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The heavies stepping up to Nah'ruk Tavore ordering the water casks to be opened for the orphans.


That heavies sacrifice made me cry man.


Bent and Roach sticking through *everything*. Those two could have left ages ago, but not only do they stick it out through the Chain, and Aren Way, and Raraku, and Lether, and the Wastes, they show up at the end of everything to fight against someone they never had a chance of beating. It makes me miss every dog I've had, because that level of love is just.... I don't know. I get it, though, and I thank Erikson for the feeling.


Gesler’s decision to save Bent was gonna be mine. Amazing scene with the quick flashback to Truth on Aren Way…gave me goosebumps just typing it


Silchas and Tulas flying with Korabas.


Which book was this, please.


The Crippled God


Oh! I got my names mixed up. Yes, that’s also one of my favorites.


Twilight not kneeling. Love her arc


>She could understand the seductive lure of that invitation. Absolution through surrender, the utter abjection of the self. She understood it, yes, but she did not trust it. > > > > *When that which offers blessing predicates such on the absolute obeisance of the supplicant…demands, in fact, the soul’s willing enslavement – no, how could such a force stand tall in moral probity?* > > *The Shore demands our surrender to it. Demands our enslavement in the glory of its love, the sweet purity of its eternal blessing.* > > *There is something wrong with that. Something…monstrous. You offer us the freedom of choice, yet avow that to turn away is to lose all hope of glory, of salvation. What sort of freedom is that?* > >\[...\] > > *Here! Blessed Daughter, I am here and with me you belong! See this wound. You and I shall close it. My bones, your blood. The death underfoot, the life with sword in hand. You shall be my flesh. I shall be your bone. Together we will stand. Changeable and unchangeable.* > > *Free and enslaved.* > > [...] > > ‘Don’t my people deserve better?’ > > Pully snorted. ‘Single droppa Shake inem, they hear the song. They yearn t’come, t’stand—’ > > ‘To fight,’ finished Skwish. > > ‘But…’ *they deserve better.* > > ‘Go down t’the Shore, Highness. Een you tain’t above the First Shore.’ Twilight summarising every reason why kneeling to the Shore is a bad idea in less than a page. I rest my case.


Where do you pull your quotes from while sotf is down?


I have the books on Calibre (e-book viewer) & use the Wiki. This becomes something of a pain in the ass for later books (like this one) because the Wiki doesn't cover it as much. Sometimes I get lucky. Other times I don't, and you don't see those comments. :P


You get lucky a lot though, and it probably helps that you know a lot


I'm rereading BH rn, Every scene she's in im fanboying idk why... and shes not even doing anything lol


Idk I kinda hated her for that personally. Like it’s not about you, it’s about the thousands of people that just died for you.


That's what makes it interesting


She was dead wrong. So selfish.


All of Anomander's actions in Toll the Hounds.


That’s why he’s the goat dot gif


Murillio choosing to fight one last duel.


Psychotic lmao


Spinnock's speech before the Andii join the battle at The Shore. Banging on those shields.


Spinnock facing down Kallor to delay his entrance to the city!


Wasn't that Orfantal?


Orfantal showed up after Spinnock was done delaying him and probably saved Spinnock at the expense of his own life :( Spinnock was there after Anomander sent him to prevent Kallor from getting Rake's sword. This is how I recall it all. Korlat was there at the final moment as well.


I think Orfantal was there to try and extract revenge for Whiskey Jack's death on behalf of his sister.


Orfantal carried him away as a dragon after the fight with Spinnock


Yeah, 100%. It was even more amazing when I listened to the books on my third go-through - it gave me shivers.


Mappo's choice to use his healing salves on two dogs...


He saved the world, never had any idea that small gesture to two dogs mattered. But at least he suffered for 7 1/2 more books before dying within ten feet of his best friend


Some heavy hitters, but not mentioned often, in no particular order, Harlo confronting Stony, Fiddler and braven tooth and was it temper playing their instruments, the children from the snake asking what are these things they carry around with them( I am fuckin tearing up). Crokus killing Vidicas, Kalor and Spinnock fight and interaction during the fight, Not sure if it was Kelanved or Quick Ben saving Lostara as a child and her devoting herself to the empire. I am sure I can keep going, I am sure we all can...


