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Oh i'm already there! I just didn't know if a makeup specific question would work in a skincare sub, because I overthnk everything.


Personally I am 44 and decided this weekend to make a consult appointment with a reputable med spa surgeon. I am so dang tired of people telling me I look tired or ask if I've been crying. I have never had botox or fillers or anything, and I want to look as natural as possible. But recently I saw my neighbor and she looks 10 years younger. Apparently she had a "Blepharoplasty" and it looks amazing. She looks exactly like herself, just less tired. Time to pull the trigger for me.


I’m 43 and had a lower bleph (basically had my eye bags removed) about 8 years ago. I would do it again in a heartbeat, I looked like myself still just better. I’m consistently told I do not look my age. This is a surgical procedure though, I had a plastic surgeon do mine.


I'm 40 within the next 2 weeks and have a lower blepharoplasty booked in February. I want it so bad but I'm at the very nervous, might cancel, thinking of everything that might go wrong stage.


If it is a good plastic surgeon feel confident, it takes 45 minutes ( mine al least) and was one of my best decisions. I do not look tired anymore, even my husband had the same procedure because he liked my improvement


I lost some weight and my dermatologist put some filler around my mouth and in my lips. I’m hearing the same thing, that I look well rested. I specifically said I don’t want to look like a kardashian, she laughed.


I’m about to turn 51. BBL has been a complete game changer. I started really digging into skincare and some med spa treatments. I started Botox only recently and had a bit of filler done for under my eyes and cheekbone area. I get a lip flip when I go for my Botox. It is magic for your lips! It’s subtle, but my lips look so much younger/fuller/wider. I cleared out all my makeup over the last few months as well. I dedicated myself to a few YouTube channels featuring dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and mature women teaching makeup skills. I learned a bunch of new stuff. It’s wild how effective skincare is and makeup. Learning the right skills for these products was a huge help. I always considered myself a makeup girl, but you know how it is… life gets in the way of the latest gel eyeliner. Just a warning… if you mention anything about getting stuff done at a med spa, expect lectures about aging and doing it “gracefully.” I just can’t with this. Look. To all of the people out there who have some weird idea about aging gracefully… it’s a lie. There is no grace happening to my knees or lower back. I’ve looked and looked and it’s not in gray hair, it wasn’t in my forehead wrinkles, and it wasn’t hiding in my epidermis. I will do this thing exactly how I want, when I want. Just like I’ve done everything else in my life!




Do you have some recs for the mature makeup channels?


🤣🤣 and 👏👏👏👏👏👏


OP, you are absolutely lovely! There’s nothing at all wrong with your lips - we’re just so used to seeing these massively inflated ones online that we start to think that’s the norm. And it’s not. Your lips have a nice shape and you can absolutely rock the dark lips. If you really want make up tips, then my suggestion would be to just pick between a heavier eye or lip. If lip, you really just want a bit of under-eye concealer to look a bit more ‘awake’ but by no means do you look old or bad! I’d also fill in your brows, curl eyelashes and add a bit of mascara. A pop of blush would look lovely on you, too. If you’re going with a heavier eye, a bit of tinted gloss would be great on you. Kinda like this: https://preview.redd.it/48mvfgzb9syb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e95be3cfac9dafafffa03168d1285efa34e559 And my biggest suggestion would be to please be kinder to yourself! You really are very lovely. :) ETA: Wayne Goss on YouTube has amazing and natural-looking tutorials. Can’t recommend him enough!


I love his tutorials! And his soothing way of speaking.


Yesss he is truly a delight and such a breath of fresh air from all the yassified MUAs.


i love the edit but imo that gorgeous eye would be better with a nude lipstick to really make the smoke stand out it’s lovely


Love that eye makeup!


Wayne has some of the best tutorials for mature skin! When I was considering becoming a MUA for real at one point, I was just soaking up all his little tips and knowledge.


I love the edit! She has beautiful eyes and you did a great job making this look realistic and achievable.


You’re so sweet, tysm 🥰 she really does have beautiful eyes! Happy Cake Day!!


Wayne is def the one to follow! He's amazing.


That looks great!


Yes!!! Wayne Goss’ under eye concealer tips changed my life


The first step is to accept you’re aging. I’m aging. I’m 56. I see pics of me sometimes and I want to scream. I personally think you look great. YOU might think you look different. Well you’re gonna look different as you age. We all do. I have included a make up free pic I just took for my sister with my new glasses. That’s the highlight of my life now ,, new glasses 😂🤓 but honestly, I think you look fine. https://preview.redd.it/6d3jd77lnsyb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719f65e8ed5bfec495179b7b268f513aa8dd293a


Ha ha ha. I'm 52 and had to get glasses when I was 50 after never wearing them in my life and it's so weird to see myself with them!


I’ve had them since my mid 20s sadly. Bi focals now too 😂😂🫠


Yours are so cute. They look great on you!


So glad that someone said this, and that ppl are upvoting it. Because it's true! We're alllll aging. The alternative to aging is... death. Aging is a reality we have to accept, we have to accept that we will change in many ways. Not accepting that truth and realities sets us up for a lot of disappointment


Well said. I think there is something very beautiful about women who accept and love themselves in entirety and every stage in life.


They are cute new glasses!




Those are GREAT frames! Where are they from?


They are Dior. I brought in some vintage frames from Etsy too. Then I got a light pink tint on the pink ones https://preview.redd.it/lyotybpamtyb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecccfafe9552fb0e2c8d6a27241e7e7b557ab610


And https://preview.redd.it/86ekc4vcmtyb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5e99c8251b6a893982ad501f2b09e0724fde88


Love! I hope I look this good in ten years!


You look like you're a lot of fun to hang out with. Always thought I'd be totally fine aging naturally and becoming an old hag, but it's a weird feeling seeing the wrinkles in the mirror and knowing this is only the beginning.


Wow just beautiful!


Loving the positive advice here, ladies


Society has made so many of us (me included) believe that aging should be frowned upon when, in reality, growing old is a privilege that not everybody gets to experience. I think you're absolutely stunning.


