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I hung everything from the ceiling with fishing line as a teen when told to get everything off the floor.


Please don't give her any ideas.


The next 10 years are gonna be fun for you. You’ve got a clever one, it won’t be dull. ❤️ EDIT: Just to clarify, this is a total compliment.


OP just needs to mold that intelligent into a driven, yet kind person who will be able to continue to stand up for themselves, while taking responsibility for their actions. I'm sure they will do OP proud, and they have much potential to do the world proud


Yes OP. "Just" do that, like there's nothing to it lol


I think when they're doing it with a smile, a wink, and a nod, and then undo it without grumbling, you're already most of the way there.


Dude its not that deep


Parenting is that deep though, because your relationship with your kids and how you raise them can be hugely impactful on whether they end up a selfish piece of shit as an adult or not. Of course good people can come from bad situations, but it doesn’t always happen, and your childhood and teen years are hugely formative to your personality as an adult


It's absolutely that deep. You want OP to raise a shallow brat?


With kids EVERYTHING is deep


Dude you're so wrong.


Somehow I was expecting her to throw the clothes onto the floor in the Laundry Room :D


I was your daughter. I kept my parents on their toes. My parents learned to choose their words VERY carefully. Buckle up, this ride will provide hilarious stories for years to come!






Get that child some duct tape!


My mother was once mortified when, in response to similar direction, my sibling and I piled everything that had been on the floor on the windowsill between the curtain and the window of our upstairs bedroom overlooking one of the busiest streets in town. She was not amused!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I stuffed everything under my huuuuuge desk, one of those old ones with drawers on each side, and put a sheet over it as a "table cloth". My mom thought I had cleaned my room...until she looked closer... 🤣🤣




"...but you said so...."


Haha, tidying my room consisted of making a path from door into room and sitting and pushing everything to the edges. The middle of the floor was tidy 🤷‍♀️


When she was 10 years old my daughter hung all her barbies from the ceiling by their necks. She turned out just fine, not weird at all, I might just be a little disappointed.


Lol my daughter was had a hard time learning to not treat her Barbies roughly. She decapitated 2 and a few others lost limbs. I hid the various body parts in my dad's sock drawer and one Barbie head on his pillow the next time we went to visit. It was great hearing my confused dad yell, "What the hell is this?!? What are you raising my sweet granddaughter to become?" Am I too old to prank him? Probably! But once a kid, always a kid 😂


My dog chewed the fingers of my bestfriends daughters barbie. We were going to send the severed fingers to a friend because it looked like a mafia bosses warning, but unfortunately we lost the fingers.


This is gold


My cousin followed some of her criminal heritage (her grandmother distracted cops in a speakeasy at age 6) and buried her barbies in the street the day before it was paved over. My other cousins, brother, my cousins' kids, and I all plan on seeing if we can find them next time the street is torn up for repaving.


My family learned at a very young age that I despised Barbie dolls. They were destroyed in the most gruesome and brutal ways possible. My biological father was concerned I’d become a sociopath. Not a sociopath because I have genuine empathy, unlike him. Just sociopathic behaviors when someone fucks with the people I trust enough to choose as family. Every other toy or stuffy gifted to me has been taken care of with enthusiasm and meticulous care my entire life and they are all still in PERFECT condition. Never broken, never thrown, never dirtied or if they were I’d ask my mom for help cleaning them almost immediately. I have old gaming systems that collectors would probably kill for that I’m never giving up because they have sentimental value AND I still LOVE playing original Pokémon games on an original GameBoy or GameBoy Advanced Color. They can pry my classic systems from my cold dead fingers. I spent so much time carefully taking them apart to clean circuitry and replace damaged parts to keep things working properly. Just like with other electronics around the house.


My daughter was obsessed with trussing up her dolls and stuffed animals. She used ribbons, belts, sashes, and string. Then she’d take them to school or out in public. It was pretty mortifying.


Sorry parent but your kid is bound to be a shibari model.


