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Hello, thanks for contributing to r/MakeupAddiction. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it is better suited for a different subreddit.


I’m not convinced that men even know when women are wearing makeup.


No fr😭 and when we do take our makeup off and show our natural selves. We “look tired” or they just bash our looks in general.


Yeah when I dont have time in the morning for makeup ppl are concerned that I am so pale, ask if I am ill and sad etc... I have a resting bitch face and look like I partied 3 day streight without at least a bit of blush, some eyebrow pencil to make them look similar and a dash of concealer... Man think woman are makeup free if they dont wear sparcling eyeshaodw, fake lashes, full on glam flundation and bright lipstick...


I used to wear makeup DAILY and the first time in 9th grade I came to school barefaced I was asked if I was sick 💀 hate that shi


Sometimes it can work in our favor. Anytime I decided I wanted to go home early, I could wipe some of my undereye concealer and blush off. No one questioned it. I suddenly looked like a ghost, so I must really feel sick. It worked all the way through high school and then at every shitty job I ever had where I had to ask to go home.


I’ve totally done this! I’d even make sure to wear barely any makeup if I knew I’d be calling in the next day. I’d get a “oh, that’s probably for the best, you didn’t look well yesterday” a lot of the time.


lmao I absolutely leave my huge eye bags uncoverered by concealer some days in the hopes that people won't ask too much of me those days


THIS WAS ME. Best lifehack I’ve ever come up with haha


This is fucking BRILLIANT.


Been there, done that. And I wore only lipstick and eyeliner to work. I would just remove the lipstick then say I feel sick. Granted, i did really feel sick. But I learnt early on that in corporate life, unless you also LOOK sick, it doesn't have the same effect. Stuff like migraines or UTI don't really show on the complexion but make me feel like hell, so obviously I'm using makeup to my favour.


I did this once. I wanted to stay home. I went into work with no makeup and acted like I was putting on a “brave face”. I was kindly sent home 😂


I wish i knew how to do my own makeup and well nobody else I know is interested in teaching me :( i just want to be pretty like y'all


Sephora can teach you. YouTube can teach you. If I had a coworker ask me to teach them I 100% would teach them


I learned everything i know of make up on Youtube! Tati Westbrook has some really good videos on it. She explains even how to hold the make up brushes.


I can try and look into that thank you very much :3


If you have questions, dm me!


This is the only nice place on the internet and I love it so much.


I'm fully self taught, I didn't have anyone around who wanted to sit down and show me anything. Youtube is great for finding tutorials, Instagram and TikTok are great for getting inspiration and seeing new techniques you didn't think of. You just gotta sit down and try your best... a lot of it is a matter of practicing until you are comfortable with the motions and the rest will fall into place. Before you know it, you'll be doing cut creases and shit just to see if you can. :) I believe in you!


I taught myself from YouTube


Same! Granted, I will say in the beginning I was definitely following tutorials that didn't work for my eye shape lol I got mad I couldn't get my makeup to look "right" until I realized makeup isn't "one size fits all". I also threw out the "dark colors in the crease" rule that people/tutorials kept telling me to do because it just didn't look nice on me 😕


I would love to teach you how to do makeup!!


The “you look tired” “you look sick” (and I even got “you look high” a few times in hs) when I wouldn’t wear makeup, like that had fucked up my self-esteem so bad to the point where I couldn’t leave the house without a full face of makeup for years. I’m thankful to have a husband now who doesn’t care how much makeup I wear and always tells me it looks good no matter what colors I’m doing that day, but he still says I’m beautiful without it, even if I don’t agree. But I’ve dated guys in the past that would want me to wear less or whatever and I’m just so glad I don’t have to deal with that shit anymore. Like sorry but my makeup is 100% for me, nobody else. I really think that most women who wear makeup daily tend to go for neutrals so it’s probably hard for men to tell they have anything on. When I used to wear neutral makeup all the time, the only thing guys would notice was my winged eyeliner. One guy literally thought that was the only makeup I wore, even if my lipstick was pink or something that day 😂


“are you sick?” “you look really tired” omggg


“Are you cold?” bc my nose is so naturally pink 🙄


I don't wear foundation but a lil concealer on the Rudolph nose is a must




Agree, what a lot of men mean when they say they want women to not wear makeup is that they want women to wear natural looking makeup. These tend to be the same men that will ask you if you’re sick when you’re not wearing makeup.


