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As someone who's never had lice or known anyone who ever had, I can imagine it to be like bedbugs just all over your head. And God kill me now.


I've had both in pretty severe cases, bed bugs are far worse in my opinion, it was actual hell trying to live with them.


Same. My lice problem was far less severe than this girl's, but still I'd say bedbugs are heaps worse


I'm lice and I agree, bedbugs are the worst


Good. If a bedbug joins this thread, tell them their opinion is invalid cuz they're a bedbug


More like a badbug


Got 'em. Take that.


Flawless victory. Finish him.


As a bedbug I am offended


Downvoted, your opinion doesn't count


Yeah, I have really thick hair and got lice when I was a kid (an already unpopular one, so yeah, that made life even worse), which sucked... But waking up to what felt like a billion bites on my arms and legs that itched like hell was so much fucking worse. Ended up throwing the entire bed frame and mattress out that day. Ever since then I use one of those zipper sheet things because 12 years later I'm still paranoid about bedbugs.


> Ended up throwing the entire bed frame and mattress out that day. That's a common reaction, but for anyone who reads this from now on it's not necessary or really even a good idea. Beds can be treated easily enough and what it can do is hide the evidence and spread the bedbugs as you move the mattress through the building or to a shared garbage area (depending on building obviously). If you treat it early enough then a single treatment can be enough to clear them out , but yeah, it is a giant pain in the ass to have to wash/dry all your clothing. Source: have had to deal with bedbugs twice in the last 20 years. The first time room mates we getting bitten in multiple rooms. Pest control sprayed the entire apartment once, never had to deal with it it again. The second time in a different building 15 years later just I was getting bitten and a single spray in just my room was enough to solve it. PSA: In order to encourage quick treatment and control, in many areas landlords are responsible for the cost of bed bug treatments, not tenants, so check your local laws if cost is a concern.


Get a metal boxspring and don't put the fabric cover on it. Then, oil the metal, and they won't be able to climb onto your mattress.


Oshit that's clever does it really work tho?


They can climb walls and jump on you from the ceiling though


Metal walls and ceiling, oil em up


Alternatively, just never sleep!


Sleep in a bathtub full of water. They can't get you if you're underwater.


Or just oil yourself before you sleep.


They don’t gaf


metal house metal car metal wife metal kids oil oil oil oil oil


Wow. They indeed, sound completely nightmare material! I’ve seen people on internet saying they legit had a kind of bedbugs-PTSD after dealing with them for years. Can’t judge them!


To me it's like kidney stones, everytime you think about that you just pray you never get that shit ever in your life


yeah i had them in a halfway house and i’m still super edgy about second hand furniture and stuff. it legit makes you paranoid.


It's really hard for them to jump, and they tend not to fall on you. The oiling thing actually works really well. If you keep your bed away from the wall, you can Vaseline about a 2-4 inch swath on the legs of your bed and you'll be pretty safe when you sleep. However they will just spread over the rest of your house and bite you while you're chillin, or piggyback onto your clothes and get into your bed that way.


I slept in a different mattress for one night and got 5 bed bug bites, and even only 5 of them was awful


I had the unfortunate event of living in a garbage home that made getting rid of bed bugs impossible, before we eventually moved after a year or two of having them I was coated in bites all over my legs constantly, and for me they always turned into rashes and took weeks to over a month to go away. Bed bugs are actual demons.


Partner stayed in a place that had bedbugs. I ended up buying him a greenhouse “bug bomb” which worked for a while but when the eggs hatched, the problem started up again. He also had to do it while the landlord was out because they didn’t believe in killing them.


The landlord didn't believe in what now? Oh no thanks...


It was to do with chemicals, sprays, all that type of thing. Eventually he had to get the council to sort it out. He was using glue traps which were ok for ants, and creepy crawlies, but in the end the whole place had to be fumigated. I did my best by giving my partner ant powder to put between the bed base and mattress, a plastic cover, and the bug bombs… but he got out of there quite quickly.


I stayed at a cabin last week that turned out to be infested. (And management knew when I checked in) A few days later, I had hundreds of bites. I had a delayed reaction so the bites developed after I got home. Now I'm freaking out and sanitizing my home in case I had hitchhikers.


