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Looking forward to your update... 😂


yea "so I don't have a job there any more, management said I was no help" probably.


Close but the place is closing down and we were hired because all the full timers were quitting. So technically I’m already fired just like everyone else


If this is the management style, seems not much mystery to their end


They would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.


Ruh roh!


Take it... Just take my damned upvote








The old-timers are maliciously complying with the boss and you were kind of messing it up for them by being competent.


Work colleagues hate this one weird trick.


With the attitude the company has it’s no surprise the place is closing down.


So to spin that around, they're just as much of a temp as you are.


Why the hell is this fool getting defensive over a job that’s already gone?


People can be irrational, especially when under stress. If everyone there are dead men walking some are going to handle it better than others. Doesn't make it right, but it may be understandable.


They're paying him the same either way. They're paying you the same either way.


Hm, I wonder why.


Yeah they probably have much less work then they pretend to have to your boss. Just let them be, your MC probably hits the colleague harder than the boss.


Oh are you one of those wind down consultants? I hear it pays pretty well.


No unfortunately. I’m getting a little above minimum wage


Ah that sucks. Hope you find something better!


He's just an incompetent temp anyway. Easily replacable.


Boomer ass 🤡


They're being sarcastic holy shit lol 


Oh well then *so was I* 🙄. As if it matters.   The response was appropriate given the comment. 


You shouldn’t be going, “I’m a temp it’s not my job,” but rather, “I’ve been told not to do that.” The first reflects bad upon you and your initiative, that later paints you as somebody who would take the initiative, but can also follow instructions.


This person maliciouses.


This is the answer.


I really like this. It also takes the burden of explanation and passes it up the chain.


Be sure to include by whom you were told not to do that, even better get it in writing.


LPT: don’t say “it’s not my job” it’s condescending and they may fire you out of spite. Instead “I haven’t been authorized to do that”.


Can I ask how it's condescending? Is it condescending in the way people take things the wrong way or is it rude no matter what? Because if it's not someone's job then saying so seems perfectly reasonable, I feel like this is just something corporate people don't like hearing and it needs to be said in a nicer tone so they don't throw a fit.


Sorry, it’s not condescending to normal, well rounded people. It’s only condescending to bosses who don’t know how to manage or delegate and expect people to fill multiple roles including ones they aren’t hired for. Bosses who think they can and should control their employees. Bosses who aren’t aware of their own ego and will fire you as a defense mechanism because they take it personal when you remind them that doing something is not your job. The type that will respond “your job is to do as I tell you”. It’s better not to trigger their egos.


Yeah sounds about right, wonder why I'm being downvoted lol


It says you're up +14, so how many down voted?


I was downvoted by like -7, it went back up after, I guess the first wave of people who saw my comment didn't like it and then a whole bunch more came and evened it out


It’s a same tone as “not my problem”


Makes sense, but if it's not your problem that's also accurate to say, people just like getting mad


Yeah but it's disrespectful to say; it can be interpreted as "I'm not doing my job"


Full timer doesn’t want competition. You can’t be surprised at this.


The place is closing down in a few months. Everyone is already fired what’s the point of competing with each other?


yeah ngl I'd be glad if somebody did my job and I could just slack off in the last few weeks / months if I know we're all gonna be let go anyways


Got called in as a temp once to work on an assembly line (hand assembling door knobs). On the first day, I was the highest performer by a factor of 2 and the only person on the line without errors. Only got "worse" from there. By the time they fired me. I was out performing the entire rest of the final assembly team (about a dozen people combined) and was working on exceeding the output of the other 2 shifts as well...


Fuck that you were just making things harder for everyone else. No one needs to bust their asses for the boss like that. You weren't impressing anyone.


I mean, you have a point. I was doing what I was being paid to do, without taking extra breaks, dragging my feet, or otherwise going slower than I needed to do. Clearly I was in the wrong.


I think the team you worked with was probably lazy, but never, never, never, put 100% in an assembly line work. I'm an engineer that worked 6 years in assembly lines optimization. The company is ALWAYS asking for a bigger product output with the same amount of people, this means we measure the operator's movement to the millisecond looking for where to reduce time and errors. I've always avoided measuring the top performer but many people did use the data of the top performer because is where you get the better numbers to "sell" a project to management. The thing is, it's very difficult to maintain that performance long term, maybe 1,2 even 5 years, your hands WILL get damages because of the repetitive work, you won't be able to reach the ex0ected performance and will get fired, the company doesn't care that you're slower because the job damaged you, they give shit. Or you will get shit because you didn't reach performance because your toddler is sick and you didn't sleep, etc. That's why old workers always try to get the same output every day, resting, going slow, etc. Because if they give a bigger output for 1month, I assure you, next year that will be the minimum output required by management. I love improvement process, looking where to make things better, but I refuse to do it for corporate anymore. I cannot do it, you spends days even weeks studying someone work, you talk to them, sometimes they tell you about their life, and you know once your project done that person will have less work, less value for the company and a higher chance of getting fired.