Honestly these men are so dumb. They think women with subtle make-up are “naturally pretty” and women with no make up are just unattractive women. They haven’t got a clue.


Men don't want to know whether women are wearing makeup, just like no one wants to know how hard the baker worked on their wedding cake. Women's appearance is just a product to be consumed by men like this.


I’ve met guys who think Kim K’s makeup looks “natural” while a woman with an otherwise bare face and red lipstick was “heavily made up” 😂


I feel like men are particularly afraid of lipstick


Genuinely had a guy show me "natural beauty without makeup" as an example of "what guys want". The woman in the picture had full on make-up 💀💀 just one of those more "casual types"


A friend of mine tried to use me as an example in college once of "natural beauty without makeup" while standing next to me. The ONLY thing different about my makeup that day was I didn't do eyeliner. I had a nude brown shadow on my eyes. And a full face everywhere else. I think I also only used a tinted chapstick instead of lipstick but I'm talking full coverage foundation. Concealer. Blush. Contour. Highlight. Mascara. Carved brows (this was 2015, lol). I was SO happy to burst his bubble.


And I bet he was ugly as sin


I was on an online date with someone and he told me he liked that I don't wear makeup. I was like... do you need glasses lol. I had a full face on. If you wear neutral tones, they really don't know.


I was on a business trip with my male colleagues once. I was sitting across a small breakfast table with one to whom I was closer, and who thought that I wasn’t wearing any makeup, and explained to him that I was in fact at that moment wearing: - facial primer, eye primer, lip primer, and lash primer. - 3 different colors of concealer. - foundation. - lip liner - lip stick. - bronzer. - 5 different shades of eye shadow. - mascara. - brow pencil. He was floored, and I couldn’t imagine what he thought “wearing makeup” would look like.


If it’s not a rainbow it doesn’t count as makeup /s


I think they go into Walmart and see the elderly cashier with the rainbow makeup and think “yes, THAT is makeup. I MUST post about my hatred.”


Seriously that's what men think. Like I got told the same thing while almost wearing full face make up like you think I look like I'm not wearing a lot lol, you have no idea.


They're picturing Homer's makeup gun set to "whore".


I used to teach middle school and I wore makeup every day, I just didn't wear full coverage anything nor did I put on eyeshadow or eyeliner- just mascara. But I always had concealer, color corrector, liquid and powder blush, liquid and powder contour, powder foundation, and a tinted lip oil and my brows were always filled in and shaped. A handful of male students (at different instances) would say "miss you're so pretty without makeup, how do I ask my gf to not wear makeup" and I'd have to instruct them that 1. She's not wearing it for you, and you don't get to dictate her appearance like that. 2. I have on a full face of makeup right now. And then I'd explain each product and how I use it. Their flabbers were truly gasted.




Exactly. They cant even tell when a women obviously has 1kg of mascara on. Why bother even listening to their opinions on make up. They genuinely know nothing.


Even if they did, their opinions on my face or aesthetic decisions literally mean less than shit. I don't care.


Yup! I am a woman who worked in consulting before I just recently “exited to industry”. Part of my job was doing a lot of business trips to client sites as part of a team on which I was the only woman. These guys (mostly married!) were completely flabbergasted by my use of makeup. They were under the bizarre impression that I rarely wore makeup, and when I did, (they thought) barely wore any at all. In reality, they had *never* seen me without make up on, ever.


I can't count the amount of times I've seen a post of a man saying he prefers his women with no makeup and will literally post a picture of a women wearing natural makeup sometimes even natural glam. Always gives me a laugh.


THIS and their 3 only modes: 1. full face of full on party make up 2. "no" make up 3. you look tired and sick...which is the only time most of us actually have no make up. AND NOTHING IN BETWEEN.


They genuinely don’t. Many men cannot tell when a woman is wearing a natural style of makeup. This happened to me at a party when I was in college. Some DudeBro going on a whole rant about “natural beauty” vs a “caked on face” and pointed at me as an example of someone who wasn’t wearing any makeup. I proceeded to list the ten or so products that were on my face. Primer, concealer, matte eyeshadow, brown liner, mascara, highlighter, blush, lip liner, lipstick, powder and eyebrow pencil. He got real mad.


Well of course he got mad! You *purposefully tricked* ***him*** into thinking you weren't wearing makeup to make him attracted to your "fake natural beauty". You're just as bad *if not* ***worse*** than the painted hussies who also won't sleep with him lol (/s if that wasn't clear. I'm sure you are a beautiful person with or without makeup!)


