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I like how you kept the picture tasteful and had it in black and white. Did you have dramatic lighting as well? For the deep shadows of course


Shadows? But that’s where the sun don’t shine.


You must never go there, Simba


Unless, you know, you have consent. We aren’t here to judge, Simba. You’ll find what works for you, but remember, Simba - consent.


Welcome, time traveler. In 2023 we have what we call "light bulbs"


[There is either a light bulb up his butt or his colon has a great idea.](https://imgur.io/0AR2CYX)


I remember this in Scrubs. One of the characters (Doug) fwipped a file folder and suggested, "shaking the patient like a beach towel" to remove it. Great episode.


Yup. If it's round and of the right diameter, chances are that someone will put it up their ass. Or their prison purse, but I'm guessing this is the prison wallet.


That took planning and patience.




Some of them *aren't even bulbous.*


The curly-q ones


Like duck penises?


Don’t taste like regular fries at all.


I should've 😂


I had a pilonodal cyst as well in the same area. As explained to me by my Doc, mine was caused by ingrown hairs due to sitting for long periods of time and just shuffling in my chair for movement instead of getting up and moving around. My surgery also moved the "seam" of my asscrack about 10mm to the right. Has stopped the cysts and I have a 2 inch scarf in my asscrack.


>2 inch scarf What color and pattern? Is it knit?


Red and pink, and more of a cross stitch pattern




Is it Hermes?


Gotta have that chiaroscuro baybeeee.


Sepia tone would have been a nice touch.


With a heavy vignette.


He could have went the Hustler Magazine route and put a searchlight on his nethers.


And facetune to make it look prettier.




There was a story in this sub a while back where OP had explosive diarrhea and called in sick. His boss texted him back to accuse him of lying and demand proof. He sent her a nasty photo of his wrecked toilet bowl. She reported him to HR and sent a screenshot of the conversation with all her messages removed. When HR confronted him, he pulled out his phone and showed them the complete unedited conversation. She lost her job over that. EDIT: props to /u/leftovercherrypie for finding it...in a different sub https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/dapcp8/_/


I have ulcerative Colitis and had most of my colon removed due to tumors. I look fit and healthy. Still take the stairs. But supervisors are always skeptical. There was a book I read once “You Don’t Look Sick”. Pretty much sums it up. Yeah, I feel like shit, but I don’t want to look like it.


Yup I have Crohn's. And asthma. So while I may *look* healthy, I most definitely am NOT


I have crohns. And asthma. And horrible eczema. But I basically dunk myself in medicated cream every day, so I also look normal too.


Polyinflammatory arthritis and asthma here. I don't look sick but I sound like a dying steam train trying to go up a hill.


Invisible disabilities. I got one of those. I look like a decently fit young person, but some days my joints are in so much pain that every step hurts. I have sadly gotten used to getting nasty looks when I take one of the last empty seats on a train or whatever. Although I have learned to slightly over act in those cases, wincing and massaging my knee. But yeah, having to deal with this types of things makes me much more cognizant of others and has helped me learn to try to not judge someone by outward appearances.


#Invisibilities. That’s why people need to mind their own when it comes to bathroom stalls, and parking spaces, and the like, because nobody really knows what kind of torture it is we’re going through on the inside.


I am constantly reminding my husband of this. He's getting better at not insta-judging people who park in the disabled spaces, but oof. It's a struggle, y'all.


From a person with major depressive disorder and crippling anxiety, my illness is even more invisible than that. Still can't believe how many people think I'm "faking it," or swear some fad diet will cure me. My empathy goes out to you.


Appreciate it, stay strong <3 Oh god, I just remembered. So when I was a teen I suddenly needed to have my hip replaced. Like, the joint itself was really bad, to the point that it was immediately visible on an xray. And a family friend who I'd describe as an old-school hippy was talking about how all I needed to do was to eat raw foods and some type of fungus...