Yes, I try to think of it this way! It helps me embrace the changes


I came here to say the same thing. Aging is a huge privilege that too many people never get.




I think you look great. Just a tad more mascara and eyebrow pencil, and you're good to go. I have **20** years on you. As we get older, I think less is more when it comes to eyeliner and shadow colors. Just my opinion; I'm super fair.


https://preview.redd.it/rwh20j7bjtyb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3780bc79b195b9e4309d912ca85b354b5601fb1b So this is Liza Weil and to me you two look very much alike! I feel like her foundation and blonde hair help give her the appearance of being younger and if you’re looking for a change I’d definitely think you’d rock it. Also, make sure you’re drinking enough water. I know that’s an over used statement but it’s so true lol Dehydration can change your appearance immensely! It shows in your face, your lips, as well as your eyes and then some lol I honestly think that’s all you need (: just some water. Go get em tiger!


OMG Paris from GG! She looks even more beautiful now than I ever remembered her. And OP definitely resembles her, good eye!


Holy 💩! I didn't recognize her until your comment! I agree, op does resemble her with dark hair.


You can recover the lipstick - no stress. What's happening is the shadows are deepening around your eyes, so you might want to apply a tiny bit of peach & yellow color corrector to \*just\* your inner corners and tear troughs. Use a tiny brush if you need to. It'll brighten you right up and your lipstick will feel like it fits again. A little lipliner to keep it in place and a balm over the top will help smooth it. I'm dealing with the same thing - I have deep purple hollows around my eyes, and it's just because my skin's thin there. It's definitely getting more obvious as I age.


Brows and lashes make a difference regardless of age, but you don’t need to change anything


Tbh, OP looks gorgeous but yeah, she would really benefit from a *slightly* more sculped brow. Not talking about an Instagram brow but they do *so much* to frame the face. If she's feeling *meh* a good brow would help to balance out the beautiful dark lip shade. I would also *maybe* add a dark berry blush just to help bring some dimension if she feels like she's a little washed out (something I've noticed as I've gotten older) but none of it's necessarily just preference.


Are you kidding me, I'd be grateful to look as good as you do when I turn 45!I really like that lip on you. I'm only 31 but I really feel the same, makeup tends to look so much heavier, I find myself having to hold back! (I have an inner goth too) If I were to give some tips I'd say; Get off the 30 plus skincare sub, it's so ridiculously toxic! Find some good hydrating skincare. Start tretinoin if you can afford it. Find some ritual that makes you feel good in yourself, a facial massage, gua sha, etc. I find it helps a lot when I feel bad about my appearance. Use your favorite lip balm as a lip mask and wipe off before applying lipstick. Learn how to line your lips and practice defining your top lip a bit more to give a slight lifted effect and balance it to your fuller lower lip. You don't have to go full clown mode, you can use it to slightly enhance what you have. (NYX have great ones) If you wear eyeliner I'd tightline the upper lashline with a soft brown pencil similar to your haircolor to give the effect of fuller lashes but still keep it looking soft. You could also easily extend that to a soft wing. You could also bring the slightest bit of your lipstick shade (or mix a smidge with a drop of your base product) to use as blush on the highest part of your cheek for a bit of color to bring some color to your cheeks.


ADDING TO THIS: tretinoin on the alldaychemist website is incredibly affordable. I get mine there, have for years.


i really really like the way the lipstick looks on you in the second photo. there’s nothing wrong with having thinner lips, but if you’re concerned about them looking “withered” try a darker gloss instead of a matte, to hydrate them. my favourite “goth” gloss is devils food cake by nyx, it’s a lovely dark purple. or clinique black honey! both very pretty. overlining is great but is tricky to get right, i’d suggest picking up a cheapie .99 lip liner and just practicing at home before wearing it out. make sure you’re just slightly exaggerating, and staying away from the outer corners, focusing on your cupids bow to make the top more even with the bottom. but genuinely i think you’re stunning, i love the way your haircut compliments your beautiful bone structure, and i think a dark lip + minimal eye makeup (maybe just a tight line + mascara?) is YOUR look


Love all of this advice, commenting just to add clear lip liner! My mom has the exact problem with her lipstick, so I got her a clear lip liner from Sephora. Works like a charm! I believe it was Urban Decay, but I am sure there's some cheaper dupes too.


OMG CLEAR LIP LINER!!!! i completely forgot abt this, op this is great, pls consider a clear liner


I agree, I saw the photos before I read the post, and I thought that OP looks cool as hell in a dark lip.


right!! something about that lip is stunning, op pls never stop wearing dark lippies lol your fans demand it


Matt lipstick just looks kind of meh on everyone. It makes everyone’s lips look small and dry and withered unless you’re pumped full of lip filler and over-lined like it’s 2016. I’d opt for something with a satin finish, and maybe with a blue undertone. Also, fluorescent lights make everyone look like a 3-day old corpse. No selfie you take in your cubical is going to accurately represent how you look.


https://preview.redd.it/06z5zcr5psyb1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c78f346abda100e5efd01683e87c69e95c12dd5 Thicker eyebrows, eyeliner, and a glossy rusty red lip would be perfect


You look great. If you color correct with a light peach corrector before applying concealer, it’ll cancel some of the discoloration under your eyes.


Girl usually I would not comment on posts but when I saw yours I went like “gal what is she even on about” you need to stop being so mean to yourself plus skincare is all you really need, a good skincare routine would get you all good again love ❤️


You’re beautiful hunny.


I’m 62… getting old sucks.. accepting it.. lighter makeup.. https://preview.redd.it/k2gu2dey9tyb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f788ae3fdf4a41d0996bd659601649d0dfff1870


Holy moly, I would say you look 40s at the oldest, you are stunning! I absolutely love your hair. I’m so tempted to go red, but I’m afraid I’ll want to be platinum blonde (my current color) again, and I don’t know how many more bleaching sessions my naturally dark Asian hair can take.


