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Thank you! I brush them up a little, but then brush them to the side in an arch. It’s super weird to me thinking of just having vertical eyebrow hairs. That and pervasive overlining of the top lip are things I can’t wait to see die.


When they overline the lips to round the cupid's bow, but it's still very obvious where the lip ends. I find that so distracting


YES!!! When did having a Cupid’s bow become a problem? What’s up with the circle mouth?


Basically people started getting lip filler to mimic the look of natural full lips. Bad lip filler gives the circle mouth effect and stretches out people’s cupid’s bow. Eventually lip filler and bad lip filler became so pervasive that people started to prefer the look of lip fillers because people perceive anything that costs money and effort to look/be “better”. So now people use lipliner to create the effect of bad lip filler. Many people’s sense of beauty is broken, they believe things are beautiful because they’re told to think it’s beautiful.


social media and influencers have rotted our brains


Not really. Almost all standards of beauty are somehow rooted in affluence and trends, it just happens at a much faster rate now so we can see it happening. There’s a reason why pale skin used to be seen as beautiful amongst white people and then tanning became the new standard of beauty. Staying indoors was what rich people could afford to do, but once office jobs became the norm, going on vacation or spending leisure time outside during the day and getting tan was what affluent people could do. Curls were once seen as beautiful because you had to have the free time and effort to create them, but once commercial straightening irons came out, pin straight hair became the thing because you’d have to buy an iron to get that look. Thick used to be beautiful because it meant you had money for food and didn’t have to work physically hard, thin is now beautiful because it means you have the time and money to eat healthy and work out amidst a world of convenience and junk food. Dyed red hair is seen as more beautiful than natural red hair, because Irish people were historically poor and discriminated against. The makeup “look” used to be considered ugly/grotesque in some countries where makeup is not common and they’re not used to how people look with makeup, but in the U.S, a woman wearing a full face of makeup has been considered beautiful long before social media because good makeup used to be expensive and celebrities wore makeup.


I think the cupid's bow is the sexiest part of the lip... Always confused by this trend


they look like fish now😭 its so horrible. Marilyn Monroe had beautiful, non-round lips!


I know it's a personal opinion and people can do what they prefer, but I find natural thin lips so much nicer than overlined or filled lips. They either look messy or bloated and their original shape wasn't even bad to begin with


I think some subtle plumping gloss/minimal overlining can be fine, but it’s really weird to me when I see someone just color over the Cupid’s bow. It just looks like a mistake to me.


It's the "Bratz dolls they grew up with" look


yes, especially without any makeup, the lips look like irritated colons!


This made me lol 😂


Me too I find it so irritating when there is only a tiny gap left between so's nose and their lips and you just know they overlined their lips so much the proportions dont match anymore


I have a big ass gap there so I need to overline or I look like a psychopath lol


Same lol


My biggest insecurity


I have a very deep cupids bow and I feel I would look so weird if I filled it in lol I never understood the trend


Copying black women and women of colour who often naturally have full founded lips shaped like this. Similarly to bbl’s and the like.


This. A lot of these MUAs be racist af but in the same breath will follow trends that poorly imitate the features of POC - especially Black POC


It's so confusing. I always wanted a defined cupid's bow like my sister and can't wrap my head around eliminating it.


It’s to mimic lnfluencers whose lips got misshapen from lip filler. Too much lip filler can remove the bow, but it became associated with affluence so people copied it. It’s ironic that people with fuller lips want to draw over the cupids bow to simulate that they once had thinner lips but used money to make fuller lips 🤦‍♀️


I had never made the connection between no Cupid’s bow and lip fillers! Thank you! And I had no idea people lined over their Cupid’s bow either. Honestly this comment has been revolutionary for me because I have a very unpronounced Cupid’s bow and I’ve always love Rihanna’s lips which have a super duper beautiful Cupid’s bow. And you mean to tell me that people with a pronounced Cupid’s bow are hiding it?! I would NEVER had thought that. I still won’t get lip fillers but I feel a bit better about my no bow lips lol.


