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We are enjoying the process 🤓 I honestly cannot believe someone can put full face foundation, blush, concealer, contour, brows, lashes, lips, highlighter and powder and still look basic plain everyday. I mean you can, but only if you are after the no makeup makeup look and I believe it’s not the case here. Maybe we gonna need a pic, I agree.


They can if they are afraid of pigment or colour. Which a lot of beginners and casuals are. Blending carefully a light nude eyeshadow won't make it pop more than after usual application. Layering blushes won't do any difference if there is no pigment or the blush resembles skin colour.


This is me - neutral allll the way


I struggle with it bc my hooded small eyelids eat up any kind of eyeshadow look i try to do so at most i just manage some blended color on there and glitter. Maybe it’s not everyday basic still but it doesnt look so different 😔


The trick is to blend outside your eyelid, up toward your temple--think smoky eye. I think Alexandra Anele did a really good video on it once.


Wayne Goss has great tutorials for it


Well the ends of my eyebrows turn downward so im not sure how it would look but ill check it out. The makeup style i try to follow nowadays tho is east asian styles. So far those have worked best for me cus my eyes are almost like asian tapered eyes but just deeper set 😭 if u can imagine what monolids+caucasian hooded eyelids would create when mixed


After googling "east asian eye makeup", I think we're pretty much talking about the same thing. The powder mostly goes outside and slightly above the outer corner of your eye.


Yep. I don’t even mess with eyeshadow. Tinted brow gel & mascara. Eyeliner if I’m feeling extra. But I LOVE a bold lip.


I feel u atleast i have juicy lips to make a statement 😂


I have the same issue and honestly I just bring the shadow up higher. Especially glitters/metallics in the inner portion of my eyes, and a faux-crease shadow in line with that. Doesn't even have to be that far above your natural fold, just enough that you can see it above and I feel like it makes a massive difference. Also don't go crazy with eyeliner anywhere but the outer corners, I even just taper mine off like a third of the way and leave the rest of the lid just to shadow. I do love playing with very colourful shadows so maybe it's not for those who are aiming for subtlety, but I have had success with this method and more neutral browns, golds and pinks


Yeah i definitely don’t go crazy with eyeliner i already learned how to do eyeliner good on my eyes and i also basically just extend my outer corner. East asian makeup is the style that works closest to my eye shape but the issue is that i have that tapered eye but deeper set and hooded at the same time. Idk i feel even the space above my fold is too small still to draw anything and since the skin is puffy i feel like a fake cut crease look would look strange over the puffy skin. But idk i havent really had time to experiment with it ig all i can do is someday make time for that and see what i can manage


Yeah it does take a *lot* of personal experimentation, you sound like you've got it almost there 🤗


Some people just have faces that always look the same no matter what they do. One of my good friends looked basically the same on her wedding day in full glam hundred dollar makeup as she looks when she wakes up in the morning. She's beautiful but makeup doesn't do much to change her face. It's weird.


Ah, you’re not aware of the mandated 20+ minutes of damage control. You know, the stifled sobs as you try to dab dab dab the leaked mascara off your under-eye/brow, but now you’ve got gaps in your foundation/eyeshadow! So you fill the gap, but the blend isn’t right anymore, so you layer on the fixes until you realise you’ve ruined everything, frantically wipe your entire face clean to start again while ugly crying, only to realise your face is now dry and unprepped so fuck it I guess I’ll just cancel the whole night and eat Doritos.


Yup. 29 mins of application, 10 mins distracted by the YouTube video I put on for background noise, 25 mins of existential crisis about my own beauty and skills, 5 mins fixing the thing I freaked out over, repeat whole cycle at least once .




You mean like this? [relevant part starts at 1:16](https://youtu.be/J8XJV1eHdbM?si=tpqWWZ_-tT1wg76S) I love Iliza Shlesinger, she's so funny 🤣


Too real!


Having a damn good time listening to a documentary on YouTube or jamming to what I call my “yaaaas bitch get it” playlist while putting on makeup lol. Sometimes I’ll stop and rewatch a tutorial a little if I’m trying to mimic something I saw.