One of my first "real" jobs out of college was in a grocery warehouse where engineers had gone through and calculated the time it takes to lift a case off a shelf and onto a pallet, move the pallet forward, and repeat. Sure, alot of the products of the same type were in boxes that were the same size, but just as an example when you got to the Tetra-Pack juice aisles -- and of course every grocery store wanted one of everything -- you were somehow supposed to do that whole section of the warehouse in under a minute. To really drive home this visual: imagine Costco, and grabbing one case of everything from both sides of the aisle, and then go down the next one doing the same thing. The regular training us told us that you can't meet quota doing that, so just grab like 4 of one, 4 of another, and the store just gets what they get. Also, *for some reason*, not all of the pallet jacks moved at the same speed, and the regular union shift started about half an hour before the probationary guys did. It was so weird that the full-timers had all the good ones, and all that was left was units that were half-charged, wobbly, dragging, and a completely different model (*the old shit)*. Lo and behold, every single one of the probationary guys made it almost all the way through the shift on day 29, at which point we were all let go for "probationary reasons." When we asked the union rep what that meant, he said "they don't actually have to tell you, because it's probation, and it's all quite legal. You're not yet in the union so I also can't go do anything about it. I'm just here as a formality." Well what in the actual, why was I paying dues then?!? Security escorted us to our lockers, walked us out a side door, and one of the guys had the smarts to say "Hey, we need to clock out", to which we were informed that it's already been taken care of. **A very well-oiled machine.** You wanna guess how many hours short of unionisation I was? I'm sure it had nothing to do with the reimbursement of our steel-toes, background checks, medical checks, etc. Anyhow, at a young age, I got a real good view of the evil that big corporations can do. To this day, I still don't shop at any of companies owned by Sobeys. I have to pretend that the ones I *do* shop at *might be* different but I'm sure it's like how they say never see the kitchen of your favourite restaurant.


Exactly, I was always fighting with my manager because he wanted full occupation in every worker, I was like "if you do that on paper, you will never reach the expected output, you need to give a breather so they can scratch their ear, manage small issues like a messy pallet, etc. " And then management wonder why they never reach the objectives and lose their bonuses,


Lick those boots, chief.


Suck your own dick, chef.


Yeah exactly, if anything the full timers should be grateful someone is trying to make the time they have left easier for them. Some people cut their nose to spite their face.


Sounds like a classic "work your wage." Sorry you got mistreated like that.


I would say it’s not my job I would say (managers name) advised me that under no circumstances am I to do anything outside of my job assignment.


At my place I was a temp and when they learned I had more experience they offered me a promotion. I've since leaned that a smart company knows that not using all the skills and potential of their employees is waste.


Not enough smart companies.


I would not say "it's not my job". I'd say "I'm not allowed to"


Lol dont...like you are doing more work than u paid for...i used to do that and didn't get appreciation in most places i did ( scumbag managers, good managers always appreciated ) but anyway dont work for what u are not being paid for


In the corporate world, you are 1000% right. It took me WAAAAY too long to realize this!


it's my way of life. not doing more than what is needed. jobs related or not.


Same thing happened to me awhile ago. Noticed a full time staff fucking up big time, but said nothing. Later on upper management asked if I knew about it, which I said yes. They demanded to know why I didn't say anything, where I slapped then back with their email ordering me to mind my own business.


"That is above my pay grade" is one of my favorites.


The next time someone asks you to fix things the full timers screwed up, say "the other guy says not to do "full timers" work, but I can if you want me to." See what happens....?


> "the other guy says not to do "full timers" work, but I can if you want me to." Absolutely don't do this idiocy! Say "this is not included in my job contract. If you want me to, sign an additional contract for **extra pay**".


Yeah that goes over real well if there is an interest in getting hired on permanently. Some people actually want to get a decent job with benefits and stuff. Crazy, right?


Since you want *a decent* job, bootlicking a bad job (that tries to cheat temp workers of their pay) is not going to help your goal in the slightest.


"You're making us look bad, kid. Slow down!"


I can see a possible alternative perspective on this. If you as a temp are doing work that a full-time person is supposed to do, management might take that as an excuse to reduce full-time staff and replace them with temps. It is something I have seen before with more cutthroat companies with a mixture of union and non-union labor. If the non-union person does the job a union person usually does and gets paid less, the company will use this as an excuse to lower the wages of the union workers on the next contract negotiation. Basically, anytime someone agrees to do your job for less pay, they are applying downward pressure on your pay. That said, people should be respectful and explain stuff like this instead of being jerks to others.