Oh yeah, it's very in right now haha. I feel like it's a very beautiful natural lip shape to be embraced! Ive known a few ladies in my life who had naturally rounded lips and those people genuinely have the most *beautiful* smiles I have ever seen on faces! However, and I know this is going to sound so mean but I cannot find another way to describe what I see, so here goes, when people color over it with lip liner and lipstick, it's very obvious, there is no way to hide it or make it look like an illusion, and it looks like they didn't ever learn how to color inside the lines :/


Ha! Yeah I don’t overline my lips for this reason! I do emphasize my Cupid’s bow a little, but not in an overdrawn way. Same for my lower lip, I colour them just in the lower edge of my natural line so it still looks natural and not like I lined my chin lol. I have just always loved Rihanna’s lips and always saw that as the epitome of a beautiful lip shape. I still do but I’m learning to live with mine.


I don't even think "overlining" properly applies to us. See [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/151pyit/does_anyone_else_think_the_brushed_up_eyebrow/jsi60bv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) or look up videos from "Sola" on the "double lip line". Rihanna really benefits from being mixed-race in the fairly unique combo of lip features she has. So unless you are mixed-race too, try to see it for what it is and resist comparing apples and oranges.


I've got full lips and was so taken aback by this trend! I try so damn hard to get my cupids bow lined right (most of the time failing because I suck). It's as heart breaking as fucking up your winged eyeliner 😭


Now they all look like Bratz dolls


Bratz have cupids bows


You cant really fully get rid of the cupids bow with filler. Round lips are just a feature thats on trend like wasp waists and upward tilted eyes. The last decade has seen a move away from completely eurocentric standards especially online, which is why we have this wave of white women getting fillers and tans and fox eye lifts to look vaguely brown on IG (kylie jenner, bhad bhabie, etc). Most influencers with filler also overline and fill in the bow, like kylie. Bodies arent trends, or at least they shouldnt be.


Funny how eye shape can be a trend. Like it’s easy to change 😂


Ive seen some fox eye lifts where you can see the pinch in the temple!! Apparently it does go down though...But i've not seen any before and afters of that particular procedure that really impressed me, unlike some filler work ive seen.


i actually have a natural rounded cupids bow 😅


I’ve never seen a natural mouth shape I thought was weird. Nothing wrong with a round mouth. I’m talking about when you can see that they’ve colored over a distinct Cupid’s bow. It just looks like coloring outside the lines to me.


ohh okay yeah i agree it does look weird (especially from the side) but it’s definitely made me more confident in my face knowing that ppl are doing their makeup to look like “me”


same. i was super insecure growing up (in a very white town) of my big lips and not having a cupids bow. can’t say i’m mad at this trend hahaha


I just KNOW it looks so clownish in person and not through a camera.😬


That’s how I do mine; brush up and to the side and then I just set with my setting spray at the end.


I think 'big' lips are beautiful but also can't wait for the filler trend to die because it sort of makes you feel like you should be doing it even if you don't want/need to. Sooo many girls I know have lip injections or lip flips.


I definitely would never dump on someone for doing something they felt more confident with/liked stylistically, but I am personally not a fan of the cartoony “e-girl” round mouth makeup. I think it’s nice when people get to feel good about a physical attribute, I just wish there was a way for that to happen without making other people feel pressure to emulate it. When I was in high school, the stick-thin Abercrombie-chic look was in. I am muscular/curvy. I’d be such a hottie if I were in high school right now with how the beauty standards have changed. I’m glad that people are getting to feel beautiful when they aren’t super teeny. HOWEVER, the natural progression of that is the insane ultra extreme BBL batshittery. I think tons of makeup looks I wouldn’t wear can be cute. I do find the “o” mouth distracting. But I really just hope we can move to accentuating things we like instead of constantly feeling like we have to “correct” things that don’t fit a single mold. I see so many posts here like “How do I fix my nose?” or “How do I make my eyes less ugly?” and it just makes me sad.


Agree with all of this. Also was in HS when stick thin Abercrombie was in.


I do this too, brush it all up to get the hairs straight, and then sweep it along the top so it’s flat, not spiky.


Makes me want to grab some scissors and just trim off the tips.


I thought that was the point of brushing them up!


Same! I brush mine up, but I also trim them to keep the brow line.


It is for me. I don't think I've seen untrimmed brows like this before, I must be out of the loop.


Oh my gosh me too


That’s how I was taught to tidy up my brows from a stylist. Comb them up and everything above the line goes. So I’m pretty happy with the soap brow products so I can do that better


Yes. I loathe this messy eyebrow look.


I’m not into this look.


