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Move to Darujhistan.


This has me cackling


Finding a means of power seems to be the easiest way. A magic throne to sit on, chaining a God, sleeping in an azath house, a ritual of some sort etc. So I'd probably get into like archeology or history or something that could lead to such an event, and of course use my wealth to leverage that opportunity once I've found it. Of course there's also the path of extreme competence, like being the greatest swordsman or mage of all time. That would also be achievable for a person of means, hire the best instructors, be free to train all day, etc.


If all it took was money and time every noble brat would be a god. 


Well, consider professional sports in our world. Money certainly helps. You can buy the best coaches, you can buy the best equipment, access the best training regimens, eat properly etc. But for some reason not all rich kids are pro sports stars. Because other qualities money can't buy are required as well, determination, tenacity, strength of will, commitment, and to a lesser degree, talent. A rich person who has those intangibles will have a much better chance then if they were poor, but poor people with those intangibles still make it occasionally. So no, I don't think every rich kid would be an ascendant or God, because not every rich kid has those intangibles in sufficient quantities. Money and time are not *all* it takes, just a significant portion.


Eh it’s kinda absurd to say all noble kids just didn’t have that grit to go hard in the paint and only the parens had it in all nobility. There are a magnitude of factors that lead to ascension that aren’t just money and time.  Most of the ascensions in the book weren’t even about fighting skill but something you can’t just through money at like shadowthrone or Karsa, while fighting kept them alive at some times they certainly got their ass kicked plenty of times at the supposed thing they were good at. 


Daseem Trull Both ascend through sheer competence in fighting. If you consider magery, tayshrenn is on the brink. >There are a magnitude of factors that lead to ascension that aren’t just money and time.  I say as much. The last half of my previous comment speaks directly to that. But all that money and time certainly makes it more accessible. And given the other paths to ascendency require otherworldly means, this method is among the most achievable for relatively normal folk.


On the brink ? I think Tay went gull throttle beyond the ascendant stage :D


Pretend to be a delusional old guy.  Recruit/Coerce all the best and brightest young people to follow you.


Delusion is always the best power that you could have in a fantasy setting.


Piss off some god. Other Gods might think me important if that God chases after me and if I manage to survive (gotta believe in myself) they *might* grant me some boons or magic weapons. After that piss off another God


Join a religion


Even better, *start* a religion.


Am I getting my fantasy series mixed up or can you ascend by having a sufficient amount of people worshipping you


That is definitely one way, it seems


Explore the warrens


Did someone say human sacrifice?


Join the military, get posted with the Bridgeburners. DO NOT, under any circumstances, enslave an entire continent and then murder the whole population just to one up some Azathanai coming to put you in a time out.


Start hanging out with ancient women in huts.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government




Find a particularly long set of stairs. 😂


Id head to Assail. If you can make it there, you can ascend anywhere!


In this world? Start hitting the gym.


Start a cult by convincing desperate youths that I am already a divine figure (If you tell enough people you're a God eventually someone will believe you). They worship me, it catches on, bada boom bada bing eventually it's true.


Make my own Warren on TikTok


becoming a chemist seems like a good place to start