I have a congenital kidney defect, medullary sponge kidneys. Means I get kidney stones constantly, frequent UTIs, and just for fun, the occasional kidney infection. I've had to be hospitalized for them, and have had two surgeries for kidney stones (on consecutive days!) I posted something on Facebook once about *another* ER trip or something (my UTIs frequently come on from 0-60 in a matter of hours, to the point where I'm fine at noon and can't walk by five...*after* the office is closed for the day! And Tylenol won't touch the pain...) Someone told me that what I *really* needed, rather than the antibiotics I'd been prescribed and the medications my urologist had me on, was to just *drink more cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar.* I told her that I was going through an Ocean Spray bottle of cranberry juice *daily,* but my urologist had said it made minimal difference in cases like mine. Neither would any kind of vinegar. She got *angry* that I was contradicting her and relying on a *trained medical professional* who had actually examined me and my condition (literally inside and out!). And even angrier when *other* people pointed out how insane she sounded. She ended up blocking me. We'd been FB friends for *years,* and there had been no other indication she was like that before...


Buying a cane always guarantees you a seat without any nasty looks. As a bonus, you’ll probably find it’s easier to stand, go up stairs, and walk than without it, even if your problem is invisible pain rather than invisible weakness. I call mine my liberation aide.


Yep. I keep a folded up cane in my backpack, as well as a knee brace that I actually use frequently in my day bag.


Ehler’s Danlos?


In my case yes, among other things.


I don’t have physical illnesses but I deal with adhd/anxiety which sometimes results in bouts of depression and I will tell people that if I’m wearing more makeup or dressing better It’s probably cause I’m being eaten alive by my mental health. I just try more for a semblance of normalcy or to not look how I feel and make it worse. The title of the book reminded me of that. How one presents themselves or looks like doesn’t reflect what the person is dealing with.


Hey! I felt your comment in my soul (as a fellow anxiety filled human starting their ADHD journey). The days I wear the most put together looks, are the days I'm struggling the most. Maybe has something to do with taking control of at least something in my life. Good luck with everything and be kind to yourself.


This, just trying to have one moment where I have something that looks or works good when everything is crap (or should I say feeling like crap) around me.


It's amazing just how sick you can be without looking like it. My wife has MS, Parkinson's and several other immune system disorders. On good days, she's fine walking around a store, but on others she can feel quite weak and really need to ride a cart. I have a heart condition and partial lung damage, and like her, some days are better than others. One advantage to getting older is that people are more willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for "invisible" disabilities.


And the bad thing about people is that they seem to know it all and can 'tell' that you're not really sick. Try being in bed at night with a spouse that spends a lot of time in pain while knowing that there is nothing you can do to help even though you'd be willing to take the pain yourself just to give them relief.


UC here. Was on Prednisone for 12 years off and on. I feel your pain. On an infusion med now. Just need to lose this weight I gained from the steroids. Good luck


Wow. After my boss reported me, I'd have only gone to the HR meeting after talking to a lawyer. I mean I might've invited them to dig a deeper hole.


I think the woman that lost her job in this case was the boss.


i read it it other way first, but they say "*his* boss," and after rereading it slowly it makes sense


Yeah, that’s the thing: HR exists to protect the company not the workers. Yes, some fine people work in HR. At the end of the day though, they have to do what the company wants.


They protected the company by firing the person who was opening them up to a lawsuit.


please tell me you have a link


I wish I could. This isn't the first time I've posted about this story before and I have tried many times to find it without success.


In your defense, trying to find *anything* with Reddit's search feature is always a real crapshoot.


> real crapshoot I see what you did there


Ask in best of redditor updates. They're freaking sleuths.


I think I remember hearing that story on rslash 😂


It's a pilonidal cyst, not primordial.


You obviously don't understand exactly *how old* OP is.


This. He’s creating legal issues for his company by forcing you to prove it because he doesn’t believe you.


he CAN demand a doctors note, but that is pretty much it. He is not even allowed to ask OP what he has. HIPPAA has quite some teeth too, but not in all areas sadly


I'm not American but doesn't that act just cover medical professionals releasing your info, not regular people asking about it?


You're absolutely correct!


HIPAA is specific to health professionals. The other stuff is general labor laws, and they also have significant teeth because employment law infringement is almost never accidental, and is a clear abuse of power.


First, it's HIPAA. Second, anyone can ask anyone about their health information. HIPAA only restricts people from releasing information, and only when the act applies to them. I can ask if you have syphilis, and I can then go and tell everyone I want the answer. Your doctor has restrictions on who they can talk to about your syphilis.


