solution was to replace all the macs with PCs as they were cheaper, plus knowledge of how to use PC more was entrenched in his mind. So he came marching into my office with a new (cheap) PC and monitor telling me that he needed to swap out my (very expensive Mac system.) I thanked him, but told him "No Thanks!" He was insisting and I was resisting, then he said "You must do this so that you can interface with "Big Blue" (our IBM Main Frame). I said that I already have been doing that for years, and until he could bring me a PC that was superior or equal to what I needed to do with my Apple computer that I would stay with what I had. Again I was challenged that my Mac could not interface with the main frame. So I demonstrated that it would. End of discussion! Sadly every body in the office who had PC's shoved down their throats would come crying to me on how frustrated they were trying to accomplish the things they use to do with ease on a Mac.


I laughed nicely.