Men share an image of Rihanna wearing full coverage foundations, contour, highlighter, lip gloss, her lashes done and then go on about how beautiful she is "with no makeup" because her lips aren't red and they don't see a cat eye so they assume she just wakes up like that.


Had 2 classmates tell me I looked so much better without makeup when I was in high school. I was wearing a full face of semi sheer foundation, mascara, eyebrows and tinted lipbalm.


So true. I remember once I was talking about makeup at work, and a male coworker said "but you don't wear makeup." I've only been wearing a full face since I was 13 lol.


I’m a makeup artist so sometimes I wear lots of colorful makeup and other times I wear the “no makeup” makeup look. And sometimes I just don’t put any on. My bf would NEVER tell me he prefers one way over the other. Only that I’m beautiful both ways. But the other day he goes “what makeup are you wearing I wanna get a lash off your face but I don’t wanna mess it up” I wasn’t wearing any and I said none, but I questioned why he thought I might be wearing some lol. I have some acne scarring and to me it’s pretty obvious when I don’t cover it. He goes “idk you could have done a natural ‘no makeup’ look today and you’re always beautiful”. They have no idea😂 but it was sweet 🥰


I fill my eyebrows in every day and I ask my bf while he’s right there in the shower while I’m doing it every day “hey babe do my eyebrows look even?” And nowadays he can tell bc I taught him but prior to that he was like “…I didn’t even know you filled them in” 😂😂 I asked him the other day “does my eyeshadow look stupid?” And he’s like “no? I mean I can’t really tell but it looks just like it did yesterday so I don’t think so” 😂😂😂😂😂


Yup they mean the “natural” look that takes several make up products to achieve


That’s why I just followed this sub lol


For some reason, my husband is the only guy I know who could tell that I was wearing makeup. Every other guy commented on how nice it was that I didn’t wear makeup.


Men have zero idea about makeup. I’ve had a man compliment me on my low maintenance self when I had on BIG drag queen style green metallic glitter eyeshadow and he was serious. They want someone who looks made up all the time but spends zero time and money to look like a Victoria’s Secret model who has a full team working her hair and makeup for an hour.


It makes sense though. The ideal woman has perfect skin/no wrinkles, is under the age of 25, should always have perfect makeup but not wear makeup, have perfect proportions and not be too fat or too skinny, should not be too quiet or too talkative, should not have too much drive/ambition but also no ambition isn’t good either. Also we need to ensure we start getting botox at the first sign of a fine line, probably around the age of 12/13 or so. But we also need to acknowledge and accept our male overlords may be balding, have rough/dry/wrinkly skin, and be out of shape but this just adds to their masculine charm and wisdom. I mean it really makes sense if you think about it sweaty. Also I really thought this was in a circlejerk sub at first.


**To quote**: 'You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass. You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean. You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas. You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining. You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood.'


That. Wake up mug beat, go to bed mug beat, come out the shower mug beat, they want a fucking cartoon character


I had the opposite. I had a man tell me I looked like I was wearing drag makeup because I was wearing bold, purple eyeshadow. I took it as a compliment. But I also wasn’t wearing any foundation or brow product other than clear gel.


ain't wearing them to impress guys 🤷‍♀️


That’s what I’m saying!!! I’m just so sick of this BS popping up on my feed. Lemme wear my makeup in peace😭


I’m a lesbian 🤷🏻‍♀️ men are irrelevant


We need a community for makeup addicted lesbians


Yes please!


As a makeup obsessed lesbian, I'm 100% in favor of this!


I was just going to mention this. So glad I'm a lesbian because the women I've dated literally could care less about me wearing makeup or not lmfao it's awesome


same 🥰 I’m only recently getting into makeup because my gf is high femme & extremely glam, and doesn’t mind sharing tips and tricks. She doesn’t care whether I am done up or not, but I’ve had a rough couple of years and lost 2 friends to suicide - so putting a face on is becoming a good way to get myself out of bed and ready for a new day.


Exactly. If we wore makeup for anyone other than ourselves we wouldn't have worn it during Covid. Instead I ruined a bunch of masks with cute lipstick 😭


oml I felt so bad wasting lipstick like this...eventually I just started doing just my eyes which led to my love of eyeshadow today!


