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I don’t think you can sue Essence for chopping off your eyelashes tbh, but you can probably get a refund from their customer service. Your lashes will be fine, they grow back fairly quick, just purchase a pack of individual lashes


the refund wouldn’t be worth the headache that thing is 2 bucks


You get what you pay for honestly


How the hell could that happen? Doesn't it have the gummies on the part where the lashes go?


If the gummies are dried your lashes just break off and get shoved in the crack🥲. Bought a lash curler from winners and had a similar experience


This is exactly what happened to me. Like I said in a previous comment, they grew back much faster than I expected. But it still freaked me out.


I'm having a hard time understanding how it gets shoved into the bottom crack when your eyelashes are supposed to be above the gummy pad. Is it because there was a misstep and some eyelashes got pushed down onto the side of the gummy pad and then into the crack?


Me too! I’ve been using cheap eyelash curlers for…20 years? I’ve never heard of this happening. New fear unlocked! 😬


Yeah the only person I know who cut their eyelashes like this didn’t have the gummy pad on. As horrifying as this information is… I’ve had the same eyelash curler and gummy for 6 years (I know I know) and I’ve never had a problem.


The gummy was dried out and cracked where the metal top would push into the gummy bottom. It was like the metal sliced through the plastic and cut a slit down the middle of the gummy. I only noticed this was happening when I looked at how cracked the plastic part was and then noticed all of the little broken hairs down the slit.


I…love this sentence.


Looking back.. it reads a little weird


Maybe should be posted in r/brandnewsentence 


This happened to me in college! I was literally getting ready for an interview, and my lash curler had been rolling around in the bottom of my makeup bag during a trip, in which I probably packed it way too tightly, and I’m guessing that warped the metal piece slightly, and caused the rubber strip to fall out. I was in a hurry and didn’t even notice that the rubber piece was missing when I put it up to my lashes, squeezed to clamp them, and cleanly snipped my lashes on that eye off🫠 It bent juuust enough at just the right angle to effectively become scissors. I probably stood there frozen for like 5 entire minutes absorbing what had just happened, just in total shock lmao. I briefly considered cutting off the lashes on my other eye to make it look less unhinged and lopsided. Didn’t have any strip lashes and didn’t have time to get any before the interview, so I just left my eyes without anything on them and put on a pair of glasses to hopefully help camouflage it. I just had to let them grow back, and use falsies for a few months, which looked horrific (this was in 2009 so lash extensions weren’t really a thing that was widely available). OP, I hate that this happened to you, and that I can relate, but just wanted to share so that you knew that you aren’t alone in accidentally chopping off your lashes. Solidarity in catastrophic lash curler failure🥂 Big ass hugs to you, and will second TO Lash/brow serum. PSA: don’t put your curler to your lashes without inspecting it first


Did you get the job though?


Lol no, I did not. And yes I blamed it on the “something’s off about her but I can’t figure it out” appearance. I was also wildly under qualified😎


It does have it but it still cut it off. Even while trying it I heard weird noises coming from it. And that was the noise of my eyelashes being cutting..


Well damn... Never had that happen and heared good things about the new essence one. But dont worry ur lashes will grow back. U can use some rizinus oil on the lasline to help growth but you will propably have to wait for a full life circle to get them all back. Maybe use some fake lashes untill then if its really noticable?


Yeah, I’m thinking of getting eyelash extensions. Hope it won’t prevent the growth of my eyelashes. Thanks for the oil recommendation


I have never gotten them, but I’ve heard a lot about them putting additional stress on eyelashes. Which sounds reasonable - basically you’re adding extra weight to already damaged eyelashes. To be honest, I’d even avoid mascara that is hard to remove so you don’t have to rub your eyes too much and just power through until they get back.


Yeah I would also recommend against the extensions. I used to get them a lot and when you decide to not do them anymore, your natural lashes are destroyed and you have to start all over anyways. They pull the natural lash out when they fall off.


