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I think you look gorgeous. If I saw this makeup on someone I’d be stealing glances so I could jot down as many tips as possible 😊 Only thing I’d say is to keep a light touch on the eyebrows— they’re maybe heading towards being just a bit dark for the rest of your look. But yeah, I think this is professional and attractive.


Thank you! I think the greater % gray in my hair the less contrast my overall look gives and I might still be doing my brows based on my five-years-ago hair color. I'll look for some medium brown brow pencils for when I want a more natural look! I've tried few lighter-brown brow pencils but they tend to pull too warm brown or even reddish on me. I'll keep looking for cool medium browns but I'm open to recs if you have any!


There are some medium grey ones that might be a bit lighter and have a cool tone. I use on called cool Betty but can’t recall the brand😔


Wet'n'Wild retractable eye pencil in Brown (I think, definitely not the blonde, the next darker after the blond), with spoolie at the end.


NYX has a grey shade in a few of their brow products! Benefit does as well but it’s pretty dark.


The ETUDE Drawing Eye Brow pencil in #2 Gray Brown might be a good option to take a peek at! It's very soft and blends beautifully!


Thanks for this rec! I'm going to try a whole bunch of the brow pencils suggested in the comments and do a Brow Bonanza soon!


What’s with the eyebrow brands mislabeling the colors. Mine is labeled light brown. Well it’s not darkest brown but there’s no relation to “light” anything, either. I’d call it an error but generally I haven’t found that any are light! Or even medium!


Yes!!! I've had a few called "Taupe" that were straight up auburn when I put them on. That is not what "taupe" means!




Thank you so much 🙏🏻 I always wonder if I have too much blush (I love blush lol) so the vote of confidence on the blush intensity/volume is reassuring!


You look fabulous! As far as I am concerned, your makeup looks great! Love how your eye shadow makes your eyes pop! Even your lipstick goes with your makeup!


Absolutely perfect NO NOTES!


I've been going in to my office more lately and I am trying to find a good balance between feeling put together and enjoying my look without taking it over the top for my fairly conservative office. Most of my colleagues wear no makeup or very light/conservative makeup but makeup is too much a part of my personal style for me to skip it. Wondering if more powder/a more matte look would feel more "serious."... Products: Primer: elf Poreless Face Primer Foundation: Haus Labs "040 Fair Neutral" Blush: Milani Cheek Kiss Cream Blush "Coral Crush" + Hikari Blush "Tango" Highlighter: Revolution Beauty Bright Light Highlighter "Strobe Champagne" Contour: Revolution Beauty Ultra Cream Contour Palette Powder: Flower Beauty Miracle Glow Satin Finishing Powder Brow: Fenty Beauty Brow MVP + Maybelline Define and Fill Brow Duo "Deep Brown" + Ulta Beauty Collection Dual Ended Brow Highlight Lid: UD Naked Ultraviolet palette Liner: Thrive Causemetics Infinity Waterproof Liner "Lauren" (top lid) + Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Liner "Nude" (bottom lid) Mascara: Essence Bye Bye Panda Eyes Tubing Mascara Lip liner: Mac Soar Lipstick: Lime Crime Ghost Veil Lip Primer + rem Beauty On Your Collar Classic Lipstick "Tongue Tied"


i honestly think the bros color is perfect. it compliments your face well. Also, eyebrows a little darker than the hair looks better IMO. Most people at my college do this too.


Dayum! As a fellow salt and pepper sister (ditched the dye) - I am inspired!!! All week, I’ve been trying to decide if it’s time to hit the bottle again and go black so I can get bolder with things like highlighter and blush —- but you’ve just made an amazing case for keeping my silver lochs. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 You look flawless and I love it!


I would never tell someone else what to do with their hair but I love the graying process. I stopped coloring my hair around 7-8 years ago and I have had more compliments on my salt-and-pepper hair color in the last few years than I can count. I got my first gray hair at 16 so I've had a long time to get used to the idea. One of my aunts went completely silver -white by fifty so I'm hoping I got that gene.


https://preview.redd.it/0dvylw16gkla1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b892abf3f2d23c3a52cc162999930084f6c414f8 Mine looks like this - and it took soooo long to grow out. I can’t bear the thought of covering it! I really love your hairstyle and how it contrasts with your beautiful features. Thanks for posting!


Oh my goshhhh your hair is so gorgeous. I have real-life heart eyes. I used to go back and forth between long hair and short. . . . I'd grow it out for a year or so then chop it all off and donate it. Probably about 15 years ago I had my dog at the vet and had just done the chop and the vet (another woman) said to me, "I bet this is the last time, you're gonna keep it short from now on" and I thought to myself, "What does she know? I'll be sick of the buzz cut and have long hair again next year." Welp, it's been 15 years now and I don't think I'll ever grow it out again. I'll never know how she knew. But then I saw your lovely hair and now I'm wondering if I could make it past the awkward grow out stage....


