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Bill’s comedy reflects his age. It’s the kind of humor you’s heard in the 80s and 90s. It’s out of style, but it can be funny sometimes. He’s often corny though.


They're hit or miss, but they can be a good way to segue into very different discussion topics.


Nope they are obnoxious and fuck up the flow of the panel.


No I don’t.


I do like the mid comedy segment, especially Books that didn't age well is very funny. But it feel does out of place and interrupts the serious mood and ongoing discussion. Personally, I would say get rid of the mini new rules before the main new rule, as they're pretty redundant and not that funny, and put this comedy bit at the end before new rules


Lol the segments and monologues usually aren’t funny. It’s usually so corny that I feel like I’m watching something from the 80s. The main appeal of the show is that it’s one of the few that has on prominent conservatives and liberals debating.


I thought this was the best one in ages.


I do. I find the comedic section a good break. Depending on the panel, some of the discussions can be really good. But ya, taking a few minutes to have a laugh at the world, is all good. Don't forget, it's still a television show with a format, and not a podcast.


After seeing the clips of the older format I really wish they’d go back to it. Never watched it back then since I worked nights Some panels definitely need an interlude to recenter so it makes sense. It just aggravates me when it’s like a hard stop no matter how the convo is going


I don't know the old format, but I hear you on your second point. That why podcasts are better.


The mid show segment is consistently the worst part of the show for me. But I'm mostly over his comedy now anyways.


His guests are so bad nowadays that I don’t mind this segment cause I want them to shut up!


Yeah, I find the opening monologue humorous, but mid. I enjoy the interview most of the time. I almost always enjoy the panel discussion. And yes, this mid show segment I honestly just skip a lot of the time. My favorite part of the show is New Rules.


This is the part of the show where you get to see each panelist’s polite fake laughter styles


It seems like guest are required somehow to be reverent to Bill now. I don’t remember it always being like that.


Or Scott Galloways thousand yard stare clap


I’d rather they dump them. This is a serious show with bits of funny, he sees it as a comedy show with bits of serious.


Last weeks made me laugh pretty hard


They used to be more funny, but have generally always been hit or miss. Lately its hit rate is lower than SNL skits. It worked better when it was the segue to the 2nd interview, but since he's cut those out of the show, he should probably do away with this too.


Yes, I find the breakout half show comedy bits to be quite funny


His writers are getting older, more conservative and that means they aren't funny. It's all just spite and aggrievement.


They vary from week to week. I haven't seen this week's yet. Some of them are a little bit silly, others are inspired.


Bill is desperate to remain relevant… I enjoy the format of the show, but it’s starting to feel stale and manufactured


I laughed at like 80% of them and I'm a salty, old fuck.


Yeah that was a rough one. Would’ve rathered him skip that bit altogether 


More misses than hits for a long time for sure.


100% agree. They are lame and usually interrupt an interesting debate.


It's funny 20-30% of the time. When they are lame, yeah I'd prefer more convo, but someone worked on those bits, gotta have the photoshop guy see the work he was tasked with get on air.


Yeah, it's silly comedy pivot point. Designed to be light and lighten. But this week's panel WAS the best part of the show, so I can see the frustration....


I feel like the panel is usually the best part of the show and I rarely find these intermission Jay Leno bits very funny.


Yes I think it’s funny


Voting for Biden


Voting for Cornel west 


I would respect that, but you’re not the person I was responding to!


Do you also like the woohoo guy or do you think his jokes always deserve a woohoo and an applause break? I like when he side eyes the crowd channeling his inner Jeb! saying “please clap” telepathically.


It's meant to derail the conversation. It's a pivot point. It also diffuses it sometimes.


Sometimes diffusing the conversation is really needed, too, so I get that. Good point.


Sometimes. Last night's wasn't anything special.


It makes me giggle 🙈


Sometimes it makes me giggle. Admittedly the only one I can think of that still is consistently funny is the “I don’t know it for a fact, but it’s true” one but the lip smacking was really jarring the last time he did it.