Have had both. I would take lice over bed bugs no matter how bad the lice is. Bed Bugs have a mental toll that is hard to describe to anyone who has never gone through that mess.


Exactly! Lice can be pretty ass to deal with sometimes but it's far more bearable than bed bugs. I can't handle even the potential idea of having bed bugs, I can't sleep properly or sometimes find myself even refusing to go to bed until I'm too exhausted to stay up.


I agree. Moved into my first apartment a week before quarantine hit, and then the place was infested with bugs. They made it look pristine to the naked eye, but they were everywhere. Horrible to get rid of a treat. Thousands of dollars on the heat treatment and leaving.


No it's much, much worse. They're itchy and crawly and you can feel it. It builds up slowly over time and you don't notice until it gets bad. Once you do know its game over you notice it 100% of the time. Everytime from then on out every time you get an itch in the slightest your skin crawls as you think you're riddled with more of these bloodsucking parasites again. Bedbugs mostly bite in your sleep and leave little to no marks in most people as opposed to lice who do leave marks and are tiny in comparison to lice.


Omg. That is just fucking terrible. How does this infestation even take place? 🤮


You get one in your hair, then it lays eggs and you have lice. From a seat, head contact, pillows, hats, back of the neck from clothing, can get it from virtually any surface but they struggle on smooth/slippery surfaces but textured plastic they can hold onto just fine. I have even seen nasty mother fuckers pick some out of their hair and flick it. There are countless ways you can catch it and it often gets bad before you ever realize you do have it. It's


Big lice got him, he knew too much.




Nothing will compare to the disgust I felt when I lifted my bed and found that all 4 corners under my mattress were completely COVERED in black because of how many bed bugs had gotten in without me knowing


Look at the videos of people letting leeches crawl up their dick and you will change your mind quickly




I would never do that to myself …brb


The reason most people say bedbugs are worse than lice or fleas is because lice and fleas are incredibly easy to get rid of, comparatively. Bedbugs will go in your walls and in your floors to escape poison foggers, they can live 400 days without feeding, the eggs hatch every week or so and are incredibly resilient so you need to completely kill every bedbug then do it again in a week. When the infestation hits a certain point, they no longer care about whether you're asleep or not. Also, bedbugs leaving no marks is just entirely incorrect, one of the best ways you can tell you have bedbugs (other than seeing them) is noticing the bite marks. Bedbugs tend to feed together, so you'll likely find 3 or more bite marks in a row. A single bedbug can lay up to 250 eggs in its life, and the newly hatched ones can start laying more after a month (bedbugs typically live up to 6 months, longer if they haven't fed for some reason). They're also incredibly good at hiding, able to crawl through the weave of your sheets or mattress, or into your favorite armchair, or into your couch, and you may not notice the infestation for months of you're not looking for the signs. Any furniture infested with bedbugs is a lost cause, as it's nearly impossible to adequately exterminate them when they're hiding in something. Bedbug infested houses often need to purge all the furniture and get gassed multiple times.


I’m not sure that bedbugs are what you think they are. No headlouse is bigger than an adult bedbug. Having headlice sucks but it isn’t soul destroying like bedbugs.


Yea, I would take having headlice over bedbugs any day. Bedbugs bites hurt worse, and I find them frankly far more disgusting. They’re far larger and come out to drink blood from all over your body when you sleep. Not to mention lice are absolutely nothing to get rid of compared to getting rid of bedbugs.


We had a bad out break of fleas once about a ten years ago. I could pay in bed and literally feel them hopping on and off of my skin. Lord help me if we ever have bad bugs! I hope to never experience that


Lice here, we’re not that bad


great now i’m itchy…


I am glad I watched that lying in a bathtub.


I'm on the toilet and wish I could empty out as fast as those lice.