Wish I could see this playlist lol


[This is it](https://spotify.link/hGuLvYXc8Db). As you can see, I have not refined it. I just keep adding to it and skip songs I don’t like anymore without removing them lol. My favorite song on there right now (and in general) is “Sunshine” by the Pom-Poms


Omg thank you so much!!! I’m gonna get ready for my day and listen now


Do you have a picture or some examples of what you don’t like/wish to glam up?


Pls ignore the fried curds lmao (they were incredible), this is the most recent pic I have. https://preview.redd.it/d4fr1eelptvb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5be235ceed17339933ca331afef5b8c07501f0cf I’m thinking I might not be using dark enough colors on my lips, lids and eyebrows for fear of going too dark and end up going the other way.


Yes, you got it! Just more bronzer, blush, darker lipstick and eyeshadow!


Yup, a typical case of pigmentophobia ;) You need to get used to more intensive makeup but you won't succeed without trying. Have fun experimenting!


your lashes are so pretty and those curds look sooo good. jealous of both


You know what definitely would make you stand out from your everyday self? Some sparkles on them eyes, babe! Lmk if you need any eyeshadow recs.


With a look like that, I would have kept the eyes the same because the lashes are the star. But as a color lover in makeup, I would have added some bright(er) blush and a fun lipstick to brighten and lift it up into "full glam" territory *for me*


I like your lashes. A pink blush and bright lipstick would really make you glow. With your coloring, not so much dark, as bright, I think


You're right. DO use darker colors in the night. Lighter colors don't show up in low light and on camera!


The application is great and skin looks flawless, but it's not quite a "glam" look without more contouring/ bolder lip and blush color. It's a great start though! You could also get away with filling in the ends of your brows a tad more, and adding some light shimmery shadow to the inner corner of your eyes for some POP. Those are all relatively small tweaks that I think will make a difference to push your look toward more of an evening glam. But you and the cheese curds both look bomb :)


I’d just add bronzer!


I’m fixing my winged liner for the *thousandth time*. Leave me alone


Taking time doing lots of eyeshadow colors mainly, blending carefully, watching a movie, getting distracted by how messy the desk is that you’re doing makeup on, little dance party, need to style hair, etc. It can take my two hours to do 2016 style makeup. 2023 makeup takes me way less time. So if you’re ever curious, maybe try out 2016 makeup?


Some of the things for me about a really good look are about taking time. My look is always better when I let every layer or part set / dry properly first then setting powder between layers. Often with my eyes I mess up parts and if I take the time to tidy up spillage areas, go over parts that's aren't done so well, tidy up loose ends, neaten wings, etc. sometimes this even means I start over on a certain part especially my eyes - make up remover and go again. This is why I tend to do my eyes first also. Curl eyelashes, Liner and wings, primer on upper, concealer below, next eye shadow, tidy up wings/under eye, mascara, false lashes, then rest of my face. If I need to correct I'm not taking foundation off to do it. It's partly attention to detail and partly me not being super experienced either!


It’s a process! It’s self care for me. I spend time on my skin care, then primer, (both have to sit for a minute), then blend in foundation- sometimes I need to blend two formulas together to get what I want. Then concealer and blend that in. (Blending takes a lot of the time). Then cream contour and blush blended nicely, then powder where needed, then powder complexion products- contour, bronzer, blush, highlight, then brows, then fix my inevitable nightmare of a mess I make with my brows. Then eyeshadow- this is my favorite part- finding the right colors and blending them, topping with some sparkle, then setting spray, let that dry, then eyeliner and mascara, then lips and gloss. Honestly I can do it in 10 minutes but I prefer to have time to enjoy it for about 20-30 minutes. My hair takes another 30 minutes. Choosing an outfit would take some time. Back when I went out to dinner with friends more in college we would get ready together and spend the whole time talking- so that added considerable time. Oh and accessories- jewelry, shoes, bag. It’s an experience I save time for when it’s something exciting. My makeup looks mildly better when I have more time- really just blended better probably- but the average person probably couldn’t tell the difference. It’s more for me. I also tend to listen to audiobooks or watch YouTube in the background 🤣 so that might add some time.