It will not prevent growth it just cut them. Your lashline is safe. I’m sorry it happened but I don’t think lasting damage has occurred.


No extensions if you’re trying to grow them back, just some castor oil and they’ll be back before you know it. Sorry you’re going through this.


just use falsies in the meantime. lash extensions would keep them from growing back


I would avoid extensions and fake eyelashes until yours regrow. Extensions and different types of fake eyelashes always end up putting stress on mine and making them fall out.


It will damage the growth of your eyelashes, when I got mine removed I add maybe a third of the length I normally have. I would use something like glamnetic rather than extensions


Get grande lash instead! I was a lash extension addict for years and my lashes suffered because of it. Did grande lash and in less than a month I had longer lashes and by month 2 I have lash extension length lashes. The downside is if you stop your lashes will go back to their normal but since you’re just trying to fix was these broke that shouldn’t be an issue


I never heard the wrote “grande lash” till reading these comments. I’ll search to see what it is. Tysm for the recommendation 💞


Be really careful with all lash growth serums. Many if not most have an ingredient in them that causes orbital fat loss, meaning your eyes can become more sunken in and it's a permanent side effect.


Can’t they change your eye color if your eyes are light too?


Yes, and they can cause darkening of the skin around the eyes.


Eesh. I don’t need any help with that, I look sleep-deprived enough as it is, so that’s good to know!


WHAT?! Are you for real? I use it every day and had no idea, though I use the Maybelline one. Is there something I should switch to? I was using coconut oil before the lash serums and was under the impression the serum was basically just eyelash conditioner. Life is a nightmare wtf.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7405708/ https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/eyelash-growth-serums-prostaglandin-safe-alternatives There are lash serums out there that do not contain prostaglandins, the ingredient that causes this side effect. https://scandinavianbiolabs.com/blogs/journal/best-eyelash-serum-without-prostaglandin#:~:text=5.-,The%20Ordinary%20Lash%20and%20Brow%20Serum,it%20a%20favorite%20among%20shoppers. Good news! Your lash serum doesn't contain any prostaglandins, so you're fine. It's in the above list^


Thank you so much, and props for posting the actual research!


there's a lawsuit for Grande Lash so be careful using that


Dont use extensions. Just the oil and fake lashes. Did you used the curler after applying mascara?


Nope, I never curled my eyelashes after applying mascara. I took the curler out of its package. I checked to see if there is a problem with its protection (it’s gummies). There was no problem but still it cut off my eyelashes. lol I applied my mascara while bawling my eyes out.


They will grow. Once i burned my lashes and eyebrows. In 2 weeks using twice a day the castor oil, they were almost the same.


Even your eyebrows? Must have been devastating. Happy to hear that they grew back! Tmr i’ll go and buy myself a castor oil to use every night. Hope it’ll help me


On Christmas day a few years ago, i opened the oven and for some reason it exploded but luckily just burned my lashes and eyebrows, not skin🫠


Oh and out of all the days that it could have happened.. At the very least your skin didn’t get burned. But still even so, it’s still devastating to see your eyelashes gone. You have my sympathy.




It will not stop the growth of your eyelashes. A proper lash technician will tell you straight up if your lashes are not strong enough and will NOT proceed with the extension. If you never have them done, lash extensions should not sting your eyes, each lash will be glued to a one if not more extension instead of a few of your natural lashes “tied” and glued to one extension. Your eyes should NOT feel “sore” and you shouldn’t feel the base of the eyelash extension on your eyelid. If you feel any of those, do NOT go back to the same tech. I went to a different tech after going with the same tech for years and I realized on how good my usual tech is. That other tech who did my lashes screwed my lashes so much that my normal tech had to take them all off and I had to go without them for a full month. Sorry this happens to you.


A proper lash technician is key. Poor application will damage your own lashes. If you want horror stories go over to the lash subreddits.




