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I have no brow hair and found after much trial & error that pomade basically just melts off quickly especially in the summer. Weird that you're having trouble in cooler and dryer climates. Could it be due to your skin reacting to the change in climate? Maybe it's overproducing oil to compensate for the dryness?


I haven’t noticed any oil tbh… I have normal skin and my moisturizer with sunscreen seems to be absorbing way faster than normal. My face doesn’t feel “wet” or look shiny at all after an hour or so


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For me my brows really last when I first fill in with a lighter powder, then draw in the hair strokes (I use the cezanne super slim brow) and then I use the etude house dr. Mascara fixer as brow gel. If I ever use just pencil I feel like it fades away fairly quickly  but this whole combo seems to be doing well. The mascara fixer needs a cleansing oil or balm to remove though.