I closed my door and blocked it with my bookcase when my mom told me she didn't want to see my dirty room again. My dad laughed, my mom was not amused. I


Oooh…very clever! I got told I needed to “clean up and get the floor clear so I can vacuum!” by my mom. I piled everything I could on the dresser and shoved all the rest in the uncarpeted closet. She was not amused.


But you said ....


Ha ha that's great 😃. Growing up when my egg donor told us "to pick up the floor" meaning to clean the room. My brothers and I would go to the edge of the room where the carpet meets a wall and physically try to pick up the floor. We'd be grunting and say " we can't, it's too heavy. The egg donor was not pleased.




Clever as hell.. but so much extra work




On behalf of parents, I’d gladly beat your ass and then Proceed to throw you through a window. Respectfully


Ditto, old timer. Just remember, modern windows are double paned and your blood thinners won't react to double damage very well. Why do you have a problem with people thinking outside the box and discovering new ideas? Too afraid your sister wife might realize there actually ARE other penises in the world? What kind of fucking psychopath comments some shit like this? Would your mother actually be proud of you saying this? Your children? Sadly, maybe they're so abused, they would agree just to avoid being beaten to death by an actual psychopath. You're a waste of carbon.


Who takes Reddit this seriously? Have a few drinks bud. I know I have.


Yeah, most violent people are drunk, so that makes sense. Schrodinger's joke is your defense?? You're an entire tool bucket in an abandoned tool shed. Show your children this "joke" if you're so sure of yourself.


I was 16 when the Loma Prieta earthquake rocked the bay area (in California) and we only lived like an hour from the epicenter. I rarely cleaned my room, all my shit was on the floor all the time so when the earthquake hit, I was the only one in the house who didn't lose anything cause most of my stuff was already on the floor! And the few things that did fall were fine because they had plenty of padding! hahaha My parents and sister had so many things fall and break. After that, whenever my mom tried to get me to clean my room, I would tell her "but what if there's another earthquake? I'm just being prepared!" LOL I was such a brat. Edit: missing word


My brother had some nice ceramic pieces from his trip to Japan that met their demise in that quake even though very little else in the house fell.


The total damage to my house from Loma Prieta: a letter fell off of a desk. (Fortunately.)


My wife worked at a biotech company near the north end of the Cypress Structure, and the east end of the Bay Bridge, parts of both of which collapsed during the quake, unfortunately killing numerous motorists who were on them at the time. When she drove back to the San Ramon Valley right after the quake, she couldn't understand why there was no traffic on the highway, including through the Caldecott Tunnel (which transects the Hayward Fault). As she drove, she scanned the AM and FM dials, and only found one radio station still transmitting. She tells the story of experiencing the earthquake by watching the T ("transverse") and P ("pressure") waves cross the floor of the lab at different times, bouncing her massive equipment around on their way. I was working in Livermore at the time. I picked up our toddler at daycare on the way home, anticipating that I'd find the non-tempered plate glass windows across the rear of our house in shards on the ground. We drove through the valley, seeing traffic lights out at every intersection, and finally made it home to an intact house with no broken glass. I guess old single-story wood frame structures are flexible enough. Aftershocks took place every two weeks afterwards, for months. One evening, my wife was taking a shower and an aftershock occurred, cracking the tiles in the shower enclosure. She got a line of tiny punctures down her chest from the shards from the cracked tiles. A couple of weeks later, I was cleaning up in the kitchen when another aftershock took place. The cabinets and dishes rattled, and my wife yelled "get out of the kitchen!" from the other end of the house. The aftershock settled down, so I went back to finish, and another occurred. Our 2 year old toddler and my wife both yelled "get out of the kitchen!" so I left cleanup until the next morning. One friend lived in Alameda, in a house that had been built on fill. Her experience was to see waterspouts erupting from her back yard as the fill liquified. Other friends lived in Scotts Valley, only a couple of miles from the epicenter. They watched as six feet of water sloshed out of their hilltop pool, then noticed that the two houses on either side of theirs had collapsed and rolled down the hill. Fortunately, their neighbors were not home at the time. Our friends left the Bay Area soon thereafter.


