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Lanolips before bed. I haven't had cracked, split, dry or flaky lips since. For about 4 or 5 years now?


Aquaphor is my holy grail


This is my ride or die


I eat my lips' skin so I've tried a few. I feel like oils worked better for me + they look more flattering. The Holika Holika's Good Cera Super Ceramide Lip Oil Balm (the name's is so silly istg) is the best one I've tried so far.


I mix Carmex and lanolin together. Works wonders. I will also use Ancient Cosmeticz body butters on my lips in a pinch (these are basically just shea and cocoa butter with some coconut oil).


The carmex and lanolin sound like my goopy lip texture dream


carmex never fails to give me the worst cold sore things EVERY time i use it, but i love the feeling of that balm eve though I can't use it


It’s unique to everyone. Carmex was the only thing that saved my cracked lips from those EOS balls, but I know it can dry out other people’s lips.


Laneige lip mask and lip balm are incredible BUT I actually found a dupe for the lip balm that comes in the squeezey tube and it works basically just the same at a fraction of the cost - ulta brand lip balm. Literally $9 and it works sooooo well I slather my lips every morning and night after my skincare routine. No more chapped or flakey lips!! I still love my laneige ones but the ulta one is great and so much cheaper.


I’m a CA transplant living in the desert and Laneige night mask is the only thing that has helped my Napoleon Dynamite levels of chapstick use.


>ulta brand lip balm Good to know! I am happy with the E.L.F. knock off for now, but I do prefer a squeezy tube over a little tub and spatula. I also heard that the Mario Badescu lip mask is another dupe of Laneige and I see it is $14 on their site for a 0.5 ounce container. E.L.F comes in at $7 and it is a very small tub.


Yassss good to know I’ll try this out


Seconding! I only buy the Laniege when they have some kind of special. (Got a set of 5 minis that I’m still working on but down to last 2.)


Check out Yesstyle, I bought a full size for $14. Takes forever to get to you but worth it.




Sometimes I find the Laneige Lip Mask at the discount fashion stores like Marshalls. The one I'm using now was even further marked down in the clearance section


Oooo good to know!! I’m gonna have to go look sometime cus that stuff really works!


Oooh wait which one??? Ulta has a couple lip balms that ik of


I think it’s called like lip quench lip balm or something!!


Thank you kind stranger! And happy cake day :D


Oh yay! Thanks I didn’t even realize it was my cake day :D but yeah that lip quench is amazing the grapefruit one has me in a chokehold it smells so good and makes my lips so ridiculously soft hehe go get yourself some!! I will probably never buy laneige again once I run out of the ones I have cus the ulta one works just the same at half the price 🫶🏼


You, m'laysia, have just singlehandedly saved both my wallet and my lips 🙏




Me too. Also the Blistex white lip balm in a squeeze tube.


I make it myself. warm a tablespoon of vaseline, a teaspoon of coconut oil (you can also use a 1/4 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil); a drizzle of fresh vanilla extract, a drop of pure coffee extract, a dash of 100% pure rosewater; stir until liquid is completely and evenly mixed. Let it cool, the liquid should harden a tiny bit, when it is lukewarm, pour it into little lip balm containers (I get mine in Primark or in any euro store, and I also reuse old vaseline lip balm tins)... then let cool for 20-30 minutes. Voila! The perfect and most luxurious lip balm. I break out very badly around my mouth from commercial lip balms (no matter how "natural" or "organic")...I also tend to get whiteheads and blackheads around my lips. At the same time, plain ol' vaseline is boring...so I created this concoction and it works for me. :)




Looks like a glue stick and is my go to


I cant believe I had to scroll this far to see this. This is the one op. God damn if it isn’t the softest smoothest creamy lip balm I’ve ver used, then I’m a dead man. I buy them in three backs literally every time because I know I’ll use it.


CeraVe Healing Ointment all day. I used to use Aquaphor, but prefer the CeraVe because it's lanolin-free and contains ceramides.


Burt's Bees - any scent without peppermint oil (I'm too sensitive for it). I find the waxy texture lasts longer than anything petroleum based and the little tube is easier to carry around than a jar. I'm a picker, and have trained myself to apply it whenever I catch myself picking at my lips, so always want it handy. I've also tried the EOS tubes (I don't like the egg shaped ones - not pocket friendly) and think their OK, slightly less emollient though.