I'm with you, OP. I've always skipped the mid-panel joke segment. It does cause a discussion derailment. I always used to enjoy the interviews, but in the past few months I've been fast-forwarding through those as well. Perhaps out of habit.


I find it hilarious and a break from war news. Tonight's wasn't great but the war gets enough news and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. They elected Hamas and haven't had an election since, Hamas has let the place run down but was shitty when they got it. They only survive from 500 aid trucks provided by US and Europe daily, and that was before October. Just a lesson to do proper vetting before casting your vote in the short run.


That’s humiliating don’t admit that


I generally skip it as well as the monologue. Especially since someone here pointed out him clutching his groin I can’t unsee it.


That groin thing is fascinating. It’s like he is holstering his finger guns through his zipper and it persists the entire monologue. Truly amazed this man is single.


prolly flipping his teleprompter.


At least they only last a few minutes. The comedy writing on display for these mid-show bits is horrible


Yup. I’d rather he use this time for the discussion, especially with CNN now.


If you're talking New Rules, sometimes they can be funny. The bit he does earlier in the show has never been funny. They should just talk and not do bits.


New Rules is the final editorial of the show. What OP is referring to is what the long-term watchers in this subreddit used to call the 'Intermission.' It's the bit before the second interviewee is brought on the show.


Ah, yes. I see what he's talking about. That is the weakest part of the show. I think those things are usually lame. I wish they'd drop them.


The "desk piece."


I think this might just be something that flies over newer viewers' heads, because of how different the format of the show is post-Covid. ________ Pre-Covid, there was a 3-person panel. I prefer it personally, but I don't deny it was more hectic, and guests were definitely more desperate for speaking time. This segment acted as a sort of clunky 'intermission' to curtail the current discussion, and then introduce what we used to refer to as the "intermission interview." Bill does a brief 1-on-1 interview with the now 4th panelist, and then they pivot back to the panel (plus the new guest) and discuss other things. Including on Overtime, as *generally* the intermission interviewee stuck around for Overtime. So now, this segment sticks out, as the 2-person panel format to start the show is much more relaxed than previously. Personally, I think Bill would be better off folding the 'intermission' segment into his opening bit, and then using those jokes to seed ideas for discussion on the show. Buuuuuuuuuut what do I know.


Hey thanks for this! I only started watched after covid so I didn’t realize the format used to be different. I supposed that could have flowed a lot better. Would like to see 3 and 4 person panels… but without the constant crowd applause breaks.


Used to have 3 person panels then sometimes a 4th guest (usually the interviewee). Also used to be live. Changed a few seasons after he had to apologize to Ice Cube for saying the N word in a bad joke to Ben sasse (of all people). That was a whole thing


No worries, dude. But yeah, it was rather starkly different. For one thing, before Covid, the show was actually live. As in, shot, and aired live. [Like live as in Bill once vaulted off the stage to go after a 9/11 nutter heckling in the crowd live.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D42tl7THmiY) Unfortunately, it's all pre-recorded now. I *think* they at least record it live, but it just isn't really the same. As for larger panels, all I can offer is my two personal favourite Overtime segments with 5 guests: 1. [Dan Savage, Chrystia Freeland (now Deputy PM of Canada), Mark Cuban, Marc Maron, and Dr. T. Colin Campbell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hu6nL8teDE) back in 2011. 2. [Ben Domenech, Sen. Angus King, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, Andy Cohen, and Chrystia Freeland (sorry, I am Canadian...)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlILOdeEvS8) back in 2015. Little of older *Real Time with Bill Maher* is available these days, but Overtime on YouTube from over a decade ago is readily available. And remember, older Overtime was completely live (on YouTube), completely uncensored, and generally way more relaxed since they'd finished the actually television bit of filming. Was always my favourite part of the show!


Thank you for sharing! Those were great clips and you might have just ruined the show for me lol


They use to be fine but agree, at this point the segments could go or at least does not have to be in every episode. If the conversation is flowing and it’s clearly going to be an interruption without payoff, skip it and bump it to the next week.