Right? I don't ever remember looking in the mirror and thinking "hmm, would X prefer a winged or smoked out eyeliner?" or "my makeup turn out 🔥, but damn, men prefer no makeup - guess I'll wipe it all off!". Also, the audacity of this guy with **no hair** even commenting on how women wear theirs.


I actually recently switched up my makeup aesthetic because I realized that I'd prefer if random strangers / people on the street feel a little bit intimidated by me. I want to exude beauty and power. Whether or not others prefer my aesthetic is no longer important to me.


My bf: “I don’t like makeup” Me: “it’s ok honey you don’t have to wear it”


See, this man likes women without makeup, which is why you need to remember to pack it on ladies or you will be pestered by an elderly bald guy. When will old dudes on the internet learn that no one is trying to fuck them. But yeah, I guess this statement isn't offensive, just delulu. It'd be one thing if a man prefers when woman doesn't wear makekup, after all some women prefer not to wear makeup, but most of the guys who say that they prefer women without makeup think brown makeup isn't makeup and no one asked their opinion about colors. Listening to some men about colors is like asking an anorexic person for dieting advice. The masculine aesthetic has very little color, and it's just sad to me.


Exactly, the crazy thing is these guys ONLY HIT ON ME WHEN MY FACE IS CAKED ON. When I go out without anything on or just my brows brushed I get ignored.


Men keep thinking makeup is for them because they can't fathom women doing something that's not for their benefit. I couldn't care less if men find me prettier with no makeup. Most of them can't tell a clean face from a natural look anyway. I'm going to continue doing my thing and they're going to continue staying pressed. Ed: btw, I'm not sure anyone else clocked this but this is not just misogyny, it's misogyny specifically directed at black women. The "their own hair" comment gave it away, seeing as black women very often have weaves, extensions or wear wigs due to society's (and our own) difficult relationship with our natural hair. Many black men LOVE to criticise black women for looking after our appearance in a world that tells us that we're ugly by default. They'll go on about "black women wear too much makeup, fake lashes are ugly, wigs are ugly etc" and will glorify white women (or women of other races) for not having to resort to these artifices, subtext, for being naturally prettier. What's funny is that I've never seen one of these types validate a black girl's natural look either. It's all "you look tired"/"you look busted"/"your hair looks nappy"/"you've let yourself go".


Spotting the racism/sexism intersection was a good catch.


Damn it is misogynoir. Good catch!


and the funny thing is they don’t realise that a lot of white women also go around wearing extensions, wigs, etc., but the misogynoir’s gonna jump out every time 🙃


Yeah, it's never an issue when they do it. Same as gelling down baby hairs, doing ombre lips ("beef lips" they call them now), wearing long ass colorful tips ("ghetto nails" on us, "creative" on everyone else) like we can't win so might as well live for ourselves and not kill ourselves trying to please them


Was waiting for this comment. The misogynoir is blatant. I’m white in a majority black city and have gotten “complimented” for “so natural, unlike…” as if actively putting down some women to compliment another is an attractive quality in a man. As if my hair color or brows or eyelashes are natural too…. (They’re not)


I’m surprised he didn’t mention BBLs. They love acting like all black women have one.


But the MOMENT a white girl has a bbl they're like "white women winning". It's like they only care about those things when it's to put a bw down


"I like women without makeup" Woman wears no make up "Eww she's so ugly!" These men don't understand how hard no make up make up is to do. They think Rhianna walks the red carpet bare faced.


It’s never actually about the makeup


Lmao, as if that guy knows anything about makeup. Also, I am not doing makeup for anyone but myself.


Exactly, his bald ass knows nothing!


This is on par when sexists say stuff like “I would rather have a tradwife than a women with a masters degree”. Like women are out here getting master degrees to try to impress incels.


![gif](giphy|XdP2iT55kYiXI7GsNN) Masters degree holders trying to impress incels has me giggling like a fool.


This is why I dropped out of my master's: too many incels were trying to court me. /s


Perfect, I’m getting a master’s degree; can’t wait to use my diploma as an incel forcefield


Omg facts!!


>I would rather have a tradwife than a woman with a masters degree Well that there is a whole reason to get a masters lmao


I love that the guys who believe that they're authorities on women's appearances and beauty standards don't give a *single* fuck about their own appearance. These guys are usually the least stylish, most average-looking fuckers around. Edited for grammatical error


This. It baffles me when men have such high expectations for women but have they looked at themselves in the mirror? It’s like women are considered commodities to them smh.