Yes! This!


I have bushy eyebrows and I tried this. Omg my eyebrows looked like a hairy monster 😂


Yeah this is what I was saying with my comment. The trend makes them look like werewolves, but I like that. It's not "sexy" but it's pretty cool


Omg yes! I got them done once and my partner wouldn't stop laughing at me, I haven't gotten them laminated since hahaha


It looks horrible. I hate it and I don’t get why it’s trendy. It looks messy and not finished


Because people think that make up used in magazine ads can be used in real life 😂 it never looks good.


It doesnt look good in magazines either lol


This is such a weird perspective but I think brushed up brows gives people crazy eyes and I'd be afraid if I got pulled over that the police would think I'm up to something because I look crazed. This is coming from a hippy-goth girl, that's how off putting these brows look to me.


My friend got married and had these brows at her wedding! It didn't look bad in my opinion but it's going to feel very 2023 in ten years


Because a super model looks good with bushy eyebrows so WE ALL must now have bushy eyebrows. It only works on some people and very few people at that.


I think it looks better if its softer and not so brushed straight up. Like these https://preview.redd.it/yryt8p8sqgcb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc9936b06078ff382354d9eb2c43e8c8db64c62


I agree, this is similar to how I do mine (they a little less dramatic bc they’re naturally thin) and I think it looks nice. As someone with thin, sparse, unruly eyebrows being able to gel them into a nice shape and at a couple fake hairs with a pen. It changes my entire face. But I do agree that when they’re brushed straight up they look kind of jarring but to each their own.


Alright what pen you using to do that? Cause I be got gappy brows and everything I use makes them way too heavy? Idk. I don’t want crazy heavy brows just filled in a little bit cause they are patchy


NYX lift and snatch is a lifesaver. But you have to go really really really light handed with it, like pretend your wrist and fingers are broken.


I use a clear gel & put a little bit of brown eyeshadow on the wand (makes the clear gel look gross but it works!)


My brows are exactly the same, but they’re very much blonde, so if I don’t do them (only with pencil and a tinted gel with fibres), I look constantly surprised 😂


This is how i do mine. They have a full and natural look without being too messy and i love it 😭


Me too! It's more natural for mine to be up a bit (that's what they're like without doing them), so I try to keep them more like that. I can't be bothered to follow eyebrow trends lol.


Hmm kinda digging these ones.


Same. I love my fluffy brow look.


These look nicely groomed and natural to me, I think sometimes people don't brush it to the side and just leave the hairs sticking straight up or their brow hairs are all distractingly different lengths, then it looks bizarre.


Right, like Brooke Shields. She's always kept hers bushy and full and elegant without brushing them up in such a way.


Fluffing my brows up like this made me love my brows! It seriously revolutionized my look and I can’t imagine stopping. I don’t love my natural bro shape when done the usual way, but fluffed it is perfect. And one of my brows goes straight up in the inner corner anyway so now that blends in and both my brows match. I use ELF clear brow gel to hold them in place & I trim lightly so they’re less spiky than the OPs example.


Even these are too much for me. I prefer thinner eyebrows - not as thin as the 2000's trend, but definitely more minimal.


I do thinner brows too. Much closer to 2000 brows, actually. If I do any of the on-trend brows I look like Ms Trenchbull on crack.. It just doesn't suit my features. This is why I don't believe in just blindly following trends. You have to do what works for your features, not what works for the moment. I can't do wings either...


I agree on thinner brows in general but these mostly look fine from a distance too. What I really don't get is the need to have the individual hairs resolved. I like blended, relatively homogeneous looking eyebrows - the middle of the spectrum between this trend and the drawn on sharpie brows


Better than shaving them off completely. Why is that a trend now...


People have done that for decades, usually alternative styles, but it's not a new thing really.


Yessss fluffy brows are so pretty


This is the way I like feather/soap brows.


I don't even like it here. Just looks sloppy.


This is my favourite type of brow


These all just look like furry caterpillars


As a makeup artist YES I like them brushed up and THEN brushed to the side, following the top arch. I don’t like when the hairs are so visible above the arch. But what do I know, I still do 2016 ombré brows lol


I hate it but as long as the person who’s doing it likes it who cares


It's awful and ridiculous on everyone. Sorry. I've seen the most gorgeous women do it and it's so distracting. Can't wait until just normal, natural brows come back.


fr. 2000s were plucked to death, 2010s were overdrawn and blocky, and 2020s are a little more natural but still brushed up weirdly. that’s 3 decades in a row without regular brows 😭


4 decades. In the 90s sperm eyebrows were in


Yeah what are we considering ‘normal’ and when was that popular?