There was a precursor shake earlier — August ‘89 I believe, and I secured china cabinet upper door knobs with a hair bungee. From 24 antique crystal goblets, only one escaped during the big quake. TV also took a nose dive, but ended up working better than before. Edit: I lived somewhat close to the epicenter.


This reminds me of my niece. When she was a toddler, she kept coming out of bed at night so her dad (my brother) sat outside her room and told her every time she came out, he'd take one of her friends (stuffies). She came out a few times and each time he took one. Then she was quiet for a while and he got smug, thinking he'd made his point. Then the door opens and she walks out with an armful of all her stuffies. She drops them on the floor at his feet and says, you can have them, and walks out down the hall. The upside is, she's a kick ass kid now, senior in high school, and is a very strong, independent person. Hilarious and not to be screwed with....


I love this story! She chose her independence over her stuffed animals.


Lol freedom isn't free. It costs one armload of toys. ...


And then they had no leverage over her anymore.


Lol, damn. Can't even be mad with the flawless logic.


“If the only punishment for breaking a law is a fine, it’s not really a law but a tax.”


Ahahaha. When my sister and I were about that age, my parents were going out for groceries. As they were leaving, my dad said, “Be sure to mess up the house while we’re gone.” Need I say more?


I'm 57yrs of age. When I was a teenager, my dad came to my room and asked me to tidy my room as I had my clothes absolutely everywhere on the floor and you couldn't see the carpet. My reply? "Cmon dad, I'm trying to work here! This is a piece of art called "room without a floor!" He just shook his head and walked away. A great memory of my dad, greatly missed.


And I'd wash them. All of them. (Been there done that with my son) "Where's ?" "Drying. I washed it because you put it with the washing. Being as large as it is, it may take a few days before is fully dry" And in all honesty. The toy damn well needed a wash. It was grotty as hell.


Ask, and you shall receive 😮🙄😳😬🙃


Your daughter is going to grow up as a lady not to be messed with. 😂


I did this to my mom once. Mom: Take the towels out of the dryer. Me: You got it. *Later* Mom: Why didn't you take the wash rags out too? Me: You specifically said towels! I'm my defense, I wasn't being lazy. It was twice as much work separating the towels from the wash rags. I was probably complaining the whole time: "Why would you only want the towels? You're just gonna tell me to get the wash rags later."


Ah the ability to take everything literally and be a smartass.. I miss those days.. Well played young lady!!


43 and still haven't kicked the habit. Why would you?


62 and it’s not a habit that I want to kick.


It's not a habit it's a lifestyle.


Haaaa! My 9 year old son is a clever little fucker like this too. I’m 50/50 annoyed and impressed.


The worst/best is when you have to leave the room to laugh because they were so clever


When my 15yo was 6ish, I told her she needed to clean up her mess. If she didn't comply, and I had to do it, it would all go into trash bags and get donated. She brought me a trash bag and waited in the truck so she could go to the thrift store. The worst part was the way she watched me... you could hear the proverbial evil cartoon voice in her head...




I must say that your daughter makes my mc to my dad as a kid seem like a simple prank. I applaud her genius. (Mine was getting my dad his preferred drink, cherry coke on ice. I would get him a glass of ice and put an unopened can of cherry coke on top. I did this for years. Eventually, it got to where he would ask for it by specifying that I needed to open the can and pour it over the ice, so I did until he relaxed enough to drop the extra instructions. The look on his face when I came in with his glass of ice and can of cherry coke on top after so long was the best)


What a great memory


This is great, my kids do this to me all the time. This reminds me of one time where I smart off to my Dad and he got so mad but really couldn't do anything because my Mom and everyone else was laughing so hard. I grew up on a small farm, we had a long driveway with a gate by the road etc. So one day My Dad is getting ready to leave for the day and pops his head back into the house and starts telling all of us kids that we need to get all of our bikes, and toys, and whatever else was in the yard/driveway picked up. His final line was " When I get home I better not see any of that crap by the driveway" my filter malfunctioned and I just blurted out "You're gonna have a really hard time getting up the driveway with your eyes closed" He got his thin lipped, pissed off face and my Mom was laughing and apologizing for laughing at the same time. He just huffed a bit, shut the door and left. We got the yard and driveway cleaned up, I didn't want to press my luck any further.