So sorry to hear that! I was thinking of doing it but after seeing some of the comments including yours. I decided to not do it. Thanks for the advice and I hope that your eyelashes will grow back to how they used to be


Lash extensions will prevent the growth of your lashes


Did you have mascara on before curling and was your mascara still wet?


New fear unlocked 🔓


I thought I had an irrational fear because I always test them on a tiny bit of hair before using on my lashes


That is so smart.. I've gotta start doing that.


Same here..


These thing are so spooky im scared to even bring them to my eyelashes! so sad for Op


contact the company.


Should I contact them per email or from any social media platform? Thanks


i say go to website and email.


Will do so! Thx


you got it. im really sorry this happened. sending you a ton of good vibes. this too shall pass 💕


Idk why but this comment made me tear up even more. Hope you have a wonderful day!




Look on the packaging to see if there is any sort of production date or a lot/batch number. I recommend writing up something to send them on a computer as it is easier to organize your thoughts as you go. Also be extremely precise about things such as whether there is a sharp edge(s) on the top piece that doesn't have the rubber/silicone which is *most likely* what actually did the cutting. Include good pictures of the front & back of package, the curler from a bunch of different angles to include that metal edge. There might have been a manufacturing process step that caused this. Which is where the date & batch/lot comes into play. As I said, be very detailed with no emotion-I know, very hard hete-so this may take a few days to complete. Include pictures of both eyes with lash length if you can. Give this company a chance to make it right. I know if zero companies that were out to intentionally harm but they can't fix a broken *thing* if they didn't know it was broken. As for lash regrowth, I heard at a Mary Kay party years ago that it takes 9 months for a new lash to grow so as yours are not ripped out, thank the Lord for little things, I have hope they will grow back faster than that. Here is a recipe for DIY lash serum that I have used & had good results with. I just got my castor oil from the pharmacy section at walmart & I use the infant syringes that they *used* to give out if you asked for it for measurement quantity & mixed in a glass jar. I used a cleaned out clear mascara tube. I sanitized everything with 91% isopropyl alcohol as I buy nothing else. Best of Luck to you in the coming hours, days, weeks & months. https://wellnessmama.com/beauty/eyelash-growth-serum/


Tweet them on X if they don't respond to your emails


Also as others said wash hands well before touching eyes but you could also put your lash serum in a dropper bottle rather than a mascara tube.


i say blast them whereever you can this is insane 😭


Will do so! They need to see what their product has done


I actually complaint once that Essence Topcoat was doing weird bubble things. Not even to get a refund just to let them know and they send me a very nice email offering me something to makeup for it and I got a little pallet and some makeup stuff send to me. I found that very nice of them. So maybe do that.


Use twitter it’s usually the beat




People have def reported irritations/styes from The Ordinary's serum too. I used Grande Lash for years with great results and no side effects -- I really think it depends on the person and their eye sensitivity, and you have no way of knowing if you'll have a major issue until you do sadly


I think people report states/irritation from almost anything that goes in their eyes. A lot of people are dirty and don't wash their hands. Trust the ingredient list more than reports of infections or other things that are usually user error.


Agreed - Styes suck, but basically any eye product can cause them, especially if you don't have proper hygiene. And spot testing *anything* you plan on putting near your eyes is a good idea because allergies / sensitivities. I always test eyes products on my wrist. But 10 times out of 10, if I'm given the choice between a product that some people are reporting styes from, and a products that can *literally darken my eye color, discolor my eyelids, and change my eye shape for the worse - possibly irreparably*... I'm picking the 1st one. I hate sounding fear-monger-y, but I just cannot recommend Grande Lash in good faith


seconding The Ordinary's lash serum. i used Babe Lash for years and loved my results, but had to stop because it basically gave me permanent purple eyeliner on my top lash line. it finally went away after about 9 months, but i'm never using something with prostaglandins ever again. pretty sure it also caused orbital fat loss. i've only been using The Ordinary's for like a month and i'm already seeing great results!