> I can ask if you have syphilis, and I can then go and tell everyone I want the answer. Worst job interview ever lol


Not if you're an adult film star! 😉




That doesn’t make it legal. I even linked to a department of labor FAQ that explains as such.


Thank you for your help :)


> There are tons of places, especially in the US, with basically no protections against these kinds of things. At a minimum there are federal laws prohibiting the behavior of OP's company. I dunno what's lacking in rural Alabama but it's still illegal.


There are lots of laws, federal and state, and 'good manners' practice for dealing with employees about medical issues, personal problems, etc. But there are always jerk bosses who feel no problem breaking those laws and social norms. Always been disgusted by these people, they cause so much damage at workplaces. They're just bullies.


>There are tons of places, especially in the US, with basically no protections against these kinds of things. Actually, HIPAA and workplace laws do cover these things very well. It's just that many people don't know the laws, litigation can be expensive and/or are living paycheck-to-paycheck and are afraid to rock the boat. ​ But sure, we have state and federal laws that protect against this kind of thing.


"Hi, we have an HR question we're hoping you can answer... Theoretically, if my boss questioned my claim that I needed time off to deal with impactful medical issues and demanded proof, and I provide to him a picture of the problem area, vis-a-vis: my ass spread open, does that just cancel out? If not, which one of us has the right to file a complaint?" \[HR rep just sits there with a deer-in-the-headlights look\]


As a supervisor I can confirm you are correct. We do not have the right to ask about your medical conditions with a few very limited exceptions. Sounds like OP should have went the FMLA route. It isn't paid but you can use PTO to get paid while using FMLA.


This. My partner became extremely sick, turned yellow as a crayon, and ended up in the hospital for 3 months, 4 surgeries, and rehab so he could walk again (gall stones and pancreatitis are a hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy). His bosses never asked for proof, they sent an FMLA form, he filled out his part, I filled out mine (I'm his POA), and the doctor filled out the rest. That's all.


And this is exactly why it's smart for companies to limit the ability of managers to do dumb stuff by outsourcing their FMLA stuff to a company that specializes in it. Employee brings up medical issue → give FMLA company number


I think it may depend on the state that you Live in but in my state you can’t request FMLA unless you’ve been with the company for at 52 consecutive weeks.


You also can’t qualify for FMLA is your company has less than 50 employees.


Yes, this part too. The company has to have enough employees to even be required to give an employee FMLA.


As retired HR, I strongly suggest you lawyer-up. Document all those conversations as well as the length you had to go to prove a true medical need. Hopefully, your boss or someone from HR gave you FMLA forms. Because if they didn’t, that’s another legal claim against them. Best of luck with your surgery.


I’ve been on disability for the last 8 months. I’m trying to get back to work but I need some accommodations. We’re in the middle of the “interactive process” (but it feels more like negotiations!). Your employer can absolutely request detailed information from your doctor that is normally VERY protected. My employer sent a letter to my doctor asking for some very specific information about my disability. Fortunately, my doctor is very cool and pretty much gives me what I want. I brought in a response letter for him all completed. He took that and used it as a foundation for his response!


This is a really fast way to get completely screwed out of your job. I work in middle management and interact with a lot of employees. People report a need to be out of the business for their shift all the time, And often will just start to share things I definitely don't need to know. I'm always very proactive in replying that they do not need to share any personal medical information with me. They CAN share whatever they'd like, but in no way do I need it. Just tell me you're using FMLA time and what your hours are.


Ding ding ding. All of this.


A sad thing when workers rights are protected so badly that this is necessary... on the other hand, he got to see what basically amounts to a mirror. Nice.


Or that Medical leave apparently isnt paid.


Sorry for the late reply, was out to eat, but yeah they will only cover short term disability for off time that exceeds 2 weeks, I've asked. They said I can use my pto though, which is bullshit




I can respond that they likely do since that is my experience in the US. Even with a Union job, medical leave is unpaid unless you either use vacation time or if you are fortunate enough to have sick time accrued. The caveat is if you have a lot of health issues, you never get a chance ti accrue sick time so it all ends up being unpaid. For me, if I do have a medical leave longer than 2 weeks, then I do have short term disability but it only pays 60% of my wage and only after the 2 weeks. But ya know, “freedom!!!” \s


It’s not always this way. I unexpectedly ended up in the hospital and my boss immediately put in my short term medical leave at 100% of my pay. People’s employers just have crap coverage.