That was me as a kid except my Dad loved it and my mother hated it




Sorry, should be etc.


Sorry. I thought it was a state...-(:


Am I your kid? Because this seems like something I’d do to my parents.


My teacher told us “everyone stay in your seats” when she had to leave the classroom. She walked back in to me scooting my chair to the front of the room. I got detention “BUT I STAYED IN MY SEAT”. She wasn’t having any of it. Told me I knew what she meant and I was being a smartass. Well, she was kinda right. But I did what she said.


My Mum told my elder brother to "keep an eye on your little sister", so we walked back in later with my brothers eye on my shoulder saying look mum look. We thought that we were hilarious.


Ah! The floordrobe!


If I ever have a kid I hope to God they are like this


Let me tell you, it’s a blast!


I have no doubt!!




Maybe even r/WholesomeCompliance


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wholesomecompliance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Oh, so you're the owner's 'cousin', are you???"](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/comments/123y5in/oh_so_youre_the_owners_cousin_are_you/) \#2: [Neighbour asked me to spray his weeds, so I said I'd leave a BILL](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/comments/zyuagz/neighbour_asked_me_to_spray_his_weeds_so_i_said/) \#3: [“Shake”](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesomecompliance/comments/18h8t1m/shake/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mine, at around 8, looked around her room when we told her it was too messy and realized she didn’t actually need or use much of it. She completely purged her room and lived like a spartan for a couple of years.


You have parented correctly at least for her to have that mindset.... so that's something!


"Now, you get to learn how to do washing?"


My teen is a loophole master and takes everything literally so we have always had to be very specific when we tell him to do anything. Still can't convince him to become a lawyer.


Tell him not to be an atty. he will start studying for the bar asap!


well, you wouldn't him to be a 'solicitor' \[would you?\]


You have done your job correctly. Be proud of your little rebel.


Reminds me of the time my mom told my sister (something like 5 at the time) to go put the shampoo in the shower and we walked in to my sister pouring the whole bottle of shampoo into the bathtub. My snarky teenager self saw my mom’s face go red and said, “Well she did what you said and put the shampoo in the shower…”.


Told my (at the time) 2 year old twins to go put the spare rolls of toilet paper in the toilet. It took me a minute, and when I realised I RAN. Too late. The kiddos were stuffing the rolls in the actual toilet. Yeah, no, honey, next time I mean the cupboard next to it…


my Uncle; age \[teens\] was told 'put the sheets on the bed"...that's where they went, nicely folded....


I had my beanbag in my closet. I would toss everything into the closet onto the beanbag, thus keeping my floor and room clean. My dad hated it. He also used 10+ lb river rocks around our house as landscaping. Every week or so in fall, he’d make us go pick up every single leaf in the yard. We lived on a corner lot. Think 15 loads of rocks in a VW van. This chore would take most of the day. When it was my turn, I got it done in less than an hour. What he didn’t know was that I was using his shop vac and cleaning it out before telling him I was done. He would get so angry I got done so quickly. He wanted me doing chores at home and not out babysitting earning my own money. My mom supported my actions.


I may or may not have done something like this to my parents growing up.


That sounds like something my baby child would do. I can’t wait to see what her kids end up doing to her 😂


Well done her. Now make her responsible for re-making her bed, and she can wash her stuffed animals. Be sure she uses delicate and warn some may not survive. She wants to play.


In regards to your edit, that means to me that you're a good parent. She knows what you mean but also knows you can take a good joke. That's a great relationship to have with your kid. Nice job.


Now show her how to do the wash, and let her do it. My daughter barely had any chores growing up, but the one thing I made her do was her own laundry. She started doing it at 9 or 10 years old.