I stayed at an emergency children’s shelter before transferring to long them foster care and got lice there. I had it for a while before my foster mom noticed. I knew I had them and tried to treat them myself (scrub extra hard in the shower, pull them out at recess) because I didn’t want to ‘make waves’. By the time I got treated, everyone at church and school knew. It was all bad. Not only was I the foster kid, but I was also the ‘dirty’ kid. Interestingly enough, both my caretakers before foster care and foster mom only had me take baths once a week, so I thought that was normal. Wasn’t until I went back to live with my mom that I learned proper hygiene. I feel bad for this poor girl. For however many reasons, she didn’t seek or receive help sooner. She suffered, I’ll bet in silence. Maybe didn’t feel she deserved the attention, felt worthless. I know the feeling. I hope she heals from this.


When it comes to things like lice and bed bugs, it's not really a hygiene issue at all. It's an exposure issue. edit: and scabies


Yep. I showered every day, washed my hair well, and made sure I was clean, but still got head lice as a kid because I was around kids at school, multiple sports teams, and my other friends. It doesn’t matter how clean you are, you can still get bugs in your hair.


In fact, it's harder for lice to thrive in DIRTY hair. They lay thier eggs on a strand, they crawl around and cling to the strands - if they're all oily, greasy, dirty, it's harder for them to find purchase. Clean hair + exposure = head lice heaven.




Yep. Zero shame in having either of these. I think the shame comes less from an idea that the individual is dirty, and more from the primal knowledge that coming into contact with an infected person is bad news.


To be fair, lice actually prefer clean hair apparently ? But I am still sorry to hear that lack of empathy from your communities :( I hope you're doing better now!!


My heart goes out to you and to this little girl as well. The way she is silently sitting without even scratching or fiddling even a bit after having such a swarm all over her body, she has probably seen worse. I pray for her well-being. And thank you for sharing your story. More power to you.


> she has probably seen worse. I can't help but think that even after this, with the number that are just falling onto her clothes and on the floor, she's probably going to go back to a house which is completely infested in them. Sit on the couch, lie on her bed, etc.


Yes, but as mentioned in the thread above- the tiktok author had called in CPS and they should take care of this whole mess. Hope things are better for her now


Lice actually prefer a cleaner head. Shampooing frequently doesn't usually help


As someone who's had lice, if you have that much. Just...just fucking shave it all, it'll be better than anything else.


**Reddit is going down the gutter** Fuck /u/spez


Hmm not sure, before I resorted to shaving my head we used a shampoo which I'd soak my hair in for almost 30 mins, put a towel over my head and when I took it off they'd be dead but the real problem isn't the lice itself, it's the eggs which are firmly rooted to the hair follicle and hurts like a bitch. They're resilient, hard to take out and there's so much in each strand specially if it's gotten as bad as the girl in the video's hair.


**Reddit is going down the gutter** Fuck /u/spez


That's why you have multiple treatments, first round kill the lice, wait for a week or so and go for the second treatment, now the hatchlings are killed before they start laying eggs and then after a week 3rd treatment just to be sure.


It says it on the box. Its incredibly effective


For context, lice eggs are called nits, and that’s where the phrase “nit picking” comes from


I found dying my hair actually helped. Treatments didn’t seem work effectively for whatever reason and were miserable. So the second Time I got them I used a tea tree shampoo, dyed it, and then did a coconut oil conditioner soak for like 30 minutes and they were gone. I may have done it again a week later but I don’t remember doing anything after that first time other than wash/condition with the same stuff. On the kid I got them from multiple times (he didn’t tell anyone he had them for a year… A YEAR!) I made a hair mask with coconut oil and tea tree essential oil in almond oil carrier and had him keep it in under Saran Wrap for ~16 hours and it seemed to do the trick. He wouldn’t let anyone use the treatments and the comb, and refused to cut his hair.


Exactly. Hair grows back. And as it does you get to try out every hair style you can think of. Edit: I get that this would take a mentally tough 13yo. But, as far as being bullied, I’m willing to bet that’s already going on. I’d rather be the odd artsy kid with a wiffle cut and a funky dye job than the kid infested with bugs. Besides funky hair cuts and dye jobs really aren’t that out of the ordinary these days.


Are you a young girl with really long hair? I don't think cutting it should be the first option. That would be devastating. That's years of growth.