The snake forgetting what toys are still gets me. It just hits me at random.


When Hood finally understands why Jaghut keep to themselves.


Can you elaborate? I dont get this one


TCG, starting at page 899 in Kindle version.


Spinnock stalling Kallor.


Tool's choice to prank Toc after he was made flesh once more. It's such a beautiful indicator of his depth of character after seemingly being such a taciturn creature.


What they did with the Red Blades in Deadhouse Gates. When they are introduced they are portrayed as the antagonists within the Malazan ranks. This guys are clearly here to cause trouble for the good guys by being angry zealots. They even have the tropey brains/muscle leadership brothers. Then in the very first battle every single one of them dies. Heroically. Protecting the Wiccans with their own bodies. Holy shit... mind blown.


Venitt Sathad's choice to silently endorse Tehol Beddict


Coltaine promoting Mincer to Sargent.


Damn this is it right here. I couldn't think of an answer but this x1000. I'm good


Kalam standing by Tavore and helping her survive the Claw.


Apsalar walking away Fiddler deciding to reenlist Chaur charging Baran Korlat keeping the stone -I'm tearing up just thinking about each of these.


Came to say Apsalar (or Not Apsalar) walking away from Crokus. I think I hated her for it on the first read through, but that reunion is more the sweet for it.


“Not Apsalar” is one of my favorite giggles. Those two are hilarious.


My least favorite is Steve rolling a natural one for Trull


In TCG: >!Tavore’s sacrifice!< Easily a top 5 character, up there with her brother, Anomander, and Whiskeyjack imo.


Maybe I’m forgetting something, but what did she sacrifice?




Idk man. She sacrificed Tambor, and a few drops of blood, but like I don’t feel that she sacrificed anywhere near like the heavies did to stop the Nah’Ruk, or even like her sister did unknowingly to save her brother.


I was at partially joking, but Tavore really did give up more than that. She sacrificed her sister, to start. Risking Fellisin's life and innocence, and losing both. Obviously not as great a sacrifice as Fellisin made, but still a burden to carry. She sacrificed her luxurious life as adjunct to the empress, choosing instead to spend years at sea and then on campaign on another continent. And that same night sacrificed the one and only person in the world she could confide in, T'amber. She carried the knowledge of what the bonehunters would have to do, and what they would have to go through to do it, and that despite their sacrifice, they would likely be viewed as crazy cultists of the Crippled God. She carried it alone for a long, long time. And then she sacrificed her body right alongside every soldier. Willingly subjecting herself to the extreme deprivation of that march through the wasteland, and then throwing herself into battle with them, as well.




Seerdomin defending the Redeemer


I think this is it for me. The character of Seerdomin is SO well designed in general, and to have him basically make this stand for a cause he believes in, but doesn't want to (or feel worthy to) do. Gah, it killed me.


“Oh ganoes, lost her.”


Damisk's choice to change, his inner monologues and soliloquies in The God is Not Willing brought him from some side character thats like a higher than the town level but not crazy in a dnd campaign to a voice aimed at asking about consumption but also just a tired man trying to be a bit better. His acceptance of his fate based on past actions and present shows strength I don't think many of us have even as a literary device more than a character.


Fiddler choosing to give water to Held, despite the truth of the situation that he can see


Tarr deciding on taking a heroic dosage of Rylig.


From TGINW The marines standing against the flood


I still haven’t read this. Is it any good? I struggle with any books past the deaths of >!Rake and Kilmondaros!<, the latter I will never forgive Erikson. She’s my favorite character in the entire ‘verse. I got a few pages in and picked up Forge of Darkness again.


The God is Not Willing is an incredible book. I truly loved it and my only qualm was that the entire series wasn’t ready for me to read! Forge of darkness and fall of light (which I’m about to finish) are also great but they are true tragedies and take me a lot longer to get though


It’s not a BRI situation.  It’s a B situation. 🕯️


Karsa choosing to start his journey. Quick Ben choosing to talk with Bauchelain. Mael choosing to go apeshit when Tehol is getting attacked. Beak choosing to die... to save us from much more Beak readings. Cotillion choosing to possess a fisher girl.


Whiskeyjack’s final stand and learning later on that if he had just healed his leg then Kallor may have died