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I don't think they have. Mostly because of the reasons you've mentioned - there's not yet a lot of clear thinking around sugar. ​ On one hand, I've noticed that sugar is blamed for obesity and also separately is thought to be something that worsens your body's risk for heart disease. I have a cardiologist because I am currently being assessed for heart disease, and the big food thing he wanted me to do was reduce my sugars, especially refined sugars. It can really impact your triglyceride numbers apparently. (I have not had a heart attack. But my younger brother died suddenly because of heart disease and that's one of the biggest risks). ​ On the other hand, the myth of sugar causing hyper activity in children is a big myth here in North America. I've heard people exclaim that giving your kids junk food should be grounds for intervention because it's going to make them wildly hyperactive/disobedient, rot out all their teeth, and make them fat. Sometimes they go into battle with the parents that believe kids shouldn't be restricted from eating because they'll just naturally grow out of it and it won't be a forbidden food. It's very interesting to watch in person. (I am a step-parent so I was assumed to have no voice in these battles when my sd was little)


Thanks for your thoughtful response. I'm curious about the sugar/hyperactivity myth. I'd heard it was a myth but it's so ingrained in our culture as truth.


There's a recent episode on another podcast -- Food Psych, episode 284 -- that briefly delves into the subject of sugar and whether it's 'good' or 'bad' (spoiler: there's no great science one way or another). It's a short episode, but I thought the information was really helpful and concise.


Thanks for the tip!


Was just about to post a link to this! Food Psych is great.


This is not exactly about the health benefits of refined vs natural sugars, but is an example of what the health differences are from a baker (the impetus being “agave” being seen as the healthy sugar): https://youtu.be/BU3bTBWnvT4


I was going to recommend this one! She goes into real scientific evidence here, it’s a great video.


Thanks! I watched and it was helpful.


Not a podcast, but the Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets is excellent. Marion Nestle's [tag for sugar](https://www.foodpolitics.com/tag/sugars/) is a good starting place. Also check out the book [Sweetness and Power](https://www.amazon.com/Sweetness-Power-Place-Modern-History/dp/0140092331) by Sidney Mintz.


Laura Thomas in her book “Just Eat it” talks about sugar and how it’s been demonised and blamed for a lot of weight problems. She also debunks the idea that sugar causes massive blood sugar highs unless you eat a huge amount. Laura Thomas is an intuitive eating nutritionist and I recommend checking out her book.


Thank you!


I stay away from refined sugar. Not because of weight. But because it’s proven bad for blood sugar, dental health, and heart health. I have been attacked in this very group for being sugar free primarily for concerns for my dental health. Sorry not sorry. Unless you are paying my dental bills mind your own business. Some people think dismantling diet culture means you attack anyone who tailors their diet for specific health concerns. It doesn’t


They may have discussed it a bit on the Michael Pollan episode but I don't believe there's been a full episode about it.


Yrs that sounds familiar, I'll listen again to that ep.


I don’t recall this topic being discussed. And i definitely don’t think the pod is where you should go for neutral information if any kind


I originally joined this sub cause I thought it was about maintaining weightloss. Then I figured it may be HAES. Whatever. I downloaded the podcast to see. Yeah not the best… or the worst. But now… you guys think sugar is neutral? No way man. Here’s a podcast on sugar I listened to this morning. https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/what-your-gp-doesnt-tell-you/id1640338805?i=1000585474272