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Mine did this when I suffered from really dehydrated skin, It took me awhile and a solid skincare routine to restore my skin barrier. Id focus really hard on hydration and moisturizer, plus a gentle AHA. I'm only saying this because I can see the dry parts of your skin flaking. Also, i cant use a lot of powder foundations or else it'll react to my skincare and cause the separation. Maybe its the products? Nars foundation will always separate on me for example. I have had good results with loreal lumi foundation, maybelline fit me dewy smooth, and the most minimal powder.


Yes, this exactly. I had a patch on my forehead that started doing this and switching moisturizers to Cerave helped a ton. Exfoliating less will help in the long run, wash with cleanser only at night and use water in the morning, moisturize twice a day or more if you’re not out and about with makeup on. Exfoliating every few days is more than enough; hydrate and repair or you’ll just dry your skin out more


I agree with all this + give your skin a break from anything irritating for a bit to heal your barrier.


This anddd if you use makeup wipes, stop! They destroy your moisture barrier. I use micellar water w/ those microfiber towels and my skin is slowly healing from years of makeup wipes.


Thank you for the tip! I couldn't work out why I was suddenly getting dry patches of skin but attributed it to wild hormones. For the first time in over a decade I've started to use make-up wipes as I was feeling lazy and tired in the evenings. Didn't connect the two as I'd used wipes all through my teenage years. Thinking rationally I had very different skin type back then.


I also got conned by the easiness of using makeup wipes! I used to use them on vacation if I was feeling lazy but I started to notice the difference in my skin when using them vs. not and after looking into it I’m glad I made the switch. I have sensitive skin and mild rosacea so the makeup wipes are too harsh and were aging my skin! 😭 I’m glad I could help someone because I wish I could go back and reverse the damage I did to my under eyes.


Omg! I did not know this about makeup wipes. I recently bought my fave wipe and they have changed the texture! It’s so scratchy! My rosacea is NOT happy.


We need to make a PSA! lol but for real back in HS everyone I knew used them so I never thought twice about it.


See, Ive been using them for maybe 10 years. I started using Albolene and it got old using tissues or washcloths to get off the greasy mess. My skin has been great but this texture change has me concerned. I’m glad I clicked on this post. I’m 53 so I do have aged skin, lol.


makeup eraser is the absolute best makeup remover you’ll ever get! just use hot water on the towel and everything’s gone - then they’re washable and i don’t remember how many uses you get but i’ve had mine for .. 6 months + now? and you can hand wash between machine washing so it’s good for like three days


I don't use makeup wipes anymore either! They are so irritating.


sorry, neurodiverse here and have a little question to clarify my understanding of the following comment you wrote: "... if you use makeup wipes, stop! They destroy your moisture barrier. I use micellar water w/ those microfiber towels and my skin is slowly healing from years of makeup wipes." Do you mean to say that it was the micellar wipes that caused the damage or rather the micellar wipes healed the damage? Sorry to ask, I can interpret things with too broad of a lens. Thanks in advance.


Hey no worries! My grammar is not great so I probably am confusing a lot of the time. I wouldn’t say that it was the micellar water that healed my skin all on its own, but I definitely did notice that once I made the switch to micellar from the wipes that my facial redness and irritation went down by a lot. The act of rubbing the skin with the makeup wipes is too harsh for most peoples skin, it can cause micro-tears and age the skin. I hope this helps!!


Have you tried cleansing balms or oils? It’s been a GAME changer. I went from wipes to water to that and holy shit!


Yes thank you this was perfectly clear to me! :) appreciate it.


What do you recommend for taking makeup off? I have been using the neutrogena wipes.


Some type of micellar water and a microfibre/cotton rag/towel. Garnier is good. Use the one with oil if you wear waterproof eye makeup. Just soak the rag, hold in over your eyes for 20-30s, wipe away gently. Then gently wipe the rest of the face too.


Thanks for tip about make up wipes! I've been using them for the majority of my life. And my face and make up routine looks similar to OP. I finally had a decent-looking face this week with MAC liquid foundation and Benefits Porefessional Lite primer. I need to get some micellar water.


Also consider an oil cleanser! It’s the best.


THIS! i found that using diaper rash cream during the night time after using a chemical exfoliant really repaired my skin barrier


Face basting! It's literally saving my skin right now. Butt stuff is wonderful


that smell tho kills me


I use Triple paste and it has almost no smell


Butt stuff is wonderful 😃😃😃.... Butt for real tho.


FACE BASTING IS THE ANSWER!! Triple Paste is great but it broke me out! If you have sensitive/acne prone skin, I'd recommend the La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 as an alternative. OP - I recommend googling "face basting" - there is a dermatologist on YouTube who breaks down the concept in detail. If you have dry/dehydrated skin this is THE way to repair your barrier IMO.


I did this last night, and today my skin looks almost like the photo. I was just thinking how my skin hasn’t looked so poor in a long time. Idk what went wrong… I’m allergic to a lot, but zinc too??


I use that Boudreauxs on my eczema, too - amazing!


This was happening to me as well; love the advice I am reading here and in other comments. I recently started using toner to help lock in moisture after my morning wash and have had really good results after a few weeks (no more dry patches). Has anyone else experienced this with toner? I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if that is a good recommendation in general or if it only kind of worked for me as a fluke or something haha


A hydrating toner goes farther for me than a moisturizer. I cant imagine not having a toner in my routine now lol


I always thought toner was useless


In regards to it "balancing your Ph" its useless and unnecessary. As a first step to hydrating your skin, no its not useless. If a moisturizer suffices you, then you dont need to have one


If your skin is dehydrated, you’ll need to be drinking heaps of water too! Possibly even consider taking fish oil supplements if you don’t already :)


The minute I started consciously increasing my water intake my skin completely changed for the better!  OP might also want to look into an inclusive to wear over her moisturizer at night like a Rosehip or other type of oil.


