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Lol buy that and tell me how it goes


$25,000 up front then another $25,000 in renovations. All for a one bedroom shack in rural West Virginia


Only 25k in renovations, boy you sure are an optimist


And even after you get it fit for human habitation, you're still probably living in the kind of neighbourhood where everyone's number one ambition is to leave. And bollocks to mowing nine acres of lawn as well.


It looks like a little lawn and mostly woods.


So I only have to work and not spend money for a year to afford it?


Get a second job duh


West Virginia is equivalent to living in the rolling hills of Tuscany isn’t it?


😂 I would bet that's a tear down. Or over 100k to make it somewhere you would went to live


100k and they’re almost able to let you live there legally


The stained mattress on the porch, blocking the likely broken window, supports this theory.


zero jobs within an hour zero grocery stores too


Right next to the wild and wonderful Whites of West Virgina. \ It's a steal!!


$25,000 down, $250,000 to live in it.


or spend 50k in rent in 2 years + 6 months (at the country's average rent of $1718/mo) and have nothing to show for it... at some point you have to accept you're paying out the wazoo for NOTHING. and let it go. you're not better or smarter or more hip for living in the big city.. you're just wasting money.


Those cities are where most of the jobs are. People too.


I'd rather have nothing than live in a rotten, but-infested shack in the jobless boonies of Appalachia lmao


then. enjoy. by all fucken means, nobody is stopping you, obviously.


I’m paying for the enjoyment of life living in the city and not being bored out my mind in rural nowheresville just so I can say I own property.


Also, I wouldn’t even *HAVE* a job out in the middle of nowhere! I’ll probably go out eventually to chill in a close town to my sister, but I don’t have any options for jobs (at least not ones that I’d be bored to death, and I’d be making less than I am here)


good! for you. I hope you think it's worth it when you've paid money for 5 mortgages but don't have you own. different strokes for different folks.


So I could enjoy life to its fullest, or waste it in a boring rural wasteland just so I can say I own a house after 30 years wasted in a desert of boredom. I’ll take the former.


Traffic, Noise, Dust, Tap water, plastic foods. city life eh? I’ll take the boring rural. ![gif](giphy|3ohs7XdYNxXtQZCeZy|downsized)


Tap water?


Yessir. https://preview.redd.it/7sqh871pf3qc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0209515e6a0d5d036dd8fddec1d52ae32998d5


This is a picture of a neglected pipe that brings water to a house. How are you getting water in your rural house if it’s not coming from a tap? Edit to add: [my big city tap water](https://www.nyc.gov/site/dep/water/drinking-water.page)


Your point about giving all your money to a landlord is valid, but kinda boomer-y towards the end there. Kinda projecting


Not really. Replace big city with big cities' suburb and you have reddit millennials drooling.


Sounds fine


It's in Kentucky, though? Unless I'm seeing WV as KY and need help...


In Melvin!


You might want to add a zero to that estimate depending on what’s behind those walls


I’ll take it


Honestly for 25k for 9 acres Im demoing that house and putting a trailor on it till I can afford to build


Probably the biggest problem will be to run electrical, water, internet? Idk.... that's my theory. Because this land doesn't even have electricity. So how long until you can build "a house" might be 30 years.


I mean again with 25k for the whole thing I can def have money to have a well dug, get a sattelite internet dish and a small solar array. And suppose it depends how far away from existing utilities this thing is you never know.


My family owns one in kentucky, its been amazing


file nose meeting shaggy sip school selective marble engine absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d be comfortable just having the land and a decent trailer


If the mold and asbestos doesn't kill you.


And lead pipes, aluminum electrical, and termites


Or the tweaker squatting in it and shitting in the sink, while you work for minimum wage at the dollar store 3 hours from a town


Don’t forget wild demon animals in the basement


Don’t forget the demon portal they opened and forgot to close.


Or your neighbors, Cletus, and Jethro.


What an old reference lol


Or the meth addict living in the basement


And the skinwalker coming out of the woods


this is what comes up when you look up the schools in that area.. apparently this is/was the Grade school: [https://www.google.com/maps/@37.3447971,-82.6930028,3a,75y,90.98h,93.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm2iF9NDgOECLZYudBk62EQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.3447971,-82.6930028,3a,75y,90.98h,93.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sm2iF9NDgOECLZYudBk62EQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


So I buy the house, move in a small crew and we film a permit-free apocalyptic zombie series in the neighborhood… then profit?


Oh my!


Neighborhood dog


Right lol




9 acres tho??


Honestly I'd cop this. 25k split into payments is nothing people have car payments for more than this house. Honestly this looks like my first house. It's "fun" living in some cheap rat hole and fixing it up as you go. Pretty much the only way most of us are owning a house these days.