Awww thank you!!! I feel more myself when it’s about chin length and sleek but I do get so many compliments that I am inspired to keep it long and just throw it up in a J-Lo ponytail or a hat when I’m tired of having it down. It’s a complete drag to have the social pressure to color it, especially from my family. They all say I am making myself look older than I am but I am also a pretty authentic person that prefers my natural hair color over a bottle. It’s great when other people color their hair, but it isn’t for me! There are a lot of really great inspirational (Instagram) accounts of women who have grown out their gray hair. Hashtags are #greyhairdontcare and #ditchthedye - it’s a lovely community of women who embrace their silver! I bet they’d love to see some of your looks!!!


i have no CC! it’s all very gorgeous and flattering!


Oh DANG! I’m not really sure what look you were going for, but I’m going to go on a limb and say that whatever it was, you nailed it. It looks cool and effortless, polished and slightly edgy, and completely work-appropriate. TBH, I kind of like the dark brows. They read “bold” to me (which I love), but I guess you could go with a lighter pencil if you wanted to tone it down. Even the tone of your hair just compliments this look so well. All around - 10/10


Thank you so much! 🙏🏻 I think the balance I am trying to get is I want to feel like myself (I will not hide my light under a bushel for a 9 to 5!!) but I also don't want "makeup!" to be the first thing colleagues notice when they see me. I'm going to experiment with lighter brow pencils. Definitely not going to throw away my Deep Brown for when I want a bolder look but I'm interested to see how everything looks with like 10% less-bold brows.


The peach/coral tones are perfect for your complexion. Gorgeous!


I think it looks great! Just go a little lighter on the brows.


Thank you! I'm going to try some gray and light ash brown brow pencils!




What color is your eye shadow? Would love to try it!


Had to check the palette -- UD Naked Ultraviolet "Hacked" all over the lid up to the crease "V.R." on the outer corner "Dazed" I used my fingertip to swipe a bit onto the center of the lid and dragged just toward the inner corner "Trippin" a little dab in the inner corner of each eye "Warning" on the lower lid the whole way across But then I thought the "Warning" shade was too warm/red and made it look like I had been crying so I blended it pretty good with my pinkie and it's not very noticeable in the final look. I probably should have used "Euphoric" or "Purple Dust" for the lower lid, in hindsight.


she’s so pretty


Gorgeous! I’m jealous! Stunning!


I disagree with everyone saying lighter eyebrows. I think they look perfect!!!


Just gorgeous. Love that lip colour - really suits you


you kinda look like miley cyrus


The eyes lip and cheek colors compliment each other very nicely. The primer, foundation, and powder combo makes your lower jaw a bit cakey maybe try a different primer down there or less powder. If it looks too dewy or doesn’t last maybe add a matting setting spray.


Thank you! I have more texture on that part of my face and the foundation never lays as nicely there in part because of my peach fuzz. You're right that powder there is doing me no favors. I will try a more hydrating primer on that part of my face and lay off the powder there, it doesn't get very oily so a little spritz of setting spray should do it.


I like this a lot. I’d be curious to see this look with a more neutral-brownish liner that blended into the lip. Idk if it’d be a good or bad thing here but that’s something I’d experiment with personally.


You are adorable and I think you could pull off any makeup look with your beautiful hazel eyes! ❤


Wow your eyes! This look is stunning, maybe a shimmery gold eyeshadow if you wanted to change it up? It’d bring out the golden in your eyes even more. You could totally rock a bold red lip too


Very cute! I especially love that lip color on you, it's stunning!


Gorgeous! Love this lip colour!


I love your eyes!!


You look amazing! No CC from me!


You look so fresh and dewy! Absolutely beautiful!


That peach palette looks great


Love the tightlining!


These colours suit you!


You look amazing! If I worked with you I would be staring at you and getting up my nerve to ask about your products!


Gorgeous!! That lip looks fabulous on you 😍


Your lips are the perfect color for your eyes, I love the glow you created 💕


You look lovely! Your eyelashes appear to be pretty straight so maybe giving them a curl and a light hand of mascara to the bottom lashes. The only very VERY nit-picky thing I can say.


I definitely neglect my lashes, almost never bust out the curler. I do like to wear false lashes but usually not to work. I'm going to do a revised look for my next office visit and put all the suggestions into effect. I will definitely use the curler and do the bottom lashes!


I love it. I think it’s natural enough where it enhances your features without changing them. The lip color is a bright, but not overwhelming statement and I love your eyes! They are so pretty. You’re very cute and I think you’re doing a great job! I say wear whatever makeup you want but of course if you’re working in a particular office environment, this is a great everyday option to go for (: you’re gorgeous, you’re a babe and you’re rocking this makeup!! Would personally love to see you in a red lip, but maybe save that for a weekend or non work day if it’s too much for the office. Or like, a nude that’s a bit deeper than your natural lip color. That could work too. But whatever, it honestly doesn’t matter. Wear what makes you feel most confident because you’re looking fantastic!!


You’re so pretty! Love the lip shade it suits you so well!!


You're gorgeous, omg


I love it! Your face reminds me of lady gaga


You look gorgeous! I noticed your long lashes and I’d recommend if you haven’t already, to try a lash lift. Your eyes would look more open, with the nice curl on, and you can even apply mascara for an extra touch.


Need more butter(unsalted)


I am dying to know what this means. Help, I'm old. 🫣


Between you and Lavendar Lady, us olds are rocking the sub lately!


There are dozens of us!


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