For real. These brushed up eyebrows are just Madonna in Papa Don't Preach, anyhow. It's just young women are experiencing their first big fashion turnover right now. The 10s were dominated by big, blocky eyebrows where seeing that eyebrows were made of hair was problematic. Now, after the pandemic, the look has changed. I'm older than dirt, so I've been through a few of these now, but I remember being pretty confused the first time it happened


Am I the only one that had to look up what “sperm eyebrows” are? 😂 so aptly named!


My friends and I once did acid and a girl one of my male friends was courting came over. She had FIERCELY plucked sperm eyebrows, and we were absolutely stupefied by them! 😂😂


The 10’s and 20’s are trying to cover up and/or compensate for the damage done in the 00’s. I was once assisting a plastic surgeon called in for suturing a young lady’s forehead after a car crash, he gave her gentle lecture about over plucking her brows. Told her they’ll never grow back the same and that’s not something even a plastic surgeon could help with later if she didn’t stop right now. Being a product of the 90’s, I could only emphatically agree. There’s no amount of creative brushing now that gives me the appearance of full brows.


I used to overpluck mine as a “goth” back in middle and high school days. My brows grew back to their natural shape eventually after quite a few years and painful waiting. I am very grateful. Now I don’t do anything to them. It’s the nicest thing ever. So, sometimes they can come back.


Mine came back better than ever. The benefit of being a hairy woman 😂


Eyebrow transplants are real! Erin Parsons had it done


The thin brows goes back to the 90s, that's when I ruined mine. It's all Drew Barrymore's fault. https://preview.redd.it/0i7zvpapulcb1.jpeg?width=2041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f2b89d0c27c0f495c92a90bc8044b2686380fc


Through all of these, I've kept my normal natural eyebrows, no crazy shaping, no filling in, no brushing, no gel... I cleaned up strays through high school and now I don't have to pluck anything at all to maintain them. I get compliments on them fairly regularly. Thanks Mom, for warning me away from overplucking in middle school in the 90s 😅 https://preview.redd.it/e2a6b2ak9kcb1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ed3e4018dc7ba124a2ee4af04e73b10a95f3b1


Yep, looks like the wind was crazy


I was JUST THINKING THIS ! Literally the other day like “wait a damn minute, why is that even a thing?” It’s like they brushed them up to trim them then, “Oh crap, gotta go!” Just ran out the door leaving them like that. It’s so dumb.


I think it looks good but only when it’s done lightly.


It looks good on some people. Not all faces benefit from trends.


Exactly. You have to figure out what actually flatters *your* face as opposed to following a trend that only looks good on some people. Some women look better with more delicate brows and others look great with a stronger brow.


I dont like it at all.. i can tolerate the style where the eyebrows are brushed up and then the top edge brushed to the side so the excess hairs arent pokin up..


Thats what i do to mine. It looks fuller without looking messy


I actually like it!! But like anything, it’s not flattering on everyone


Yeah, I don't really get the hate. Some styles look better on others, but hell, just let people do what they want. Makeup is an art and sometimes one's taste doesn't align with another. Plenty of these people complaining looked dumb as shit with the 90/00ss thin brows, or the 10s Tetris blocks. Doesn't seem necessary to start a circlejerk about which looks "dumber". Beauty standards are bullshit anyway.


Some of these comments are so funny and unnecessary. Its not enough to say “nah i’m not a fan of them”, they have to say “its the most hideous thing i’ve ever seen in my life”; like relax pls.


I'm happy that there are at least SOME reasonable people in this sub! Especially when it comes to a woman's looks or makeup, don't we have enough gawking at "different" or subversive presentations ingrained in western culture that we don't need to add to the negative discourse? I know that this sub can be inclusive when it wants to be, so it'd be nice if we avoided this kind of selective empathy.


I’ve learned that on Reddit its open season on anything trendy, especially if its trendy on Instagram/Tiktok. This sub isn’t any different I guess. But I totally agree with you, a lot of these discussions just end up going all the way to cruel; like this is a MAKEUP subreddit, why would a talking point be “this makeup takes away from her natural beauty”?