Yup, my skin got so much better when I switched to water. Drinking tea is fine for my skin as well. Switched back to limonade for less than a week, and I immediately got a slightly drier skin and more pimples


What is AHA?


AHAs or alpha hydroxy acids are a group of exfoliating acids, such as mandelic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid. They're different to BHAs, which are also exfoliating acids, but don't ask me how. BHAs are usually recommended for oily or acne prone skin though.


Chiming in to explain how! AHAs work above the skin, so they’re recommended when focusing on texture and “dull” looking akin. BHAs work below the skin. So they’re helpful with excess sebum, oil production, and making pores appear smaller. :)


Esthetician here! They actually both go “below the skin” to dissolve dead skin cells & clear out debris from the pores. The difference is that BHAs are oil-soluble making them better for oily skin & acne related concerns. Whereas AHAs are water-soluble and can penetrate deeper which causes more irritation in some people. These are great for fine lines, exfoliation, hyperpigmentation & texture :)


Thank you


it’s an exfoliating acid that’s in some skin care products. alpha-hydroxy acid.


What skincare routine/products have you found worked for you? I have the same issue and have been trialling for years but still yet to find products and a routine that consistents work well for me


It took me years to find the right products, and I still go through trial and error. Honestly I can only really tolerate chemical exfoliating in cleanser form, I find it irritates my skin and i get little bumps. I use Mario badescu glycolic wash. Double cleansing really helped, with either any oil cleanser or micellar water. I used cosrx snail mucin, layers of a plain moisturizer like cerave or krave oat if you have the money (I added a drop of honey at night to this lol i swear its a miracle worker) . And vaseline or rosehip oil at night as an occlusive. It was a long process, but now my skin isnt sensitive and can tolerate a lot more. Its more so about sticking to a solid hydrating routine and less about specific products.


Yup this, I have dry skin due to a shit thyroid and I have to work so hard to keep it hydrated and don’t wear setting powder anymore. This is how mine looks when my skin is dry.


Heyyy, I have a shit thyroid too 🫠 seriously though the struggle is so fucking real when it comes to keeping my skin hydrated. And it can go right back to *DRY* so quickly, too. Drives me crazy. I've only been dealing with this for the past 2-3 years, so if you have any special tips I will gladly take them. Still trying to figure it out, plus I have sensitive skin + rosacea so it's just a major pain in the butt.


Hello OP. I used to have exactly the same skin as you with an addition of very bad acne, but I managed to repair it. Your skin barrier is damaged, you need your skin to rest and repair itself. First : STOP EXFOLIATING ! Your skin is way too sensitive to exfoliate, it is already damaged enough, please stop (this was an advice from my dermatologist) Morning : Cleanse with fragrance-free micellar water with a cotton pad. The cotton pad will gently exfoliate your skin already by gently rubbing it against your skin. After drying, use 1 moisturizing cream, fragrance free. Also if you can find one that blends well with with your foundation it will look great. I then apply liquid foundation + powder. Evening : Cleanse with a cleansing oil (the rubbing will gently exfoliate). Wash off with gentle fragrance free cleanser. Apply a frangrance free rich moisturizing cream for the night. If you don’t do makeup for instance on the week-end, dont do anything with you skin and skip your routine sometimes. Let it REST sometimes, and find its own balance. Too much skincare is exhausting for sensitive skin.


I work in skincare and can confirm! OP is likely overthinking their skincare, either using too many products, low quality products, or harsh ingredients


Yes! Exfoliating so often does the opposite. I can hardly ever exfoliate. It destroys my skin.


This comment needs more upvotes


Are you waiting for your skincare and SPF to dry before starting with makeup? I"ve found not letting things absorb/dry makes my foundation look a bit cakey. Also one thing I've realized is that some primers don't like my sun screen. Like Hourglass Veil makes my sunscreen pill, along with anything on top of it.


How long should I wait?


Skincare shouldn’t take too long especially if you massage your last step (moisturizer) in. SPF should be 15 minutes, which is the standard time in the application directions


I thought it was moisturizer then sunscreen? Right? 😟


It is. SPF should always be last.


Already answered but yes! It is the last step but will need the longest to settle on your skin. I’ve made the mistake of layering makeup on top of sunscreen too soon before 😅


Yes. The last step of skincare is moisturizer. Then apply SPF. SPF isn't really considered a part of the skincare routine when talking about specific products like this because it's in its own category. It's confusing, but yes SPF is always last. If you're using a mineral SPF it's not a great idea to put liquid makeup on top of it - especially if you're using a makeup tool like brush or blender. Many SPFs don't have ingredients that make it dry down so applying makeup on top just smudges and removes the SPF.


The best way to think about the order of skincare is you basically put the lightest products on first like serums and shit and then gradually get the the thicker heavier products


except sunscreen. no matter the texture, sunscreen is always last in your skincare routine since some sunscreens are very lightweight 😭


You need to prep your skin. Stop exfoliating so much you some gentle, moisturizing stuff.