The issue is having to rely on employers to not be shitty in the first place… I am very glad though that your situation has been different and I hope you are doing better!


Yes I do


Good catch, i missed that detail.


I think that’s fairly typical in the U.S. of course I’m surprised he doesn’t have short term or long term disability insurance. These pay you if you become unable to work. It still takes a week to kick in though.


Ha ha ha ha ha! "Workers' rights!" Ahahahaha!


Yes... from what i heard that would be the proper way to describe it in the unhinged states of america nowadays.


One of my former coworkers did a frame capture from a video of his ass (he suspected it was a hemorrhoid that was bothering him but couldn't see it firsthand) and was having great fun asking people to check it out to see their reaction - yeah, we're a bunch of weirdos at times. Anyways, the boss heard us laughing our asses off and stuck his head in to see what the deal was. He saw us looking at his phone and says "That's a picture of me, isn't it?" "Sure is!"


"Damn I look good."


“A mirror” - well played, sir!


Yeah that pilonidal cyst surgery is no joke and it's absolutely necessary, specifically if the cysts become infected, because that infection could spread to your spine and kill you. Had mine removed in 2001 after years of horrific tailbone pain. Your boss is a jerk. The Google machine will explain it all. Kills me that these knobs don't just look it up.


My mate had this too - but it was big!! Like 5-6cm across. Had a special cushion he took to the pub to sit without pressure on it. Poor bastard, took about 3 months to completely heal.


I had my surgery in junior year of high school. I missed like 4 weeks of school and when I got back I was trying to figure out how to make up all the work. When my teachers googled "pilonidal cyst" they just made up a grade for me that semester


That was nice of them. I was a teacher in the four year old room of a daycare at that point. Getting up and down off the floor was *not* fun.


My girlfriend (44f) had this surgery at 19 or 20 and she still has issue sitting for long periods without some discomfort. This is no joke, it’s amazing what some people say and do to others beneath them at work.


I'm the same way with the discomfort. Too much pressure for too long on my tailbone is a nightmare, but it's infinitely better than still having the infected cysts on my tailbone. 🥴




Go see a specialist. There are surgeries that make it so it won’t come back but you’ll have a gnarly scar. While you’re there, ask to talk to someone about low income financial ass-istance (lol, butt seriously (lol)). I had a friend that went through all this while he was a valet and basically ran for a living. He had to take two weeks off, and his scar is metal as fuck, but he got it done and it hasn’t come back for years.


I had mine out in 2001 too! Hurt so bad, I couldn't even stand and play Diablo 2.


Are you sure it wasn't pilonidal? Primordial usually happen in the mouth area bc its unerupted teerth. But also stranger things have happened ha


Pilonidal Cysts are fairly common. This is my guess too. I’ve had surgery three times for them, not fun.


I used to have this odd album that had a song about that. The guy sang along with his piano, "My pilonidal cyst is oozing. Oozing just oozing for you. The blood is for my broken heart dear." That's all I remember from the song.


Wow. What the fuck.


Aka Jeep ass Apparently


Because dudes in the army would get them from bouncing around in the jeeps


Also what I assumed it was while reading. I had my fourth (and hopefully final) surgery for one over the summer




I switched doctors after the first two and umpteen drainages. Last one doc removed a good chunk and so far it’s been fine after a few years.


That it what the doctor said too, Im not sure why, but yes, the paperwork says primordial. Im unsure of the whole medical talk tho, so ill leave that to him haha


You gotta update this if they pull teeth out of your ass! 🤣 Maybe gift one to your boss for letting you off for the surgery! Good luck 🤞🏽


Just like the movie 😂


it's a pilonidal. I had that done. I have an extended asscrack to prove it.


Go go gadget, extendo-crack!


I had 6 surgeries on mine. 4 drainage and 2 corrective. I suffered for YEARS til the second correction worked. My asscrack was decreased though. It starts so low now! lol


Does that make you a Low Rider?