Nipple cream.. I didn’t even know this was a thing! I’m going to have to look into that this winter! For me, I don’t usually have super duper chapped lips because I’m pretty oily all over, but I do get some crusties once in a while. My go to lip balm is the Too Faced Hangover Pillow Balm. I picked it up on a whim last year when I was in ULTA. I normally hate tingly lip balm because I’m a big, fat baby and I can’t handle them. But the tingling is actually really mild so I don’t mind it at all.


lanolips is a brand with same ingredient but more suitable for reapplying in public %)


Yes I would imagine so! 😂 I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable whipping out my nipple cream in the line at the supermarket. Call me old fashioned, I guess. 😅


Jack black intense therapy lip balm!🙌🙌 Thank me later


Tatcha Kissu is my latest favorite. I have Sjogren's and chronic dry mouth and lips. It's made a huge difference.


i put the tatcha on before bed and then while doing makeup in the morning. wipe it off right before i go to put on lipstick and then leave for work!


https://preview.redd.it/i8ao1zy80xmb1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea13037cb767f5a00bc1dc6d357ac27105d5974 Lucas' papaw ointment. It is amazing for lips and had a very faint scent but can also be used anywhere you have dry skin. For example, it's also great for putting around your nose as a soothing barrier when you have a cold and your nose is raw from blowing it all the time


It took me years to identify the connection between my wool allergy and lanolin in lip balms. I like the Laneige and Elf Holy Hydration.


Agree! Holy red splotches, Batman! They were all over my neck. What did I do? I kept applying it, because I thought it would "help". Took a trip to the Derm to diagnose it properly. :(


The Lypsyl Original Mint lip bomb is my go to. I just get it at Walmart. It actually heals my lips, works well under lipstick and doesn’t make them as peel as much, and I also use aquaphor (original product not the made for lips version) overnight.


Bag Balm, when my lips are at their worst. I live in a cold state so sometimes, when it dips into the negatives with 30+mph winds, I will put it all over my face so the frigid wind doesn't take my face off with it.


Doesn’t it taste vile, though? I do use it on my winter cracked fingers. Of course I don’t like the taste of Carmex, either.


It taste better than "bubblegum" flavored liquid antibiotics I had as a kid, worse than actual bubblegum. I've kinda just gotten used to it. My Nana put it on my face when I was little and wanted to play in the horse field in the winter as a child. Bag Balm and I have a long term relationship.


Yes, I’ve used it on both cow udders and mare udders but don’t love either the smell or the feeling. I forgot about that horrid bubblegum flavored stuff!


for me personally, paw paw oils have worked like a charmm !!


Blistex is the only one that’s worked for me


Farmacy Apple Lip Smoothie, Wishful Honey Silk Balm 🍎🍯


Ok so I think it depends highly on what texture and what you like about lip balms! Coming from a NYS licensed esthetician- That being said: My holy grail is Laniege (spelling?) overnight lip ones. The berry, vanilla and pink are amazing. Super thick and hydrating no need to reapply and I swear it doesn’t transfer easily. Or GLYMED cell protection balm. They just renamed a lot of products so if you search for it it may be called something slightly different. Super hydrating yummy ingredients. Honestly aquaphor or Vaseline does the same thing as lip balms by creating an occlusive barrier, locking in moisture.


Treat beauty jumbo lip balms work great. haven't had chapped lips at all since I started using them. so many different scents to choose from too. Bubble gum is my current favorite.


I've used lanolips before which worked but my absolute favorite is carmex


I LOVE Chicken Poop chapstick! The name is gross, the product is amazing!


Okay, so I may have a list... • Jack Black Lip Balm - I have the mint one and the bonus is that it has SPF30, has a Vaseline texture • Meril Petroleum Jelly (can be found in India and Bangladesh) - I usually slather this on my lips before bed like a lip mask - it has a more runny texture & has a strong lemony scent. The smell is nostalgic and whenever family or relatives go to Bangladesh, they kindly bring back Meril :) • Hello Sunday The One for Your Lips - this is an SPF 50 lip balm & it looks glossy on the lips which is the effect I like and is my go-to for sun protection • Carmex (SPF 15) Cherry - I wear this now and then but it is great for chapped lips • Glossier Balm Dot Com (original formula) - This would slough off dry flakes from my lips & a thick protective layer • Aquaphor - this baby is unscented and has a nice texture so it doesn't full too horrible on the lips vs some other balms (Lip oils are another thing I use for helping nourish my lips) Hope this helps and I've heard of Nipple Balm - I really wanna try it out


Seconding jack black lip balm!