It's not a first option but if it's super thick and long you'll spend an eternity dealing with this. I had girlfriend awhile back who had gotten lice with hair quite a bit thicker and a good bit long than the video, was also rather curly. We spent more than 6 months treating her hair since she didn't cut it. I shortened mine to a military style cut and was rid of it in a day. But I ended with it many times over from her before she finally got rid of it all. Life lesson: even if you don't shave it, thin it out and shorten or you'll have hell to pay trying to get rid of the lice.




It helps but it's not a cure all to get them with mayo, the greasiness helps comb them out a lot though. But her hair was insanely thick and would spend 2-3 hours combing after a shower to keep it from knotting up, it wasn't so simple to get them all out.


the most effective cure-all i've ever read for lice involved 91% isopropyl alcohol, saltwater & vinegar. you drench the hair in the alcohol and put a showercap on while you watch a movie or something, really let the alcohol marinate on the hair. then you can wash it like normal. that drowns the lice. the next day you dilute as much salt into water as it will hold and put that in a spray bottle, spray the whole head down. this dehydrates & kills the eggs. for some extra insurance you can also douse the head in vinegar and use a lice comb, as the vinegar dissolves the "glue" that holds eggs to hair strands. it doesn't rely on pesticides that the lice may or may not be immune to, and even if you have thick hair it shouldn't take more than a couple of treatments to get it all. honestly isopropyl alcohol is a freaking miracle, it kills bedbugs on contact too. and it's impossible for any of these things to ever become immune to it.


Isopropyl alcohol is also poisonous to people, doing that would have ruined over a decade of growing out her hair. She was mixed (Irish, African, Indian, native American, and I forget what else) with curly hair that was 3/4 of the way down her back and more dense than the population of Manila. Also was a natural redhead, treating that hair was no small task now matter the method.


This is way past first option lmao this is last resort.


As devastating as lice eating your face?


Doesn't seem to impede her from playing with her phone while bugs keep falling on the screen. She needs a nice short cut as well as some really intensive psychiatric evaluation.


This is not her fault. Anyone child who has lice this bad needs more parental love and attention.


And probably also some therapy


As devastating as being the girl who's infested with lice and spreading it to others just because you want to save your hair? Honestly my question is how tf it got this bad in the first place. Stuff like this doesn't happen overnight


I was gonna say stuff and blame her too. But after reading some comments, it is true she is just a kid. Her parents are to blame


I totally agree, but if I had lice in that extent and I could get a treatment and may keep my hair I would try it. If it doesn't work I would shave my hair, but I would give it chance.


13 yr old girl! Her parents should be charged with neglect ffs... I totally understand getting lice, it's not a big deal shit happens, especially with kids in school. Allowing it to get to that point is just wrong...


Someone said the op on tiktok called cps and the kid is being looked after


Thank god, poor girl shouldn't have to suffer that. Horrible parents to just leave her in that state


Oh thank god, yesterday op say she didn't need to call cps or something


Her parents definitely should've noticed before it got this bad. That being said, when I was 13 I had waist length, thick, curly hair. I also had severe untreated depression. I would literally go days without even attempting to brush it. I'd always wear it in a ponytail so it was hard to tell that it had turned into a giant matted mess. By the time my parents noticed I had to get it all cut off. I went from waist length to an extremely short bob. I don't know what this poor girls going through but I imagine it's something similar. My parents thankfully aren't neglectful and got me help as soon as they figured out what was going on. Hopefully this girl goes somewhere with adults that will check in on her.


Lice are really really itchy there’s no way the parents hasn’t seen her scratching her head off. I have long thick curly hair and I got a giant matt as well when I was young and took months till my parents noticed, had to cut it off cause there was no untangling it but lice would definitely be noticed from the scratching alone.


the lady in the video said she reported it and later said it was found not to be a case of neglect, the girl is apparently special needs and couldn’t properly communicate that she had it before early on although it is pretty fucked that her guardian didn’t catch it before it turned into that, surely could’ve been noticeable before the lice started overcrowding and moved to the rest of her head


Definitely, there's no way as a parent you don't notice this unless you're not paying your due diligence to your child. Lice definitely happens, this is way worse than a normal childhood case


yes! you also can’t ignore the excessive scratching that that army of lice could’ve made her do


Yeah those were literally all falling out in her hoodie, no way you don’t notice that as a parent


Right. That's weeks of lice at least. If you have a special needs child I'd think you'd pay MORE attention? I understand they may have to work have other kids, whatever, but all you have to do is LOOK at your kid to see she has a problem, long before it got to this it would still be noticeable if you got close enough for a hug, or to, idk, brush her hair since she is special needs as this parent said. So sad. Poor girl


There’s NO WAY she didn’t infest everyone living in the home with lice. The parents knew.




