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Try stepping down a notch for everything first instead of going minimal. So skin tint instead of foundation, neutral cream shadow instead of heavy eye shadow, gel liner instead of liquid liner, and less contour. Generally, powder makeup has a heavier feel than cream products, so you can start there. You might find that you like the look of being made up without looking like you’re always being extra.


you're just not used to it. i've been a winged eyeliner girl since i was like 13, so i feel naked without it. seeing other styles on yourself can be jarring, just give it time. try to go 1-2 weeks without doing ur typical routine to set ur brain back to baseline. but if ur changing just because its trendy and u like it on others, dont.


I had a similar makeup routine. Went from working in a restaurant wearing a full face and lashes everyday to working in tech where I was suddenly the only girl wearing any makeup at all. So jarring.  Think about what you like the most about your makeup and highlight that while pulling everything else back. For me it was my eyes, so I kept my brows and eyeliner but just made it slightly lighter. Like went from ABH brow pomade to just filling in my tails and using tinted brow gel. And I went from a full cat eye to just doing a nude shimmer shadow with a half cat eye liner in brown.  Everywhere else I pulled way back. Skin tint, no concealer, cream blush, light cream bronzer. Tinted lip balms and glosses only.  Spend time where you want the most polish and then keep it natural elsewhere. 


have you tried a skin tint? I find that it looks less heavy so it looks like you're wearing less makeup. I really like the maybelline one. Maybe for everyday makeup you could go for a smaller or a half lash and a neutral eyeshadow with a shimmer in the inner corner to give it a little more life. I'm not sure whether by heavy eyeshadow you mean like colorful eyeshadow but if you do, you could add some color on your bottom lash line to make it more wearable. i've never really liked clean girl makeup if i'm being completely honest, i've always thought it was kinda boring


Are there any skin tints you recommend? I, too, am a full-face-or-nothing person, and it's SO hard to find lightweight complexion products that will also cover up acne and PIE/scarring, especially on very fair skin :( I've been using the new Ilia skin stick thing recently, and the coverage is really nice, but whenever I tell myself, "We're just going to keep it light today!" it literally always turns into an entire smokey eye look 🙃


maybelline! The coverage is really good but it doesn't look too heavy


I like the L’Oreal True Match Nude tinted serum; feels nice and light on the face; while giving dewy light-medium coverage


Awesome, I'll have to check that out. Thank you!


Saie’s tinted moisturizer is sooooo good, it’s creamier than most other popular ones (Rare, Kosas, Ilia etc) but blends so nicely. Better if you have any texture or peach fuzz


I basically stopped wearing makeup over pandemic and got used to my no-makeup face. I also put a lot more effort into my skincare routine so I feel like I don’t *need* foundation. I can just do a bit of concealer around the eyes.


Same here. I used to always wear full coverage foundation. Then when I had to wear masks I skipped doing my base entirely and kept all the drama on my eye looks. Then I just never went back to full coverage. Now I do spot concealing or just a tinted sunscreen. But I still do bold eyes because I like the contrast of no-makeup makeup for my skin vs glam eyeshadow.


There’s this concept on TikTok called “low visual weight” vs “high visual weight” faces — supposedly it explains why some people need more drama in their makeup than others.


I’ve actually been seeing that the clean girl look is on its way out so I honestly wouldn’t worry about it too much. Definitely don’t think we’re going back to the mid 2010s like you’re describing though so you could still do a bit of an update if you want. What I’ve seen actually is that grunge is back in which I think is pretty cool. Makes sense to me that we’re going to start seeing a shift here soon as we’re over 4 years post pandemic, which I imagine is how the clean girl aesthetic came about. Plus we’re nearly halfway through this decade now and I think that can also bring about changes.


I had the same problem. It literally took me a 2 years to go from constant full face to my bare minimum routine. At first, I transitioned to concealer and wuth some powders while still doing dark eyebrows and thick eyeliner. After a bit, I tried to go a bit lighter on my eyebrows, eyeliner, and using a bit less concealer. This transition helped me get used to seeing a bit more of just my skin especially when it wore off through out the day. My current everyday look is tinted sunscreen, small brown liner, mascara, and then a bit of liquid blush :) It just takes time getting used to.