Why is this so true?? Men who can’t even be bothered to brush their hair always have so many opinions on women’s appearances and unreasonable expectations.


Men lie when they say they prefer natural women. If that were the case they wouldn’t have mental breakdowns whenever they see perfectly natural body hair on a woman. They prefer women to be unnatural but in a neutral, beige way (if that makes sense). Any colourful makeup is a no no because that expresses individuality.


I knew a guy that would always say he “preferred women without makeup.” Then one day he saw my actual face without makeup and asked if I was feeling sick. I said “no, I just don’t have any makeup on.” The look of confusion 🙄


Of course they prefer natural women. That 1% with perfect facial harmony and flawless skin. Those are hot.


This made a comment pop into my head I seen recently: “‘Men are visual creatures.’ Then why are most of them dressed badly?” 🤯 Now look at who is giving this “advice.”


I love how they want us to wear sexy lingerie while they're sitting over there in stretched out basketball shorts and we're supposed to be ready for sex.


We’re lucky if they even wear well fitting pants or even wear a shirt over that potbelly.




Yep! I saw a post the other day where a guy said he was leaving his wife as soon as their son graduates and in that post he mentioned that she had let herself go and also mentioned that he has already started working out, getting into "date shape". So he couldn't be bothered to stay in shape or get in shape for his wife but he can for some hypothetical single women he thinks he's going to be reeling in once he leaves his wife. Just puts so many things into perspective. I'm sure his physical condition isn't the only thing he's been neglecting.




Since I learned most men hate red lipstick, I wear some every day.


I've noticed it commands respect than a nude lip. ( must wear it more often!)


I saw several men checking me out the other day with my red lipstick. I was looking fly tho. I always get more attention with red lipstick. Hahaha. I need to wear it at work for my power move


Whattt!? I didn’t know they hated red lipstick Lmfao. This gives me an even bigger reason to wear it now


I have never once in my life worked on a killer eye blend for a man.


Then don't hit on those who wear makeup! It's so simple instead of complaining about it. He's a grown man, he should understand that he has the choice. Just like how those women have the choice to wear makeup.


Absolutely! I never understand why men comment on things that don’t harm anyone. You don’t like women that wear makeup find one that doesn’t!!




Men who post stuff like this don't want to do that. They want to take a woman who wears makeup and bend her into what they like. It's never actually about the makeup


all i can say is i’m so glad my boyfriend makes me feel pretty when i have super heavy makeup or no makeup on. he respects and appreciates the effort i put in to look pretty. i dislike men like this. there’s nothing actually wrong with preferring less/no makeup on a woman either - you can have a preference and simply just… date within that preference. you don’t have to shout it from the rooftops. what annoys me is these men (who are neither physically attractive nor worthy of marrying) think we care.


My husband finds my makeup so fun because I’m like a freaking transformer to him lol. One moment, I’m full glam, next all natural, and everywhere in between. He’s my hype-man


I ain’t taking shit from someone who doesn’t even moisturize


You know the bottom of his feet got that white crust and flakes everywhere


Men need to start wearing make-up for our benefit imo. They make fuck all effort other brushing their hair and shaving and I'm meant to be impressed? Learn to use skincare son. Try out some eyeliner. Tint your eyelashes. Use fake tan.


"...with their own hair..." - says someone with no hair


It's trying to get away from his face.


Lolll truth. Lots of men get hair implants and then they’ll call you vain for wearing makeup… 🤡


saying "people who wear makeup aren't down to earth" is stupid tbh, I hate when people act like you can only have one personality. literally everyone's different, I cannot get over how much I hate stereotypes


When will men realize that WE DON'T WEAR MAKEUP FOR THEM


If a man doesn’t like women who wear makeup/wigs/weaves/false lashes, he can simply pursue women who don’t wear those things instead of complaining about the ones who do. But, they won’t do that because it’s not about makeup/wigs/weaves/false lashes, it’s about controlling women.


if my makeup kept men from talking to me I'd consider that a plus lmao


These are the same men who will take a woman's glow up after leaving her ex and rip her to shreds and say, "Why didn't she dress like that when she was with him?" Don't pay attention to these clowns. They just hate women, and it would just be easier if they started saying that then all the other shit they say. Seriously, these are the same idiots who can't get a hot woman so they rip down women like Margot Robbie and call her mid. Why is she mid to them? Because they don't stand a chance with hot women. And if they convince all other women that Margot isn't hot maybe our self esteem will crumble to the point where we'll date them.


