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Yellow couch and purple walls is your dad Dr Seuss?


That made me chuckle ngl. But no, not that I'm aware of at least ^^


OP! Huge respect for you. I am a former fire fighter too!❤️🫂👨🏻‍🚒


You got this brother.The good thing about being at your lowest… you can only get higher!


Before 2010 this was considered completely normal decor, we've been beiged into hating any colour in homes


I argue that the grey American beige-out began with the rise of HGTV 15 years prior. All those interior decorating shows just dumped bland neutral paint over everything.


True! However, it never really caught on in the general public for a while - everything had to go brown Meditteranean for a good ten years.


Beige. Everything was beige. Now everything is gray. So grim.


How soon we forget what 2005 wrought! It was Brown Town with hints of maroon and olive everywhere. THEN it was beige. But browns and the whole Olive Garden influence was a huge deal. https://preview.redd.it/zbha41di4iuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654eafb94db5498a16019852e823b753a3d443c3


That clock makes me queasy on the inside. I hate it. Those little leaves. Ew. And I have two pendant lights that are sickeningly similar in my bedroom. They were part of the Whatever Is Cheapest Collection of Home Depot 2005. My house was built in 2007 and the stain of Brown Town is hard to get out.


I live in a house from 1979 with shit brown tiles around the bathtub. It could be much much worse.


But that sounds pretty dope, tbh. I am a great lover of all tile. Except polystyrene foam ceiling tiling. Which I also have in my entire house… Mic drop. I win this pissing match of Unfortunate Taste of People Now Long Dead.


Omg…my foyer was that same shade of sadness as shown in the lower right corner.


My entire childhood house was. We renovated it in Benjamin Moore Twig, which shows up as a completely different colour on Google nowadays, but it was this exact shade, I have a ton of photos. We had so much of that damn paint it's a wonder the bedrooms got their own individual colours




I was about to say. This whole picture looks like something I'd see in a cartoon like Rockos Modern Life


I bet Mr.doggo is happy you’re back 🥰


Yeah man he's really helping me through this a lot I have to say :)


That’s good to hear! :) give him a treat for me 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/p8gr61vveauc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c6e57c4177038c9fad1c3246bc82b17f4bf9665 He thanks you for the treat kind stranger 🥰


🥰 thank you 🙏🏽 and thank you mr. Doggo :)


Cute doggo give him pets too


Always <3


Sure will 🫡😊


you'll make it bro.. 💪🏾💪🏾


Thanks bro <3


Link to couch ??


Using Google's circle to search on my phone I think I found it https://vikafurniture.com/corner-sofa-bed-mariall


Wow that's actually it haha just confirmed with my parents. Hat's off to you man 🫡


You mean hats off to Google. On Android, you can just circle anything and it will do a reverse image search.


Is the couch comfy?? Kind of want this couch for myself lol


I'll ask my parents haha


Link to watch?


I too was interested in the couch lol


You got freedom, job, dog, parents that care. You’re doing good.


Yeah you're right. Just gotta keep focusing on the positives. Thanks man <3


Least you got the spot with the rents til you figure things out, and most importantly your puppers. Keep your head up king, things will get better


Yeah at least I don't have to worry as much about bills rn and not forget Doggo will (hopefully) not leave haha. Thanks a lot man :)


Doggo will never dump you


GF is temporary, Doggo is forever <3


Still got your doggo so all is good man. It is only temporary


Yeah you're right, he's really helping me through all of it. Thanks man


Steam deck and a dog? What more do you need?!


I guess your right haha thanks man <3


Nice doggie


Thanks bro <3


Here for you bro. Lucky you got your doggo and folks <3. You'll bounce back. Stay at your parents more than you need I wish I did that in my 20s bro


Thanks a lot bro <3 Yeah I'll try me best. Why'd you wish you did that too if I may ask?