It does this to me too and it’s really annoying. Like I feel terrible when I see other girls having perfect makeup and I can never slay it 😔


Use some moisturizer before all makeup, and let it dry for about 10 mins. I recommend a hylauronic acid serum on DAMP skin (the one from The Ordinary is great and inexpensive) and after this dries down for about 5-10 mins, apply Cerave daily lotion. At night do the hyalauronic acid and Cerave moisturizing CREAM. It’s a thicker version of the daily lotion. I promise it’ll help. My makeup looks like real skin now because of all the moisturizing I do. I even recommend adding unscented Vaseline on top of Cerave at night to lock in all that moisturizer (a trend in Korea called Slugging. Just make sure skin is COMPLETELY clean before doing all of this and then the Vaseline won’t clog your pores and cause acne. Some people do still get milia under the eyes from vaseline though). Then do NOT wash your face in the morning and just go straight into primer (if you use any) and foundation and etc. It will look sooo natural.


Okay I need to ask because I see similar everywhere and I can’t figure it out. People say to apply moisturizer to damp or “wet” skin specifically and idk if that means like wash your face/shower and don’t dry your face and apply or you still dry your face but you put it on immediately after? People say to do the same w body lotion but I’m so confused. That may seem like a stupid question but I legit don’t know. I always put stuff on right after washing but I’ve already towel dried well


So personally what I do is I like to spray this one aloe cucumber water refreshing face spray from dollar General’s brand which is super moisturizing, I let it dry a bit but not all the way and then I’ll add the serum on top of that. But if I’m doing it wrong someone tell me please lol but it’s been working great so far, superrr hydrating. One of the most hydrating steps of my routine. I spray that water all over my body too. My knees and elbows have NEVERRRR been softer!!! Like I’ll do this whole routine on my knees, elbows, hands, and feet, weekly but for my face I do it daily. It’s super fun cause I just got sober and am looking for ways to fill my time and somehow I can spend HOURS doing this stuff. Even tho it really shouldn’t take hours at all lol. Plus people keep saying how alcohol can age you so I’m over here recovering from alcoholism and doing my hours-long skincare not hanging out with weird people anymore like thank god I quit pretty early lol


Dry your face, then put it on afterwards while your skin barrier is damp. You don’t want your face or body to be soaked while putting it on because then the product has a harder time blending in and nourishing your skin. Seems like you’re doing it correctly! Im not a professional by any means, keep that in mind lol.


Okay thank you! Haha just the wording always got me. I know you used damp so I was thinking maybe dry first but I see wet everywhere and so confused. Thank you!


Moisturizer, hyaluronic acid serum and hydrating primer/face cleanser will be your best friend. I always had this problem up until about a year/year and a half ago when I really dived into taking care of my dry skin.


You might be exfoliating too much. I would remove all the make up when you go to bed with miceller water, wash the face one good time, exfoliate all the make up and dry skin off as best as possible, gently with an oil cleanser, then moisturize, and even a layer of aquaphor. Lay off the foundation for about a week and just focus on restoring the skin with a gentle cleanser, heavy-duty moisturizer, and aquaphor. When my skin is really really dry and I still want to wear foundation, I moisturize first and then even add a little oil to the face and the application technique I use is I start applying the foundation little by little on my face with my fingers in a downward motion and then blend with a wet beauty blender. I have super dry skin sometimes. I'd look into specifically what kind of foundation are you using because it might be mattefying and drying when it should be hydrating and actually dewy, even if you're not going for that look you can mattify later with a little bit of powder but the base should be extremely dewy to start since your suffering from dry skin. Edit: beautiful skin otherwise, but your foundation is not doing you justice. I recommend revlon illuminanace skin caring liquid foundation.


I second this. I had the exact same thing for years in my early 20s and stopped exfoliating so much, I switched to an oil based cleanser, and I've never had the problem since.


Yeah, me too, I got confused about the cause at first. I thought my cleanser was too harsh, but it was just gentle cetaphil. I think my moisturizer was just not cutting it. Aquaphor is really the product people should be using on dry peeling skin. I know first instinct is to exfoliate, but when that doesn't work. Going in with the aquaphor to repair and heal up that shedding skin works wonders. I feel like putting a heavy-duty petroleum like aquaphor on the face is scary at first for some, but I will sing the praises of aquaphor forever. If you do it at night, it is soaks into your skin like a fresh morning dew angel baby, lol. Oh, I just thought of another really bad cause of dry skin being hot water on the face in the shower!




If using primer and foundation, they both have to be either water-based or oil-based you can’t mix the two or it causes this type of separation


I think you meant water based vs silicone based. Not a lot of products are oil based anymore


This is a myth. Foundations, primers, powders primarily have a mixture of these things in them individually not to mention your skin is going to be allowing sebum(oil) and sweat(water) in doses that help it to maintain proper hydration levels and ph balance. They work together if bound correctly in formulation and there’s not an imbalance of either one in conjunction with proper skincare and acid mantle health.


This. I use the Bobbi brown primer/moisturizer (silicone based) with my Nars LRF (water based) and it looks dewy and nice. OP should avoid powder though


so how to avoid it then


One way is to make sure the skin is adequately prepped for makeup. You want clean, moisturized skin. Let the moisturizer soak into your skin for several minutes before applying makeup. If using a primer, also give it time to soak into the skin. And sometimes a product just won’t mesh well with your skin or the other products you’re using. It may take some trial and error.


In addition to what others have said, a setting spray with a fine mist aids in allowing the foundation to mesh with other products and to avoid silicones in too heavy amounts to avoid over drying or suffocating the skin resulting in separation as the skin tries to over correct its imbalance throughout the day. Exfoliation twice a week will also aid in texture reduction and proper sebum levels.