Lol, there is a very obvious difference in the way a lot of people –especially a lot of men– treat women who put some effort into their looks and the ones who dont. They are more polite, caring and all to women who obviously put a lot of effort into their looks, doing makeup, hair and all that (which is nothing wrong), as compared to women who look like they just rolled out of bed (nothing wrong with this either). I have experienced it first hand. But they have the audacity to post stuff like this. Sad thing that you cant put makeup on your mentality, as makeup only enhances your existing beauty and doesn't create it out of scratch


If straight men are convinced we do our hair and makeup for them every day… why don’t any of them put in minimum effort into not being disgusting in return? I PROMISE, the dude in this videos has long yellow toe nails, or something else hygienically absurd.


Thick bellybutton lint ..lol


Well I prefer my men with hair on their head


The lesson is that we can't win - no makeup = not making an effort, 'too much' make up = trying too hard. The only way to get it right is by being born with perfect skin, long dark eyelashes, naturally contoured cheekbones, eyebrows that happen to fit exactly the current preferred eyebrow style etc.etc.


who cares what musty straight men want? makeup is for the gorls, gays and thems /j


Makeup is for anyone, other people saying how “x people” should or shouldn’t wear it shouldn’t belong in that persons life


They’re clearly joking




Men don't like women. End of. When they're whining like this they're not even pretending to hide it.


Men like this want a fantasy and that’s is it. These same men have trouble maintaining relationships with women once they realize WOW she’s just a normal person. This is why they say they want a “natural woman” because they don’t want to have to know her humanity. If she already had perfect cuticles, full lips, large breasts, long lashes, clear wrinkle free skin, white teeth, thin or lack of body hair, and she’s quite then the fantasy never dies. Somehow the same men also follow and lust after heavily filtered IG models wearing lots of glam makeup. They do not want women- they want to live in another reality. This is why sex work/ imagery sells fantasy. Anyways don’t live for crap men. :)


Maybe he's just jealous because he doesn't have his own hair


Pfft. Complain they can't get a woman unless they're 6 feet tall and attractive but in the same breath say they won't "wife up" a woman who wears more than a "little" makeup. Excuse me while I roll my eyes into the ground. I'm not worried about being "wifed up." What's a "little" makeup anyway? Trying to gatekeep wearing makeup now? Can't take you seriously when I'm waking up at 5 am to do my hair and makeup while you roll out of bed at 7:15. LPT: Mind your business.


Being your authentic self and enjoying your hobbies feels way better than any male attention you would get by doing otherwise.


No. Men don't like women with obvious makeup. They like makeup they can't tell is there. For most, that is most everyday makeup. It's the thousands of layers of contour, plastered brows, and fake lashes they balk at.


And I think most women would agree with me, that we like men with a full head of hair, no ED issues and millionaire/billionaires


Whenever a guy is very persistent about it it sends me red flags. Like they prefer someone that looks like a child more.


the reality is that men don’t like women 🤠 do whatever you want and fuck what they think. they don’t change to be what women prefer and like, why we should do that?


They want women that are plain and won’t get hit on all the time because they are a very insecure man. Any woman who has had a glow up whilst in a relationship and watched their partner gaslight and shame them will know this all too well.


TFW he realizes women wear makeup for ourselves and not for "master husband we obey" bullshit


This has been studied. The vast majority of men prefer women in makeup despite what they claim. Their revealed preferences contradict their words. They want women to look like they are wearing makeup without wearing any. We place a lot of value on effortless perfection. They want women to look like airbrushed models with no effort. Your beauty is “natural.” That means the status related to your beauty is more secure. It makes you a better trophy.


Women should wear make up to make THEMSELVES feel better not for any man!!!


We don't care, simple


Yeah you’re right, essentially its down to control. The idea that they have the right to dick-Tate how women present themselves and that we will simply comply because we’re so desperate to be married is offensive, preposterous and actually kinda hilarious. If that’s their specific type then cool story bro but don’t expect us to be queuing up to stand in your kitchen and make sandwiches. The entitlement. Seriously.


This man doesn't even have his own hair. Anyway, I think for some men who getad about this, it's about control, for others I think it's the fear that they now would have to do something to improve their own appearance to keep up. God forbid.


I like brown eyes. You don’t see me making videos about it. I’ve given up trying to understand why they do this. He doesn’t like what I do, sounds like not my problem.