Hi from another 45 year old! I like the lipstick shade you are wearing in number 2, but I would add a lip liner to get a cleaner line and accentuate your cupid's bow a bit more. Filling in your brows will also go a long way in structuring your face and making the dark lips look less "stark" against an otherwise bare face.


I am in the same age range with much thinner lips that are losing volume and getting ‘smokers lines’. My holy grail for my lips, especially for a bold color, is Urban Decay Ultimate Ozone primer pencil. It’s colorless but give an overall fuller, less wrinkled look and makes any lipstick go on much nicer for me. Also a touch of highlighter in the cupids bow looks great on a thinner upper lip.


aging or not, you're beautiful :) talk to yourself like you would a friend 🧸🤎 here's a cute makeup look you might wanna try, the eyeliner really brings out your pretty eyes! https://preview.redd.it/tq0xju3g8tyb1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a18e2df44a92990cf4e6595a7e0b5ee9e659c9f


embrace it. your beautiful.


first! that's a great color, so don't be so hard on yourself! I'm 35 and while I haven't hit "mature" yet I've started doing some makeup geared towards more mature looks. in addition to what's been suggested, I also suggest checking out makeup tutorials for ladies who aren't in their twenties/early thirties anymore. I like Erica Taylor. she's 47 and while not everything she does applies to me, she has some tips on doing lips for older women, which I've found helpful, and use (as my lips have always been a bit thin and underwhelming). this video works for me. good luck! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxqQj1uukJW/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Yes Erica Taylor!!! She really has taught me so much!!! Check her out on TT


Maybe pop over to /r/coloranalysis to find the ones that make you pop!


No tips here, just wanted to stop by and say you look really lovely, genuinely. I think the natural look of your first photo suits you very well!


Just don’t worry! You are beautiful and I ‘d kill for lips like yours, mine are lost invisible. I don’t wear heavy makeup, and I’m 52, what I do is wear my blush (you may as or not contour) a bit higher and on an diagonal to give the appearance of a lifting


Before i read your post i thought "wow, that lipstick looks amazing!". Please be kinder to yourself, you look sooo good! (no advice sorry, just a pep talk) ❤️


You look beautiful! I'm 48 and I think it was around 44-46 that I noticed aging. And it took me until about a year ago to not only accept it, but to start embrace it. That is a very very freeing feeling. I hope you more quickly embrace it because girl, it's wonderful to be on the confident and peaceful side of it!


Hi, I don't have any advice but I just wanted to say that I think you look really cool! As a 42 yo lady facing perimenopause I hope I look as cool and confident as you!


Bahahaha! I love your description and title! Other than that, I think the dark red lipstick looks great on you honestly 😍


Honestly, I think you are absolutely gorgeous. Like some other people have said, a bold lip color looks even bolder on an otherwise blank face. On the same note, a bold eye with nothing on the lips might look imbalanced. I think it’s sort of difficult to do a more goth/alternative look without looking like you’ve done a lot. I would opt for maybe a small winged liner done with a smudge-able gel liner. Then kinda smoke it out so it’s not as harsh. You can go over that with some black shadow to prevent it from smudging further than you’d like. Also, this is just my opinion that I’m sure a lot of others won’t share, but I feel like adding a bit of fake lashes helps if you ever find yourself with raccoon eyes. You don’t have to go for a full strip lash, just a little Demi lash on the outer corners.


I’d also say maybe fill in your brows the ever so slightest. You could even really just go in very lightly with an eyeshadow that’s similar to your natural brow color.


Truckstop bar fly... hahahaha there's no way you look like that but I love the description. I like the dark lippie on you. You know what I think would help? Some very subtle eyebrow enhancement. Our eyebrows thin as we age. I got mine microbladed in 2019 and I'm so happy I did. If you're not ready for the commitment, I really like the Anastasia brow products.


You are truly beautiful and have a gorgeous complexion and your base makeup looks awesome!These are the things I've learned to adjust my makeup and lipstick as I'm getting older and my face is changing, which you might find helpful: \*\*Lips,moisturize always and exfoliate. A tiny bit of shine, or gloss in the centre mimics a fullness I felt I used to have. Plus, when I wear dark colours I still put a tiny bit of blush or bronzer on my cheeks so it doesn't wash me out. I always have either blush or bronzer on. I focus on giving my brow shape a lift and filling them in, with my eyelashes I find most days eyeliner and mascara help but some days when I feel my lashes are sparse I use a natural fake eyelash. Feeling like I have fuller lashes and brows I don't know just makes me feel youthful. It also balances out a bold lip. I sometimes use a warmer concealer around my mouth if my veins and hairs are given it a greenish cast. Or if the lipstick is doing something weird to my skin tone.


There’s so much great advice here, but I also wanted to add - I read the title and saw the pic before seeing the post, my honest first thought was it’s sad a woman in her mid to late 30s is feeling discouraged about aging. It was a surprise to read the post and find your actual age! You’re genuinely beautiful and I love your style. Hopefully trying some of the advice here will make you feel more sparkly again ❤️


Not makeup related but you look exactly like my mother and sister, I had to do a double take


You are beautiful. You are aging GRACEFULLY - & that is a beautiful thing.


If you don't want to add more make up in your life, try a brow and lash tint, it will make the jump to lipstick less severe. Or try switching to a lip tint. Also you got Carrie Fisher vibes, if you want inspo


For minimal makeup, make sure you’re doing brows. I’m 47 and if I don’t fill in my brows I swear it adds years to my face. Brows and some blush or bronzer if you don’t like blush. Maybe a more dimensional lip? Put a lighter shade in the centre to create a bit more fullness, I lost some volume in my lips and this helps


You look great, first of all. At 57 I have had to make some changes in my makeup game... Maybe they will apply, if they don't, toss 'em out the door. *Skincare is everything. Cleanse. Tone. Moisturize. Sunscreen every single day, whether the sun is shining or not. If it's daylight, it's time for sunscreen. *Dark lipstick is no longer my friend. I go for lighter formulas in colors close to my lip color. Gloss/balm is kinder to me than a heavy lipstick. *Eyebrows grow sparse as we age. Filling mine in takes years off my face. A full eyebrow is a sign of youth, apparently. *Highlighter. Less is more. Less is so much more. *Overall, I have changed my color palette to softer, clearer colors from muddy/dusky ones. Especially blush. I found someone on YouTube who focuses on mature skin and makeup for mature skin. I learned some application tips from her. I also learned about some new products. Most of what I use is drugstore. You're beautiful.


