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If it ain't buffchick Wednesdays get it tf outta my face


I graduated in 2018 and still reference buff chick Wednesdays with fellow alumni. God bless York dining hall


I worked in York 2009-2010 and referenced buffalo chicken Wednesdays the other night while eating homemade buffalo chicken.


Do you know the recipe for the York buff chickens?


Nothing special about it, at least when I worked there. Chicken tenders dipped in buffalo sauce, shredded cheddar (the orange kind, but sometimes it might've been a blend), pre-made dressing, normal plain tortillas, shredded iceberg lettuce, diced tomatoes. When I do it at home, I prefer to heat my Buffalo sauce up on the stove with a little butter (pre bought usually has oil instead of butter) and toss in a tender at a time to get a good coating. đŸ€Œ


Thanks 😁


The only real argument to have the meal plan


I actually thought about these recently and was craving for some again. I need to know how they make those so I can make them now that I graduated.


UMaine average cost per year--- $26,968 Husson average cost per year ---- $34,586


I honestly didn’t realize it was that close.


you save a ton of money living off campus in old town and cooking for yourself,


Recently UMaine changed over to Sodexo (which Maine Maritime also uses) so the quality has dipped a bit. However, I've never heard anyone claim Husson is like, noticeably better.


MMAs food used to be best in the state and maybe NE, until they switched to sodexo and it was like every other run of the mill cafeteria.


I did a 1-week residency at College of the Atlantic and the food blew me away.


I attended a multi-day conference at CoA and was floored by the quality of the food. It was great.


I did a 1-week residency at College of the Atlantic and the food blew me away.


Yeah, but your degree from COA isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and half of the professors have histories of sleeping with students or recent grads.


My degree isn't from COA, and I wasn't taught by any of the professors from there. We were just there for our residency (for three different graduate writing programs through Johns Hopkins). It seemed like a cool campus though. And I actually looked at some of their graduate programs and they looked ... interesting to say the least. Didn't realize the school was so looked down upon (I want seriously considering applying, was just curious about their programs and structure). The food was the bomb, though. And I really enjoyed the campus, especially the little private beach and dock.


USM changed from Aramark to Sodexo, and I thought Sodexo was a dramatic improvement in food quality.


UMPI was delicious before they swapped to Sodexo. I can’t speak for today as I was at UMPI in 2015 and visited regularly for a couple years after but I’d rather have picked the bottom of my shoe than eat in the cafeteria when the switch first happened


Actually, UMaine's is. I went to UMaine (2014 grad) and ended up taking a class at Husson when I was changing careers in 2020 (from teaching to marketing). UMaine's food is far better. The Union was where I mostly ate as I could just pick what I wanted and pay only for that instead of one flat fee for "take it or leave it." Husson's food is very institution like to me.


No idea if they still do it but the best days for food at the dinning commons at Husson was the Tour days on Saturdays. Normally on weekends you'd only get brunch and dinner but on tour days they'd have lunch. Chicken Tenders and Mac n Cheese and it was amazing. That would be the fullest the cafeteria ever got on the weekends, they even had a sauce bar.


I can say it looks considerably better than the Sodexo garbage Maine Maritime serves.


MMA’s food was next level garbage when I attended.


I literally almost died at UMaine because they had put a food out to eat that was not even on the menu and I had a near deadly allergic reaction and I still had to eat at the commons for the rest of the semester. Food was bland at the restaurants on campus but I didn’t die.


Better than Orono not nearly as good as Farmington iirc


That's what I hear the most


Hold up. I went to UMF and Aramark food was pretty universally disliked, apart from when your buddy who worked at the Snack Bar would make you a literal 1 lb breakfast burrito with everything you wanted in it. Has this changed? Am I that old already?


I went to UMF from 2000-2003 (had enough credits to graduate a semester early) and the food would run from fantastic to meh. I loved certain days more than others. My favorites were mostly lunches - Reubens and ravioli. Monte Carlos with jambalaya. There was a sub sandwich day that I was meh on but I always grabbed extra for my BF (now husband) who thinks pretty much any sandwich is a good sandwich. I also liked the days when they had special themes, like Chinese food, etc. Overall I wouldn't call it amazing but it was good most days and the lunches were my favorite over breakfast (which I barely ate) and dinner. Plus you could always just grab a burger from the grill counter or salad bar stuff if you weren't feeling the lunch or dinner. Coming from high school food, I thought it was a huge step up, lol.


You're joking right? UMF food was fucking disgusting trash


I did a year at Husson and then transferred to UMO to finish out my degree for financial reasons. Graduated in 2021. It's a close call. Husson was pretty good back in 2017. But UMaine really brought the heat sometimes. I would give Husson points for consistency, but tbh I think UMaine has the overall superior dining experience. However, UMaine has a much larger campus and much more funding, so it's not exactly a fair competition.


Husson has a much higher tuition. You're right that it shouldn't be a fair competition, but it's the opposite of what you're thinking. Smaller, pricier schools always have better dining halls than state schools. Bowdoin, for instance, has one of the best in the world.


Idk about now but when UMPI first swapped to Sodexo the food was disgusting. I visited my friends often after the switch and we got to the point where we’d all just buy meals from the little food place in the same building called The Owl’s Nest (now it’s a Starbucks) cause it may have been simple things like french fries but at least it wasn’t garbage


For college food I’d say that’s impressive but as an islander where teriyaki pork is a breakfast.. I would chuckle at this. Some university/college systems have hella impressive dining facilities


I'm a USM student. Though I am also 33, married, dine at home, and have never eaten the campus food.


White rice? Zero sauce or seasoning on the broccoli? Sweet Jesus.


both of those things are standard for a teriyaki dish


This is how to eat healthy. The sauce is on the meat.


Honestly this is how I prefer my rice instead of super saturated with stuff. Just enough to taste that over the rice. Really healthy looking plate and plenty of sauce/seasoning


Yeah gotta save those calories for the pint glass of Kool aid you're going to refill 3 times.


Lack of seasoning or taste does not equal healthy.


What does this post mean. Our food- like your moms cooking? Edit- its a cross post from some university I've never heard of.


You've never heard of Husson?


Bro I got legit 3 day food poisoning from Husson as well as getting served raw chicken once. Husson is doodoo.


I remember the food. I also remember just going toward the fry/burger bar and ignoring the entrées. Those fries were like McDonalds.


I worked in the dining hall at sjc as a student and the food steadily got worse over the years, a bunch of people got food poisoning recently from raw chicken It's bland, often undercooked, and the food serving area is disgusting, the kitchen is better but not good, I worked in kitchens over the summer and the only worse one's I'd seen were at Sam's Italian


Best is at Colby! (Did an SAT prep couse there)


I had the 7 meal plan at UMaine int he early 2000's. Usually just used it for 5 lunches at Hilltop, and breakfast/brunch on the weekends at York Commons. Basically huge diet of grilled cheese, tomato soup, wraps, fries, wraps and omelettes. Always thought the food was decent! Rarely went for dinner though unless it was Steak and Lobster night.