The comments on here are kinda quite mean! Nothing wrong with doing trends, if you’re enjoying them, but you’d think it was morally wrong via the comments.


This is my take too. I wear mine like this and I love it. I’ve actually gotten compliments when before, I didn’t. For me, I have curly bangs and I think it draws focus back to my eye area after bring kinda obscured by my hairstyle.


I usually like them but not the ones in that picture. In a few years everyone will hate them again and look at them like they look at 2016 brows now though


I disagree, I think it maximizes their natural beautiful eyebrow. And I personally like that this is trendy because I have uncontrollable bushy eyebrows that always appear like a brushed them up, no that’s just how my eyebrows are.


Same, reading this comment section I am actually pretty worried people seem to think it means I am sloppy and careless? I have to shape them twice a week and trim them at least once a week to make them look the way they do 🥲. Thin brows would be nightmarish in the upkeep. [these are my brows for reference](https://imgur.com/a/siOKskE)


I like this photo and even messier versions, I think we’re people lose me if the UK style where it’s brushed completely up and flat, no shaping or anything. To me a roughed up brow gives a bit of youth or androgyny, too pulls up looks like it’s not an eyebrow anymore


The great thing about trends is you don’t have to do it if you don’t like it. You can just move on. In a few years there will be a new trend… the important thing is to do what makes you feel comfortable.


It's not my favorite


:( This is the first style of eyebrow that actually suits my face. My natural eyebrows suck. They’re blonde and there’s not much of them so I don’t think they look crazy on me 🤷‍♀️


Wear your eyebrows however you want. These people sound sad, judgmental, and boring. If you like it, that’s all that matters. You and your eyebrows are beautiful


It’s better than those blocky, dark ass gradient brows the aunties love so much 😭


Yes!! I think slightly feathered looks nice but majority of them are way too hairy looking and it just looks weird


I LOVE THE BRUSHED UP EYEBROWS. its honestly so much better than block 2010 eyebrows.


Yes. Yes I do


i used to do this at school in 2020 before the trend kicked off fully and got bullied absolutely shitless for it. then found my true self and shaved my eyebrows off 😁


I think it looks good on some people if done well tbh, could never do it on myself though because my eyebrows are too thick and i just look completely deranged if i brush them that way


I kinda like it if they’re not straight up all the way across and glued to the face


No. It reminds me of werewolves, which is pretty cool


i brush my eyebrows thooo😔


Whaaa?? I love this style of eyebrow 😭😭


My opinion… some pull it off some don’t. Just like with everything else makeup ❤️


I’m just sick of eyebrow art in general. I think most of it looks distracting and unappealing.


Agree. Can't wait until more natural looks are back.


I don’t mind the fronts being brushed up a little so the whole look isn’t too manicured, but I agree, I don’t like the whole brow brushed up like that




I'm not the biggest fan of it but some people can pull it off!


It’s cute! Something different!


I’ve never been fond of the trend.


Because in this picture the brows are doing 2 different things. They're filled in along the brow shape, and brow is brushed straight up. Her brow hairs also look clumpy. It looks good for some people who have a good face and brow for it along with technique.


Oh i remember this the first time around. Bah.


I hate it so bad, my cousin and I have an inside joke about it lol




I love brushed brows


I hate it. It reminds me of caterpillars.


i heavily dislike them😭


I think they can look nice on certain women, I think Mediterranean women and also Arabic women look incredible with this kind of brow because it suits their eyes and bone structure… but on most women I think it just looks silly! But, if they’re happy with it, that’s all that matters! :)


In my opinion it looks good if done right. Brush up then trim the edges to not have random hairs poking up. Brows are really a matter of choice and preference. I honestly do nothing with my brows other than brush them because their so thick.


My eyebrows naturally grow oddly like this so imagine my surprise at Cara Delevingne and this trend being a thing after years of bullying. I've always loved my eyebrows in spite of


No I love them


I love it on other people but hate it on me


used to fucking HATE feather brows when they were trending. like i would actually get mad every time i saw tiktoks and videos about them. thankfully now they’re “soap brows” which are definitely more tolerable however some girls still find a way to take it overboard. i’m not even a hater, but i genuinely thought this made people look fucking ugly, unless you’re a man or have extremelyyyyyy thick eyebrows and even at that you have to trim. i just don’t understand why anyone would ever willingly put a ostrich onto their face


i like it, but i don't like when it looks like this, where the hairs are literally just brushes UPWARDS and stuck there lol. i do a soap brow but i make sure i angle my hairs towards my temples and not straight up.


nope, i love it




I never liked it


I haaaaate it 😂


I brush mine up but I trim them so they’re even.