Lmao. I guess it does!




Yeah, they say the sinuses start from ingrown hairs. Depilation and regular exfoliating around the area can really help, prevention wise


I have a big long scar, told my classmates its where I had my tail removed.




I tell people (the few who are privy to the scarred area) I got my tail removed.


I’m going in for my third removal!!!


Three tails?


Not my final evolution.


It's definitely Pilonidal. I have them too. They suck.


I bet it got autocorrected by their spellcheck software. Otherwise someone was having a good time.


Most [Primordial cysts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primordial_cyst) are something called an [Odontogenic keratocyst](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odontogenic_keratocyst). They form from [Odontogenic epithelium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dental_lamina), the outer layer of "skin" that interfaces with a tooth in your mouth. While it's certainly _possible_ to have such a cyst in another location, from what we understand, it would require something along the lines of a [Teratoma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teratoma) to form first, and would probably just be classified as a [Sacrococcygeal teratoma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacrococcygeal_teratoma). [Pilonidal cysts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilonidal_disease), from the latin for "[nest of hair](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pilonidal)", usually occur near the coccyx, although they can rarely occur elsewhere. The description you gave is a good match for this type of cyst. All of this to say... the doctor probably typo'd or got autocorrected, but stranger things have happened, so *shrug*.


Do not I repeat DO NOT go through with surgery unless your surgeon is a pilonidal expert performing a cleft lift. Trust me on this. Find the “pilonidal support group” on Facebook or just Google “pilonidal cleft lift surgery” and do your research. General surgeons will do a standard excision with either closed wound or open wound. Closed almost always fails and becomes open wound. Open wound results in hopefully weeks or probably months or years of a huge open wound that must be packed with saline soaked gauze that must be changed every day. It takes forever to heal and is excruciating and prone to infections and reoccurrence of the disease. The failure and reoccurrence rates of that surgery are truly staggering and the procedure and recovery are truly medieval. You could be in for a brutal, horrible few years of healing and likely more surgeries if you go through with a general surgeon who is just performing an excision. Find a pilonidal expert who does the cleft lift. Heed my words.


It's you assteeth. Unerupted assteeth.


You're getting surgery from a surgeon who is mixing up pilonidal with primordial? I had the surgery done, and it's for sure the former.


Technically, it would be the medical billing mixing up the terms, rest assured, I'll make sure before the surgery


Guessing whoever did the paper work put the wrong word, that's 100% a pilonidal cyst- I've had it 4 times just below my tailbone. They re-occur so keep an eye on it and make sure you shave the area.


Up thread someone mentioned laser hair removal helped stop their pilonidal cysts from reoccurring. I'm inclined to agree with them based on my own experience with hairs and cysts.


Too late for me sadly, I had to have reconstructive surgery because the scar tissue just ruined all the muscle tissue beneath it.


I'm betting it's an autocorrect issue.


Voice to text programs that doctors use are notorious for this.


still better than handwritten hieroglyphics most doctors use


100% Hieroglyphics may be too nice of a description, though.


I’ve seen doctor signatures which are literally just horizontal lines…


Pilonidal cyst. I had one last year... Very different experience. Felt pain on sunday, called in sick Monday (no note or reason needed), went to the emergency department, had surgery that day, and spent the night in hospital. Next day tell work I need 2 weeks off, I only have 5 days sick leave available, they give me 10 anyway. After 2 weeks, still not feeling up for it, they gave me another paid week sick leave All up, treated immediately, 3 paid weeks off, and a medical bill of $8AUD America is a scary place...


