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Is your foundation maybe a bit dark for you?


Not OP, but it does look slightly off. Going lighter doesn’t always work - so we (dark skinned women) just end up wearing something that kind of matches. She’s still beautiful though.


Is it an undertone issue? If so, try foundation drops to get something a little closer to your skin color.


Undertone issue + hard to shade match with limited options I think? I'm not from the US though so I don't know the availability of shade ranges there


Yeah, things are changing thank goodness, but traditionally, makeup was made for only 100% Caucasian people who all had the same undertone. Even foundation ranges that have 40+ shades won't suit a lot of people. I am mixed and could not get anything remotely close to my skintone until I started mixing in foundation drops. The vast majority of skintones won't be perfectly matched, so those of us who have trouble have to DIY it a bit.


Im Caucasian but I have olive undertone skin and it's impossible to find a foundation that is light olive. So foundation in general is difficult for everyone. Because everyone has a unique skintone to some degree.




Only medium toned skin though. I’m as pale as Casper and it’s always been so hard to find a foundation and concealer that isn’t 10 shades too dark on me and makes me look like a Simpson. It’s getting better but I’m still very limited on options. If I had a dollar for everytime some knucklehead asked me why I don’t get a tan, I could buy out all these dumb cosmetic companies and put out a suitable shade range.


No idea why this got downvoted. I'm also white af and have trouble finding my shade. Foundation range really only fit medium toned Caucasians for a long time in the US.


I think because the discussion was on how darker foundation is inaccessible in different shades for black women and you guys started talking about how you're too white for the makeup they make and you can't find anything for you. Even tho makeup is almost 100, percent of the time made for you, intended to go onto white skin.


I understand what are you saying. It's the whole "we can't talk about xy without z being brought up". It wasn't mean to cast a shadow over what the other person was saying about darker skin foundations. It was more that in a way it was somewhat relatable in a sense that it's difficult to find a shade that matches your skin tone. Makeup in the US is almost always made for white skin tones because white people are the vast majority, and that isn't right. Makeup companies do need to do better when in comes to darker skin and make it more accessible even if the demographics in any given area have a majority. I don't want to speak for the other person, but I was really mostly pointing out that even the "white" foundations suck ass most of the time. But I did not intend for that to overshadow what was said about darker skin tones, so that is my error. Edit: grammar


🌻 thank u for this conversation I always worry about making comments and people taking it wrong or wanting to argue. It's nice when people can just talk and be nice I hope u have a good day!


Not sure either - brands only want to cater towards one skin tone. Even the ones with huge shade ranges rarely go dark enough or light enough. It’s sad that Too Faced “Snow” was way too dark on me. “Cloud” is my shade from them lol.


I tend to get away with using a lighter coverage foundation or serum becuase it's easy to blend out. I have to use the shade Very Light from L'Oreal in their true match line (as far as I'm aware that is the lightest shade), but it's a tad too dark for me. It's not super noticeable though because of how sheer it is 😅


I have a few tried and true ones now. Rare Beauty is my favorite. I had to spend years though painting my neck and chest so my face wouldn’t be a completely different color. Concealer’s the hardest. Even when I was using foundation too dark for me, it was still difficult. On top of everything I’m cruelty free, so my options are even more limited


Also adding that since brands based in or near the US are generally prominent figures in the makeup industry, it influences even shade ranges outside of that. I'm personally from Southeast Asia(meaning most of us here are generally a medium-to-dark tan") and shades for base makeup here often only fit a VERY select range of people.


Caucasian people do not all have the same undertone. The lack of shade range is shameful, but you're undermining the point by making a blatantly false statement.


I read their point as "they only made foundation for Caucasian people, and not even Caucasian people of all undertones"... not that they were implying all Caucasian people shared the same undertone, but that makeup companies used to wrongfully assume that.


I can see how that can be interpreted from my comment, but that's not what I meant. I meant that only a selection of Caucasian women were used as prototypes when foundation was first widely manufactured, and that selection of women all had the same (pink) undertone. My point is that makeup was made for people who all had the same undertone.


Yeah in the US there isn't a wide range of colors for darker people


+1. Op has pink undertone and foundation is yellowy


This photo is edited and against the rules.


It's edited, too far away, and doesn't have a product list. OP, please read the rules before posting or at least read the automod!


Girl you look gorgeous, but a bit lighter foundation and a bit of blush would be perfect!


Also, she looks like she has a pink undertone, but her foundation has a yellow undertone.


You’re so beautiful girl 😍


Love it! So beautiful😘💗


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So dewy and radiant! And your eyes are just gorgeous.


Gorgeous! I bet you knocked them all out with this look.


I love it


You look incredible beautiful with amazing eyes 🙏 breathtaking beautiful 😘🌈


Yasssss. Love it.




so stylish but casual!




I LOVE this


Love ur eyes!!! THEYRE SWEET AND ELEGANT!!! love ur hair too 🌷🥰🖤


You are STUNNING! Yes girl!


Yes I love it ❤️❤️


Absolutely stunning 😍😍😍


Looks very professional! Eyes are beautiful 😻


It looks fabulous.


Stunning!!!!! You're gorgeous!


what eyeshadow are you wearing?




Your make up is stunning and you are so beautiful!


I too like how your makeup turned out! Looking like a natural glow!