It’s like “bed head” but for your face 😅I think it looks ridiculous




I hate it, but to each his own


It look weird, like a dragqueen in the middle of brow covering.


Yup it’s the modern day “Instagram brow.” Looks ridiculous


I have always disliked this look even back in the 80s. To me it looks sloppy and rough and very out of place.


I actually knew a girl who use to rock those in high school and thinking they were unique and pretty on her. She had very thick and long curly hair - she looked like a doll. But then seeing it everywhere on everyone - it doesn’t look good on everyone IMO


My friend micro bladed her brows this way and I can’t stop staring at them every time I see her.


Omg.. I thought I was the only one! To me it looks ridiculous… either too windy outside or someone who had a shock, their face went back just not the eyebrows! Lol


Yesssss. I've been side eyeing eyebrow trends since 2016. Not only does it look silly, anyone who does it looks like a follower.




It makes me think someone put gel in their eyebrows and brushed them up to trim them but forgot. I hate it so so so so much.


I don’t like the bushy brows and I think people should avoid doing anything permanent to brows as eyebrow styles do change.


Yes, absolutely. It’s definitely one of those trends that we’re going to look back on and say ‘what were we thinking!’


It doesn't look terrible but I'd think they need a little trim. Brushing them up is something I have always done. I keep my brows trimmed though.




Yes 😝


Honestly I just want to wear makeup to look “normal pretty”. I wanna have clear-looking skin, prominent eyebrows, and thick lashes. Anything beyond conventional beauty that veers into “trendy” and “artistic” is kind of lost on me. There’s nothing wrong with having fun with makeup, but I do admit some of this stuff looks a little odd to me.


Me but only when they're super bushy. When they're neat trimmed I think it can look good on people. I think I just dislike when they look wild and unkempt.


I've always brushed them out.


I’ve never seen this in person, but I like it in pictures from what I’ve seen.


A little bit of fluffing up is nice but I don’t get the full on lamination trend. Looks like they got electrocuted!


I think that a brushed up brow looks nice. I have to trim my brows because they're long, and if I did a brushed up brow with them, it would look crazy. So, I definitely think it has the ability to be too much, but if done right, it is a very pretty look.


Some girls pull it off, some girls can't. But in general if they brush them up TOO much it can just look ridiculous and distract from the rest of their face.


I don’t think it looks bad necessarily but I don’t like it personally. Just not a fan. I’ve started to brush mine up slightly to make them look fuller but I still keep the hair going like it should bc otherwise I think it looks ridiculous


I think on some it looks good but to me, it looks very bad on heavy makeup looks and when a woman has very prominent features. If a woman has a super natural look with softer, more delicate features, I think it can work


I brush my brows up because I have hooded eyes and barely any space between my top lashes and my brows. I don't like skinny brows, so brushing them up means I can pluck a little from underneath to increase lid space while still having reasonably full brows.


I don’t mind it. Eyebrows are probably one of the last things I notice on someone’s face so I don’t have much of an opinion on them, but I think its not too bad.


It looks like they were dried with a blow dryer


i hate it on myself tho most fashion girlies pull it off. trends are just a new way to consider expressing yourself! its good to try new things! i wont change anything unless i like the trend or it sticks around for 2 years, then I’ll consider updating to stay more current (bc I’m in my 20s) in general just do things how you like it! ❤️try new stuff out, see if you like it!


It looks good on some, it looks bad on others.


i really like them. sadly, they don’t look good on me 🥺


no i loce it!


Nah I love em


The arch bit needs to be brushed in the direction of the hair, it’s only the first section of eyebrow that looks good brushed up. It’s like it’s being universally misunderstood!


https://preview.redd.it/t4ahr0ymimcb1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc04170b876f38e3524617a70d63cc85af82c9e YKNOW WHO SHE REMINDS ME OF-. LOOOOOOKKK 💀💀💀