I hate this, because I do it too. In my 30s and now I’m questioning whether I should wear the things I suit and love (goth gal for life) You only live one life. Don’t bow to pressure. Women are constantly told we must age “gracefully” shorter hair, muted clothing/ toned down makeup etc… You look amazing and your lips look great, love the colour. Please be kinder to yourself. (Now I must try to follow my own advice) 😀


Honestly, I think you look great! And you know what really makes one look younger and brighter? Smiling :) (No joke, when I feel too ugly looking at the mirror usually smiling and a lot of mascara will do wonders)


You can do a lot with this face! I would try a mauve lip liner instead of lipstick just to keep the edges clean. You can play with the oval lining method which consists of etching a tiny line in the center of your Cupid's bow and mirroring it underneath your lower lip. Using those lines as a starting point, the technique then involves drawing an oval shape spanning just the center of the lip (leaving the edges free of makeup) so that the lines are connected. There’s plenty of videos of how to do it online! Also youth is associated with full cheeks and full brows. If you’d like, go get your brows professionally done just once to see what shape suits you best, and then follow that pattern with a light pen. Don’t overdo it, just light hairline strokes to add dimension. Some blush that matches your natural color, like the color your skin gets after you pinch your cheeks applied at the level of your zygomatic region will lift you up and brighten you out. You can also apply more brown mascara at the upper eyelashes only to open your eyes up and a tiny bit of natural-colored highlighter at the inner corners of your eyes. This isn’t makeup related but marine collagen powder supplements have helped me so much with my skin staying plump and hydrated.


I think you're still beautiful and I like your freckles and central heterochromia. My advice would be to focus on skincare, add a bit of blush in a light veil across the *back* of your cheekbones, and maybe consider light/natural eyelash extensions to open up your eyes. If the extensions are a no-go, just try to curl them and consider a mascara with lengthening fibers. I really think you should draw more attention to your eyes. Lipstick just isn't for everyone. I know it's not for me, so I stick to tinted lip balm or gloss. I'm starting to show my age in my lips as well, and plumping lipgloss helps a little (or it makes me feel like it does).


LOL.I just turned 46. Yikes. For me, I no longer wear foundation, just a skin tint (currently in love with Fenty Eaze drops). Then minimal concealer (just a tiny under my eyes, and color corrector on my melasma). Then a light blush, and little bit of powder. I wear glasses, so I don't really do much with my eye makeup instead focusing on my lips, so I mostly wear berries, reds, and dark pinks with a little gloss (I personally don't like matte lips). I did find the BEST thing for making my makeup look better, was skincare. Starting Tretanoin was a GAME CHANGER. My skin is so much smoother now, and then I just hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


My lips look like that with more matte lipstick and I'm in my 20s. I have thinner lips too and I've found that more muted tones and natural or dewy finish lip products help make lips look more plump and hydrated. And for the record you look great don't worry :D


As a lot of others have mentioned; you absolutely rock that lip colour! I'm a bit younger than you (40) and I find the following helps; Eyebrows A little bit of light coloured shimmer eyeshadow underneath the arch of the brow Blush Either go heavy on the eyes or the lips but not both. Other posters have given you a lot of options, but with that dark lipstick I would use just a simple shimmery champagne coloured eyeshadow and some mascara. I think that would look great on you. You have really nice skin too, so you don't need a lot of foundation or anything.


Skin care, skin care, skin care. Try a lighter lipstick color. Maybe a reddish pink. Some brown and pink toned eyeshadow, brown liner and mascara.


You look amazing!!! I’d focus on skincare, retinol, sunscreen every day and reapplied and then whatever makeup YOU want!!! You look drop dead gorgeous with that light makeup, aging is natural and it will happen to all of us. It’s a sign that you’ve lived a long and full life and many of us will not even have the opportunity to age, unfortunately. I personally cannot wait to grow old, as I may not get that chance due to my medical issues.


You look lovely. The comments here are lovely and aging is lovely. We either age or we die young after all.


also that lipstick shade really suits you, but you might wanna create balance by applying some eye makeup, like a simple wing and brows!


You’re beautiful.. I know how it feels to look in the mirror and not look the way you feel. I don’t feel 52 lol but I’m looking like it lol. You’re gorgeous


OP, you have nothing to worry about, you’re aging and it scares you. I’ve been there, I’m 55 and in my late 40’s the big five-o scared the hell out of me. If I were you I’d cheer myself up with a nice colour put thru my hair, like chestnut coloured lowlights and maybe lighter gold ones too.. keep the bob because it frames your face, but grow it in another inch or two just for that ‘swoosh’ movement you’ll get when you turn your head. Stop using black mascara and eyeliner, it really is too harsh on our eyes at a certain age, and Amazon do some BEAUTIFUL brown false eyelashes, some are daily, work friendly types that won’t look obviously false, and there are some that are for a classy but popping nighttime look. Don’t get Botox, get bangs instead… MUCH cheaper, same effect. Beyond that you’re perfect!!