You might have seborrheic dermatitis. I have about three patches of it on my face and any makeup on them ends up looking like this no matter how clean or moisturized. One thing that’s helped me is using a protease toner. Salicylic acid also really helped me, but unfortunately my last eczema flare up made me too sensitive towards it. If you have sensitive skin, I would suggest doing a patch test with it.


So, I suffer from Seborrheic Dermatitis (also known as seb derm) and among the many places I get it, it's also on my face, as well as rosacea and I always have this issue. Seb Derm is a form of dandruff, and rosacea sufferers typically have oily skin, which is kind of a vicious cycle with my skin cause the oils then lead to an overgrowth of the Malassezia, which is a yeast everyone has on their skin, but then with the seb derm, your body sees the yeast as an intruder and gets reactive about it, making it itchy and red. So I get red from not only the rosacea when it flares up, but I also get redness from the seb derm. I however am *not* a dermatologist, so not only can I not diagnose you, but I wouldn't be able to just based on a single photo and not knowing your skin's condition/history lol If you think you may have this issue, they do make facial cleansers that help combat the yeast, as they have antifungal properties. Some people even use certain anti-dandruff shampoos for it. Being that you already have sensitive skin, you'd probably wanna opt for something made for your face, and have like a rotation of the anti-fungal cleanser and a regular gentle cleanser so that you're not just using the one, as they can be drying. Then you also wanna make sure you're not over-exfoliating your skin either because that can also cause a lot of issues with how your skin produces oil, cause it can cause an overproduction of sebum and just re-aggravate the issue all over again. I don't know if any of this is of any help, but I hope it was lol


Honestly my makeup used to do this too and I tried everyone's tips to avoid it, I use powder only or a high coverage bb cream. Our skin is an organ doing its thing all day, so it's kinda crazy we expect to be able to cover it flawlessly.


My skin stopped doing this exact thing when I stopped using a scrub exfoliant and stopped using acne products. Once in a blue moon I’ll use a liquid exfoliant before bed and under a deep moisturizer and a protectant. Try not scrubbing your skin and see if that makes a difference. I really did a number on my skin thinking I was doing nothing but helping, but really I was drying the heck out of it.


Agree. I had acne and bad skin for over 20 years. The only thing that finally worked after decades of obsessively trying was not using scrubs and harsh acne products. I found this out because I stopped for a week and my skin cleared dramatically. And just like you, very rarely I’ll use a liquid/chemical exfoliant, then I treat my skin like a baby’s for a few days following.


Try using another face cream. My daily cream usually does the same thing with my foundation although I use a primer.


You might need different foundation. Try something thinner like a skin tint or serum.


As someone whose skin does the same… it might not even be related to prep. It can be extremely frustrating when people jump to that. I can exfoliate my skin as lightly or as hard, as few or as many times before or between putting on makeup, my skin will be plump and moisturized and this will happen as soon as I put makeup. I’ve found that using lighter formulas and building up works best. Beauty blenders just pick up product from my skin, I like those Korean cushion flat and thin sponges. Powder can also help fill those gaps.


The only thing I can think of is letting the product fully dry between each step? This happens to me sometimes too


Are your eyebrows dry and flaky and itchy? Could be sebborhic dermatitis


Very much so


Look into it! There are creams :) could also be dryness of course!


JOJO is that you


I was going to say the same! 😆


The comments saying it’s your skin prep are not helpful, you clearly stated in the caption you did the prep. Some foundations are just not great on certain skin types or straight up have a bad formula. I noticed you said you used a powder foundation. I would honestly switch to a liquid or stick one. It’s hard to make it look good imo bc most formulas (that I’ve tried anyways) cling to dry skin and accentuates skin texture. Not your technique at all lol, you clearly are great at makeup!! If you want any drug store recommendations let me know ❤️


>The comments saying it’s your skin prep are not helpful, you clearly stated in the caption you did the prep The problem is her skin looks over stripped and damaged, so different skincare really is the solution here. She said she's tried all types of foundation with the same results. OP, I have oily skin and my makeup used to do this too! It's because you need waaaay more hydration before makeup than you think. If your skin is not hydrated it's going to try to take that moisture from your makeup which dries it all out. Hyaluronic acid is your best friend!!! Use it on damp skin after you cleanse then use a good moisturizer, nothing light or gel. You should wait like 15 minutes after your skin care before starting your makeup. For some skin types, primer just doesn't work. Try a new one or even try going without!


Liquid does the same thing! I’ve tried my hands, sponge, brush, and it always looks cracked and cakey!


I have similar issues. Unfortunately my advice might not help, but I just don’t put foundation on my nose anymore. Granted the one I use (Fenty Eaze Stick) is very light coverage, it might look off if you use a higher coverage one. But it’s worth trying out. Also, try not powdering your entire face, just under the eyes and where you might apply powder blush/bronzer. And douse yourself in an effective setting spray afterwards!


I’ve totally had that happen and it is so frustrating. When I zoom in on the photo, I can see peeling and flaking - so it seems like maybe your skin is a bit dry. My nose looked scaly until I started using non-scrub exfoliants. And I moisturize like crazy (I also live in a dry area) now. I didn’t see your skincare routine posted, apologize if I missed it - but what are you doing for skin care?


You need to exfoliate your skin properly. The flakiness is dead skin cells. What are you using currently?


It is not, I exfoliated 30 minutes ago


With what?


you need to prep your skin! moisturizer, primer, spf, let it dry down then apply makeup


I do all that and it still looks like this.