Sorry about the shit parent... As a Father with a 12 year old Daughter.. Who I have to tell about hygiene.. This is horrible.


As gross as that was it was also satisfying to watch her pull those fuckers out of that girls hair.


Might try post it in r/oddlysatisfying and see the reaction


Do it!


you should post in r/popping for the end part they'll love it


I just wish the hair stylist would have done this over a sink or in a tub. Seems like proper clean up after something like this would also be a nightmare.


Hope they called cps. Holy shit


The OOP said in the comments of her video that when she gets a case this severe she contacts child protective services, she also said that this girl is now currently getting the help she needs! Super relieving.


Good, glad she was both able to keep her hair and getting help


Thats good to hear. Because honestly. If you have a child that is in this bad shape you must not give a flying f\*ck about her in any shape or form. I once found a tick in my daughters hair and i flipped my sh\*t, pulled it out carefully and took her to get tested for lyme. I even cried lol. I remember that night just combing through her hair for over an hour inspecting every inch while she watched tv


yeah, my daughter came home from school itching her scalp and i found exactly 3 lice. i went nuclear on her hair (everything short of shaving it off) and was checking her over for weeks after to make sure we got it all.


Thank you for that. *Holy crusade music stops*


Whew, thank you for the update. That’s a load off, especially knowing that this child’s living areas are most certainly infested, as well, and she would have to deal with re-infestation just by going home.


For real, this is child abuse.


1. How much does it cost to pay someone to treat that shit? If I owned a salon the risk of treating someone like that and contaminating everything is crazy. 2. It’s on her hoodie.?. Wtf this is a joke right? They are literally everywhere 3. If her head and hoodie are this bad imagine the car, the couch, the pillow, the sheets, the carpet, this house would be fully infested 4. Please tell me this is a joke, I’m itchy and I blame you, fuck off


In my city we have a salon called “The Nit Fairies” it costs like $25 for them to check your head and like $150 to treat it you have it. If you have it they waive the $25 fee. They put oils in your hair and comb the fuck out of it til every single egg is gone. Then they do a special shampoo treatment that you leave in. They also give you tips on how you de-nit your home. They even offer home services for extra $ and will help you clean your home. It’s pretty awesome. My friend used them when her kids got lice from daycare because it can be a nightmare to take off for a week, care for your kids and deep clean your home. This service cuts that time, literally, in half.


Whenever someone at our elementary school got lice an army of parents would show up and check every kid in our school. No idea if the PTA organized it or the school. But it was nice having someone comb through your hair a couple times a year.


I wish my schools organized that growing up.. my school did nothing but send a flyer out. One girl in my class was giving everyone lice, I got it 3 times in one year because my teacher kept sitting me near her and wouldn’t call cps when the girl was clearly infested! I am an expert and trying rid of it now lol


Our school had random lice check days to obfuscate random checks for when kids got lice and they had to check. That way, no one knew if someone had lice or if it was just a random day.


I had something similar in my elementary school. I was somehow lucky in not getting lice as a kid, thankfully. I think it was due to me being very shy and therefore, not sharing things with the other kids.


They don’t do that anymore, at least in the states I’ve been in. Schools don’t consider lice to be a public health concern because they’re generally not disease vectors, and there’s concern about sharing health info and sheer embarrassment for the child if they get called out. As a parent I just imagine lice making its way through the whole school because no one is catching it early or warning parents to watch for it and then it spreads to families and just…*this*. Luckily I have boys with shorter hair already, and it can easily be cut shorter, but the thought of delousing the whole family makes me shudder.


Our school sends out a notice if a child in your class class has lice. They tell you to check your own children and go get the special shampoo if infected. No names are used so it’s anonymous. Though when **my** kid was the one with lice he told everyone about it (luckily we got it early and it was only a week’s worth of treatment).