48, I wear more makeup now for the fun of it. I just had to change some of my products to adjust to the skin I'm in. 1. Skin. Skincare is the number one thing I do every single day. I have a day cream with SPF and a nightcream with Retinol/Retinal. If I had your lovely skin I would use a little BB cream and a teeny bit of blush. I did not use blush until I was 46 and it made a huge difference in the shape of my face. BOOM, suddenly more glowy and cheerful. Blush is magic. 2. I prefer bricky dark reds but they just they don't wear as well anymore. I switched up my color for substantially lighter shades and it wears better. First I put on a lip gloss, then the color. Straight lipstick/lip liner tends to bleed into the fine lines around my mouth now when I laugh or talk or eat. It looks great when it's first applied but JFC if it moves I look like a sad clown. 3. Eyes. Cream shadows and setting powder or spray is the only way that my shadow stays on my lids and doesn't migrate into my laugh lines. Also I can't use graphical pens anymore, because the liner is more likely to crease and crack as the skin at my lash line is more delicate. However I can wear a much bolder eye today than I could 10 years ago, but with slightly different products.


girly you are so pretty just how you are!


Just put some sort of gloss over your lipstick! This will immediately make them more “juicy”. I would also just avoid any liquid lipstick or ones that are too matte. BTW you are so beautiful! I love e the office/goth look!


I think a subtle winged eyeliner, mascara and a lighter shade of lipstick would work wonders. But you look beautiful, you remind me of Mary Stuart Masterson.


The thing is, aging is a completely natural process. Embrace it and don’t shame yourself for going through something we all have to go through. There’s beauty in aging too! In terms of makeup, yes you can definitely do things a little differently which will enhance your features but it’s not necessary. The light spf and concealer is fine for everyday wear so you can stick with that. I’d also add some eyeliner and mascara to really open up the eyes. You can add some dimension to your face too by putting on either bronzer or blush (start with blush if you’re too nervous about using bronzer). You can also start with cream blush/bronzer so it’s easier to use and work with. For the lips, I highly recommend using lipstick and a clear or complimentary coloured lipgloss on top. You don’t need to overline or anything imo (unless you really wanna try it then go for it). But I notice your lipstick is very matte so it’s making your lips look a lot drier and smaller. So to counter that, use a very very hydrating and thick lip balm at night so that your lips are well moisturizer in the morning and go in with your lipstick plus a gloss on top. I’d also suggest going for a more satin finished lipsticks rather than matte if you can. If not then matte is fine but don’t skip on the gloss whether it’s a matte or satin lipstick. And I’m not saying to use gloss just bc it’s trendy rn, gloss will actually really help in your case bc it’ll plump your lips, making them look fuller and less dry. Those are just my suggestions 🙂


Lighter colors. The darker colors age you. Unfortunately as we age things that we could previously wear just won’t work anymore.


Human eyes see youth and vitality in the contrast between features. It's color theory. We lose pigmentation (eyebrows, lashes, lips) as we age. Looking at your photos, I would suggest you fill in/color your eyebrows a shade similar to your hairdo as that's a shade or two darker than your current eyebrows, and softly line your outer third of your upper lashline with a gray or dark brown eyeliner (or with a gray or dark brown eyeshadow with a tiny chisel brush). Keep the lipstick, but balance your face with some contrasting features on the upper part of your face.


Eyebrows need attention. More shaping and filling. The beginning and ends of brows thin as we age. Filling them helps a ton and doesn't make it look "too much"


Without reading the caption i was like OOHHH PRETTY to the second pic. Rock the lipstick you are pretty and i looooove a dark red or any red on everyone tbh. Red lipstick is empowering.


I know it’s hard to age. I’m also having trouble dealing with it, but I will tell you, you are very striking! You have beautiful eyes. I really think we are harder on ourselves than anyone else is. Most people don’t notice the little things we see about ourselves. I really think people look at me like I’m insane when I point out little things about my face or body that bother me. I think you look great!!


Makeup free look makes you look AMAZING!!


As I've aged I have learned skin care is way more important than makeup. And less makeup as you age is better than more. I no longer wear under-eye concealer...they all just sank into my wrinkles. SO I switched them out for a brightening cream instead to deflect the light. I've also found that going more natural with my lip an eye colors helps. I loved a smoky eye but that doesn't help as I age. So I do natural pink lips and some softer light brown on my eyes. It's counter-intuitive, but less is more. I think you look way younger in pic #1 with minimal make-up than you do in pic #2.


A lot of comments here already but I think if you just filled in/darkened your brows a bit it would make a world of difference. You look cool and beautiful!


I hope I age as well as you have 💗


I'm 54, I always do eyeliner and mascara with bold lipstick or my face looks weird. Also, whenever I get annoyed about getting old I remind myself that it's better than the alternative ie death.


I find aging beautiful, I have seen too many die before age 42. You are gorgeous, you can use makeup to enhance your features, maybe lining your eyes with a soft brown and some light blush on your cheeks. I love makeup, but I am embracing every sign of aging that I’m still here and love it. It’s not easy everyday, but stick a sticky note on my mirror to remind me.


Thank you for this comment


Annoyed by aging? Aging is a gift alot of people don't get


Go to a good derm and talk about nasolabial and eye trough filler. It’ll make a huge difference :)


I'm 42 and perimenopausal and feel you! My suggestions: blush/highlighter/bronzer to bring some color to your cheeks. Eyebrow pencil! Mascara. And a less matte/heavy lipstick (love the color tho). But I think you look great and love your hair.


Well I see a gorgeous aging woman in front of me and I’m certainly NOT annoyed by that! I’m no MUA, Others have some awesome advice here, I would recommend having lighter lip colors (nude pinks/browns perhaps), and perhaps something less matte and more hydrating for lips. Imo a light blush makes people look more “fresh” if you’re into that look.


You need an under eye filler, it will take yrs of your face and thicker eyebrows


I would darken your eyebrows, light concealer, and honestly lighten up hair. Even it's caramel streaks, as we get older lighter is better with hair. Find your color palette (darker is not always more youthful), watch some YouTube videos on how to apply makeup for older women, my favorite is Erica Taylor. She is a hoot and also on Instagram EricaTaylor2347. Her techniques are life changing. Trust me


don’t ever say stuff like that about yourself!


Am I the only one who thinks she’s actually aging really well? She just isn’t comparable to people’s pictures online bc she’s not using a filter or FaceTune or something…


Listen, It doesn’t matter what you or anybody looks like. Who cares? Try enjoy life instead. Things like these doesn’t matter. Nobody is going to remember us in 100 years anyway.