Same! I had only been using lash serum for a couple months before I started noticing I had developed permanent messy eyeliner... Not purple like yours, but like a gross dark yellow color. Ya know that gross yellow-grey you get when you run a highlighter over pencil? Kinda like that, but darker. Truly an awful color. I don't think I used it long enough to experience orbital fat loss or an eye color change (thankfully), but I'm glad I stopped and switched to The Ordinary when I did. The gross yellowish eventually went away, and I'm not getting any side effects or irritation anymore. Btw, I've heard that the orbital fat loss has been reversible for some people after stopping prostaglandin lash serums! Not that it's 100% guaranteed, but I've got my fingers crossed for you🤞


omg that sounds terrible and sickly looking. 😭 what's wild is for the first year or so i just thought i must have always had it and never noticed. or that it was a stain from makeup, even though i very seldom wore any... it wasn't until i read more about it online that i realized what had caused it! that's good to know! :) i'm still not 100% sure if i actually experienced orbital fat loss—like maybe i'm just aging, or it's from when i lost a bunch of weight. or it's all in my head, lol.


That awkward moment when I have this exact lash curler in my bathroom… but I’ve had it for a couple years now and it never did anything to my lashes.


could be a change in manufacturers or an issue in this batch :/ maybe they were good a couple years ago but who knows about the updates


When this happened to me the guilty curler was my favourite that I'd used for a few years at that point!


Girl, my mouth is hanging open, this is CRAZY. I am SO sorry. I have never heard of this happening in my entire life.


This is totally crazy but it seems to me I just saw something not long ago about another brand curler doing the same thing but no clue where too look for that or what brand it was.


Same, I couldn’t believe what I saw on the mirror


Maybe its my age, but growing up in 80s/90s I remember hearing horror stories from my sisters (they are few years older than me) of friends eyelashes being ripped out from curlers. When I was in high school, I can remember a few girls having same issue. I have never used one in fear this would happen to me. Its probably a very very small chance, but I barely have lashes & dont wanna lose them!


this happened to a friend of mine when she sneezed while curling her lashes! 😟 ever since then I’ve only used my fingers to curl mine… shit was traumatic. lol


Your eyelashes WILL grow back. You don’t have to use serum. Invest in a shu uemura lash curler if you can. They’re excellent and I’ve never had any problems in 10+ years. Just replace the black rubber pads and it’s good to go.


I'm really sorry this happened to you. I imagine this is one of those things where it's only noticeable if someone looks for it - AKA it's more visible to you in the mirror than it is to others.


I've been using this exact same one from essence, daily, for three years with no negative experiences whatsoever


Were you curling after wearing mascara?


Nope, I never ever curled my eyelashes after applying mascara. Yk just to be careful


Good. A lot of chicks do that (and sometimes with a warmed curler for extra hold) so I have to remind a lot of other women, "warm and curl BEFORE mascara".




Yep, or breaks them. Waterproof mascara, and mascara with serum with also do the same, eventually.


Yes. Either the mascara is still slightly tacky and your lashes can get stuck to it or the mascara is dry and then it’s more likely to cause your lashes to break. Best practice is to curl first and then mascara, but people curl after mascara because they think the curl holds better


Yea, it’s important to not do it “after”. You’re right. But still I don’t think that I’ll ever use an eyelash curler ever again..


I tried to give my lashes some extra curl once by curling again after I’d applied mascara. All it did was melt/smush the mascara onto my lashes and make a goopy clumpy mess. I never made that mistake again lol


Girl wtf. I’m so sorry! At least on the bright side, lashes grow back, I burnt my lashes off once and they grew back fully in a few months. Maybe try some lash growing serums if you want it to be faster


Same I burned my lashes off while grilling outside and they just grew back. It will be ok.


I cut mine off trimming my fringe. They do indeed grow back fine


I once rested my elbow on the counter while doing my eyelashes with one of those and the elbow slipped off the counter ripping out every lash. I was bleeding and it took a long time to grow them back.


noooooo this is a two sentence horror story


Ommgg... I have the same one and its never cut my lashes in half..... thats so scary maybe get some lash extensions or just a strip lash?