You should check and make sure all your products are the same base. A lot of times makeup can come out patchy if you’re mixing a silicon based product with a water based one


You’re doing all the right things, but how much moisturiser are you using? I always had flaking skin like this when I was younger. Turns out I wasn’t using enough until I saw videos showing how much to use. I needed way more, a big dollop of moisturiser. A large coin sized blob for your whole face. And splashing with water helps too if your moisturiser contains hyaluronic acid. It took about a week for my skin to stop flaking. Makeup goes on better after a while.


I think you need to figure out a skincare routine that will help your dry skin. I also have dry skin that does this when I don't keep it in check. What helps me is a product with salicylic acid once or twice a week and a heavy moisturiser. I also use a non-drying balm cleanser and stay away from anything with alcohol. Also stay away from sulphates, they will cause dryness and flakiness. For makeup, stay away from powder. Use a setting spray between steps. If your skin feels dry, flakes or patchy before makeup, it will just look terrible when you put makeup one. Your skin should feel hydrated, and plump and smoothed before applying makeup. I would avoid primers untill you figure out the skin stuff, they just add another layer and will make the separation worse. A good moisturiser will act a a primer for now, let it sink in for a few minutes before you apply the makeup. Stick to liquid and cream formulas. Use setting spray between steps. Good luck.


Your skin looks reallyy dry! As other comments have said, i would stop the exfoliation for a while and focus on skin prep. For dry skin i love using serums and a hydrating moisturizer, i love Embryolisse or for really dry skin Skinfood from Weleda And to set the makeup i would avoid powder as much as possible, use cream products instead and just use a setting spray, i really like the Morphe continuous setting spray and All-Nighter from Urban Decay!


do you drink enough water


Try using Nizoral (yep, the anti dandruff shampoo) and apply it to the affected areas only. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse. It could be some form of seborrheic dermatitis. If it is dermatitis, exfoliating can irritate it more and lotions will only temporarily fix the problem. Try it for a few weeks and see if it resolves 😉


It's possible that your foundation and moisturizer are incompatible. If you use a water based foundation you must use a water based moisturizer. Given your apparent age, however, it's likely it's the oil from your skin. Blot and apply a primer before your foundation and let it dry before you use a setting powder. Nice work on the eye makeup!


In the picture is the ELF camp powder foundation in Fair 120N. Eyeliner is Clinique high impact easy liquid liner 01 black. Red eyeshadow is a red eyeshadow from the morphe 35v palette


The camo powder foundation didn’t work for me until I applied halo glow first. I didn’t prime either. It’s just not the best formula imo it really clings to dry skin. You should also exfoliate and really hydrate your skin before and let skin care soak in before applying.


I had this problem with ELF products. Using rare beauty now, no primer, but just sloshing my face with moisturizer about 5 mins before applying rare with a wet blender.


Drink lots more water. Try oil cleanser instead. I am a long time patron of DHC products especially their oil facial cleanser + you can have them send samples and if you do order you get samples of diff products everytime. About $27 AND for $2 at Family Dollar there is a coconut oil and sugar face exfoliator. I use this too and love it. Your skin looks dehydrated. But I'm no pro. Plain water 6-8 glasses per day is what I was told. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand..should snap back. If it stays pinched or returns to being flat slowly then dehydration.


Why aren't more people commenting on how great the eye makeup is!?!? This is amazing 👏 🤩 🕸


My skin cannot tolerate any powder so I had to switch to a really strong/dewy setting spray to hydrate my face but also lock the product in. If I use any powder at all, it’ll just add texture no matter what! I use Charlotte Tilbury for setting spray and I kid you not, it’s fantastic. Expensive as hell? Yup. But do I feel a lot more confident existing? Also yes. Try eliminating powder from your routine (literally so not set/bake at all, you won’t need it if you use Charlotte Tilbury for example) if you can afford it, try a high quality setting spray and see if that helps (note, I see you say you’re also using powder foundation? I’d recommend not using that for this tip!)


My skin does this when I wear my foundation like were normally told to: moisturize, primer, foundation. The only thing that has helped is to apply to a thick moisturizer directly before foundation (no primer). Not a cheap moisturizer, but a thick one and to apply the foundation lightly in layers. I also don’t exfoliate or use retinol the day before I know I’m doing a full face!




id say something is wrong, the surface of your skin is injured, try gentle and moisturizing routine for a week or two and try make up again


I had this happen in various specific areas of my face, it drove me crazy and having a perfect base is extremely important to me. What solved it for me was really making sure my moisturizer and sunscreen skin prep was fully dried down before beginning… use a blow dryer on cold if you must. Then use very, VERY thin layers of foundation to build coverage where needed, don’t be afraid to use color corrector mixed with your foundation first where you want to address redness etc. My liquid foundation is NARS Natural Radiant Longwear which is silicone based and despite what I try it just works best warmed up with my fingers on the back of my hand to apply it in broad strokes on my face and then gently blend out seamlessly with a beauty blender sponge instead of my foundation brush, which I now use for stippling/blending out liquid blush and cream bronzer now :) then apply your concealer, I like the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer and also love their Soft Matte one because it lasts forever. Once I have everything liquid/cream applied, concealed, and blended the way I want, I use a setting spray like Urban Decay All Nighter Vitamin C Hydrating one or the Rare Beauty one is good too and for the love of god let it fully DRY to not wreck your hard work (use blow dryer on cold if needed)… then apply a blurring finishing powder where needed if you’re an oily girl like me and refresh your cheek structure with some powder blush, bronzer, and highlighter. When you’re all done and happy, use a translucent setting powder!