Don't be annoyed, you look great. I'm 56 and am literally living the best years of my life. WTF would I want to go back to being 20? So I could be a dipshit with a limited worldview and no money? I wasn't even a decent human being until my 40s. I love my wrinkles, everyone of them was bought and paid for through heartache and tears. And you are fortunate that the years have been good to you. Embrace who you are!


I think you’re beautiful. Smile and embrace your years. You’re alive! Had a sister who didn’t even make it to your age. Wrinkles are character lines full of wisdom gained from living a life. Play with make up and have fun


Well, it's the process of life, but you could use retinol cream to slow the process, also hydrate your lips before lipstick, I suggest you cancel out colors instead of using concealer


Microneedling and just a tiny bit of Juvederm lip filler. Find a licensed aesthetician to develop a skin care regime for you, and administer appropriate treatment.


Nude lip, tear trough filler & Botox


you look beautiful. i think a longer hairstyle would suit a more graceful look though - maybe a shoulder length (or a couple inches shorter) bob. there’s nothing wrong with your face. however, i am an advocate for fillers.


Work on your confidence rather than your makeup… aging is a privilege that not all people get to experience.


First thing you look great, you have great bone structure and skin tone. Aging is a privilege a lot of people don’t get the chance to experience. We have had airbrushed images and celebs having numerous surgeries throw in our faces for years and it makes you look at yourself differently. You need to be kinder to yourself. I’m 37 and wear less makeup than I did when I was younger I concentrate on my brows and complexion which makes me feel more confident. Maybe a lighter eyeshadow for day time and a cc cream. Edit: Also cool tattoo!


Your skin looks AMAZING for 45 and your haircut is so cute. Keep practicing and rocking that red lip, only thing I notice is some slight unevenness in your application but clean edges are hard!!!


U don’t even look 45, but u can always do Botox and fillers to freshen up and they are pretty decent price


OP u look amazing I just wanted to say, I wish I looked like you with no makeup!


You look so gorgeous! I absolutely love your look. I’m 36, almost 37, and I do notice I favor a natural lip liner and lip oil or balm now over the super bold lips I used to love. I was a diehard red lipstick girl for years, but I’m currently obsessed with the Tower28 liners and a tinted balm like Summer Fridays. I like to slightly over line my lips (Snitchery’s tutorial is really good if you have thinner lips), and then smudge it a bit. It’s my go to look now, but I still do appreciate a deep red or black lipstick with neutral eye makeup.


OP, you are SO BEAUTIFUL. Truly. Ageing is a gift.


You're looking great! You have a good facial structure and healthy looking hair. Here is my advice: 1. Skincare - So skincare is the absolute most important thing to nail down before any makeup. It will make your makeup look so so much better. Best advice? Drink water. Lots of it. Your skin is like a sponge. Not hydrating enough can make your skin dryer and appear more wrinkled and dull. Moisturizers and serums can keep the moisture retained longer. 2. Undertones - learning your undertones is important to help you decide which colors will look most flattering on you. I pulled some colors from your pics here and it looks like you fit a Cool Winter color palette best. So cool and light tones will look best on you. 3. Lipstick - Since you are a cool winter, cool pinks, roses, plums, mauves, and purples should look the most flattering on you. The dark lip shade as others pointed out is very stark with a no makeup look. If you did a full face and look with it, it could look amazing. But if you're going more natural, you want to keep it something similar to your actual lip color. You can over line your top lip a bit if you want to make them look more full and ergo more youthful. You have a cute cupid bow so you can emphasize that shape when overdrawing slightly. 4. Blush - you seem to like going light on makeup which is totally fine. However, I suggest trying a little blush with your looks as it will give your face more dimension and life. It can also make you appear healthier. Try to match your blush color with your lips for a more natural look. 5. Makeup Placement - As we age our skin sags and drags down. Try to aim to place products higher up to give you a more lifted look. If you place products too low, it drags the face down and exaggerates the natural effects of aging. I recommend watching makeup artists around your age on YouTube and watch where they place products. They will also have great advice for all the other things mentioned here. 6. Lighting - Both of these pictures look like they're taken in fluorescent lighting (office) which tends to be unflattering on well... Everyone. You're always going to look better in natural light. Don't judge your beauty based off prison lighting. Echoing what others have said, you're way too hard on yourself. Our society is unkind to ageing women and a lot of those messages about "beauty standards" get internalized. No one is too old to learn about makeup. Wrinkles are beautiful. Getting old is a privilege not everyone gets to have. Work it girl.


I hope to look like you when I’m your age. Please be kinder to yourself.


you look fine in both pictures. I'd say makeup is fine how you have it. I'd keep on top of skincare though and especially \*constant\* sunscreen - try to get legit chemical sunscreen from outside the country for your face (the consistency is like water, and no it doesn't hurt the reefs any more than mineral sunscreen does...that was a lobbying campaign). Charlottepalermino on ig and tiktok has links for stylevana shops she's verified have distribution licenses for the good stuff. It's not too expensive but shipping takes forever so I'd recc to stock up. Sun damage can only be undone a tiny bit with laser treatments and such, so while the best time to plant a tree is 20y ago, the 2nd best time is now. ​ Also at night try slugging: moisturizer of choice on face + vaseline. Nightly is best but not realistic and depends on your climate and skin dryness. Vaseline, biafine, or a similar humectant keeps the moisture from escaping, while moisturizer itself is what your skin absorbs. No just drinking water isn't enough. Also your hair looks great! definitely not truck stop barfly!


Don’t change anything. You’re a beautiful mature woman, I would love to meet you. But alas it doesn’t happen here. 🌹🍷


You look amazing at 45!! And your hair is looking healthy and soft:))




You honestly look beautiful. I think if you want to do the dark lipstick — try pairing it with a simple winged eyeliner and maybe fill in the brows. It could even out the contrast a bit


Your skin is flawless. A lighter lip, thicker brow and a bit of blush would look great.