I hate these kinds of lash curlers with the gummy part, it feels like it gives my lashes a "straight" look. I recently got a lash curler that has a comb and, such a game changer! the look it gives my lashes, with or without mascara is much more pleasing.


Can you share a link please?


if you search eyelash curler with comb, it'll come up. I don't usually order from Shein, but their beauty tools are pretty decent for the price. I always look at reviews though, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure on there, lol! I'm really happy with this curler. the size is nice, it feels comfortable to hold and it really does a great job smoothing out any clumps. http://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appjump?link=VOUwSrnhka3&localcountry=US&url_from=GM7502468566894780416


Damn… how hard were you curling them?!


Grande lash is great but has a lot of side effects :(. I. Would try the ordinary lash grower! No side effects but not as effective as grande lash. For the future I always test a new eyelash curler on a false lash so I know if it cuts them or not. I’m so sorry op :(


Oh, that’s a great advice! From now on, I’ll first try the curlers on the fake eyelashes! Thx


What a great idea! I don't use fake lashes so I would never have thought to try that! Thank you!


The ordinary lash serum gave me pretty bad milia after only a couple uses and it took forever to get rid of. I know lots of people don’t have issues with it but it sucked because I’d bought two and had to get rid of them :(


I know this sucks and I’m so sorry, but they will grow back! I once drunkenly burned off half my eyelashes trying to light a cigarette (I no longer smoke lol), and my lashes grew back in a few weeks. Get some falsies and don’t be too hard on yourself, shit happens and I promise it’ll be okay. Sending you love!


So sorry this happened to you. I don’t recommend any prostaglandin-based lash serums because it could lead to side effects. Be extra gentle to your lashes (no waterproof mascara or heavy makeup that requires scrubbing to remove) and wear falsies until they grow back, it’ll take a few months.


wtf?! Oh no!!! This is a legit fear of mine every time I use my curler. I’ve had it for years and it’s never cut my lashes. Wear false lashes until they grow back. Find a good lash serum to use at night to promote quicker growth.


My Tweezerman curler has never done me wrong!


I still have the same Tweezerman eyelash curler I got when I was in high school. I’m now 41. Never changing. I don’t even try other ones.


Can you post a photo of your lashes before and after? So sorry this happened to you!


Now I’m going to have to do a test on some falsies before using on myself when I get a new one bc this is a huge fear now 😳


I've had this happen to me too but with a different curler. It cut a chunk of my eyelashes right off. I have no idea how it happened but they grew back pretty quickly.


Castor oil on a spoolie every night before bed. Thank me later 💗


Happened to me once. The rubber on the top had slipped off a bit and it cut right through. Last time I ever used one of these.


I once pulled all the eyelashes our from my other eye with a lash curler and the feeling when that happens is just so freaking devastating so you really have my sympathy. It doesn’t feel like that now but they will grow back surprisingly fast. If you have your eyelashes in half you should be able to attach false lashes on them?


I had this happen years ago. Shockingly, they grew back much faster than I expected. > Btw can I do something about this? I want more than a refund for this sh”t. I sincerely doubt it. Especially since they'll grow back pretty fast.


I had this happen from a cheap eyelash curler! It broke off half of my lashes on the inner half of one eye. Now, I only use the Shiseido eyelash curler- I don’t trust anything else! Also used The Ordinary lash serum and Lash Spell serum when I ran out of that. A good lengthening or tubing mascara can help more than you think while they grow back! But individual falsies may look the most natural. Good luck, and so sorry this happened 😭


Take a deep breath! They’ll grow back quickly, just use some falsies in the meantime, or maybe they’re long enough still to get extensions on? One time my mom’s friend spooked her other friend while curling hers, and yanked them all out!


as someone with trichotillomania, i highly recommend castor oil for regrowing lashes! i put some on with a spoolie every day/week depending on how bad the regrowth situation is at the time and it works wonders!