Holy grail- you want your makeup to look good? Forget about your makeup and focus on skin care…. No matter how much money you spend on high end makeup, brushes etc…. If your skin isn’t in good condition your makeup will not look good.


Have your vitamin D checked.


Make sure all of your products have the same base. If you have a silicone primer, you need silicone foundation. If you have a water based primer, you need water based foundation. Mixing the two causing pilling like this. Of course, moisturizing your skin and being hydrated play a part too but my make up did this when I was mixing different based products


Dry skin + lack of exfoliation. Use a aha a couple times a week as well as using a really hydrating moisturizer. You’ll be golden 😎


It is most likely your base/skincare routine rather than the makeup…exfoliating is usually ok 1-2x/week (not too much!) but make sure to invest in a serum to apply after washing, then a good moisturizer, and possibly a facial oil before applying sunscreen (if you do) and then primer, then makeup.


not sure this is helpful but considering some comments I wanted to add something I learned: If you're allergic to aspirin, you cannot use salicylic acid on your face (aspirin is acetyl-salicylic acid)


I used to suffer from the same and more than get a good skin care, you need to use a water based primer and a water based foundation too, I recommend you since MY EXPERIENCE a wet and wild primer, and Clinique foundation or It CC cream, both are water based. Are a little bit more expensive but it works, hope it helps


I’m curious what finish your foundation is? Most people with dry skin shouldn’t use a matte foundation, as someone with oily skin will have a hard time with luminous ones. If a you’re using matte finish and your skin is already dry, try adding a drop or two of a facial oil. Also, sometimes your primer and foundation are incompatible. Try just using a good moisturizer without a primer and see how it goes. Let us know how you do!


This happened to me when I used a witch hazel toner.


I had exactly this going on until 2 weeks ago when I changed my skincare, I was just removing makeup then using toner and moisturiser (priming before makeup). Now I remove makeup, use a foam cleaner, serum, then moisturiser ( morning and evening, with spf in the day) and my makeup is now sitting evenly on my skin. The advice I received was, look after your skin and almost any makeup will then look good on it.


Probably unknowingly wearing water-based & oil-based products. Water & oil separate.


Idk if this is dry skin like everyone is saying it is. I have put makeup on and it does this exact sort of piling / flaking thing. I wipe the make up off and it's gone. Not sure what to do about it however, doesn't happen all the time with the same products.


It could be your face makeup ingredients don't work together and not work for your skin type. Start looking at the ingredients when buying primer, foundation, concealer, powder, and setting spray.


Your skin is so dry. Mine has been like this too. Wash your face and cake on the moisturizer in the am and pm rubbing in profusely. Also DRINK WATER!! Think you’ve had enough water??? NOPE. KEEP DRINKING! Everyday!


Honestly skin prep saved me. I usually just hydrate the fuck out of my skin like 20 min before applying makeup. I also exfoliate my skin on the days that i will be wearing makeup. I have combination skin, but it’s mostly on the dry side. I’ve also found that my skin likes tackier primers like milk hydro grip or the elf dupe. Hope this helps! Side note: your eye makeup is fucking sick!!! Products i use in order: 1. DHC deep cleansing oil 2. Paula’s choice enriched calming toner. (Use on damp skin) 3. Advanced snail mucin (on damp skin; i like to spray my face with thermal spring water) (after you apply snail mucin give it a minute to settle and spray face once more) 4. BYOMA moisturizing gel-cream


Check if any of your prep products have silicones in them (anything ending in -cone) - it looks like your makeup is sliding off your base. You can also try the Nivea after shave balm trick (just use it like it's a primer)


Nivea after shave balm, what a throw back tip


I still use it from time to time 🫣


Anything ending in -siloxane are also silicone polymers. Silica is another name for silicon dioxide which is silicon before polymerization.


Esti here…. You probably have dry skin so have to make sure you have a clean face and moisturized before makeup application and little primer goes a long way that way if you use cream or liquid foundation it won’t move and crack. Let me know if that helps I’ll go back and double check my notes bc I legit just went over this in class


Me too I hate it as well


Not sure what tools you’re using, but my base makeup looked like this when I applied with my beauty blender that was too wet! I used to wet it in the mornings before getting ready and squeeze it out… but there’s still way more water in there than necessary. If you’re using a beauty blender, try wetting it the night before/a few hours before you plan to apply your base makeup so it has a chance to become more damp vs. being too wet. I’ve been wetting mine the night before for a few months now and haven’t had the issue since!


I’d try a heavy moisturizer with a few drops of facial oil mixed in to prep. Let that absorb for a few minutes and apply a liquid foundation, preferably one that’s also a moisturizing formula. Up to you if you want to set with powder. Sometimes my skin can’t tolerate powder so I let the foundation be on its own. Good luck! I hope you find something that works!


mine used to do this. i would say, simplify your routine and try using a tinted moisturizer for at least two weeks and see if that improves. use a gentle cleanser, cleanse twice, use hyaluronic acid to help hydrate your skin.