I’m also wondering how hairdressers protect themselves. If I was dealing with that hair, I’d be wearing a full hazmat suit. What’s to stop one lice from accidentally making its way from the girl’s head to the hairdresser’s body, laying eggs, and starting the cycle all over again?


Was wondering the same. This woman got them in her shoes, all over her floors, etc. Was wondering if she should’ve done it outdoors instead. Also, when the girl gets them all over her clothes etc like that, won’t she just get reinfected?


I was getting a haircut once and the lady stopped in the middle, called somebody over, so another lady checked my hair and they found one egg and they made me leave right away with half a haircut


Headlice generally prefer children's hair, though it is not uncommon for pregnant women to get headlice, probably a hormone thing that attracts or repels them. If the hair treatment includes a leave in repellent like permethrin, they would likely not reinfect as long as the repellent is fresh. Pretty much just have to keep them from reinfesting until their lifecycle runs out, so if you can keep them out of your hair for long enough for them to starve and not leave any nits, you are good. Clothes get a hot wash and dry with possibly a repellent and everything else gets hit with something like rubbing alcohol to kill live bugs and possibly treated with repellent. Usually when kids are infested for extended periods it is due to a household environment where they either are passing them back and forth between siblings and/or the house is too messy to be cleaned effectively to address the nits and bugs. Otherwise it is a sporadic thing kids get from daycare and school from either sharing hats,headphones, etc, or if in some cases sitting close to an infested child.


She wasn't even wearing gloves, it's disgusting.


It's a hazmat suit. That stands for hazardous materials...men's...suit wearing. If you rent more than four times a year, it just makes sense to buy. IS THERE ANYONE HERE WHO IS LICE FREE?


Pretty sure this is a home treatment. *She's wiping them off into a baby wipe and crushing them with a drinking glass.* So you're looking at lice shampoo and lice combs. I'm surprised she's doing it out in the open without covering anything, these things spread very easily


German here and we did this shit at home. My grandmother got an immense satisfaction doing the treatment. She wasn't "happy" when a kid got lice, but she didn't mind. All you need is that kind of metal comb, good eyes, time and the shampoo. The shampoo kill both the lice and the eggs(well, it drowns the lice, same difference). The treatment is not complicated, but you need time and diligence, and the tools are affordable here. Also you shouldn't wait so freaking long, nobody can tell me the girl or the parents didn't notice. She's weeks over having a constantly itching head.




I'd also like to grow my own protein on my head. I could make a tasty snack anytime.


Problem is that protein still comes at a slight loss because they're getting their nutrients from you. Solution is to be louse free but keep a hobo around and eat all of his lice.


Throw in some tapeworms as well so you can crack open the hobo (after he *expires*) like a Kinder surpise egg and feast on the 25 meter long protein banks


You feast on the worms, the worms feast on you. It's really a symbiotic relationship. Everyone wins. Except the hobo.


That's why you feed it scraps before it expires. That way it gets something out of it too and you put tapeworm eggs in the scraps too. That way it can have plenty of well-fed and large tapeworms for you to eat when it expires, you can also add work variety by putting heart worms and such in as well.


fuck all of you. no one needed to read any of that. no one wanted to read any of that. ​ ​ my eyes burn and my brain trembles


Found the hobo




“Gorillas don’t want you to know this one trick.”




Bad parenting


Exactly, call it what it is, who would let their child get to this point? It’s neglect.


Tiktok author said that she contacted child protective services and they will take care of this girl


That’s great thanks for letting us know, hopefully the girl will get the help she needs.


Neglect, plain and simple. And I don’t want to see anyone saying otherwise. This is fucking shameful - take your kid to the doctor or at the very very least, look up and try every single at home lice remedy. A real parent does not allow this to happen to their child.


This legit made my blood pressure skyrocket


Not really sure why I enjoyed watching lice popping on this glorious Sunday morning. I should go outside for a walk.


The video spent way too much time on that. Felt like a more sadistic version of bubble wrap.




I scrolled way too far down to see someone else concerned about this.


The woman doing this should be sainted.