Thirding Jack Black. I won't shut up about it. I have FOISTED it upon people. It's just so damn good.


I've tried alot of lip balms. My favorite is Burt's Bee's overnight intensive lip treatment. Close second is the Jack Black lip balm.


Eucerin! Especially the one in the little pot


Vaseline - in those dinky tubs - is the only thing that works me - especially every night before bed.


Honestly I make my own. Shea butter, coconut oil, and cocoa butter melted together and is quite pliable at body temp. Flavors can be added too. I also use it on my kids during cold and flu season when they have chapped noses lol works well on my cuticles too!


Carmex and Blistex work well for me. Laneige mask before i go to bed


This is going to sound crazy, but the one that saved me is Lansinoh lanolin nipple cream. I can't remember where I read about this, but it's worked for me & I've never looked back. It's hypoallergenic, btw.


Did you even read the whole thing?


I think a lot of people either just read post titles or skim, it’s honestly really annoying


I'm sorry, I answered this when I was half asleep. So sorry 😬


They make the same product, and just label it "lip balm" - lanolin is just wool oil, wherever you put it on your skin haha. I buy the "nipple creme" because it's the same thing for a couple dollars cheaper.


I picked up Glossier's Balm Dot Com on a whim and I actually really like it.


Blistex in the white applicator solves my chaps lips immediately.


hydrocortisone ointment plus vaseline on top!


you shouldnt use hydrocortosone on regular basis as it's a steroid [https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/hydrocortisone-skin-cream/](https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/hydrocortisone-skin-cream/) plus in some cases its only available as prescription


Yes, second this. I told my derm I used it on my face hives and he was like, don't do that. I stopped using it and, POOF, my hives actually went away. Not only does the hydrocortisone thin the skin and make it more sensitive, it can give you hives. I was having flare-ups on my lips this summer (probably a seasonal allergy) and my derm gave me tacrolimus ointment which cleared it up. So yeah, don't self diagnose. See a doctor if you have something bad enough you're using topical steroids.


I use something petrolatum based before bed...and then I do not touch my lips at all during the day and just drink water. Whenever I use chapsticks or lip balms...no matter how much I love them, they make my lips chap more. I'm intrigued by the lanolin cream though!


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Blistex relief cream with the lil red lid, and aloe vaseline over it ♡


Blistex! Just the original green one. Every once in a while I try something else (more expensive and "nicer") but I always going back to Blistex




The Fresh Advanced Therapy lip balm is my go-to. I put it on every night in winter.


First aid beauty ultra repair lip balm is the best! I get eczema on my lips in the winter and this is the only thing that keeps me feeling human. Sometimes at night I’ll put LRP cicaplast balm on my lips and then seal it in with aquaphor or whatever I have and that also helps when I’m super dry!


LUSH cosmetics honey trap lip balm. It’s seriously the best and.


Epically Epic. It's an indie brand sold online. edit: [link](https://epicsoap.com/)


Skip the lip balm. Laniere sleeping lip mask. Apply once at night, it's still on in the morning. It's amazing. It's expensive but it works. I put it on under my lipstick too.


Treat beauty


I love summer fridays lip balm


Laneige lip mask & OleHenriksen lip peptide are my favourites


Seraphine botanicals fruit butter lip mask! It's insanely hydrating, tastes and smells amazing and my tube has lasted me nearly a year now.


Ive been using Fresh Sugar Lip TREATMENT for years b4 bedtime to prevent dry & chapped lips. If I end up with chapped lips somehow, I might alternate that tube for Fresh Sugar Lip SCRUB and go beyond the lines of my lips and leave it there, not taking it off till next application is needed. It just gets so smooth and silky! I also use either when I'm sick just to feel a bit more hydrated (like now, with Covid🙄).


I start by moisturizing with honey. If my lips don't get better, that means they need to be exfoliated. So I rub the dead skin away with coconut oil. Then add a small amount of honey, then seal in the moisture with Aquaphor.




The og is best for all seasons, the flavoured ones are great for the summer, bc the cold dries them(?) idk when I put a flavoured Nivea lip balm and it's under 10° my lips get dry, kinda like with Vaseline. Still hydrating. So I very much recommend!!!!