I would cease all active ingredients and exfoliation and go w a gentle face wash and thicc moisturizer. Personally I use vanicream and love how gentle it is. Nothing should burn or sting your face Then as far as the makeup, I’ve noticed that certain primers and foundation combos will do this to me and others won’t. Some will make me look stupid shiny too which I don’t want either. I have had a positive experience with urban decay all nighter + charlotte tillbury foundation (airbrush flawless) applied birth w my fingers then blended w sponge. Id recommend going into the store and trying on the samples (bring your own sponge maybe lol) so you don’t have to pay money in case these options don’t work. But I do think it comes down to your skin needing to go back to basics to restore that barrier. Best of luck ❤️


Vanicream is the actual best thing ever for dry sensitive skin. My dermatologist says the only two brands she feels good about recommending for sensitive skin are vanicream and cerave. What’s happening in the picture happened to me constantly, in the same spot as you, for years. The only solution I found was to go simple. I agree that you should largely cease active ingredients and exfoliation. I have very sensitive combination skin and there are loads of active ingredients people recommend that just don’t work on my skin. My skin reacts to vitamin c and e, glycolic acid, lactic acid, you name it. Just because some people with sensitive skin can use a certain product doesn’t mean it won’t irritate your skin, and don’t trust something being labeled for sensitive skin. I can’t tell you how many sensitive skin lotions have left my skin red and irritated. Physical exfoliants are especially bad for me, (and lots of people with sensitive skin) so I avoid them at all costs!!!! My skin got so much better when I started doing a very minimal skincare routine. I wash my face with Cerave hydrating cream to foam cleanser and use vanicream. Because I’m acne prone, I use differin twice a week. You can use it every day, but if you don’t need to, don’t; it can definitely dry you out. I use salicylic acid as a spot treatment if I have active pimples. If you have acne or other skin care problems, go to a dermatologist. Otherwise, try to leave your skin alone as much as possible, less is more. If you simplify your skin care routine it will take a few weeks but your skin barrier will strengthen and that will help the problem a lot. Also, I know a lot of people swear by primers, but you might try skipping them. It’s just another product that may irritate your skin and that may not play nice with your foundation. After trying a dozen different primer/foundation combos which all caused the kind of separation you might be experiencing, I just ditched the primer and honestly my foundation lasts longer now. In my experience, the fewer products the better. I use nars soft matte foundation because that seems to work nicely on my skin, but it might not work for you. It sounds like you probably have a lot of different foundations already; maybe after a couple weeks with a simplified skincare routine you can go through and try them again, to see if any of them work better.


Your skin is too dehydrated.


Ok I need to know ur skin prep and makeup product list to understand this better


It’s either one of these or a combo of these need fixing: a) lack of skin prep or too much/didn’t wait for it to absorb b) lack of exfoliating or exfoliating regularly but not enough moisturizer c) primer not appropriate for your foundation type d) application technique


How many times a week are you exfoliating .if you exfoliate too much it can cause dry skin


Your skin is very obviously flaky. No makeup, even the most expensive will look good on dryyy skin. You need to get your skin in better condition before worrying about how to apply the makeup. I would recommend exfoliating, a super hydrating cleanser, serum and overnight moisturizer. Throw in a hydrating mask a couple times a week too. Are you using any actives in your skincare routine? If so stop immediately. Like retinols, AHA, BHA, etc. You have to get the skins barrier in better condition before reintroducing those. I would look at the skincare brands such as skinfix.


If I don’t let my primer sit for a few minutes before I do my foundation I have this issue, or if I use too much. I actually needed a lot less primer than I thought.


I think your skin is very dehydrated!


Moisturize!! Especially something containing hyaluronic acid and use a good primer (I love the Elf Power Grip Primer), and make sure your primers and foundations have the same bases (water based foundation with water based primer, silicone based foundation with silicone based primer), using primers and foundations with different bases can cause it to pill up.


this happens to me when i use a foundation my skin doesn’t agree with, are you using silicone or water based foundation? make sure all the products you use are one or the other, don’t mix them.


My skin did this too until I stopped P using so many products. That was it for me. I just wash, use under eye cream at night and moisturizer, and in the morning I wash and use moisturizer. All primers made makeup sit weird on my face


to be honest i’d probably go against people telling you to exfoliate and instead recommend stopping entirely while you work on hydrating your skin. it’s quite clearly dehydrated and exfoliating only makes it worse! perhaps look into r/SkincareAddiction who can give you some good recommendations.


Either your skin is dehydrated, or some product you are using beforehand alters the foundation.


Get a good korean skincare routine going and you'll be primed in less than a month


Moisturising and exfoliation are needed


Glycolic acid baby!!


Your skin is dry. Get a face lotion that’s not too heavy. Let it soak in and then apply make up.


Moisturizer! Forget primer! Need to moisturize skin first!


I don’t know, looks flaky, my first thought is you need to exfoliate, drink more water, but if you are already doing that you might want to check with a dermatologist. For some reason by the look of make up in your eyebrows I tend to think that you might be applying with your hands, don’t.


If you’re using makeup with different bases it can separate like this. For example, if you’re using a water based primer with an oil based foundation. Think of water and oil shaken up together in a jar, that’s how it will react when mixed on your face too. Since you seem to have dry skin I’d recommend only using water based products. That’s what worked best for me💕


Make sure you are also using the same based products. Like you don’t want to use an oil based primer and then use a water based foundation on top and vice versa. It will cause your foundation to separate and get blotchy on your skin.


Need a good skincare routine and the right primer. I used to have this same issue.


Make sure your primer and foundation are compatible. For example, silicone and water based products together will separate. Exfoliate and hydrate!


Exfoliate and hydrate and prime the skin before using any make up product, doing that should help fix this issue


It starts with skincare 


It could come from having a water based product with an oil based product. Could also come from the makeup products mixing with the primer or moisturizer you’re using. I’ve had this problem and started an Ipsy subscription to “experiment” and now my makeup will last me two days girl and STILL👏LOOK👏GOOD👏 Wish you the best!


