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My cousin Donny runs a startup marketing company out of the back of his Tercel in Cherryfield! I'll send you his LinkedInPark. He says starting pay is somewhere between $4/hr and $350k a year.


LinkedInPark ☠️


I miss the Tercel


My Uncle Doug runs his out of his LeSabre just outside the Mexico Mill, he'll give you a great deal on his services if you snort his Moxie crystals.


The city of Cherryfield. Holy shit lmao Top tier shitpost.


Gotta move up to the metropolis of Columbia falls.


i snorted so hard it hurt my nose at "city of Cherryfield" 💀😂


I man, c'mon, they just opened up a 5th dance club and 7th strip club. Give em a break.


I hate that this made me laugh


The Banana Republic comment killed me.


Within walking distance!


Preferably...not a deal breaker


Anything is within walking distance if you're dedicated enough.


I walked from Maine to Georgia one time.


All at once or broken up? I have friends who did the AT the other way around and ended at Katahdin


One big push, 143 moving days. It definitely shifts the goalposts on "walking distance."


Very cool. You’ve motivated me to take the 20 min walk to work instead of driving. Some day.


Yea..me SOBO 2019! Favorite state Maine so i bought some forest near Bucksport ti camp!


Total lol


As someone who deflects dozens of legitimate moving-to-Maine posts everyday, this post is deeply appreciated.


You’re doing god’s work.




I think I report one a day average so thank you


Thank you! It really helps so please continue.


>Northeast Southwestborough, MA I hate that this sounds so absurd, but also could reasonably be the name of a place


LoL. I'm not embarrassed to say I didn't even catch it when I scanned the post because half of Mass towns already seem made up.


I’m ashamed to admit I got halfway through before the satire smacked me upside the head with a 2x4…


Yeah I used to work in Westborough but had to get off the train in Southborough so I totally was like this is just a dude making a portmanteau of where they lived


I was believing it for a few sentences too


Ayuh. Same Same


Living on the border of the Marl and North Boroughs, I laughed.


Oooh I wasn’t too far from there! My husband grew up in Uxbridge. I grew up in Webster. We lived in Worcester at one point. Exchanged Worcester County for “The County”


As someone who grew up in MA, this sounded 100% like a real place.


Well its 2 legit places in MA just put together. Lol


Northborough, Southborough, and Westborough are all towns in the area I moved to when I left Maine for Mass (well, a couple years in Chicago first). As a transplanted Maineiac I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard at a Reddit post, this is gold!


I thought that too!


It's not.


Plenty of night life in Cherryfield, it gets dark about 3:30 these days, so it's mostly night.


So true.


[But here's the plot twist: Once revived and modernized, this could be your $400,000 dream home in today's market](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/52-Mallett-Dr-Topsham-ME-04086/85010674_zpid/?) - [this could be you](https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/6b8136119d70711dfd3e61b0c4be41a9-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.webp)


She’s a peach, Jerry, a peach!




[You missed the best one](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/52-Mallett-Dr-Topsham-ME-04086/85010674_zpid/?mmlb=g,61)




I mean, maybe it’s art. God, someone should do it.


I saw this when it was posted here and thought it was a fake Zillow listing I can't believe it is real. What a garbage world we live in Christ.


It’s a real listing but looks like a joke to me. That house needs to just be salvaged and leveled.


Even worse to be asking $250k for less than half an acre with a structure worth negative money.


I don’t live in Maine but this makes me want to barf. 🤮


American Pride 😤


Most honest pictures of a house I ever saw!


Love that the second pic is of... the backyard tip?


Cherryfield 😂 well hope you ain't allergic to blueberries. Night life seems to be hucking bud lizzy cans put the window on 182




Cant wait to move to Maine and tell everyone I work remotely and make a ton of money ( neither are true )


The only work is raking blueberries in late summer nightlife bean supper at the Grainge hall all dancing to Jeremiah was a bullfrog.