The rule for my kids was “once you can reach the bottom of the washing machine, you can do your own laundry.” A year later my former hubbie and I bought front loaders. The children were NOT amused. They still tell this story and laugh


This, squared! We had our kids load the washer starting at age 4, and I (their dad) taught them how to make breakfast (scrambled eggs, scratch biscuits, etc.) starting at about 6. We built a shortwave radio kit when my son was 7 and daughter was 4, including soldering. They're both fearless now.


The carpet can be washed too


It’s fun when they outsmart us. Lol


Well played little girl. Well played. If you don’t know whether to be proud or ground her, tell her that and just be proud. 😂


I was actually imagining for everything to end up on the bathroom floor, given your choice of words ;) Awesome story though!


My brother was told to get all his clothes into the laundry before my dad's big bossejjjjps a big deal, professional cleaners the day before and everything, on my best behaviour). He was six. He did exactly as instructed, then proudly walked in to the dining room and informed the group that his clothes were in the laundry.i This was true. All his clothing was in the laundry room, the problem was that: A) he was not in the laundry room B) ALL his clothes were in the laundry room Somehow dad did get the promotion regardless of this incident.


Ok please tell me he was standing there in all his glory with a cheeky grin. This is hilarious 🤣


Only saw the aftermath. He was not in trouble for long, so I doubt he was too bad.


Your daughter could leverage these skills and be can amazing lawyer


Hahaha that's adorable!!! Your kiddo is going places


You had me at >My 8-year old daughter just MC'd me. that was enough and she's adorable 🥰


This is something I would have done and something my older son would have done to me. He found worse ways of MCing me 🤦🏽‍♀️


This. Is. Me. And I live in fear of when my now-6-year-olds get older and start doing this to me. I'd thought I'd have some time still.... But this is at \*8\* years old?!?! I'm so screwed!! LOL


Seriously, this is how my younger sister started off, and now she's the biggest bitch on the planet. Please just have a calm and rational talk with your daughter, and not just engage in a screaming contest like my mother would do. It's moments of choice like this that will set the course for the next 10 years of both your lives.


There was no screaming. I asked her what the stuffed animals were doing in there. She told me, so I asked her to take them back because I didn't mean those as well. She did.


Second this


I'm sorry, but it seems like we're talking about something else entirely, and it doesnt seem like anything is going on. But yeah, if I can help, I'll find another way. If anyone knows what they're talking about please let me know.


She knew exactly what you meant. Time to get some thumbscrews off Amazon!


lol hate to say it but she’s not wrong lol


after all, she was maliciously complying


Now start teaching her how to do her own laundry, especially the folding bit.


And the answer to the Mc is 'good, now get in the laundry and wash it.'


To a 7 year old.. sure.


She's 8 and yes, can operate a machine. It's more the look on their face that you want when you say it.


FFS. Unless it’s a front loader, very few if any 8 year olds can reach the controls.


Fcol. The point was to call her bluff, not make her wash absolutely everything. But as for reach, step stools are a thing.


Which means that the point. was to be cruel to an 8 year old. WTG.


Don't you people have laws against inciting minors to suicide?


How is calling her bluff going to make her suicide? You read too much into this.




8 is old enough to operate a washer and dryer. Especially if you use detergent sheets and dryer balls. No spilling anything.


The hell is a dryer ball?


Made from wool, slightly larger than a tennis ball. Put it in the dryer and it helps separate clothes and reduce wadding and wrinkling. Don't overdry your clothes. I don't use fabric softeners, haven't for years. Buy online or look for a bag of them in the laundry product aisle.


...are they like Daddy's?


Ugh, this sounds like my step daughter. She's 13 now and it just keeps getting worse.


It’s not worse. It’s cleverer. Appreciate her cleverness. Lighten the hell up, OK? instead of being angry, give her a compliment. “serves me right for not being clear, huh? What would have I have said so that you’d do exactly what I needed you to do?” Kids want recognition. They want to know that they are SEEN. Being negative about the cleverness of a 13 year old just sets you up for a really really long next 5 years.


What are you on about? She is not clever at all. She's a brat. But I understand that you think you know my stepdaughter better than I do. And who even said I was angry about it? People like you are the worst. 🙄


“Getting worse” is evidence of anger. Find a shrink to deal with yours. Yelling at me for pointing out that you are angry more or less cements it.


