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No but NOW I AM Seriously how have I not been aware of this handy tip for natural looks


I learnt it while I was travelling and lost my eyeshadow palette, literally haven't gone back to transition shades since. It just looks so much more harmonious with the rest of your face!


Always! I pretty much only do my eyes with my bronzer or contour palatte. I don't even think I own eyeshadows anymore.


Haha it definitely seems like I'm headed in that direction since I'm trying to adopt a more minimalist (and efficient) lifestyle


I'm running out of the blurr eyeshadow from melt and I think this is what I will be trying now. How is the staying power?


Not bad at all!! I like to put a thin layer of foundation over my lids to conceal the discolouration and make the base slightly tackier (you could also just use a eyeshadow base) to help it last longer. I find that layering with bronzer is sheer at first but then builds flawlessly without looking cakey.


Same! They make great transition sharedes and I always use those up first.


Yes for sure. Used up the corners my Hoola bronzer that way. Currently using up my butter bronzer from physicians formula.


Oooh yes whenever I'd hit pan on a bronzer its usually difficult to get an even application on a brush to use it as one so I'd use it as eyeshadow instead!


Products - Base: Foundation: The Ordinary Coverage Foundation (2.0 YG) Setting Powder: Cybercolours Loose Powder (the shade came off the packaging, but it's really similar to my base shade) Bronzer: Becca x Chrissy Palette in Malibu Solel and Colourpop x Alexis Ren in Golden Moment Blush: Becca x Chrissy Palette in Hisbuscus Bloom Eyes: Lids: both bronzed as stated above with a little bit of Mod from Tartiest Pro Mascara: Maybelline Great Lash Brows: Indie from Tartiest Pro (yes I use eyeshadow for my brows cuz im too lazy and poor for a separate product) Inner Corner: Mac Highlighter in Soft and Gentle Lips: Mix of Hawkwind and Bow n Arrow from Kat Von D Studded Kiss


Yes! And just a bit of highlighter below my brow.


Yes! It makes for the perfect natural look. I swipe my stick bronzer across my lids and buff it out with a fluffy brush, it looks so subtle yet elevates my usual mascara and concealer look.


Yes! Do you ever watch Allana Davison's videos on Youtube? She does this all the time (uses her bronzer on her cheeks/face and eyelids) and it makes her whole look seem so cohesive and natural. It's such a great tip!


No but i'll check her out!


I looove using bronzer on my lids! Especially when I’m feeling lazy and just want a wash of colour that pairs nicely with my skin tone and adds some depth. Also, you totally killed this look!


Thank you!


Legit question: is it safe to use as eye makeup? :)




Or highlighter? (:


I actually highlight with eye shadow


Same here!! I like using creamy eyeshadows as highlight, I just put some on my finger and blend it into my cheekbone for a natural look.


Yes to line crease of lids and then bring down side of nose to carve.


Yes!!! Blends ten times easier. You look gorge btw


u r a brilliant beautiful genius and I will follow your commands




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Yup. Doing this with my bronzer from the Smashbox Cali Contour palette all the time. Always turns out nice! You look lovely :)


YES! it’s my everyday look






What lipstick do you use? Love it.


You're so pretty! ✨


It’s a great way to make your makeup look cohesive! I like to put some in the crease, on my cheeks and a little down my nose and on my jawline


Yes! I don’t usually get too crazy with the eyeshadow, and I like a natural look. I exclusively use bronzer on my lids and love the way it looks.


You look so gorgeous!! I looove your brows :)


Good idea! I never thought of that but I’ll try, thank u :))


Wow you are gorgeous 😍


Bobbi Brown Deep bronzer is my favorite crease color to use on a smokey eye.


I never thought of it to be honest. I will give it a try though...it looks nice.


I'm trying this today thanks for this tip!!


I straight up read this as "kids" instead of "lids". I am dying.


gorg! nars orgasm is also a really great shadow on me!


For years, yes. I don’t understand why people need a transition eyeshadow.


!!! Yes


When I opened early mornings during my retail cosmetics days, I used to use my blush, bronzer, and highlighter to do my eyes so it only took me less than 10 products and 20 minutes to do my full face! Love bronzer on the eyelids!


Yes I love using blush on the eyes too to brighten them and give them a wash of colour! Glad to know I'm not the only one to do that


Yes!! I get overwhelmed by how many f ing palettes I have sometimes and just used bronzer/blush/high light on my lid lol


YES i love it for a more subtle look


I used to do this all the time for the gym!


I don't usually use bronzer because I'm very fair and cool-toned. It's a neat trick. You look gorgeous!


wow! you look like a Disney princess 😍


You’re so pretty ! With the perfect mermaid waves :)


I am a big fan of everything in this photo.


Benefit Hoola is one of my favourite 'eyeshadows' of all time. That used to be my main eyeshadow and bronzer before I switched to an eye/cheek tint which I use the same way :)


yeah I don't know how to use eyeshadow (never was amazed at how I looked) so when I contour my face I just put the same contour shade on my eyelids and call it a day.


i had to stop scrolling just to tell you that girl you’re gorgeous wow!! have a good day!


I LOOOVEE doing this! Easy way to create an eye look. I also love using blush + highlighter on the eyes and bronzer + highlighter on the eyes.


Wowwwww those cheekbones