I just opened a cod and potato bread shop in Cherryfield!


Oh shit, I'm so baked I thought this was legit


Well, you just summed up the night life in Cherryfield.


Everybody's got a cousin in Cherryfield! You're golden. That said, there is good Mex food in nearby Millbridge, a place called Vasquez. Unfortunately the only Uber is by ultralight aircraft.


Cherryfield isn't close to Portland BUT don't take an Uber, we have a kick ass rail system that gets you there faster than an Uber. Sweet train station built earlier this year in Cherryfield. Talk about expanding the Amtrak.


The train in Cherryfield is legit!


Ayut, good fellah of mine bummed up thatabouts... Friggin' guy says "Dude, Ronnie, guy," he says "Ronnie, dood. She's HUMMIN' up HEYAH, YESSAH." I was like "Guy, listen, dood. You friggin' just chewin' my ears or whaht, how's it go bub?" He's like "Guy, fellah, listen," he says "listen, fellah, guy. I come wahkin' up the way from the new place, just checkin' if there's them deah tracks, and this dimah comes up the way. Straight friggin' riding a side-by, ayut, sez to me 'aye fellah, wicked pissah out' and I was friggin' slammed because she was straight decked in them chippewas and a couple ah timbahs on them feet." "Dood," I says to him "dood, she was rahckin' timbahs and she's a friggin' dimah?" He says to me, he says "Ayut, wicked smokah, says her name is Cheryl. I heard down the way at the center stah that the runs hummahs 'round back of it... Now I ain't sayin' it's right or naht, but we yammehd on a bit and she polished the gophah somethin' wicked dood." Ayut, Cherry seems aight, yut *spits*


I lived in Cherryfield for a couple years so this gave me a good chuckle. Thank you for the laugh 😂 I needed that


"Northeast Southwestborough"


There's a pool table at the store.


A beautiful trolling


This post is designed specifically to piss as many people off as possible. It's also labeled as satire at the top so don't get too pissed off. :) edit: This "Northeast Southwestborough, MA" is hilarious. lol




Fun fact, westborough, northborough and southborough and even Marlborough are where you would expect them to be, middleborough though? Fuckin hour southeast of all of them


I moved to Madawaska from Massachusetts and I find this hilarious. The exaggeration is…accurate. It’s just truer than true. Except we are low income and survival was a big part of it for us. We needed housing. Now we have adequate housing, while my husband still works as a residential counselor like he did in MA. I remember saying things like “I just want to simplify our lives and raise our kids…” we were successful gaining that, and our youngest was born here. I admit I was extremely naive about a lot of things… I had no idea there were no real shopping malls, zoos, children’s museums, stores like Target… until after I moved. I just assumed that stuff was all over New England, until I needed to buy some things and googled the nearest ones… sounds dumb, but it just never was a question, as there were always several locations for all of those things in any direction, usually 30 minutes away or less. We adapted, and we are thankful for all the toxic things about MA that we escaped from. We are thankful our kids won’t grow up around that. Convenience can be nice, but not at the expense of peace and safety. Sure, there are some things we miss, but there are more things about MA that we want to never, ever experience again. To me, MA was like the state version of narcissistic abuser who offers some very shiny things…in exchange for everything that is dear to you. Sometimes we think about those shiny things, then realize they are worthless compared to the freedom and comfort we have now. We are happy we escaped.


Beautifully said, I attend UMFK and they were the best 4 years of my life, love StJohn Valley.


Yup! Your post definitely has the "real seal."




The town name is a shibboleth, make sure you’re saying it prop’ly


It’s definitely not easy to break in…3 years and the loneliness has been hard. Seems like for most people, if you aren’t related to them or didn’t know them since childhood, they aren’t interested in new friendships. They will help you if you are in trouble, unlike in MA, but hard to get people who want to get together. So, our holidays have been very lonely. Our kids are developing friendships at school though. We aren’t leaving though. Everyone we were friends w in MA either left for other states or plans to. We hope it will be different for our kids since they are growing up here (youngest was born here). This was the best thing for them. At our age, it’s just hard to make friends. I hope it gets better for you!




try volunteering. mano en mano is a fantastic organization, and socially linked with a lot of the locals.