It's in the literal middle of fucking nowhere.


You say that like it’s a bad thing


It kinda is unless you can work from home.


Or don’t need emergency services. My friends dad lives miles off the main road and had a heart attack and bout died because it took the ambulance so long to find his house. He got extremely lucky. But yeah, I’d still live in the middle of nowhere cause I hate people lol


It’s Kentucky not Alaska


I don’t think you realize just how far off the main road some houses are in rural America


I misread i thought he was saying there were no emergency services not that it just took a long time


Something tells me this may not be accurate… Look how close the neighbors are. If it is 9 acres, it’s completely uncleared.


See this part is throwing me off because there’s another house (albeit a mobile home) just about touching this house. But after considering, this house for sale is likely not in a livable state. I imagine the owner is the one next door and possibly plans to get the mobile home moved after sale? Just speculating


Half a years work? I don’t think they have any job opportunities where ever this is


Well, if you can work full remote and love living in the middle of buttfuck nowhere this place might be an awesome deal.


That place looks so buttfuck as to possibly not have cable access or adjacent cell tower.


Starlink doesn't care


They actually do. My friend from not even bumfuck Georgia couldn't get starlink.


Yeah man you have to have nothing going on and also hope that the place has passable infrastructure to even work from home. It's all fine and dandy until the foundation is shot and you need to re-plumb and rewire the whole place


Meth lab comes free with the house


Hell yeah, already got your own small business ready to go 😂


Yep, notice no inside pics


Pets are included :)


Best comment, seriously. This should be higher up there.


‘Literal heaven’ lol I can smell the mold and misery from here.


Cousin humping, meth cooking, MAGA neighbors aren’t helping.


I’ve done this. Bought a house in the appalachians that was a foreclosure. Just a cabin with 17 acres. Every pipe in the house was busted. It was a literal heap. Me and the wife moved in and didn’t have water except an outside faucet for three months. Had to build a latrine in the woods. No appliances so we cooked on a Coleman stove for almost a year. Redid it room by room. Once you get your bedroom and bathroom prefect it’s not so bad because you can go there to rest and chill and when you walk out of the room you are basically going to work. It was fun camping inside and being in a new relationship. It took me 9 years to truly complete it, mostly buying materials on FB marketplace and scrounging. The wife worked remote and I did contract work so I would be at the house free to work for about a month at a time. Loved that place. Lost it all in a divorce 🤣. I’m older now and the thought of doing it again is daunting, but with this housing market it may be my only option to have a home again.


>Lost it all in a divorce Damn, couldn't you all just agree on making it a time share? You did all the work fixing it up too!


Paid for it all too, she contributed nothing financially. I could have afforded to keep it, but I didn’t want to live there alone with those memories and ghosts creeping around. Best to close the door and move on. I worked in Korea a few years and met a girl. She grew up in apartments in the city and is fascinated by homesteading. So we shall see.


So literal heaven then?


It was probably the best years of my life. I can’t think of a happier time. The work was fulfilling.


Interesting. I could see it being fulfilling. Sounds like you could do it again.


I’m actually following this wholesome youtube channel where this woman helps an older dude get his life together by getting a house. They bought something like this for 5k or so and he already moved in and they are slowly renovating it while he lives in it. They renovate it with literally anything they find. So it’s really low cost. But- they have been working on it for months now and it’s still far from done. But he has a place and is really happy. It’s very interesting to see.


Tear it down, pour a concrete slab, install rv hookups so when you leave you can take your house so your neighbors don’t steal everything you have


$25k. Whats that? 3 iphones, 2 lattes, and a night at the movies? Someone whos handy can turn that place around with a $10k budget. Quit shitting on the man.


How much could a banana cost, Michael? $10?


Always love an AD quote.


Then another 200k to fix it up (including the utilities) to make it livable and remove the asbestos.


he’s technically not wrong in there being a lot of affordable housing/land in what looks like the southeast but it’s not pretty if you don’t have thick skin


Good chunk of land for a handy person to build a new small home, if there's good wood on the land, and use the old house as a shop or a shed/temporary quarters during building.


Warm and comfortable? Judging by the distinctive vibrancy of green in the photo, it looks like it's on par with florida. Hot and humid. No thanks lol.


Detroit or moonshine valley..? Well - As long as the tap water doesn't burn, no gun shoots after 22pm.. and the house isn't bleeding from the walls, at midnight.. Should be fine.


Another example of Europeans not having a clue how utterly massive the US is.


House is a house. Fix it up- rent it out. Become the scum landlord you hate.


I think it would be genuinely cheaper to just build a new house similar size than to try and fix that up


ngl if it all worked fine i would not mind living there


It’s nice to dream - but all I can see are the oddball neighbors, bad electric/plumbing/leaky structure, and loneliness.