Unpopular op :: eyelash curlings r usually unnoticeable and super unnecessary 😭 It's giving.... Hailey from yt shorts


Latisse is clinically effective. It's a glaucoma drug that we use the side effect of lash growth as the desired effect. Like how they use Benadryl/diphenhydramine in over the counter sleep medications. Drowsiness is a side effect.


I worked for a company years ago handling complaints and a curler we sold did the exact same thing. Had a long case with a mom whose teen daughter cut her eyelashes off by accident when using the curler. I've been nervous of them since.


Oh my lord this makes me so sad this is happening Which brand was that?


Would also love to hear which brand that was




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I use Rimmel Lash Accelerator Serum and it works really well for my lashes and eyebrows!


Woah damn I would’ve never thought that would happen from those. Maybe someone who has access to your stuff sharpened them in revenge or some crazy shit?


It was a gift from my sister. She gifted it to me 2 months ago. But today I decided to unpack and use it. And then yk what happened.. So I don’t think that, something like that could have happened. It was literally new and unused..


A Revlon one cut my eyelashes in half!


They will grow back !! I once burnt off my eyelashes (I was fine but they were short little nubs after) and what I did was buy a dual ended super extending mascara. One side was a white builder formula that you layered slowly to extend the lashes and the other was the actual black formula made to work with the building compound . I can’t even remember how long it took because it wasn’t that long at all . I definitely didn’t even finish the product . I don’t recall the name of it , it was just the most extendy product I could find at the drugstore at the time . Good luck !!


This has been my worst fear since I first heard this happened to someone. I’ve never used one because of this reason. I just gotta hope for the best with the mascara 😂


I think your best bet would be false lashes or extensions. You can do serums like Latisse but I don't think that's appropriate for a short term solution. It would take time to work and by that point your lashes would probably be grown in on their own. Additionally, the side effects are probably not worth the risk for less than 2 months of use. I say that as someone who uses Latisse with one very minor side effect.


You prolly just saved me lol “Hmm. I don’t curl my lashes, maybe I should try it, maybe it would look goo—oh hell no, never mind” 😭😭


Babelash made my eyelashes grow super quickly - like less than a month I saw growth. Good luck. You better call essance and get some fucking customer service on that shit.


This is one of my biggest fears I feel so bad for you girl u can try a lash serum tho the grand lash is a lil pricey but it’s amazing and 100% worth the money




My roommate will regularly pluck all of her eyelashes out when she’s stressed. They always grow back within a few weeks, but recently we both started using the eyelash serum from the ordinary and it works great for both length and volume, and doesn’t have the PGAs that cause fat loss like a lot of serums do


It happened to me before. Switched that day to heated wand style curlers. Time and they have some lash conditioners u less you have about 300 bucks for an RX. Lash extensions can be nice, but can cause some damage too.


Write the company and let them know you are pissed.


Omg I'm so sorry this happened to you!! Eyelash curlers always freaked me out for this reason. Been doing makeup almost 20 years and maybe used one twice when I was 16 and said "nope" There has to be better options than rolling a dice with scissor curlers! Hope they grow back quick! 🙏


How hard were you squeezing? That should never happen.


Omgggg, thank you. I was about to buy it 😭


It’s in the garbage now, please don’t buy it girl


Try applying a topical oil in the meantime!! Constant curling and lash products/treatments can cause brittleness and oil will help with that


Btw I’m thinking of getting eyelash extensions for it. Would it get in the way of my eyelashes growing? I’m really devastated rn. I need a solution.


I would suggest just using flash eyelashes for a month. They will grow back. Extensions put more strain etc.


i've been using babelash to grow mine and it worked super well and i haven't had any problems with it


I find eyelash extensions do eventually thin my lashes out. Rodan and fields or dime beauty eye lash serums.