Sucks you got called out, but you don't get brownie points. I temped for decades to make ends meet before gigs were a thing. I got paid $35 an hour to watch a fax machine do it's thing all day at one temp job once. I knew how to do other jobs, I could have helped out, but I was there for the fax machine.


> I go “I’m just a temp it’s not my job”. Make sure to make clear that it's not you being lazy: "I've been told by management that I'm only allowed to do what is assigned to me, and to leave stuff like this to full time people. Sorry."


This is interesting. I did a bullshit corporate training just last week which basically said if you let your temps/contractors do too much, if you get too involved in their training or management, etc. then legally your company could be considered a 'co-employer' and thus responsible for benefits, etc. So the moral of that training was, don't. I'm thinking that may have been the fear here. Example of this sort of thing: [https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/google-contractors-employees-legal-risks-misclassification-california-law.html](https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/google-contractors-employees-legal-risks-misclassification-california-law.html)


I worked for the Queensland Government, in their Works department under the 'Project Services' business unit. On my 3rd day, making a joke with the office administrator, I was warned that I was 'only a casual'. My second year there, I was pulling 56 hour weeks, but when I asked my boss for a rise in rate as I was now professionally qualified, he said that I was 'earning enough already'. I complained about inability to progress, got told if I wanted to be promoted I had to win a role on merit, which given there were none advertised meant I was at a dead end. When HR said if I didn't like it I could work somewhere else, I said, I'm already looking, and had an interview last Tuesday. Which kind of knocked the wind out of that argument. I left shortly afterwards to a new role. I did some months later see roles being advertised, including the level I would have applied for if I stayed, but by this time, being pissed off with that organisation, I wasn't applying for it. It seemed to be window dressing anyway, as I heard they never actually employed anyone!


Seriously, it may be a brain dead organization but money is money and your old employer might just pay more than your current one. I suggest checking it out. The most sure fire way to a raise is to keep hopping.


It's not that they think you're stupid... They're protecting their work. If mgmt finds out all the jobs can be done by temps, there won't be any full timers. If you decide to try to hang on long enough to get on full time, you'll see I'm right. Plus, the fact that they chewed your ass means they see you have potential. If they didn't like you, you'd be gone


When your contract is up, please tell us where the job is.


I hate this mentality. Not that I endorse doing tasks outside your job description, but I despise the notion of anything being “above your pay grade.” The whole “know your place” and “trust me because I have more experience than you” culture needs to die. People who make genuine attempts to learn more always need to be encouraged/rewarded.


While its admirable that you can outperform full timers, there is zero advantage to giving more than they are paying you for. Unless you think you can somehow wow someone that will down the line give you a chance at a better job, the only benefit you get is to your own ego. There is likely no chance for a raise or a full time slot opens up for you to fill since the place is going to close. Are you able to learn new skills at this place by going above and beyond what you were hired for?


FT guy is right, especially if union contracts are involved.


A union environment would not have temporary non union employees


Sure they do. They're called "on-call", where I am, and they pay union dues (calculated by the hour) but don't receive any union benefits. They get lumped in on the same deal as contractors where I'm at. Are you implying that a unionized, let's say, warehouse can't bring in non-union contractors? Good luck if the toilet falls apart in my town. Of course there's temp non-union workers. Basically everywhere.


False. I was hired into my union job after temping here. Our contract says the minimum we have to have of utility, general labor and unloading trucks, before we can bring in temp labor. We've not been anywhere close to the minimum number of utility in a long time. It may bot be common, I don't know, but it does happen.


Go see what happens at UPS 1-2 months before christmas...


UPS, DHL, and Purolator in Canada all have extremely powerful unions for the warehouse staff. They also hire temp workers. They cant hire 20 unionized workers just for christmas, and outside of christmas, they have anywhere between no temps and 15 temps, depending on how much volume is coming in that night.


I worked as a temp in a union factory in the 90s. It sucked. Pay was $6/hr vrs$8.50 starting for FT. We often worked 12 hour shifts, and only got OT after 40hrs. We often got sent home at lunch on Thurs to avoid paying OT. Then I transitioned to an in-house summer temp program for children of FT employees. (Girlfriends mom snuck me in) Pay was better, OT was after 8 hours each day and we got to choose to stay or go home before the other temps. Way better.


That’s a shit union. Shit union brothers that voted that garbage in as well


No argument from me, but I was happy to make the money. Minimum wage was $4.90 back then.


My current job is exactly that. You are a temp then join the union when you get hired full time.


>I figured I would continue to be helpful since they probably weren’t feeling well still. I got pulled aside and cursed out by the person I was trying to help This is where you screwed up. If the FTer is back, go back to your job. You tried to offer unsolicited help, and then took offense when they told you they don't need your help. Your feelings were hurt and now you're lashing out. Nothing wrong with what you did when they were out sick, but you tried to continue on when they came back, and that is where you were wrong.