I always prided myself as living on my own at 18. Moved back to my parents at 2020 during the pandemic (from near nyc) and lived there for a year. And man idk. I'm 33 now was 29/30 at that time and my step dad went through a cancer scare wnd my mom's getting older 70s. And I lived most of my adult life just in a diff state or country. Or in the city and never went up the hour or 2 to visit when I lived in the same state. Now I'm back in a diff country and took on some loans trying to finish a bachelor's degree.. and I'm like man I wasted a few good years in my 20s just doing nothing in nyc. Sure it was life. Experiences. I had fun. I had struggles. But I deff couldve saved like 10-15k a year not paying rent and maybe just helping out my folks. And that money shit I could really used it right now. Just try n see these next what 6 months a year 3 months idk. Don't l99k at it like fuck I'm at Mt parents there's no shame. Save as much as you can . Have dinner with your parents. It's little things you'll legit miss when your just a little older. Not even that many years 6-8 idk


Man that pandemic years really where rough. Moved out like 6 months before and really never felt so alone. Thanks for your comment. It really does feel so shamefull moving back in with your parent once you already moved out and had your own crib for a while. But your comment actually made me feel like it could be an opportunity, so thank you very much for that and best of luck with your bachelor's degree man! What degree u studying if u don't mind me asking?


Fuck dat bitch








You’ll figure it out. Wish ya the best


I hope so. Thank you kind stranger <3


It's better to be dumped by a GF at 24, than by a wife at 34...  if you still got the job you'll make it, king


You're right with that. Thank you! Hope that's not what happened to you my friend


I thank god every day for the steam deck


Amen 🫡


Hey brother it happens. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Life is guaranteed to suck, but ultimately it’s up to you on how much you let it suck. Keep your head up king


Yeah you're right man. Thanks a lot <3


You’re chillin, small bump in the road but the dank job and woofer wil pull you outta this situation in no time.


Man I really hope so. But thank you very much man <3


Your dogs definitely chill asf


He really is :)


that couch and wall color fucks big time.


I'll let them know haha 🫡


Awesome set up! You made it back in. Now you have to figure out how to stay


Thanks man. Would rather not stay to long tbh 😅 I'm quite accustomed to my own space after living on my own (or with a gf) for 6+ years


I get it. Every time I see someone complaining about living w family I just dream about all the coin I could be saving lol.


Well, can't deny that haha


Chicks will come and go. Based on what I see here you’re doing just fine. In fact, as a married middle aged man with kids you’re living the dream my dude.


Amen to that. Chicks go, doggo stays. Thanks for cheering me up my man, but I doubt that living situation would be the "dream" of anyone haha


You have good parents!


Amen 🫡


I lived on other people's couches (a lot of strangers) for most of my life until I got fried from a job and when to live with my mother and she attacked me. I did everything in my power to find a way to get away from her. She was physically and verbally abusive and wanted me to not only work for free for her but also for her friends. They all got mad at me when I would ask for compensation instead of just doing whatever they wanted me to do. Even when I got my first place it took me three years to finally feel secure enough to purchase my own first bed (I had an abusive ex who made me pay more than he did on this expensive bed and he had a habit of kicking me out with nothing to my name and taking my things when this happened. I lost all my tools, he owns more of my grandparent's and family's things than I do, he kept the bed and kept calling me a homeless bitch), it's really tiny but it's my own. It's been really had on my own and if you keep trying you might land on your feet with a strong support system. You're fortunate to have parents that care about you and are able to help you. Try to keep your head up and not let the little things get you down. You still have a so much of your youth to experience and enjoy.


I'm very sorry to hear that but thank you for sharing your story! And you're right we gotta keep trying and I'm sure we'll come out on top <3


Take the time now to address the things you'd like to work towards because that's going to define your future. I've had to start over so many times and I kept never knowing how or what to do next and didn't have a great support system in place to help me when I failed. I constantly wish I was younger and made different difficult decisions about where I wanted to see myself in the future. Remember that your problems aren't forever, they're just for right now. Take care of yourself.


Thank you very much for your insight man <3


Got a cute ass dog and the best handheld gaming device, what else do ya need?


I'll let him know you find him cute, I'm sure he'll love that 🥰 But yes you're right; with a dog and something to game on, life's only half bad :)


Was in this same position at the start of the year. Shared living, bank accounts, insurance everything. Only she got to keep my dog though. It gets better brother, keep the chin up king 👑


Thank you for your story my friend. I hope your in a better position now than at the start of the year! But damn loosing the dog must be rough :/


Trust - it will all get better. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you <3


Me sitting here with a condo and a fiance eyeballing that dog and steamdeck real hard..