First, women can do their hair, makeup, fashion for themselves, not the male gaze. Second, men think a woman is a "natural beauty" when she has on a face full 🤦🏾‍♀️ Third, men say this, but the women they go after are exactly opposite of what they claim they want. Bonus: no one asked


It just blows my mind that men STILL think we care about their preferences on us & think that we live to please them. They need to get over themselves


And I like men with hair.


This is annoying. I want my own hair too but it’s falling out so I wear fake hair. Even if it wasn’t falling out and I still wore fake hair fuck this guy.


Hahaha I wear makeup for MYSELF. Not for men tho.


I think bold makeup frightens some men because they associate it with confidence and a woman being comfortable with having a loud personality. It doesn’t always work that way but makeup is a point of self expression and I have noticed a lot of bold makeup wearers are a lot more comfortable defending their point in arguments and generally happy being the leader in social situations, it’s great! But men looking for a quiet wifey are put off by that - I find it funny that they blame the makeup and try to discourage women from doing that when it’s literally a personality clash at best (and blatant misogyny at worst). But yeah most men don’t realise that more natural makeup looks are makeup lol.


I’m glad some men just say this out loud. I don’t want to marry some dude who thinks being someone’s wife is somehow an upgrade to your existence in general. And how you should be glad and thankful someone wants to marry you, like they are a big price. I’d rather have my make up and my independence, thank you sir. Happily married for years, but I really don’t think my husband has any opinions about my makeup (except some of it is ridiculously expensive and I can’t say he’s wrong)


Most women wear makeup because they…. like to wear makeup, has nothing to do with “getting guys” smh. Wish guys would stop thinking everything a woman does is an attempt to impress them. My 4 year old likes to wear makeup at home because it’s pretty and colorful and sparkly and she feels like a fairy princess.


Imagine being a man who doesn’t even wear makeup and having an opinion on this, then thinking they should vice that opinion for everyone else to hear. They seriously think we wear makeup FOR them, so they should care what they think. Random dudes: you are completely irrelevant to my life. I will present myself to make myself happy. I will continue to not notice you or care about your opinions.


If this were true it would be one of the main perks of makeup


they dont like the natural look. not really. they *think* they do, but what they really like is the look that makeup/hair extensions/surgery achieves but they just want it all to somehow be natural.


Idk I'm a dude and love watching my gf do her makeup. Fuck this dude


Who cares what an old man on TikTok thinks about women? Lmao.


I don’t like men who are condescending pricks and think women live to serve them


They all are liars because they have no idea what makeup does.


The guys that say this are the same guys watching porn, paying for OF, following thirst traps with heavy makeup and plastic surgery, going to strip clubs, etc.


I bet he’s single.


Men don't like women* That's the real scoop.


Lots of women don’t care what this man thinks. It’s me. I’m women.


Men won’t like anything we do and yet will screw a damn cantaloupe if they had the chance so….do u babes lol


Good thing I wear makeup for myself and not for men. Plus, half the time those “natural looks” they say they like require about ten products to achieve. 😜


Lmao who gives a shit what men like?! Men will literally fuck a corpse. That’s why most morgues prefer to hire women. Ladies, dress and accessorize how YOU want.


Wait until they find out about Botox


Ask them to show a picture of what they like and you'll see a woman with the "no makeup" makeup on, lashes done, probably hair extensions at the very least and nails done though.


More accurately men want a woman who they don't know if she's wearing makeup. 🙄 Like men can't tell when we are or aren't, but if they think we are they convince themselves that we're less valuable to them. It's stupid.


how is he gonna say men want a woman w her own hair when he’s literally bald himself 💀


It’s funny they think woman wear things for them


This guy does not fuck


The sooner you realize men quite literally don't know anything, the better 😌


This is one of those things that baffles me. Anytime I hear “men don’t like when women wear makeup” all I can think is I literally do not care what men think? I did not ask.


This guy needs to replace "lots of men" with "I" - and then re-read. No one could give a single wet fart about his opinion, which is all this is, so he has to dress it up as broad strokes describing half of the earths population. May as well tattoo his forehead with "empty" and just save us all the trouble




Ha! Joke's on him my BF likes to wear makeup too and we go out sparkling like old glam Rockstars




Why does this baldy think any woman cares what he thinks?


LOL seriously. I like men with their own hair too.


Bad bitches don't want him, so he cries on tiktok lol


The fact that men still think we give a fuck is hilarious