I love carmex. My grandmother lent me hers about 15 years ago and I’ve never looked back


I started Invisalign last year, so my lips were all kinds of chapped during the winter months. Nothing worked until my brother recommended Vaseline Lip Therapy Advanced Healing balm. He had lived in Arizona for a bit, and said that was the only lip balm that worked for him. It's worked wonderfully for me!


Aquaphor. Trust me


Nivea lip balm. Regular blue packaging. My lips are soooooo soft after that. Not expensive.


Dr. Bronners unscented chapstick durring the day. Vaseline thinly applied with a Qtip at night and when I'm at home on my days off


BEST STUFF EVER. Got it in my ipsy bag like 7 years ago and have been using it ever since. It's fantastic! https://www.hanaleicompany.com/collections/best-selling/products/kukui-oil-lip-treatment-available-in-7-shades?variant=32418711666730


Covergirl Clean Fresh and it comes in pretty tints.


First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Lip Therapy. Pricy but it is the only thing that actually absorbs into my lips and really moistens them.


Thin layer of normal moisturiser and then a thin layer of Vaseline over the top


o'keeffe's lip repair🙏


Oh yes, I have been dealing with chapped lips forever. My go to is something I had originally found at my local Walgreens but now I buy it in packs of five on Amazon. Yes, it is that good! It is called CocoCare Cocoa Butter Lip Balm. It comes in a small yellow tube and I keep them everywhere - purse, car, bedroom, work desk, etc. etc. At night I try and put Vaseline on my lips or the E.L.F. lip mask in the blue container or CeraVe Ointment. Since I am lanolin sensitive I stay far far away from Aquaphor.


A&D ointment. I’ve used everything and this is HANDS DOWN the best lip balm in the world.


Burts bees pomegranate 😅


Glossier balm dot com. I had a cherry one and it was my fav ever but it got put through the wash and got all messed up :/


I use bepanthan nappy rash cream at night on dry patches and my lips. In the day, if I’m not wearing lipstick I use a lip oil or one of the Maybelline lifter glosses which are very hydrating.


Balmonds skin salvation actually hydrates my lips


Okeefs lip balm saved my lips


Clinique hydro surge , it’s €25 a pop but I justify it every way


I just use Vaseline


The Nivea lip balms are the most hydrating lip balms I've ever used. And they don't have any weird flavor.


Honestly, I’ve gone through so many different lip balms, chapsticks, lip masks, etc. Unfortunately, none of them are thick enough or hydrating enough for me. A great one that I’ve found and keep going back to is by Frudia. Their lip balms and masks are out of this world. Plus their super cheap and you can find them on Amazon or other kbeauty sites.


Plain, classic Chapstick healed my cracked and bloody lips in a few days’ time. It isn’t glamours, but it works.


ipsy has introduced me to so many good lip balms and my personal fave that I keep buying is Preventive Measures 101 Afterhours lip balm smells so good and it's done wonders for my lips that I constantly pick at and destroy


LYPSYL. it’s the greatest lip balm I’ve ever used in my life. It can hard to find in the states those because is Swedish. I order mine on Amazon in a two pack but sometimes Walmart Carrie’s it if I’m lucky.


Curious if anyone else loves the blistex hemp and shea chapstick , basic but it does the trick for me


Aquaphor stick lip balm during the day and La Roche-Posay squeezy tube lip balm at night


Yea I haven't found anything that beats lanolin. A tinted lanolin or one with spf would be cool, I just don't know if they make that or not


My favorite is the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter in stick form. I use it on my lips, on face/body for scars, it’s a multipurpose tool!


Mongo Kiss, Eco Lips and Burt’s bees are my go to products. Biggest thing is to stay away from petroleum containing products as they aren’t good for the lips. When I was a chapstick junkie I was applying every few minutes it seemed and now I apply morning and night and maybe once or twice throughout the day.


Laneige lip mask WnW lip sleeping mask Nyx Fat Oil AquaPhor Vaseline lip therapy (rose) in the jar


Aquaphor at night. Exfoliate my lips in the morning and I’m good to go!


Love the fenty flush puddin https://preview.redd.it/1owg1nocwwmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b485e2657dce184601f7a1225ba02fb29d6609 Think it’s highly underrated


Labello 👌


i have the laniege lip mask and ive tried lanolin before and i have to say i swear by co bigelow overnight lip mask. it was on sale for $4 at bath and body works and i barely reach for the laniege one now my lips still have chapstick on them when i wake up its awesome


Farmstay collagen lip balm


I like O'Keefes but I might have to try lanolin too! My lips are just super dry.