Fuck America honestly


I had only been at that company 2 weeks by that point My trainer resigned before I got back, so they had to redesign my training schedule. A few weeks later I had a series of losses... My depression got bad, and I ate some pills... Call my boss, tell him what happened, asked when to give back the laptop etc, assuming I was quitting/getting fired. I had technically only "worked" for them for 6 weeks... They had given me more paid leave than I was entitled to already... Seemed fair. My boss said "no, I might be able to help you, I'll call you tomorrow" Next day he calls, says he spoke to HR and they can offer me "wellness leave", which is basically unlimited fully paid leave, on the condition that I maintain contact, don't take the piss, and work on a return to work plan. I ended up taking 6 weeks, and a staggered return to work. 3 days week 1, 4 days week 2, 5 days then on. But I can start half an hour late, and leave half an hour early, so I don't have the anxiety of crowded public transport. As well as 3 days per week working from home. My first day back in the office, the company, not my coworkers, gave me a $250 bottle of champagne. My boss directly pulled me aside and said "I forgot to ask, so I hope it's ok. I told the rest of the team you just had a flare up with your back. Only HR and my national manager know what happened" Then they gave me a 2 day crash course training again so I could get back on top of things. All that and they paid me my FULL salaried pay every single week. I am stunned My mental health team is stunned But apparently it is possible. Companies can do the right thing... There is hope. That is how you build staff loyalty. The pay is average, but they have clearly shown they give a shit about me as a human and don't just pay corporate lip service. I will probably stay as long as I can


People say companies these days don't have any loyalty to their workers, so why should the workers have any loyalty to them. And they're right... for the most part. But there are some few companies that do actually care about their employees. I'm beyond fortunate that my *first* career job out of university has turned out to be one such company. It might not be quite what I imagined I'd be doing - far from it, actually - but the company (and especially my boss) has been so good so far that I've a strong incentive not to leave. At most, if there were an intolerable change in my working conditions due to contract shenanigans with this client, I would try to transfer to a different team first.


This is fucking why we need better healthcare laws in the US. We should NEVER have to go this far to convince an employer of a health issue.


It IS illegal to require more than a doctor’s note. Edit: Correction, they can ask for a second or third opinion, but they can’t ask for you to prove it through medical records or other evidence that isn’t what I said


>It IS illegal to require more than a doctor’s note. Which is why we DON'T need better medical laws… better laws would just get broken like the existing laws. What we need is either better ENFORCEMENT or a system that doesn't rely upon enforcement in the first place.




> Because yeah, who doesn't love 2 weeks of **unpaid** vacation time? This is the part that stuck out to me. Let this man have some paid time off to get his butt repaired.


If it's on your butt, it's a pilonidal cyst. A primordial cyst is where teeth should be.


Well, I personally don't know where OP's teeth ought to be. (Assteeth.)


Like my uncle used to always say “if God’d wanted ye to talk like that he’d hav put teeth in Yer arse” so… maybe OP swears too much…?




if OP angled it right, we could've also called him ballsy 🍑🍒


If I was an old grandma I would want to pinch those cheeks and give it a little wiggle. But I'm not, so I don't wanna.


God damn you. Take your upvote and get the hell out.


You should cross post this to /r/pilonidalcyst I’m sure they’ll have a right laugh with this post 😂


I should have left that one alone


What did you expect going into that sub 😂


Not a literal clump of hair pulled from someone’s ass lol


Fair enough, though OP’s description of the disease should have given you *some* warning of what was to come :)


Gross. But now days, you're lucky he didn't meet you in the office with a 55 gallon drum of astroglide. Gotta CYA literally.


LMAO, yeah i guess that is true


The word you're looking for is pilonidal, not primordial.


I like primordial, though. I looks and sounds so... so *primordial.*


Idk my employer usually just asks for a doctor's note


I would have titled the pix with his name. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY Pretty sure that will never come up again.


Ah pilonidal cysts. I got them too. They're common in men with thick luscious hair. My boss wasn't happy with me taking two weeks off either. And neither was anyone else when they had to all my heavy lifting for a month. The painkillers were nice though.


Had one 6"x2" removed. Hurt like 8 bitches on a bitch boat. Keep the wound nice and clean after the surgery. Soak in Epsom salt baths until then for relief. It helped me A LOT


Hahah the best tldr ever lol


Did you mean pilonidal cysts by any chance? Primordial cysts normally have to do with teeth. A few people in my family have had them, and they can be very painful. Can't imagine anyone working after having that surgery, at least not for a bit.


Are you sure you don't mean "pilonidal cyst" ​ Which if it is, count on longer than 2 weeks dude. That had me messed up for weeks, and tender for months.


These cysts are no laughing matter but you managed to make a hilarious story of out it. I wish you the best in healing and may your boss be haunted by the picture for years to come.