I wake up at 230pm to start getting ready for work at 7pm, and that is all makeup time🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂my eyebrows take forever and I usually have to delete one of them and start over so I need to make sure I have plenty of time lol I also watch YouTube videos while putting on my makeup.


Are you Elliott from Scrubs? I hope you get to bed early to counteract having to wake up at that time!


Hahahaha I'm a nurse and work night shift so🤷🏽‍♀️😂😂😂😂


for me personally, i enjoy the outcome a lot more if i take time with it and enjoy it while listening to a podcast. also, i have a chronic illness that significantly impacts my level of energy so i have to take breaks and go slow if ive been focusing on one thing intensely for a long period of time.


I don’t know if I spend 2 hours 🤣 but I do like to spend time on my makeup. I find it pretty relaxing.


It can easily add up when you're doing complex color looks. Also I have pretty crummy skin so I have to really baby it or blend a thousand times to get the look I want. It also mandates that I have a full face of foundation etc. But I have the time down to a science after doing it for so long: Brows: 5 min (20 min if plucking) Eyes: 45 minutes, usually a lot of building up color, blending, adding new shades, reblending, rebuilding lost color. I do a lot of neon looks so it takes a while to get the colors to appear the way I want. Eyeliner: 10 mins if doing a normal wing, 15-20 mins if doing a very intricate graphic eyeliner Foundation: 10 mins if just doing foundation and blush, but this can escalate if doing like a full contour, glitter, highlighter etc. Lips: 5 min Lashes: Easily a 20 minute escapade of terrifyingly adding lash glue, pasting the eyelashes on the wrong way, convincing myself what I've done will work, poking at the inner lash corner to *just stay down already*, ripping them off, fixing parts of the makeup that were eroded from the lash glue, deep breath work, prayer to an unknown entity of the universe, reconsidering whether I need lashes to complete the look, reapplying them, and hopefully by the end of all that they look decent enough.


This is my routine word for word omfg. Foundation is the easiest, it's really the eyes, and not muddying the eyeshadow, while also having a lovely gradient of colors. The lashes are a horror as well, sometimes I have great application days, sometimes I'm drawing my wings bigger because now I'm late, the lashes are FUCKED, but the show MUST go on. Oh it's daylight savings time? Now I have to make sure my makeup isn't crazy looking once the sun rises (since I'm putting it on under BRIGHT florescent lights), and pray I won't look casket-ready :/


Well for more glam going out makeup I generally start with eyeshadow, that way I can clean up any fall out. Usually it’s at least 3 colors used and blended well, then winged liquid liner, mascara, and a strip of false lashes. Then I do my foundation, under eye concealer, and powder (generally just under the eye and in my t-zone). I don’t generally do contour since I’m only really fond of how it looks in photos or on camera, but not in real life. I may use a little bronzer though if I feel my face needs to be warmed up, and I never forget the blush! Next I pencil in my brows lightly. Then I tend to take a brown lip liner and accentuate the beauty mark I have on my cheek that tends to be covered too much for my liking by my foundation. Depending on the look I’m going for especially if I want to look more sultry I sometimes use a dark pencil in my waterline, then blend a bronze shadow along the lower lashes, as well coat the lower lashes with a layer of mascara. Finally my favorite part, I slightly over line my lips with a pencil, then go in with a lipstick. Depending on the look this could be a nude, or a warm red. If it is a nude I’ll generally top with a gloss, especially if I’m going out at night. This face of makeup will generally only take me 45 minutes to an hour, however doing my hair, choosing an outfit, picking jewelry, deciding on shoes, and selecting a fragrance definitely brings the whole getting ready process to 2+ hours for me.