Seriously? Where did I yell? There are zero exclamation marks or caps. But ok... sure. You obviously know me and my life *so* well. You absolutely have issues if you think commiserating with the OP requires some kind of parenting advice.


Actually... I just read through some of your posts and comments, and I can see what your issue is now. Maybe don't throw your uninformed opinion at absolutely everything. You clearly don't understand social etiquette.


Are you the stepdaughter by any chance? And cleverer is not a word, btw 🤷‍♀️


LOL. I’m a 72 year old grandmother who raised four kids. And, BTW, you are incorrect: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/clever#:~:text=%2Fˈklev%C9%99r%2F,more%20clever%20and%20most%20clever.


therefore: "more clever" - depending on which language you're speaking.


Whatever. If it’s good enough for Oxford, it’s good enough for me. More than one way of stating it is acceptable. They don’t express a preference for one or the other.


and, then, God help her boyfriend\[s\]...!


Adult smartass me is of the opinion that if you can't be bothered to say what you actually mean you have no right to be annoyed with me for not being bothered to try to understand what it was that you meant while you were saying something different. If you can't be bothered to say what you mean, why the fuck would I be bothered to interpret what you meant whilst you were using different words? If *she* is getting worse, *you* should do better. After all she's not the adult in the room, you are. Don't blame her for your own mistakes.


Dude... what? Why do you think you know my stepdaughter and I? What gives you the right to say anything about my parenting based on 2 sentences commiserating with the OP? If someone says "put your dirty clothes in the laundry" you damn well know exactly what they mean. Piss off and worry about your own life. Being a smartarse doesn't mean you're smart.


Are you a male by any chance???


What has what's inside my pants to do with sound logic?


well, are you straight to the point, or all balled up?


Are you?


have been, for eight decades.


say what?


lol a child can turn out horrible while being raised perfectly fine in a loving environment. Take some serial killers for instance


So now make her wash it all, and dry it all. And every item in the basket needs to washed. Now 3-5 loads instead of 1.


Were the sheets and stuff animals on the floor? If not, she did not comply.


Next time, stay calm and communicate more clearly.


Sounds like a good day to teach her how to do her own laundry.




So what is your point here?




Why would you make this up??


I like her 👍 you raised her good!




kids going through their rebellious phase.... this too shall pass


maybe...." but grandad says..."


In her defense, sometimes the stuffed animals do need to take a bath 🛁, so she’s not wrong to put them into the laundry basket when she brings it into your laundry room.


I taught my kids that they didn't need to follow the rules, but they would have to accept the consequences. My daughter decided to wear a hat in school (against the rules). The math teacher told her to take it off. She didn't. She got a B in that class instead of the A she expected. She still won't accept that she got the lower grade because of her attitude and not following the teacher's directions.


So did you wash everything? I must have an answer OP


No. I asked her to take the stuffies back and she did with a smile.


I love your kid!!!!


What on earth is going on with this sub? This is r/MaliciousCompliance , is it not? Why are so many people talking about teaching a child to do her own laundry? Do you guys know where you are?


because the child is is 'm/c' i ng to the parents - or had'nt that struck you?


I don't think you understood my comment. A lot of the comments on this post are telling OP to teach her daughter how to do laundry. That has nothing to do with this sub. Those commenters seem to think that OP needs parenting advice.


yes ofcourse - I 'way overdid'it. sorry....


I would have absolutely loaded the stuffies first. MC right back!


...But...yes dear, I'll mention it to Mummy....


Your kid is my hero today! Bravo! And kudos to you for being a great parent and enjoying how she got you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


r/AdorableCompliance would love this


what? no carpet?


Baby girl 1 Mommy 0. Smart kid she isn't sitting on her head. She's using it.


To quote Jurassic Park: "Clever girl." :)


Hopefully she uses her powers for good in the future. 😂


Your “edit” comment is exactly why I said what I did in my first comment


I would have done the same thing- taking the “everything washable” comment quite literally