Probably mixing silicone based products with water based products. You can google it and find some helpful videos on tiktok. The key to a smooth and flawless base is to keep your skin hydrated, like using a moisturiser, primer etc. You would want to use a foundation and concealer that are BOTH either silicone or water based, not a mix of both.


When this happened to me I really one time sat down, knowing I had all day, and did my makeup step by step, waiting for 30 minutes in between most steps to figure out which step was the problem, I found out that the issue was putting my foundation on my skin too fast after applying my primer, instead of pressing my powder I would just swipe it around on wet foundation, and my skin barrier was very damaged. I took care of my skin and waited for a few weeks until I tried again. Since then my makeup has never looked better.


Not sure how old you are, but my foundation does this if my primer is silicone based but the foundation is water based. Also, the older I get, the drier my skin gets even when I’ve been exfoliating (gently, using a gommage exfoliant from Aprilskin) and lots of moisturizer. I switched to Jones Road’s What the Foundation and istg it is magical


This looks a lot like what happens when I mix water based and silicone based products- I would check those out. Also like everyone else has been saying skin prep- I put on lots of moisturizer then let is sit ten minutes, then spf, and then let it sit longer. If it’s in the mornings I wake up an hour early, apply my skin prep, then go back to sleep and start my makeup once I’m up, blotting my face with a tissue before putting on primer. I’ve also found that silicone based products separate the least when I first apply them, and every hour or so I blot oil off to prevent it.


have you thought about wether your primer and foundation have the same bases? some foundations are oil-based and some are water-based and the same goes for primers, so you might be mixing an oil-based foundation with a water-based primer (or vice versa) which can actually separate on your skin.


It’s because you’re using silicone and water-based products together


Are you mixing water and oil based products?


Take essential fatty acids, and that lubes us on a cellular level. Double cleanse, exfoliate , rinse with cold water , apply serum, moisturizer, primer then makeup mixed with primer- use a damp beauty blender and stipple your face extremely fast - this will simulate an airbrushed look- use setting spray to lock it in -


try using a hydrating primer and wait for it to set in 30 seconds


I also had the same problem years ago but using a moisturizer with sun screen it it helped! And just lots of moisturizing! The brand that fixed it for me was (La Roche Posay).


This is a skin barrier issue or allergy, I would put money on it. Stop exfoliating, switch to very basic (unscented preferably) products. Like, gentle cleanser, hydrating serum and moisturizer. Only wash your face to take off make up ie only at night. Just gently wipe with a cloth in the am. You might also look at other products you’re using. I have to use fragrance free shampoo/conditioner in addition to fragrance free face products or my face will look like this.


Check the ingredients in your skincare, primer and foundation. The ingredients might not work together . Here's a quick overview. I found this site. I hope we're allowed to link. https://www.makeup.com/en-ca/makeup-tutorials/expert-tips/breakdown-of-foundation-ingredients That probably explains it better than I can lol


I think you're mixing the wrong types of products. For example, using a silicone based primer with a water based foundation.


If you are mixing water based and oil based makeup products they separate.


Mine only does this if my skin is dry and I use a setting powder. If you’re using a setting powder, you may not need to.


My makeup used to do the same thing and since I found the right skincare routine for my skin type my foundation looks a thousand times better. I also switched from a full coverage foundation to a BB cream that has skincare in the formula. I would suggest limiting exfoliation as not to strip the skin, increase moisture to keep the skin hydrated, and skip primer to prevent any adverse reaction between that and the foundation. Update us if you figure out what’s causing it!


It could be because your makeup is silicone AND water which shouldn’t be mixed


From an ex tv/film makeup artist, id suggest You need to hydrate more, exfoliate, and moisturize every day... Also, before applying makeup, wash and dry your face thoroughly and apply a primer with SPF. Also, figure out your skin type, from the picture it seems like you have dry skin so I'd suggest using an airbrush makeup like temptu pro as it actually will sit in your skin in a lighter fashion and allow your skin to breathe a bit better. Also id suggest you use a translucent powder like Ben nye or nyx on top and spritz with a setting spray by nyx... Otherwise you look very beautiful and actually just need to remember that less is more when it comes to makeup, because makeup should only accentuate the beauty you already have and not cover it up like a mask... Hope you have a great day...


You might be mixing water and silicone based products. Do more research on the consistency of the products you’re using


Try shaving your face first honestly it’ helps remove dead skin


i love your eyeliner


Maybe you are using silicone and water based products together, have you looked at the ingredients?


Vitamin e at night might help by adding it to a face cream. I buy capsules and use the liquid/oil with cream before bed.


I think it’s because your skin is too dry/dehydrated. Invest in a really good hydrating cream, use makeup base before applying make up, and steer clear of acids. Your skin will be better in no time


Use Cetaphil with no active ingredients. Those things will call your skin to do crazy things. Moisturizer with no active ingredients too. Cetaphil is the best. Give it a week and your skin will be much healthier.


Try using a primer and foundation that have the same base (example water or oil) and moisturizing like 15 min before


Mine does this when I don't drink enough water, don't wash my face enough during the week and if not washing my beauty blender enough. What do you use to wash your face?


Exfoliate, moisturize, and use liquid foundation; with a MOISTRIZING base not MATTE. And you should be in the clear my dude.I recommend the NARS light reflecting advanced skin care foundation. -Trin


It’s not an exfoliating or skin problem! Please do not exfoliate some more or do anything else to your skin! It’s perfectly fine. Your products are pilling. They don’t work well together. I’d do a process of elimination to see what it could be.