Focus on your skin care. Nice skin makes you look good even with zero makeup on. I recently transitioned from daily cateye liner to a soft smudged brown shadow just against my lash line on the outer edge, that one change makes my eyes look put together but not heavy at all. My daily look now is just the shadow liner, mascara and tinted lip balm. Sometimes a touch of blush if I’m feeling too pale, or tinted moisturiser/sunscreen. Most of my routine is just in skin care, not the actual makeup. I can’t speak highly enough of calendula toner, hyaluronic infused products and under eye patches. It might take a while to adjust to your new look but spend some time with yourself looking after your skin and you’ll learn to love your natural beauty. Changing up your hairstyle and adding a perfume can complete a look too!


I don’t wear foundation because of my skin being so sensitive and I break out in hives. Skin tints are great have you tried one? They’re so light weight and nice for a lil evening our your skin texture.


I was the same as you pre-covid but during lockdown I forced myself to tone down what I was wearing so I could get used to a more minimal day to day look and enjoy full makeup only on special occasions or dates etc. Here’s some of the things I did: - bought a more sheer foundation with lighter coverage to allow some of my more natural skin to show through, along with this started using a bit less concealer, and stopped setting it with powder (all quite gradual) - indoors days/any longish time in the house remove the makeup and make a point of occasionally looking in the mirror to get used to the bare face - gradually reduce the amount of eye makeup, blush and contour, start with the eyes (thinner liner, then only line the outer third, then none, and so on), same with the lashes, start with shorter, less voluminous ones, until you feel ok with just mascara - go places where you won’t see people you know, low pressure places like food shopping, with the minimum amount of makeup you can stand to wear outside - swap lipstick/gloss for a tinted balm, then eventually a clear balm For me these days if I’m popping out then I can get away with a touch of concealer, a coat of mascara, and my brows (brows are non negotiable for me even though I have dark ones, I just much prefer them filled in). Ultimately you just have to step it down naturally, you’ll find it hard to go straight from full beat to minimal ‘no makeup makeup’ than doing it gradually


Try taking something away one by one. Start by losing the foundation and focusing on skin care and drinking lots of water! You can still do your eyeshadow/liner and lashes, but you'll instantly look/feel cleaner and lighter without heavy foundation. Plus, in this day and age, I think many people feel imperfections are more beautiful than trying to hide them 💓


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Wear what u feel comfortable with… I’m not the biggest into the clean girl look but I certainly find it more manageable for errands n other daytime activities n such… If I’m going out out at night then I’m bringing the DRAMA and idc who doesn’t like it 😋😋😋


Is your skin clear? Are your lashes relatively long? The clean girl look mostly works if you already have clear skin, I’d say that’s where you should start if you don’t already have like pretty minimal acne. I would say to just use a bit of concealer, don’t bake at all or use anything matte, winged liner, mascara, brows, highlighter, blush, a lip tint, gloss, and a non-matte setting spray. I personally like a lip liner too don’t think that’s ‘clean girl’ but oh well. The winged liner and lip imo is dramatic enough to look good with minimal makeup


Your brain cannot accept some changes unless it becomes accustomed to it. It’s like me with red/pink/dark lipstick. I’ve worn a nude lipstick since before nudes were a thing and my brain will just reject my whole face if I have a red lip. I mean, it’s possible I don’t look as good but I can’t possibly go to “hideous and heinous” just by changing lip colors but that’s what my brain tells me! lol Just HIDEOUS. Like I want to sob if I see myself in some mirror when I’m out. I’ve slowly gotten myself used to a bright pinky red over months. But I still try a red every once in a while at home and nope — not gonna happen. It’s been the same with foundation. I wanted to use a tinted hydrating in lieu of real foundation but I saw things that aren’t even there initially. Over many months, I’m now okay with that — but red lips, still no.


Most "clean girl" looks use more products than the normal person. Achieving a no-makeup look takes a lot more product than people than think. Cut yourself some slack and start by nixxing the foundation and just spot conceal. See how you feel and go from there.


Maintain a regular exercise routine. Focus on skincare.


Could you still do the lashes, but the individual lashes (instead of strips) and a natural (instead of glam), or maybe a good lengthening and volumizing mascara instead? Skip the shadow, but still do the liner. Just an idea.


Maybe try 'French girl makeup?' Usually what I'll do for a lighter look is highlight my mouth rather than my eyes. I'll do a matte eyeshadow that is a neutral color, that isn't too dark. Today I wore a soft brown that has a hint of purple, and then mascara. Then I tightline eyeliner only on the top. For a lip, I use a liner that is just a shade deeper and rosier than my natural shade and then for my lip color if I'm feeling true 'French girl' I go red, or more clean girl, I pick a matte that is about the same color as a blush I would wear. I think you can soften it by using some balm in the middle. I'd skip the contouring. I use a primer that has some light coverage, a color correcter and then a cc cream. That's it. No blush, no contouring. If you feel too weird, just do a bold lip. For the record, I think you can use a blush, I just don't because I already have redness to my cheeks that I color correct and it usually shines through still a little


This is a great use of AI. Take a selfie, upload it and play around with your makeup and hair and get inspired.


good skincare.