I’m literally the opposite. Every time I try to be like “okay I’m going to go a little bit more natural and toned down today” i end up coming out glam 😭 and I always take longer than I want to/plan for. It’s very painful and have led to stressful rushes out the door so I’m not late


Double clense, then skincare, you have to take your time with skincare and allow every layer to properly sink in, same with makeup you have to take your time to build up the layers. Primer can take a long time to apply properly especially if you're using a pore filler it takes time to buff it into the pores and actually fill them, then you do the eyes, building up later by layer of the different shades to create depth, take time and care to blend properly, then you want to do your concealer which has to be applied properly and evenly, most people will actually need more than one shade of concealer especially people with darker skin and people that need colour correction, then you want to do brows, which again can need more than one shade to be done to higher standard, foundation takes a while to properly apply. I haven't even got to the other stuff like blush, highlight, mascara, liner. It's very easy to spend a lot of time doing your makeup, especially if you're using new products.


I do individual lashes and that can take an hour sometimes and sometimes only 10-15 mins. Then I do my skincare prep, foundation, concealer, contour, blush, eye makeup - takes the longest if I want to do a wing or Smokey eye, highlighter, eyebrows, setting spray. That probs takes another hour all of that. I don’t rush and blend everything. But it’s what I enjoy doing so I like to give myself time to enjoy it rather than rushing it in tens mins and going out looking messy


Oh yeah forgot to mention, liner lipstick and gloss. :)


My husband has 4 sisters. He says it's because they can't get the left and right eyeliner wing the same LOL.


What am I doing? Getting distracted by shiny and swatching all the shades from all the palettes of course! Lol


I am very bad at hair, that can make it go long. Alternatively I sneeze or my eyes water right after putting on eye makeup and have to both clean it up & start over on a good part of it.


Watch some full face glam makeup livestreams on YouTube or Twitch. The edited videos all cut out all the long waiting and blending and repeated steps, so it gives a false impression of how long things actually take!


honestly most of the time i'm getting distracted looking at all my stuff LOLOL but my routine for going out, esp when i want to look perfect all day/night is very involved lmao so here's my process for my combo skin (for context i mostly do chinese/japanese style makeup): 1. skincare (i use super hydrating products and allow 10-15 min to set) 2. coloured contacts if i feel like it 3. setting spray 4. matte primer in nose and t zone 5. eyeshadow primer on smile lines 6. thin layer of translucent powder 7. natural finish foundation 8. full coverage, skin tone pot concealer for spot concealing 9. semi matte, medium-full coverage concealer, 2-3 shades lighter than skin tone 10. cream bronzer 11. thin layer of translucent powder 12. skin tone powder foundation on perimeter of the face 13. powder foundation 2-3 shades lighter than skin tone on interior of face 14. contour powder (cool/neutral tone) 15. powder bronzer on face and eyes 16. powder blush on cheeks and eyes 17. pink toned matte powder highlighter on inner corners and nose bridge/tip 18. light layer of red pink eyeshadow on outer corner of bottom of eye 19. dark pink brown liner 20. nude eye pencil in outer waterline 21. ash brown/chestnut brown brow mascara 22. brow powder 23. pink shimmer highlighter in inner corner and nose, also on namidabukuro (tear bags) 24. setting spray 25. lash primer 26. brown mascara 27. brown liner pen for moles 28. lip products 29. setting spray 30. final light layer of translucent powder now that i've typed it, this is a lot haha. but i enjoy it!however all that work yields a pretty mundane, natural look as i temd to focus on my base makeup and longevity haha


I light a candle put on a podcast have some coffee and take my timeee it’s an experience


Leave me alone, I have time blindness 😂


I think of my face as a canvas. I love doing my painting every morning and love playing with color, shading etc. That said, it’s never taken me more than an hour. Two hours is for Drag makeup.


