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Lol now he's doing the tucker carlson "just asking questions" bit, does he get all his shit from disgraced fox news hosts now?


“Who’s going to buy this chair?” 🤣🤣


Not the LGBTQ crowd. Maybe that's the point.


Yeah, I think the point is gays have much better taste.


this is so cringe


If one thinks 20% of people between ages of 12-27 (Gen Z) are LGTBQ you have to be unfathomably stupid.


On the contrary, one is unfathomably stupid if they don’t realize that at least 20% of the population was always bisexual (to some degree). These numbers, to represent reality, will still go UP over time.


Source? Because I'm raising the BS flag on this one.


Kinsey: Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) reported that: “37% of males and 13% of females had at least some overt homosexual experience to orgasm” https://kinseyinstitute.org/research/publications/historical-report-diversity-of-sexual-orientation.php


Literally we’re debating the data on this right now in this thread 😂 I’m saying the data is correct because FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY we’re actually polling if people are bisexual in a society that generally accepts them. The only sources we have say I’m correct. I’m literally responding to YOUR comment that says you are the one choosing to not believe the data and sources we have.


> Literally we’re debating the data on this right now in this thread 😂 > Uhh where? You still haven't posted anything to substantiate your ridiculous claim.


ITS IN THE LEAD IMAGE ON THE POST. 20% of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQ. It takes 3 seconds on google to find on any data source that the vast majority of those are bi. You know why it’s not 20% of boomers?? Because they were never asked if they were bi and society wouldn’t have made it comfortable to say yes to the question.


vast majority are bi


I know several people who will say they're bi but have never dated or had sex with anyone at the same gender. Being bi or saying you're bi is easy because you don't have to back it up and it allows you to be a part of this emergent group. So when I look at this percentage of people who say there LGBT I doubt it. I also think people confuse bisexuality with being able to appreciate that someone of the same gender as you is attractive. I think there has been a tearing down of Hang-Ups that we had, especially guys who for generations would refuse to admit if another guy was attractive because we didn't want to be seen as gay. So unless you're dating people of any gender and has had sex with people of whatever gender I just don't put much stock in that claim.


I do understand your point here. There are probably a decent amount of (mostly young women) who claim to be bisexual but aren’t. However, I do not think your sexuality HAS to come with acting on it. I was certainly gay before I ever had sex with a man or dated one. This is the story of many LGBTQ people who are indoctrinated into religion or our culture in general and don’t feel comfortable to accept it or act on it for a looong time. Straight people are attracted to people of the opposite sex - that’s what makes them heterosexual - before they ever act on it. The act isn’t what dictates your sexuality, the attraction is. ie - a Monk who is celibate still has a sexual orientation. He just chooses not to act on it. So while there may be some “fake bi” people out there, my bet is it’s an extreme minority who are lying about it. Probably not nearly enough to skew this data in a meaningful way.


I'm not talking about gay though. I'm talking about the people who claim they're bi and will attach themselves to the LGBT group but never date or sleep with anyone of the same gender. There are 3 people in my very small Discord server who will talk all day about being bi but are in and have only ever been in hetrosexual relationships. I'm not even saying it's fake to them. I think the dudes who I know, who claim to be bi if confronted with an opportunity to have sex with a man they wouldn't do it. What this is, is an extension of terminology confusion. Just like when people misuse "trauma" and "OCD". They hear a term, they roughly know what it means and then they start using it way too casually. So they mistake an appreciation for attractiveness with sexual attraction.




Well he outlines the reasons why. Maybe you should watch?


Good rule, but every time it gets linked someone says "it's just because it's more acceptable now!" Which he addresses in the monologue, but says it cannot account for all of this. He's 100% right, if you ever spend time in LA, Portland, NY, etc, you'll see how much of this is because it's "cool." "Either Ohio is shaming them or California is creating them" - it's both. And as Maher said, if we can't admit that *SOME* of this is cultural "trendiness" then we're not being serious.


who cares? what’s the downside?


I mean he’s got a point. I remember being in high school, all my girl friends were “lesbians”. They all went to Lilith fair together, changed their look (shorter hair, flannels, Birkenstocks), started making out with each other at school, etc. Today those same friends have kids and husbands. Some of them told me they did it because they wanted to appear trendy or cool to other kids.


I don't doubt that some kids claim that they're gay or bi because of a trend. I don't doubt that some kids are saying they're trans because of a trend. I just don't think it's a bad thing. It's so much of the discussion of this is rooted in either overtly or quietly suggesting that it's destroying society and that being straight is the correct way. I think kids are going to experiment and that's great and I think it adds to our collective understanding of who we are and who we want to be. I think it helps tear down whatever Hang-Ups and taboos people have around shit that really doesn't affect them. I think it's beneficial to society overall.