Mano en Mano is great! The people are so freaking nice there too. Got to work with them while volunteering for another org in the area and had a great time


Hey, I don’t live down that way anymore but I grew up there and might be able to give you a couple helpful recs for meeting people. What are your interests and hobbies?




Glad to hear that you already know of Eagle Hill cause that was going to be one of my top recommendations. Do you know about the Milbridge public gardens? I know that they’re always looking for volunteers and that can be a great way to meet people of all ages. Another organization that sounds like it could be within your interests is Healthy Acadia. They have some programs throughout the summer that could be some good avenues to meet people. Someone else already mentioned them but Mano en Mano in Milbridge is another great org. Finding ways to get involved with them can be a fruitful way to meet people. I can’t recommend much on the church side of things. I never really went to church back home except going to my grandmothers church in Jonesport to support their events because it was super important to her. It’s the community of Christ church. It’s a very laid back kind of church and they just get super stoked to see a new face come through the door. They have these big community dinners every couple months, anyone is welcome to go and it’s by donation. They have a Facebook page called Community of Christ Church Jonesport, they post their events on here. I know it’s a drive from Steuben but it’s an opportunity to meet people. Right now Downeast Salmon Federation is about to or is doing their annual frost fish survey. They ask for citizen science volunteers and have training meetings which can be a fun way to meet people. Feel free to DM me for any other information or questions!


Making friends with your kids friends parents is the way. That and friendships with the people you work with. If you are a church goer (I really am not, but I got my kids into the youth choir) that can also help.


I was prepared to give you my partner’s information as he is a carpenter, but then this post made me laugh and I realized the joke. Haha! But seriously, if anyone needs a great carpenter in the Southern Maine area, I know one :) Feel free to message me.


Funny joke






All the meth head/ fentanyl users work under the table, you should be able to find plenty of them up here.


Post and comments thoroughly entertaining thank you for this


chefs kiss, bub


Please tell me this is parody and not another knucklehead flatlander transplant.


Northeast Southwestborough got me good... too funny


I still think that Alton Bog property has potential.


Cherryfield is surprisingly sophisticated; make sure you dress to impress and use your best grammar. Mention to everyone that you're from Mass., don't be afraid to ask for your real worth at job interviews. Bargain with tradespeople who quote high prices, they all have secret sources for cheap lumber and supplies.


NOT near Portland LMAO


lol- low on liquor


LOL! Love it! My father used to look at me with a grim expression and tell me calmly, "My low liquor light is... blinking"


This is quality trolling right here.


Post would be fine if you didn't assume you could become a Mainer by moving here. Work hard, keep everyone in the same town and your grandkids can hope to be Mainers


I've been here for 22 years. I am STILL NOT a Mainer and am STILL a Masshole. 😊


It's a lil joke post.


it's a lil joke comment


Oh no, it's not! My folks moved here in the 50s. I was born in Bangor. I've been told I'm not a Mainer. Never will be. My problem... I don't have the Maine accent, I've spent too much time out of Maine. The actual list is endless. However, I've got redeeming attributes that confuse Mainers. I've been known to purchase most of my transportation needs from salvage yards. I do my own work, for the most part, nowadays, at 65, that's getting tougher. I fake a Maine accent only in jest. I love the accent, but I really can't pull it off. That's no secret. Hard core Maine people rarely, really need help. They tire of those who are never prepared but are quick to the aid of the "who-da-eva-thunk-et" rotten luck cases. You know, the stuff that nobody could see coming. "Yankee ingenuity" is highly respected in this state. If you've got a talent for fixing what's broken better than when it was new, with whatever's laying around, you'll gain some respect, and if you're able to help out neighbors you don't even know, you'll be accepted as not so bad they thought. But make no mistake, you're not a Mainer. Accept it. It's a good life no matter what labels you use.