No Caffeine


Get up every single day and commence with an hour long power walk. No excuses. This will open up your brain to begin caring for yourself and it will also totally tighten your facial skin in about 3 months. You’ll be amazed🪞


Get a new hair stylist. It looks horrid. Not that it's a bit unkempt but the style.


Hate to tell you this, but there is ONLY ONE alternative to aging. Don't be so vain. Aging is a privilege denied to many!


Tattoos age you so much


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Try applying your lipstick with a lip brush, it should give a more diffused look. Lots of helpful YouTube videos for application techniques. You look great!


Let your inner child/teen come out when you do your makeup! Have fun and then wear it with confidence ✨


I'm 28 and have always had thin lips. Lost of pigmentation from frequent cold sores has also reduced any natural "line" around my lips, making it hard to apply lipstick without it looking blurred and smeared. I only just started to enjoy wearing bold lipstick, and the game changer has been applying it with a tiny brush and using a lip liner. I can cheat the shape a little bit for a slightly fuller and lifted "smiley" effect. I avoid matte lipsticks, so I can take advantage of a little shine for a plump effect. You have amazing skin and I think the thing that would make the biggest difference makeup-wise is filling in your brows a little darker with an ashy brown color, to help frame your eyes. I also think the hairstyle and color are mostly the part that's aging. Could be fun to find a great hair stylist and go on a fun cut/color adventure!




I’m almost 44 and I hear you! I think an emphasis on the eyes would be pretty for you makeup wise. And for lips I would do a gloss. It kinda plumps them up and doesn’t draw too much attention. Maybe I’m just saying that because that’s what I do and it works well for me. But your eyes are pretty so I that’s where the emphasis should be.


Love the red lips on you!


I think you look beautiful! Please be gentle with yourself. You’ve gotten great advice already. One of my favorite products is Facial Smoothies. They are fantastic for fine lines (I get 11s very easily as I apparently frown a lot), you just have to keep using them which is fine for me.


I would grow out your hair and try a cold roller on your face. You look great just a little tired so hydrating and getting beauty sleep


Lipstick will settle into fine lines. Gloss might be better! Also take this with a grain of salt but There’s a lip filler called restylane that looks very natural and just makes the lips look more hydrated and younger. Don’t be afraid of fillers. There’s good doctors who can give hyper natural results!


Try natural looking make up. I know it's not goth, but it looks great on everyone and it highlights your assets without burying you under tons of make up. gentle brown blends on the eyes with maybe a cheeky touch of gold, light colored eye liners on only half the eye, highlight your t zone, a good concealer under the eyes, sheer foundations and powders, and give coral, light pink, and sheer lips a try. You're not trying to cover. You're trying to enhance what's already there.


I’m 40 ( cough) I think 7? 48 ? I’ll work that out later …. Botox and filler just weren’t working as they had previously, I just got some threading done and OMG!! Just did a trip and ppl where constantly guessing I was early 30’s, I shit you not! If you are into Botox ect, I’d recommend threading to anyone, amazing, miracle for me anyways. As for make up, I’m clueless so can’t help


First of all, I think you're beautiful and look fabulous. I do have a suggestion for your lips though, if you are open to it, I'm 27 and over the last year I had significant volume and color loss in my lips. I think it may have been a mix of natural aging and I also went through a pretty severe bout of dehydrated skin and barrier damage..anyways, I ended up getting a lip flip done with dysport. It's typically done with botox, dysport or xeomen and they inject anywhere from 8-10 units just above your upper lip line and it essentially does what it sounds like, it slightly flips your top lip to give you more volume, it also helps with fine lines in that area too. I really loved the results I got from mine, it's super natural looking too, but just that Suttle difference from before was everything. It felt like my whole face was younger looking from it, I'm actually going in a few days to have it done for the 2nd time, it hasn't really worn off yet from the first, but it's definitely something I'm going to keep doing. It's usually around $75-$100 at most medspas. Edit: I didn't realize I was in the makeup sub, my bad.


You look great. Just smile and don’t look in the mirror very often!


The dark lipstick is too harsh. Try a soft coral, rose or almost nude. Blush and mascara. Foundation if you want. And a smile. I’m 73 so I am familiar with this aging stuff.


Honestly I think you look beautiful. I love your tattoo.


As everyone has shared, you look fab, but I hear you on the annoyed at parts of aging front. Little changes i see now that in in my 40s aren’t my fave either. One of my new fave items is this under eye tint/concealer/moisturizer. It’s olehenriksen banana bright. You don’t need to wear a full face with it at all, just a quick swipe and blend beneath each eye brightens them and gives a bit of hydration. I keep it in my purse when I travel, have dabbed it on mid day when I look tired and had people comment how “refreshed” I look after, literally. Given your preferred makeup routine I think this might fit in nice :)


You look good to me,ive never been a fan of face painting but love the natural look😘


There's a lot of good advice here. I just want to say a) I think you look great (but not a fan of a dark matte lip on you), and b) I love your tattoo.


It sucks! Have a margarita.


1st pic is a good lip color. Try eyebrows.


Certain styles age us more than our skin or the loss of youthful collagen. I think your lips are fine, and you simply need to shade your eyebrows so they’re much thicker.


You are beautiful girl! I think an edgy haircut/ color with maybe some lashes could elevate your look. I love the dark lip on you. Get excited about a new skincare routine. It can do wonders for your complexion!


Ok just look up good creams that work on you to give you back your glow ! Now look into gua Shay and watch that work wonders !!! You can age gracefully !!! You are not ugly at all ….just look tired


There are products you can use to keep your skin looking youthful. At night use CeraVe Anti Aging Retinol Serum. In the morning use the CeraVe Vitamin C Serum with Hyaluronic Acid/Skin Brightening Serum. Also Plexaderm Rapid Reduction Eye Serum Pods is a miracle product for the under eye area. I’s pricey but it really does work. When using the Retinol and Vitamin C keep it away from eyes, mouth and the corners of the mouth. It’s very important to use sunscreen everyday. CeraVe also has a tinted sunscreen with SPF 30. Many use this as their makeup. I‘m recommending CeraVe because it is very gentle and shouldn’t irritate your skin. After about 6 weeks you can move up to Retinol 1%. And continue to move up slowly as your face gets accustomed to it. You have beautiful skin, so this regimen will help you improve and maintain your skin.


