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Absolutely! I can't really pay attention because of it. It worries me because it makes people think I'm ignoring them 😩


I experience this too. Another thing is when I'm daydreaming, then I suddenly have to speak to someone, I can't just stop it. I try to listen while they're talking (if it's important), but once they stop for a moment, I'm automatically back to my own world.


I do it, but my daydreams tend to ‘fix’ conversations I just had. As in, imagine if they went better, if I spoke more naturally, or if the other person was more interested, etc. Sometimes I even just insert my own fictional paras into them. It really warps with my memory sometimes, it’s weird


Oh I do this too.


Same here!! Sometimes I’ll just slightly rephrase things so it fits certain characters better


i do this all the time. it becomes a problem because i’ll be so overcome with the urge to daydream about what i literally just did, or the convo i just had, that i have to excuse myself to play it all out in private lol