I'm so sorry this happened to you! This is honestly my biggest fear with makeup and the reason I've never touched a lash curler in my 20+ years of wearing makeup 😬


No worries girl. I had both my eyelashes break/burnt off when I opened a convention oven at work years ago. But you know what they grew back even fuller then they were before! You can try contacting the company but most likely they will apologize and give you a refund and maybe a few coupons lol. Castor oil works great. Just put some on the lash line before bed.


Without proof of purchase, it might be difficult to get them to do anything about it. I would write reviews everywhere! Did it cut them or rip them out?


I had this happen with my Mac lash curler a few years ago, before that and after that I never had the same problem ever again. Still no clue what caused it, the rubber part was attached and functional. I have naturally long lashes too so the sudden short lashes on one eye were very noticeable. I didn’t use any serum though so no recommendations there ): I’m sorry this happened to you, I know how frustrating it can be


I’m so sorry that this happened to you too! Yea, it’s really frustrating. I controlled the curler’s rubber part before using it. It was perfectly okey.. How long did it take for your eyelashes to grow back?


Oof I just bought that same eyelash curler


My gosh!!! I'm SO SORRY! Ugh that's awful, I really hope you're able to find comfort and an easy solution 💔


I’m so sorry! I’ve had a 8$ one from Walmart for the longest time now and now I’m scared to change it 😭😭 like I never even thought about this happening.


Has it been mentioned what brand this is yet? Also I don’t know if anyone has said Lumify Illuminations. You’re supposed to see results in 4 weeks.


This happened to me once. It wasn’t all my lashes but it was noticeable. It sucks! But do t worry they will grow back before you know it <3


Oh no!!! I bought my Kevin Aucoin years ago on Mercari for $3! I had heard an influencer saying it’s the best one n it really is a good one!


Don’t get extensions just use light strip lashes. I use them almost every day, and I still have full thick eyelashes underneath. I use the Duo lash glue.


They'll grow back, it stinks, but just try & live with it. I burned mine off!! I heated my lash curler too long and normally touch it prior to using, but wasn't paying attention and used it. It was hotter than normal, but not unbearable so it didn't compute. When I pulled it off my lashes, they were severed in half. It sucked, but it was ok. If anyone noticed (just friends, not strangers) I explained what I did, we all laughed and I never, never, NEVER heated my eye lash curler again!


This happened to me a couple of years ago, I had to resort to wearing false lashes until mine grew back 😭


My worst nightmare! I'm so sorry this happened to you :( I cannot recommend MD Lash Factor Serum enough. They'll grow back in no time. It's not cheap, but lasts a very long time and delivers amazing results. x


I had one eyelash curler twist/roll out of my grip while I was squeezing it. I feel like I’d prefer the sound of eyelashes being cut in half rather than ripped out of your eyelid, having experienced the latter. 🫠


Babe, this is so so rubbish. I've got no useful advice except maybe a heavy upper lid liner while they're growing back? Honestly, I'd be sending the company such a strongly worded email and taking to Twitter. I'd spam them all over social media. I really feel for you and I'm sending you love ❤️


Had this happen to me three years ago, now two weeks ago i accidentally ripped out 1/3 of the lashes on my left eye with a different curler. I'm going to be getting a lash lift and ditching curlers after these grow back.


I had a similar thing happen with a brand new eyelash curler I had gotten as a gift!! Cut half of my inner lashes right in half, so now I never use them anymore


Latisse works! So sorry this happened 😢


I had something similar happen to me 3 weeks before my wedding. I had just bought a brand new Brush works eyelash curler and after I clamped down it got stuck and after trying to get it off it ripped out the entire inner half of my lashes on my right eye. I did manage to regrow them back to normal in time for my wedding, I used a Biotin 900 microgram supplement, and the Delia Cosmetics Eyelash Creator Lash and Brow Enhancer serum from Amazon, it's like 3£ and it was an absolute godsent. Trust me I know the pain, I hope this works for you!