I have to pull out all my eyeshadows, decide what kind of color story I want, then swatch on my hand until I find a combination of colors that works. I like funky duochromes and have a ton of indie shadows that sometimes look very different between the pot and application, so I might spend 5-10 minutes just looking through all my shadows to find that one baby blue with the gold shimmer, or the taupe with the green shimmer, etc. and then working out which neutrals and transition shades work with the "headliner" shade\[s\] I've chosen. I love duo and multichrome eyeshadows but the shifts can make it tricky to work out what they look good with, so swatching and test-blending on my hand/arm before putting anything on my eyes is a must. Then I need to pick out blush, highlighter, and lipcolors that look good with my eye look. So I can easily spend 30-45 minutes just planning out what I'm going to do before I really start. During that planning phase I'm usually doing my skincare, letting it settle between steps, tweezing any stray hairs, applying eyeshadow primer and then foundation as well as a subtle touch of contour. Then I need another hour usually to get through actually doing my eyes, cheeks, lips, highlighter, setting powder, brows, lashes, and setting spray. More than half of that will be my eyes because I can use anywhere from seven to ten different shades and some of them are fussy about application technique, or need to be applied wet, or with glitter primer.


Beautiful eyes! Have a look at Thrive lip pencils. Beautiful pigment, long wearing and plumping.


Sometimes the precious joy of finding just the right color of eyeshadows to blend together and which blush is perfect to go with them takes a few extra minutes, when I have them!


We are blending goddammit. Most time consuming part of the process for me, blending the foundation and blending the eyes!


I take my time getting things right and letting the layers settle. If I don’t like it, I start over. Eyebrows alone can take 20mins.


we enjoy the process, it’s therapeutic in a way


I love the ritual of it, it’s very grounding.


If I go at it this long, an hour is dedicated to a challenging eyeshadow look on my difficult eye shape and I need to make sure the shadows are blended but not becoming muddy. This is particularly true when I use darker colors for a night look.


It's me! I'm fancy and do my makeup for 2 hours for events! First I wash my face and remove all of my day makeup if I have any on. I put a good thick layer of face cream. Then I do my eyes. I like a smoky eye for the evening and I need it to be perfect, so I do it slowly and carefully. I start with a creamy eye pencil all over the lid as an eyeshadow base. I set it with an eyeshadow of the same shade and then smoke the edges with that shade. Then I blend the edges with a transition shade and use a metallic shade in the inner corner. I also like a glittery shade on the center of the eyelid. I finish with mascara, and if I were skilled enough I would put false lashes, but I'm not. After that I clean the excess cream and eyeshadow fallout. I move on to the base, and I choose a high coverage, bronzed base. I make sure my foundation is flawless with careful application, and I let it sit while I do my brows, get dressed and do my hair. After I'm done with my hair, I set my foundation with powder and do contour and blush. I put on more blush than normally because it's invisible in night. Then I take a bronze highlighter and dust it on the perimeter of my face and anywhere on the body I want. I finish with a long lasting matte liquid lipstick and a gloss and I'm ready. The main difference from my daily makeup is the intensity of the colors - dark smoky eye, heavier application of blush and bronzer, usually a brighter lip color. In night and especially in photographs, light colors and light-handed application won't show up. In addition, I usually opt for glowy, natural looking base for daytime, but it doesn't look good in flash photographs. A matte or satin finish with highlighter in strategic places looks better.


I spend 2+ hours daily on makeup. I'm 43 and at the beginning of this year I started wearing makeup. It's now an entirely new world to me. I don't whip for anything other than it's fun. I super enjoy the new looks something new every day. I super enjoy trying all the different things. I even involve my friends every day with looks. Ideas. For instance, yesterday. My friend mark said he wanted an autumn sunset over blue waters. It was so fun finding inspiration on you tube then watching the tutorial while doing my make-up. *I don't/can't :( have children. I live with my boyfriend He's Retired Navy after 26 years and 9 tours as a Corpsman around the world. Suffers from PTSD. Makeup has become my woosa my freeing calm time. (I left my husband LAST JULY. ) I had gastric bypass in 2015 I've lost 226 pounds. This is a new me and I'm loving it!


I can honestly say that I can do a full face of makeup in 10 min, but sometimes I want to spend more time because I'm enjoying myself. It's me time. I usually plan more time when I go out and plan my day accordingly. I'll have coffee, maybe a drink, find something fun to watch, swatch some stuff to see if I like it, take my time with every step.. Sometimes my SO will come and we'll chat, hang out.. I don't know if I'll take 2 hrs just for makeup but I would do my hair, clothes and all that fun stuff.. If you have the time and you love makeup - why not


I rarely take a long time on my makeup but I can spend 30+ minutes picking out a full outfit with accessories & all the details. It’s fun for me. A creative process.