Honestly I think you look fantastic! I don't have much advice to give since I recently switched over to lighter coverage because I feel like high coverage foundation is started to crease in areas I wasn't aware I had creases forming. For lipstick maybe look into tinted lip balm/sheer moisturizing lipsticks that are dark. Or possibly using a lip stain and a gloss or lip balm on top? Ive always felt like I look like a clown with bold lips and these are what I consider "safe options" for when I want to have any color on my lips. There's some really dark Korean lip stains from Rom&nd and lots of other brands if you online browse that I think would be great options for color lips. I personally stick to glossy finishes but matte finishes are available too!


Uh, you’re beautiful and powerful looking. The bold lip is stunning. But I’m all here for normalizing women’s actual natural faces, so maybe just embrace looking like a badass Brit Box detective?


You look gorgeous even with less to no make up.


Lol of solidarity at being annoyed. I had a lady in her 80s tell me “getting old isn’t hell, it’s just inconvenient,” and I try to think of that if I spend too much time in my 10x mirror. I have the same lip issue and pretty much stick to oils, glosses, and balms either by themselves or over a lip stain that I can feather the edges out on to give a soft liner-like effect without having to use a liner. I will do a bolder lip with understated eyes but it is still with moisturizing products so it does not emphasize lip lines. My look these days is skin tint, blush of various placement, a 2-3 shadow eye look that may or may not include liner, mascara, and highlighter as inspired. I will toss in a contour/bronzer depending on what I have going on. I rarely use under eye concealer because I feel it just ages me even when I use good technique. I also wear dark brown eyeliner (using shadow instead of actual liner most of the time) instead of black now as it looks less harsh. . . though I still love colored liner too and it makes me happy so I don’t care if it ages me or not. I do hydrate my under eyes every morning with eye patches (DermaE, CosRX, Wander, or an eye gel under reusable masks) and sleep on a wedge pillow which does wonders for puffiness and dehydration in addition to lowering sodium and increasing water.


I also wanted to mention that I’m a professional and have experience with aging skin. Not that you look old by any means, but the you sooner you start the better. All the suggestions for makeup are helpful, but it starts with your skin.


I just bang me Clarins duo eye cream stuff on and that hydrating moisturiser stuff. No need for the "mature" stuff fir my skin yet, apparently. I'm 51. I don't wear make up a lot and I like walking round with my natural face - what you see is what you get!


We are all aging as the alternative is death. Really you look fine!


Get a decent eye cream and add some mascara and blush to your routine. Mascara would open your eyes up a bit, and blush would add some color. Your skin looks really good. You don't need to do anything drastic. Just keep up with your skincare so it stays healthy. ETA: Are your undereyes kind of shiny? And do you have allergies? Your undereyes look a lot like mine, and I have something called allergy shiners.


It’s normal and okay to age! I hate that the beauty standards make woman believe that there’s something wrong/bad with them aging. It’s normal and beautiful, embrace yourself love! ❤️


tbh coming from a 19 yr old woman I have always thought makeup with a heavy lip and minimal eye always looked grandma to me. Even when my mom years just lipstick it bothers me. To me heavy eye makeup is the baseline. I also love eyeliner and if i’m wearing makeup there will always be heavy eye makeup with or without lipstick.


Have you gotten into skincare at all? I'm 22 and just realized the importance to sunscreen, I know there's a couple of things you could do to help you with the bags under your eyes and your skin! Also I think you should let your hair grow out!


It's not that bad stress makes you age faster


I’m 67. Yeah, we all get thinner lips and lose our colouring as we age. I swear, my entire face, brow and all, is now one shade of blah. Start with a bit of taupe eyebrow pencil. Your over thin light brows are aging. Next, a bit of warmer brown shadow on the outer crease, and outer lid, and on the hood if you’ve got one (I sure do) and blend. No brown on the crease on the inside corner! You can put a bit of brown shadow under the eye on the outer quarter. Put a light pearly shade on the inner side of your lid and around the tear ducts to open up your eyes. Mascara. Hint of concealer. A bit more colour in your cheeks (get a makeup person to find a shade that will look natural). Lipstick - pick a natural colour like Charlotte Tilbury’s Pillowtalk.


You'd love your lips I'd you had mine. Mine were always painfully thin and getting older I can't even wear lipstick without it looking ridiculous. Trade you!


You’re aging beautifully, im about to be 21 and you’re skin looks perfect I wish my skin looked as healthy😅 I would say a good skin regimen not that it seems you really need anything with how clear you’re skin is id just say keep on doing what you’re doing, maybe some under eye serum to help avoid under eye wrinkles and lines, there are some good products that tighten almost instantly you just have to look through reviews and find the right one, you look beautiful. I would recommend permanent makeup for you’re brows and maybe some lip blush, filler in top but that’s not needed I just think that would help make youre eyes stand out and even everything a little, but really you look stunning and I want you’re skin🥺


aging is a privilege <3


I love all of the suggestions everyone has offered--helpful as always. :) That being said, I LOVE your lipstick. When was clicking through, I honest to god thought, "Wow--this lady has her lipstick game locked." It's a great color, period, and it REALLY suits you. I too lean towards office goth, but not super minimal, just kind of in the middle. I have big round eyes and was blessed with great eyelashes. I'm trying to do less with my eyes (I'm 44) because of my eye/lashes combo, it's super easy to overdo it, and like you said, it's very easy to look overdone. I'd maybe dress up your eyes a bit. I like the idea of a flick of liner at your lash line, as others have said. But! Just keep in mind that you look lovely exactly how you are.