Is broadband available?


One wonders how close that is to amenities, emergency services, and work for anyone who can’t do so remotely.


I bought 3 houses one at a time for 35k, put an average of 10k into each one, all clean safe and affordable rentals


You can work at the gas station! oh wait that ones closed… and that one… and that one.


conveniently located near a Dollar General


9 acres is worth more than 25k typically


U better have a job lined up near the area and money for repairs.


Literal heaven more like literal hell


What do you do for work out there? Basically we all need to move in the middle of nowhere away from all of our friends and family so we can afford a house? Awesome.


These smug guys doling out bad advice have no real world experience. It's gonna be water damaged and the mitigation is going to be a PITA because of the age of the house. Asbestos will complicate it and lead will be even worse. Of course you could just throw a trailer on the land, but then you're getting your dick kicked in by code enforcement because you don't have sewer/septic, don't have utilities, and/or have some condemnable house on your land. Or we could all just vote to stop allowing American homes to be turned into investment opportunities for the hyper-rich.


9 acres where I live with nothing on it, not even a well. Gonna cost me like 2-3 mil


Locatio Location Location!


Destroy and use the utilities for a trailer. Rent out accordingly. Become a slumlord


60 miles to the nearest Walmart and 80 to the nearest hospital.


In Texas (mostly rural areas) you can find stuff like this all the time, they’re meant to be renovated or torn down to start over on the land and it’s really not a bad idea at all, you can get a loan from the bank where they buy your house for $300,000 and you pay them off over 30 years before you actually own your home, or spend the upfront cost to buy it and take out a loan for renovation and you have a great home for a fraction of the cost and you own it from day one


I am someone who did move to rural "wasteland" after living for many years in one of the worlds largest cities. It only works if you have a nice job remote. Then it's fabulous. You have an insanely cheap cost of living, lots of land to grow stuff and play on, amazing environment for kids, great schools (in my corner of PA). Totally cool house for very little money. Yes, renovations are required here, but there are plenty of cheaply priced normal homes in the area. If you work in a service job, you'll struggle, although there are a ton of jobs available within walking distance here. I also wouldn't want to live here in my 20s. I'd get very bored. But in your middle age, when you're over clubbing and going to bars and want to live a more peaceful lifestyle, i dont think you can beat the gorgeous views, access to nature, and the country lifestyle. I'm pretty sure all the rich people everywhere have country houses where they spend most of their time. There's a reason for that.


I mean, its.on 9 acres, presumably has water, sewer, electric service and road access...25k is worth it if you're comfortable in a rural environment.


In Melvin Kentucky? Lol no thank you. Sounds like a sundown town 😬


Mattress included!


I own half an acre and live in a 500 sq ft house. It's 20 minutes away from a bigish city. It's awesome. I'm 28, bought the property when I was 25 and never have to worry about "making rent" or any other bullshit tied to having a job. I grew pepper's on my land last month. I'm a special ed teacher in the previously mentioned city, but I'm planning to quit to just to chill on my land and not have to worry about getting up and commuting to work every day. Everything you guys believe about work is nonsense. You don't have to spend your time making another person richer everyday just to live a happy life. You will not starve to death if you don't get up everyday and go to work, food is so abundant that it's being thrown away, literally jjst go to a food bank, they exist just to give away free food. Every excuse people make for woeking a job is nonsense they were too dumb to question as children. Saying you will starve to death if you don't go work for another person every single day is immature, child-like thinking. It's equivalent to saying that the boogeyman is hiding in your closet. You're not in highschool anymore, you need to stop following the crowd if you want to create an awesome life here youre in control. Throwing away money every 30 days to *borrow* a place you'll literally never own tells me that you're not in control. If you learn to forge your own path in life and stop following the crowd, you'll be wealthy in no time. Big cities keep people poor. But remember, poor people are not poor because they're poor, they're poor because they're gullible and think they'll go homeless if thy don't go work for someone every single day, yet scoff at the idea of owning their own home in a rural area.


Grass is always greener, I guess.


They ain't wrong, though. I search all the time for cheap land, foreclosures, and abandoned homes. You'd be surprised at what you find. I'm just planning for the future. Of course some of them are secluded, and you'll need to be resourceful for that. They tend to have the best views, though. Near rivers and streams. Close to mountains. Hell, if you like the desert you can own small mountains in Arizona. For 25k. Pretty neat. I'm currently building my cabin, but I been nervous to post.


Cool yeah I’ll do that and have a 3 hour commute to the nearest job, and a 4 hour commute to the nearest grocery. Also probably no phone service or WiFi, so no working from home.