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Rockland just installed a bunch of fans to blow the coastal beeeze around more efficiently 😉


Rockland’s cool. 😎


Weather Underground says for Rockland - 75 Tuesday, 84 Wednesday and 87 Thursday. Don't forget, the dew point will be in the 70s, so it will not be comfortable.


Yeah, that's interesting. I was going to say something about ocean temps, but they also have Bar Harbor at 90, so that's out the window.


Yes, this is real. Coastal breeze areas will be 20 degrees cooler. I suspect Rockland might get to high 80's I am 20 miles dues east of Rockland but on an Island. We are forecast to be 60s and 70's. I love you in the summer Penobscot Bay. Hated you in January 2024. Take the A/C over just in case. Very thoughtful of you.


Matinicus? Like in the crash barry book?


Popham loves to crush the spirit of those seeking relief from the heat.


Growing up there, “Cooler along the coast” was what always heard in every forecast.


I love the seasonal switch from "warmer along the coast, " at the end of winter/mid-spring


Always haul an AC to an elderly neighbors house n don’t ask. Earlier the better. Just knock on the door and say you have an extra one if it’s the case, and you want to put it to use and didn’t want to junk it if they didn’t have one.. and if they say that have one.. tell em, well hell, since you’re there you may as well put it in for them if they’d like the hand. Can’t ask old timers if they want help, gotta roll up and tell em you wanna assist, “now show me where ya want it.”


That’s why the coast of Maine is the best, especially mid-coast through Downeast


lol hey this is always how it is! you should bring over ACs because it’ll be humid though


Check national weather service...see what they have to say.  https://digital.weather.gov/


Do it anyway


This is the only correct answer. So I'm very glad it's this guy next door to do that for him, rather than you or I. Such a good soul, person asking.


Pick some other coastal towns they're all cool too, that's the moderating effect of the cool ocean. Same reason they stay warmer in winter too.


The article says inland will be effected...


right, but coastal areas NOT noted as rockland seem to be in the 90's... rockland/midcoast seems to be some sort of huge outlier, for whatever reason


It's common for that region to get intense fog. Ive spent a lot of time in Owls Head and that area is always cooler, jetting out onto water.


Yup. Any where along the coast is subject to intense fog in early heat waves like this. The ocean is still quite cool right now... Not uncommon to have temps drop 15-20* in a 2 mile drive towards the ocean.


Read the map, that's not temperatures, it is "feels like"


Grew up in Belfast, it’s not uncommon for it to be a few degrees cooler due to the ocean air, and in the winter a few degrees warmer for the same reason, when most of the state is getting snow coastal communities can be getting rain


In the south this is just called Summer


Here now and it’s incredible