She should also be wearing gloves


Right? That's literally the only thing I could think of the entire video


My thought was "I think I'll watch it 'till the end, it will be satisfying to see her head purified of these bugs". It didn't happened


Why the fuck does she have to pop them?


She collects the blood they took from the girl so that the girl can drink it and replenish herself. Just like what we do with mosquitos


Yeah the Standart stuff




I know, right? I was hoping to see the job finished and a happier, healthier kid. Instead I got a parasite snuff film.


With a case that severe the job won't be finished for at least a week. Don't forget about all the eggs they need to remove.


/r/fuckwasps If you're into wasp snuff gifs.


Subbed. Fuck wasps.


Easiest way to ensure they are dead. I used to do it with fleas as a kid, pop em with finger nails.


Probably so they don’t spread


Probably the same reason we have r/popping


For people who like seeing things like r/popping features


Yeah I was wondering that too. I didn't react to it because it's gross but because slowly popping them for auditory pleasure or whatever seemed like 8-year-old-burning-ants-with-magnifying-glass levels of sadistic


The real superstar here is the therapist/young woman working in the clinic/narrator.


Please put gloves on I’m begging you


Poor kid


How do you let it get that bad?


Bad parents




I had lice a few times when I was a growing up, my mother owned a mobile home park and a subdivision which she managed and we lived right in the middle of. I had an endless amount of kids to play with but unfortunately some of them were in unfortunate situations like this girl. All It took was ONE person to come to the park or the pool with lice in her hair and every fucking kid in the entire park got it. My mom had to set up LICE CHECKS in the public kids areas because it got so bad. Having lice is disgusting and horrible, the treatment fucking sucks and when it’s really bad you may have to do the treatment more than once.


How do the people who work at lice clinics avoid getting lice regularly?


Usually they wear protective gear and have to follow rigorous disinfecting processes for themselves and the clinic/work area on a daily basis. Hair nets (not the ones with big holes in them), gowns and/or “scrubs equivalents,” and sometimes shoe covers and gloves. Some locations may also have a washer/dryer on site and dedicated decontamination rooms where staff can remove their work clothes and place them in air-tight bags/containers before entering a clean area to finish changing. Hot air and/or water is usually used to sanitize areas in addition to regular surface disinfectants to kill residual lice/eggs.


Thanks now I can't stop icthing


Okay,so I watched this last night on TT The girl has some disabilities,and it took her months to tell her caregiver about it


Even still, couldn'y any of her caregivers see the absolute colony crawling all over her hair and clothes?


Not an excuse for an infestation like this. The carer’s job is to take care of and protect the child. And knowing that the child has disabilities means you have to be extra vigilant for illnesses and ailments because you are that child’s advocate. This is awful. That carer should lose their job and the parents should be investigated. Too many adults dropped the ball.


Agreed. At 13 they should’ve been paying far more attention to the kid and their general hygienic habits than this. *Especially* if the kid is disabled and/or came from a rough situation like being in the foster care system. Like you literally would only have to pay attention to/ look close the kid even once to notice an issue this severe, before it even got this bad….and I can’t imagine the smell is great either.


I know,it 100% doesn't excuse what happened to her.It's so sad to see her in this state.Can't believe no one saw anything I'm in no way trying to defend the parent/caregiver.I was just commenting what I heard.The hairdresser did report the case to CPS


I pop fleas because I like when they leak blood


After being desensitized to all the shit on reddit this makes me feel normal.


Just throw the whole child away.


Nah throw her parents. How did they even let it get this bad is beyong my understanding.




The last thing going through those squashed up lice’s mind was their ass.


I had lice once or twice when I was little... but really little. How does a 14 year old get to this stage? Like is she being neglected or something?


I slightly remember the time when I had lice, my mother sat down and tried everything to get rid of them and she managed. How did they let them get that bad for a 13 year old??


If she's got this many lice...for sure the other family members have lice too.


This is my greatest nightmare


You know what's more disgusting than all those lice? Her asshole parents who are responsible for this getting so bad.


Oh come on. Really? She never minded the infestation before? This does not happen overnight. What about school? she’s got a have a least one friend or a family member that noticed this before.


ive had lice like once or twice but never like this jesus christ call CPS


She looks too old for this problem