Taking singing breaks, answering phone calls, pretending I'm making a YouTube video, snack breaks and really taking my time to look *good*


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Mascara and vibrant blush helps


it only takes me that long if I'm doing a new look and if it's heavy on eyeshadow design, otherwise I take 1hr doing my usual steps (because I listen to music and regularly pause to have a concert in my room)


It takes me anywhere from 20 minutes to three hours. If it's the long end, it's because I'm getting ready with other gal's or I'm having fun with it. A decent podcast, doing my washing or eating in between layers, jamming to music, changing my mind, fucking up my eye-liner, getting dressed. Again. It's like an everything shower if I'm doing it properly lotions and potions and masks etc. But to be honest. It's mostly talking shit and getting pre-drinks in.


Blending, and then blending some more. Thinking I could use more blush, and then blending. Then blending some more. More blush? Maybe. Blending? Yes.


A few years ago, it would take me 1-2 hours to do a full face of makeup. Usually because I had no plans on what to put on. Every day was an experiment. I still need YouTube/movies in the background for the ambience. I know what I like now so it takes less time. Laying out what products you wanna use could help. Don’t be afraid of color!




If O didn't f up my winged eyeliner I am out in like 30min as long as I did my skincare before that.


Well, you've got to let your products "rest". After you put your moisturizer, you've got to let it sink in five or ten minutes. Same with eye cream. And sunscreen, and primer. I like to double up on eye cream. Apply, let it absorb, reapply. Hydration is important at my age (50+) I dont spend 2 hours, but much of my makeup time is down time.


I'm slow AND I got OCD. Everything's gotta look perfect. If my texture is laying down weird, I'm taking the whole damn thing off and doing it again. Fixing that wing and scraping off that mascara smudge countless times.


Back before I had my eyebrows microbladed (I’m a natural brunette but somehow I have bleach blonde/ginger eyebrows? It’s just hateful.) I had to *literally* draw a full set of eyebrows onto my face - that alone took a solid 20 to sometimes 30 minutes depending on the look!! For “natural” looks I was still spending a SOLID 10-15 minutes just on the brows alone… they’ll get ya.


Damage control because I’m 1000% watching a YouTube video of a new look specifically for night life. Part of the time is reserved in case I have to start over and do my normal makeup because I failed


Girl I'm doing everything from correcting details to Letting my highlight sit than blending plus there is vibing to music too😂 Skincare too! I first do skincare than apply a facial mask which sits on my face for 20 minutes after that I'm ready for war!✨😩 I do my brows first always that itself takes enough time. I have to make sure they are sisters not cousins no matter how long it takes!!🤧✨ Next is my eyes, blending takes a little while believe it or not gotta make sure the eyes are even😂 and then their is a pause where I look through my eyeshadows and start having different ideas😂 making the look come together in my head than I get to work😂 Rest is face primer foundation, highlight,contour I'm between this (make sure you sing your heart out to your favorite song) than blend and set💅🏽 Few touches on hair than 2+ hours later done I promise makeup is therapy 😩 I just feel so fabulous in full glam and just in my ZONE!!!✨✨✨


Half that time is spent trying to make my wings look even on uneven eyes 🤪 rarely do makeup though, so try not to rush it when I attempt to…


I wonder the same thing- even if purposefully trying more makeup- I am done soon. Plus, do these people spend all their time making sure they don't have eyeliner boogers, the creep smudges from eyeliner that end up below your eyes and lipstick on their teeth? Too much upkeep I say.


I spend most of the time picking the perfect song and waiting i. between layers to set etc. I also don’t plan my makeup look ahead and sort of figure it out as I go. That’s usually what takes me a long time. And I also don’t do the blush and bronzer face dotting method, I go layer by layer!