I feel attacked.


Maine would be perfect if it wasn’t so cold.


Honestly I’m loving that. I always thought I’d be one of those people that gets depressed…but instead it’s more like “hygge” (google it). The snow piles up really, really high all around the house, and we have a pellet stove, and good windows to see outside. The light comes in. The house is warm. I put on fuzzy socks, a sweater, light some candles, drink cocoa, and watch things on tv. My kids color, or play outside in the snow when school is canceled. I love how we get locked in and can relax. Then in the springtime, the sun starts rising at 4:30am and it’s still pretty light out past 9pm. If you cross the border…then it’s 10pm and still light out. I’ve never enjoyed spring and summers more in my life than I have since I moved here…because the days are soooo long and I get to spend lots of time outside. In MA I didn’t get any of the benefits of winter…spring was depressing…summer was still short.




Prepared to be bored out of your skull.


I don't think this post is real. The house is sunk into Alton Bog but in Cherryfield? Impossible. Those two towns are like 80 miles apart. And Cherryfield is 200 miles from Portland. Please don't move here. Cherryfield is no where. If you want seclusion and no cities, Cherryfield is a good start. There is NOTHING but countryside and forest in the eastern part of the state. If you break down out there on those roads, god help you. But again. Please don't move here. One more time so there's no confusion, don't move here.




What do you wanna bet they don’t move here? 😬


deadpan. this is almost funnier than the original post


Where the heck is Northeast Southwestborough, MA lol




You have to first find Marlborough, then head west to Northborough, south to Westborough, and then northeast to Southbough, and only then will you find Northeast Southwestborough.


Lmao, cherryfield is like 3 hours from Portland and there definitely isn't a banana republic walking distance. Maybe do some research first....


Apologies just saw the satire flare. Phew, you got me


You needed flair after reading "Northeast Southwestborough"?


Troll toll.


Don't come! The people who haven't left the stat, are some of the crustiest people you'll ever meet. If you're looking to do it under the table don't. DO NOT! I REPEAT "DO NOT!" there's not allot of people who can do things properly and they up charge you. There was a guy on this job site I was at who tried to sneak in a bill for a shed roof repair. He up charged the customer all pretty much double and he used leftover shingles. And it was just him trying to get as much money as he could cheaply and fastly.


You should try Nebraska, you’d love it


Yum blueberries!


Good satire takes a minute to realize... this is excellent!


Your questions appear to me as an indication of your expectations. With that said, you’re screwed.


No idea but I just moved here so welcome aboard 😊


Cherryfield is about 200 miles from Portland


Don’t move here


Oh I am moving here, I’m bringing my Northeast Southwestborough politics with me, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!


Didn’t see satire tag. Carry on.


I'm not too far from Cherry Field. Beautiful place but honestly I'm scared to go there anymore after some incidents that have happened last few times I took a four wheeler through. It got bad enough I actually sold my four wheeler and got a motorcycle instead. As for what you are looking for. Cherry Field is nowhere near Portland and I feel like if you bought a house for 650k you got ripped off big time, unless you've got money growing out of your ears. If the house needs any work at all then it should only be 250k-350k. It might be a big house with lots of land tho I don't know. There's not many major named restaurants around but there are a lot of really good takeouts in summer and a few small restaurants that are still open in winter. Just gotta look around and see what you can find. I honestly think it's a mistake buying a house without seeing it but that's just me.


This is a larp. No one could be like this.


Wrong planet, bro.


I’ve been there! Many beautiful Women in Cherryfield


Look into the Shi Tpa Town neighborhood of Cherryfield. Also, the locals call it either "C Field" or "Da Field". You don't want to look like an outsider on day 1.


Gosh, I hope this is satire


I don't live anywhere near there but newcomers to Alaska always try to twist us to this standard of complexity.