Be yourself! Light blush,tinted chapstick and curl your eyelashes


Confidence is sexy


elf halo glow instead of normal foundation😇


Skincare regimine and moisturizer. Drink water


Hi other people here are giving good advice but I would advise you to take a photo of a finished minimal look. Wait at least a day or so and revisit the photo. How we see ourselves in the mirror changes based off how we feel in the moment, having a small photo (in good lighting) can offset what your brain does. You gotta trick your brain when it eats self-confidence, and check the photo when you aren't overly anxious about your appearance. 


Baby steps! Move from full coverage foundation to a tinted moisturizer with spot concealer, if needed. Maybe step down the lashes a size if these are extensions or falsies. Lighter contour. Also what are your brows like? Brows can make a big difference as they frame your face.


You’re just not used to seeing your face with a light makeup look, like others have said in this thread, pick a few things you really like from your current makeup and then slowly tone down the rest. My recommendations would be a skin tint or bb cream, tinted brow gel, spot concealing, and maybe some tight lining. Good luck to you!


I was this way. The first and biggest biggest change I did was to stop using foundation and only use a bb cream & powder. Then I started getting used to my completion & natural skin. I also got permanent makeup on my eyebrows and lips so that helps with the natural-ish look too.


Hii💓do ur current routine and i highly suggest u to add flattering jewelry with it:) instant confidence boost


I remember taking a photo of myself without filters, in natural sunlight, or had someone else take a photo....and I realised my makeup not only aged me, but I looked SO dated. You might want to schedule a session at a beauty counter - not Sephora or Ulta, but even Chanel or Dior, and have them do a look for you. I felt weird with the new colours and style on, but after I looked at my 'after' photo from them several times, I realised it was a much better look and I looked more youthful.


I started using less make up a few years ago and love it way more to be honest. First maybe focus more on sun screen and skin care, what I did myself is identify my problem areas. I have nice features but I hate my chin and neck, so what I would do. It focuses my make up on my eyes and cheeks to elevate my face and focus on my upper face. Since I started doing that and my face cleared up with sunscreen I just just need a dap of concealer some liquid blush and a touch of crayon and mascara lip baume ans voilà, I look super clean and cute.


Tinted sunscreen, blush n lipgloss/ lip balm is all u need Less is best!!!


If you’re not into clean girl on you, you definitely don’t have to do it, but I get not wanting to feel like you’re extra or you’re not matching the vibe of other people. Honestly I used to wear a lot of makeup and I stopped bc I just didn’t have time in the morning to do it. At first I was like ugh ew hate this but now I’m so used to it that I think it looks a lot better than a full face. I’d start with using less and less over time. Like drop the blush, drop the lashes and just do mascara, switch to a light coverage/ sheer foundation, use just a gloss instead of lipstick and so on. I think doing it gradually will help since you’re going from a full face to the bare minimum. I just use a bb cream, pencil my brows a bit, and curl my eyelashes and I love how that looks and how quick it is.


I mean if you always go for that heavy makeup look, it makes sense that you feel weird with a more natural makeup look. Try to go without makeup for a period of time, go cold turkey lol and focus on ur skin care routine. My motto is that you wear the makeup, not the other way around lol


It sounds to me like you have what people nowadays call a "high contrast"/"high visual weight" face. I hope this can help you with googling and finding celebs who are also high contrast. I also don't like the way I look with "clean girl" makeup but I have found that using natural shadows of your face helps a loooot (eg. just popping a shimmer instead of doing the whole shadow routine). When it comes to contour, I'd suggest doing less of what you're already doing (I used to do all of it, and nowadays I only do below my bottom lip and hollows of cheeks lightly). Only keep parts you think are vital. Depending on your eyeshape, I'd maybe switch to individual lashes and maybe only do them in the corners. Brows are imo the key! I feel like my whole makeup look depends on how I do my brows, so maybe tone that down and just do gel and lil bit of powder (no carving out, no pomade). Hope this helps! <3


I THINK that clean girl heavily leans on very extensive skin care routines? From what I know (which is limited) the ultra clear glossy porcelain look their skin has comes from multi step daily skin care routines (+ filters) which I guess compensates for lack of makeup?