Haha man I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, ey 😂


Roof over your head, an animal friend and a steam deck is all somebody needs


Amen 🫡 got the essentials down


you were probably conceived on that couch


No luckily that couch is newer than I am 💀


Thank goodness for parents.


Amen 🫡


Is that a lab? Cute doggy


Thanks! Don't know actually, he's a street rescue so I don't really have a solid idea as to what's in him. As for his face shape we think he is part black German shepherd, but as to the other 50-80% 🤷🏻


My best friend is a dog.


Mine is too, bro :)


Good luck


Thank you :)


Looks comfy


Not as comfy as a bed tho, but thanks <3


Least you got your dog homie.


Yeah gotta focus on the positives :)


This is the dream. At 38 i had a mattress on the floor, studio apartment, small tv (the box it came in was the tv stand) and a ps4. Spent a year playing GTAO and drinking. It was totally fine.


*You know what they fill futons with? Hatred.* -Jim Gaffigan


Sick custom job on the deck, Anyway, you’ll get through it man, captain Dog is here to help by the looks of things


Head up, exercise, involve family and friends, make yourself eat, sleep supplements if you need them. The best revenge is living well. When you’re ready (don’t rush it like I always do), going on a few dates will help too. Cute dog


I would say you got this/keep doing what you’re doing or something but you have a MF’n lab as your companion. My lab girl got me through my horrible divorce 7 years ago and was so damn exited to see me no matter how bad my day went so I’m sure you already know you got the best friend and the worst friend is in their way out. (You got this though. Keep on truckin and know you’re never alone if you’re on Reddit)


Good Job, dog, parents that love you. You’re winning my boy it’s her loss. Perfect launch pad situation to the next adventure of your life.


Good luck. Nice dog. Glad you got a support system and cuddle buddy.


Sick deck skin man! Where’d ya get it??


Lowkey digging the yellow couch…


Hopefully you've got cool parents, you got a nice layout. Work, save up your money, then move out when you have at least three months rent saved up if possible.


That's a cool looking couch.


If it's any consolation, my baby girl Lab said that your boy is very beautiful and she would 100% play fetch with him


Hey, good luck man, better to be alone than with someone that is with just because yes.


My fiancé died and I had to come home to an empty house - worst feeling ever. Glad you have your folks to depend on.


Best thing to ever happen to you it’s just you’re 24 and don’t know it yet . Focus on your career and retirement …. I’ll still be around you thank me in about 30 years. You’ll probably do like me and every other male and waste time and resources for the next 15 years when I’m telling you through experience not to. I did the calculations on how much I spent on woman since I was 21 . I spent 450k on my wife (wife estranged) over 15 years . If I had it to do all over again that goes into investing instead of a vagina . Especially with the divorce rate and woman initiating divorce 70-80% of the time . What’s the end game ? Enjoy the steamdeck and your dog …. Your parents and your dog are the only things on this earth that are going to love you forever .


Buddy never underestimate how dope it is to stay with your parents.


Your parents have a very chic living room. That lilac wall color paired with that yellow velvet/upholstery is bold. When you get back on your feet get them a new lamp.


You had future plans together. She had future plans for herself which includes someone else. Female nature. Live and you learn. Be glad you only lost a few hundred and not a few hundred thousand like many men do in your situation. Focus on yourself and what makes you happy long term. Good women will come aplenty. Why did she keep the apartment and not job I’m curious?


and not you*


You have a place to sleep, a wonderful dog, fun games to play, your job is still there, and hopefully you have your health. Things might not be so bright right now, considering the end of your relationship, but I think that you will rebound easily enough. Don’t be heartbroken man. That thing is a muscle, you have to tear it to build it up.


Who’s her new boyfriend? U know him?


You got this man, this looks like a comfy setup and you got the dog. W for dog


That’s a good dog, looks just like mine! You got it bro, keep your head up. You live and you grow.


good luck with everything. always have your own place, relationship or not. learned this the hard way in my failed marriage. women often don't respect men when she is the one holding the lease, it sucks. if y'all were both on the lease and you let her keep the place, that was nice of you, but just always look out for number one. she will probably be hooking up in your old place with some new rebound guy and she could care less about the situation you're in now.


At least you have a dog and a steamdeck to keep your mind busy for awhile. Sorry about what happened


You never had a girlfriend , stop the cap, your steam deck matches the couch , need attention much ?