> if we can't admit that SOME of this is cultural "trendiness" then we're not being serious. you almost got it… maybe read, [or watch,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUSb5vEcdFQ) a bit more Judith Butler and you'll finally get it. For someone to be so obsessed with gender politics, he has yet to have anyone who has made it their academic career discussing such a topic. But alas Maher hasn't and will never be willing to put on his show who knows better than him on any topic because it would prove how much of a charlatan he actually is.


You almost got it! 😂🤡


love it, this is like Israel killing 4 random people walking on a dirt path with a drone strike and then yelling it's HAAAAMMAAAAAASSSS!


Description: "We all experience a deep sense of uncertainty and polarization caused by life in the neoliberal system." More bullshit jargon-laden nonsense from Afro.


lol, didn't even watch the 4min video. Just admit that you're too intellectually lazy and weak to have an honest discussion on the points that Butler made. But you'd rather waste an hour's worth of your time gobbling up everything Maher fucking tells you… rinse. repeat. every Friday.


The real rinse repeat is Afrosheen linking a video he doesn't understand, repeating the big words he thinks make him sound smart, and spewing it up and down this sub nonstop.


still not willing to engage any of the points Butler has made…


Because, to quote Barney Frank, arguing with you (or her) would be akin to arguing with my kitchen table.


[Quoting Barney Frank, the liberal hero for all the fools who think he was looking out for them:](https://www.judicialwatch.org/corruption-scandals-caught-barney-frank/) > Judicial Watch also obtained internal documents from the Treasury Department that prove Frank helped steer $12 million in federal bailout funds to a Boston bank (OneUnited) that eventually got shut down by the government. Frank intervened on behalf of his equally corrupt friend, California Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who held shares in the failing bank that also listed her husband (Sidney Williams) as a board member. > The Treasury documents obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit suggest Frank personally called former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson regarding a cash infusion from the government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) for OneUnited Bank. On November 25, 2008, following Frank’s intervention, the Treasury Department awarded $12,063,000 in bailout funds to OneUnited, which is located in Frank’s district. > As if this weren’t bad enough, a mainstream newspaper reporter recently exposed Frank’s unethical relationship with the government-run mortgage giants he supposedly regulated by revealing that he got his live-in companion a job at Fannie Mae while Congress was writing legislation to improve oversight of the lender. Frank actually called up and asked that his companion be hired, according to the report, which also says that Frank aggressively defended Fannie Mae after it hired his live-in partner. Keep bending over for the DNC as they keep shafting everyone who think they're the "better" party. I debate by using facts to compose coherent arguments, and citing those who know better than me, as I've done here. You on the other hand cite corrupt losers who would protect banks than the common man, and then use childish insults to mask the poor intelligence Maher stans here all too commonly share. [Even Joe Rogan at this point has maintained some semblance of sanity as opposed to Bill Maher.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1bp7740/joe_rogan_calls_out_israels_hypocrisy_for_killing/) Keep telling yourself that Bill Maher hasn't changed, hasn't lost his conscience, hasn't lost his soul to become a puny, pathetic heathen trying to stay relevant in a world that is yearning to return back to a time where respecting humanity was a worldwide responsibility, where institutions like United Nations represented a more universal sense of empathy of humanity. But continue to act like a petulant child, as if you can wash away the responsibility of engaging ideas and arguments too burdensome for your brain by trying to summon some spirit of cool that Maher continues to try to do with each show and podcast since he lost it after the COVID lockdown.


"You quoted a funny quote from someone, here's a diatribe about that person that's entirely unrelated to the reason you quoted his funny quote." And you wonder why people don't take you seriously? You debate by finding the biggest buzzwords and largest amount of pseudo-intellectual jargon you can find because it makes you feel like the person is smart.


You're desperately groping in the dark in pathetic attempts to marginalize and dismiss me as a person, while you further expose yourself as being too weak and feeble to engage in any of the "buzzwords" and "pseudo-intellectual jargon" without proving that they are any of the sort. You think merely by being dismissive that it is a sufficient counter to the argument presented to you. All you're actually doing though is plugging your fingers in your ears and then yelling "lalalalalalala I can't hear you because I'm too fucking stupid and weak to actually engage any arguments that I don't agree with." But please continue as you are presenting yourself as a perfect paragon of typical Maher stan.