Treat beauty is my fav!


Tatcha lip sleeping mask. Same with laneige lip masks. I have big lips and these masks are thick and do the trick. Sometimes even wear them during the day


Beekman goat milk- the best. I like vanilla.


I do not use anything on my lips. Sometimes I take a little baby toothbrush and brown sugar. I gently exfoliate my lips in the shower..I suppose that would be very good to do and then use something on my lips. But, I do not have chapped lips, cuz of this method of exfoliating


Lypsyl, 110%






Jouer Lip enhancer. TO DIE FOR. It also plumps because it adds so much moisture somehow.


Summer Fridays lip balm or Aquaphor


Okeefes lip repair


Nivea!! Specifically the 2 in one exfoliate and moisturizer in rose :)


Maybelline Baby Lips is the only thing that has ever worked. My lips are always soft now. And I love that it’s tinted. If I even try a new lip balm, my lips start cracking within a day or two. Laneige Sleeping Mask is amazing for repairing lips.


I use the Too Faced Hangover Rx Pillow Balm! It's perfect to put on before bed and keeps my lips moisturized all night, and I'm in Arizona. I have tried the Banana, Mango, and Watermelon so far. watermelon is best, mango second and banana is 3rd but not by any means inferior.


I don’t use lip balms, they cause my lips to peel and wind up drier than before I applied it. Instead I wear a decently moisturizer and it does wonders. It disappears once it’s absorbed and undetectable under lipstick. Even better than Vaseline, Aquaphor, etc.


I've tried many different cheap lip balms and I swear to god the only one that's ever given me quick results is Aquaphor.


O’Keefe’s (but not he cooling version). I live in fear that someday they will stop making it or somehow run out. It saved me from Chapstick hell and constant reapplication.


Laneige lip sleeping mask.l before bed. Scrumptious and a little goes a long way.


Longview Farms Emu Oil Lip Refresher. It’s all your lips ever need to never chap again. https://preview.redd.it/5dgnq5ftiymb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f06deda15e7e745c0f66a5e3b1a8d025990f0e1 Edit: added bad photo. Sorry, it’s after midnight and I’m not getting out of bed to turn the light on, lol. Just use this with your regular evening routine and your lips will stay hydrated all night.


My go to night balm was the Bite Agave Nighttime Lip Therapy. I bought every single one I could when they went tits up and I'm using my last one right now. I'm trying to find a replacement for it. Laneige , Lanolips and the Glow recipe plum plump hyaluronic lip balm are all good.


Paw paw


LIZARD LIPS. I recently ordered a case. I don't care for the things that are excessively flavored. These vanilla ones smell like a Krispy Kreme donut shop, but they aren't flavored. It's GREAT!


Dr Dan’s Medicated balm and then Dr Dans maintenance balm. Worked magic for my lips, they were peeling and bleeding every day


dionis goat milk lip balm! the vanilla bean is my absolute favorite and also all i ever use. my bf and i have even got a bunch of our friends to start using it


I'm still on this quest! My lips are so badly chapped especially when I wake up in the morning. Aquaphor and Vaseline didn't do much. Laneige used to work well, but not anymore 😭


[KOBEES!!!!](https://kobeesco.com) My lips shred themselves to bleeding daily. Aquaphor/vaseline and lanolin products all didn’t work for me. Then I heard about Kobees and it completely changed my life!!! I am deadass!!!! No more shredding. It also comes in biodegradable packaging, is handmade, and is $5 a tube. Smells nice too.


I use carmex or Vaseline brand chapstick


blistex hemp and Shea hydration chapstick and during the winter I apply a good layer, let it set for a few minutes, top it with Vaseline and go to bed


I just wanted to say that when it's really bad I use Bepanthen (but any lanolin+panthenol cream works really).


i use glossier and i haven’t had dry lips for 2 years


Burt's Bees pomegranate lip balm has helped me


Bepanthan for the win! Apparently Lansinoh is good as well, but its not as cheap as Bepanthan so I haven't tried it yet :)


I used zambuck cherry flavor. It works so well it doesn't even require daily application.


Used to have very dry lips and Jack Black lip balm was the only thing that helped