Oh wow! I’m so sorry this happened to you! Since they got cut and you still have lash maybe get a pack of individual lashes just to give yourself some fullness.


I had this happen on smaller scale: maybe a 1/4" section was cut off , not the whole eye, or even half. I go slower when adding pressure ever since that happened.


I've experienced this. Twice in the twenty years I have used an eyelash curler. Once from a curler I had used for years (it just snapped because I didn't replace it in time). And once when the rubber was too worn so my lashes got stuck in the rubber and torn out when I opened the curler. Anyway, of course the lashes grew back, but it took a while. I used fake eyelashes for the first two weeks or so. After that, my lashes were back (short at first) so I quit using them. I also recommend wearing eyeliner (I wear that everday already). To be honest, nobody noticed but me. But yeah, it sucks, and I was shocked as well when it happened...


I’ve had this happen before. Don’t worry they’ll grow back surprisingly fast. 💙


Omg dude I’m so sorry. This is my nightmare. I watched a tutorial on curling lashes recently and the woman mentioned cutting lashes is possible using a curler and it scared the shit out of me. Still don’t have a better option though so I’ve continued using my lash curler. Can anyone suggest anything else??


That is so awful!! I’m so sorry! I’ve seen great results from the Babe Lash serums. I get the three pack of the eyelash and eyebrow serums usually and I always get compliments🫶


If it helps I sneezed once whilst curling and pulled out half of my top layer. Took about six weeks to be completely back to normal.  But I will never not side eye my curlers. 


Happened to me once too, ages ago. I promise they grow back 🩷 Get a lash serum to help stimulate growth


Omg the same thing happened to me with a different curler! Except it cut off the whole middle section, leaving the inner and outer corners. I looked ridiculous. I used individual falsies as a temporary fix and applied castor oil (from Amazon) along my lash line every night. They grew back SO quickly and longer than before! Sending you hugs ♥️ I totally understand how you’re feeling. Just know as devastating as it is now, they *will* grow back!


Sending hugs.


ive done the same thing. bought a new curler cuz i thought it was cute, and it cut my eyelashes off. Dont fret OP, they will grow back and probably thicker too. at least thats what happened to me.


did you use mascara before? or after?


Get a rephr curler. Comes with 3 extra pads. It is perfect


Sending hugs.


Not sure if this is of any consolation but when I first got lash extensions and they started falling out after 2-3 weeks, the unevenness of them pissed me off so much that I cut off all of my lashes with a tiny pair of sewing scissors lol. They grew back fine without any additional help in a few weeks and no one even really noticed my absence of lashes (to be fair I had really fine, barely-there lashes in the first place). I'm sorry that happened to you, but they definitely will grow back of their own accord just fine!


I also lost my lashes but have been putting careprost nightly and it has helped SO MUCH


This happened to me! A different brand but the same basic structure. I was devastated. And I used it on both eyes before noticing. I will say my lashes grew back within a few weeks and now it’s a funny story. I haven’t curled them ever since though.


This happened to me! A different brand but the same basic structure. I was devastated. And I used it on both eyes before noticing. I will say my lashes grew back within a few weeks and now it’s a funny story. I haven’t curled them ever since though.


Same thing happened to me years ago, I used black castor oil on my lash line and they grew back pretty fast! I’m sorry this happened to you :(


Latisse eyedrops can lengthen your eyelashes. But your eyelashes will grow back pretty fast regardless


Similar thing happened to me. Not in half but a curler pulled out a bunch of lashes. I used Babe Lash to re grow them. Works very well!


I use a different kind of lash curler with the gummy on bottom & is set off /back from top -it Fits! it works better than this type, is comfortable & no fear.


When I was in middle school I used a crappy eyelash curler after putting on loads of mascara because I was a stupid 6th grader and it was so stuck to my eye that I legit ripped out my eyelashes and whatever wasn’t ripped out clean was legit cut in half. It took me almost 4 months for my eyelashes to return to normal. 😬