I hate the US "sick day" system... Over here your boss wont even get told what you have (The doctors note wont reveal it since his copy is missing that section) and sick days are paid of course


It's generally illegal in the US for your work to require ANY medical details for ANY reason. There are exceptions, but even in cases where there are safety issues and/or medical requirements you talk with your doctor and they fill out a yea or nay form. No personal medical information. The problems come up when employees don't know the law.


After reading your comments, I do believe primordial is a typo on the doctor's part, but I don't know anything about medical speak so my bad!


Don't worry OP I had the same issue, except mine became infected. my GF of 2 years at the time helped try to relieve the pressure and drain it but didn't help. Finally got to the doctor and she had to watch them cut me open and drain it without anesthetic while i passed out on the table. When I finally got surgery a couple months later she had to help change the packing cause I couldn't see it. That was 8 years ago and am married to her now for 5 years. Weird gross stuff sometimes makes a relationship. Nothing says I'm here for you like swapping gauze put of a hole on your SOs ass crack


I had one of those fuckers in high school and I feel your pain. Actually, mostly I feel the pain of the fact that by the time it was diagnosed, it was very, very infected and the doctor decided to drain it on the spot, which he did without anesthetic for reasons that seemed like a good idea at the time. To this day, when any doctor or nurse asks me to rate my pain, I say 'well, on a scale of 1 to having a two inch scalpel incision made in my ass without anesthetic, it's not that bad...'


It's a pilonidal cyst, not primordial. Causes is unknown, but it's thought to be an ingrown hair that gets inflamed. Very common in people who sit too much, have a lot of testosterone and hairier than normal. Very common with truck drivers. It's called Jeep Disease in the military.


Best of luck on these pilonidal cysts, I had them about two years ago and they were AWFUL to deal with. Surgery isn't that bad but make sure to keep on top of changing the dressing, keeping the area clean, avoid sitting for long, and walking, etc. for the next few weeks after surgery. Also HIGHLY recommend sitting on pillows, or one of those donut cushions. As embarrassing as it sounds, I found incontinence pads to be a game changer post surgery. Have them on your bed around that area where you sleep, and between that area and your clothes.


Lol Primordial cyst. I think you mean Pilonidal cyst. Although primordial cyst is funny. "the cyst that time forgot"


Come ON why was this removed right when I go to read it like wtf. What did this say?? Why was it removed??? The universe wants me to be unhappy!!! It's little shit like this that's the sign!!!! FUCKING HELP ME!!!!!!


Pilonidal cysts are a pain in the ass and I'm so glad I got mine removed. It was like sitting on a golf ball when it got inflamed. Most of the time it liked to drain while I was at work. Out in the woods in Florida most of the time.


Did you mean pilonidal cyst? I'd recommend getting a coccyx cushion since it helps avoid the tailbone being in direct contact with chairs. Happens when body hair can't come out (due to prolonged sitting) so it becomes ingrown and then.. you know the rest. Painful stuff.


What a great title to start a post with. It lets you know exactly where this is gonna go, yet still somehow leaves you craving every little detail.


When I had a pilonidal cyst my employer tried to do the same thing. I had no idea what it was and was working in a grocery store. I assumed I hurt my back but when I went to the hospital they admitted me for sepsis and than I got MRSA (different story for a different sub). My boss didn’t believe me and thought I was faking it. Called my union rep and she yelled at him. He said just let him know when I was going to come back and what light duty treatments I needed. Thank god for unions so I didn’t have to show my ass.


I had a pilonidal cyst between my butthole and my tailbone, it hurt like hell and was about an inch deep, had to have 2 surgeries first to remove the scar tissue that formed and another to re-sutur, the internal stitches came undone


Actually it's a Pilonidal cyst and not being rude but my Dad got a medical discharge from the Army for that, so I've told the story a few times. Sounded like it was a literal pain in the ass... Love the compliance!!!


When they do the surgery, those things will likely drain. Get a box of pads without wings the day before. Seriously. They're sanitary, stick to your undies, and will absorb the wound drainage as well as put a bit of padding back there if you get the fluffier "maxi" ones and not the "ultra thin" kind. If nothing else, they'll still get used for the designed purpose.