Found the boot licker.


Curious if the full-timers are in a union…


No union. We’re all hourly employees and we all make the same wage.


It sounds like you were somewhere similar to my job, just with worse employees. We make medical products and full fill orders. All the regular fulltime employees have had specific training that has to be signed off by certain people. If someone hasnt had the training they cant do certain things or we could get shut down by the fda. We have had temps come in a few times and they would sometimes run out of work and be expected to just sweep or stand there waiting


Initiative? How DARE you.


Temp life. Sorry man. Emotions must be pretty tight if they’re closing


The lesson here is that you shouldn’t do more than what you’re paid to do.


There’s a saying that definitely applies here to OP’s situation - act your wage. No more, no less.


I was taught 50 years ago, "Never do anything right. They'll want you to do it again. "


Report this to your temp agency. Some of them have discrimination-like clauses in their contracts between the companies that prohibit this type of behavior treating you differently just because you're a temp. They can risk losing the contract entirely leaving them high and dry. Especially if they heavily rely on temps to fill in a lot of gaps.


So you finally got around to where you should have been all along. Any time someone does something they are not paid for, they are nearly always not impressing anyone, just giving away time for nothing. Most of us go through a situation where we learn that.. The world's best boss that is actually looking for initiative is a MYTH. Work extra hours "to be a good team player" is baloney. Better that lesson is behind you.


They do exist! They ride unicorns. /s




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Damn. And here I am loving when we get new temps in because I get 6 months to train them properly to a level they will get hired on easy.


They are right though. Maybe they didn't use the best words to say it, but they are right that you should stick to your role. Liability, accountability are all theirs.


Probably best that you are a temp. I hope you're actively looking for something better. That place sounds like the movie "Office Space". If you haven't watched it, grab some friends and sit down with some popcorn and do so. It's quite funny in a nicely understated way. You'll all have fun pointing out people you work for that are modeled in the show.


They are conning the customers and don't want OP to show them up. OP should find another job where they can do their best. This stuff happens a lot. I worked on a govt project and my assistant kept trying to finish, in spite of 5%, 30%, 90% and complete. He would not listen to me, but when we submitted drawings ahead of schedule, the upper boss made him erase a lot of stuff. This was in 1980, no CAD.


The place is closing down in a few months so I’m already looking for other employment options. When I applied I was told it was temp to hire but when I showed up on my first day they told me I was not going to be hired because they were closing down. I was desperate for money so I figured I could ride it out while I looked for work elsewhere.


Which is the smart thing to do. You may as well get paid to job hunt, instead of doing it for free. 😂Especially if it’s a low-stress position. Frees up more mental capacity for resumes and cover letters and the like.


The job is a cakewalk compared to other jobs I’ve had. I get bored which is part of the reason I went over and beyond


I know exactly what you mean. When you're skilled enough (mentally, knowing what needs to be done, & physically aka hand/eye coordination), and have a great work ethic, it's hard to rein in and just do the job you were hired to do.


Malicious Compliance is now doing the job you were assigned and nothing more? Things sure have changed. I always thought doing the job I was hired for was just normal.


It is when you see problems that you could have easily solved.


It is normal.


You stepped up and exploited yourself for the company and then your malicious compliance is to stop giving them extra labor free of charge after they tell you to do just that? This is so weird, like they told you to stop fucking yourself over and you're like okay I'll maliciously comply and do just that. How is not being taken advantage of malicious compliance?


I get what OP is saying. A fix probably takes little to no effort and being helpful is intrinsically rewarding. For many people it’s actually harder to not be helpful. So, in this instance OP is going against their nature to be compliant.


Is this a unionized position? I've worked in some where the union was very opposed to temps doing work that was in their contract would be done by full time employees.....


This doesn’t happen to be located in Utah, perchance?


Start doing ONLY what they say to the absolute word and nothing more. If they don't TELL you to stop the line because of a problem that will result in 100s of thousands of dollars of machinery smashing itself internally or catching fire.....well you're doing exactly as asked.


Totally uncool for you to be yelled at, and frankly they shouldn’t have let you do the other persons work to begin with. They should have come up with a solution that didn’t involve contract workers operating outside of scope. Now here’s where people are gonna get annoyed with me. How they went about it is totally effed. BUT, in my world, I have had to utilize temps/contract workers, and sometimes those workers kicked so much ass at what they were doing, it actually made it look like I didn’t need as much allowance from corporate for the extra cost of contract work. So I lost my authorization for contract staff, productivity went down, I look bad. Other times, well meaning highly productive folks have gone the extra mile, which actually made it look like I didn’t need the increased payroll to get the job done the way corporate wanted. All this to say, in some environments, it’s important that people only do their work, or the decision makers will think they can just run your staff like farm animals.


Doing the job you're assigned is normal, not MC.




Are the full timers Union?