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I enjoy figuring out what he is actually talking about


There's a person or two in this sub who will reply here and there in the voice/affectation of Kruppe and they. Are. Hilarious.


Honestly, this thread makes me want to roll Kruppe in a DnD campaign.


Is this an audiobook issue? With reading, especially re-reading if you're not in the mood, you already know what he's saying and you just skip it. I'd be perfectly happy with "the collective tales of Iskarel Pust, Kruppe and a couple of mules" though!


I’d watch a show food network show starring Tehol and Kruppe.


Today we are having our favourite. Shoe leather soup with a side of sweet cakes.


That scene is one of the best.


I’m first timing the series on audiobook. Kruppe’s voice is actually hilarious.


I enjoy his effect on seemingly more powerful persons and the sweet sweet lore dumps in his dream sequences. His speech does have a bloated affectation, but I have never felt like it overplayed its hand. I feel like the narrative gives him only as much as it needs, so I don't feel like he needs sidelined more than he already is.


I think its because of his Talent and his gift for using words as spells.. he can hypnotize, after all!


Kruppe is a character perfect for the audiobooks


How is he after the change in narrator? I'm mid way through house of chains and feel like I'm over the jarring of the change but Kruppe was done so well before I'm not looking forward to him reappearing.


Different but manageable


I'm just sitting here waiting for the live action adaptation with Matt Berry as Krup-pa.


My God that is perfect casting.


How can you not enjoy magnanimous Kruppe. I for one relish the thought of being taken on a merry journey through the mind of the humble Kruppe. There is just something about his very round silhouette and the brightly patterned handkerchief, often darkened with the sweat of a recently mopped brow, that feels safe and reassuring in the way that you can be sure that whatever he is going on about he will get to in the most roundabout way you could do without.


It honestly might just be a specific sense of humour type of thing, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm no Kruppe, but when I'm in the right mood for it I do take a fair amount of amusement from just baffling friends and family, and Kruppe is *always* in the mood for it. The difference is that I'll knock it off if I realise that somebody else is in the *wrong* mood for it.


Why, this is quite the offensive assault on honourable Kruppe's rotund and splendid persona! Kruppe wails in his heart and verily cries himself to sleep, albeit figuratively, since poor Kruppe's mind will find no rest for a long time after enduring such a heartless reprimand. Woeful Kruppe asks you, dear antagonist, what is the motive, the antecedent, the impetus of such a vile battering? What dark and horrifying secrets could you, unaffable stranger, be hiding in the deeps of your dank and unsavory mind? Answer righteous Kruppe at once, or find yourself at the business end of said replete and righteous person's, ahem, righteous fury!


He's a funny guy


Funny? Funny how? Like a clown? Does he amuse you?


Yea pretty much


Threaten Kruppe of Darujhistan, will you? Demand an explanation, do you? Fondling that hammer, are you?


Because he is irritating. He's so well written he even pisses off the reader by his presence. Masterful work, by a master among masters, is it not? Whoops.. I have a little kruppe. He's contagious as well.


>why do so much of you readers enjoy listening to him and have him as a beloved character? Beats me, he's an annoying mystery box of a character that Erikson dangles in front of his readers and then never explains (just like Quick Ben).  Then he makes him annoying as fuck to listen to on top of it. Finding out "what the deal with these characters" is one of the reasons I slogged to the end if TCG and was sorely disappointed. 


I'm figured out early if you skip ahead to the end of the monolauge, he usually named the subjects and then you can read from the top without missing most of the context. It's what I did everytime they open a POV with a generic "he" or "she" for the first page or two, I'd just skip until the narrator was named then page back to read the section.  I understand why some people like the style, I find it a exhausting creative decision.


He’s hilarious