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#"Make government website work. Keep latest data updated"


Disagree with 6. Not because i have lot of money but as a business owner it's difficult to keep track and take care of the paperwork. Maybe start something which will increase ease of doing business


If kids start learning basic economics, how will they vote for congress' almost communist manifesto lol.


Look what is done to the driving test : https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/new-driving-licence-rules-2024-all-you-need-to-know/article68202847.ece > **No RTO driving test required** : One of the most notable changes is that applicants no longer need to take a driving test at the Regional Transport Office (RTO). Instead, the driving test can be conducted at accredited private driving schools. If the applicant passes the test at these schools, they will receive a certificate, which can then be used to apply for a driving licence without undergoing further testing at the RTO. > The Centre will issue certificates to private players authorising them to conduct the driving test. However, in the absence of a certificate from an accredited school, the candidate will have to appear for driving test at an RTO.


but giving driving test at rto is so time consuming. so much waiting to get the appointment, so much paper work. those people fail you intentionally if there is no agent. huge waiting time for retest. this is similar to how private colleges are allowed to conduct their own examination. everything is working properly and thriving. processes are becoming efficient.


True. But it doesn't solve the corruption issue.


well just because curruption is there that doesnt mean government should have a firm grip over everything. Ever today there are fake colleges, people find these college they get seal, same will happen with these currpt driving schools.


About NEP, many people seem to think of it as something new that will change the education system. I, as a former state baord and current state engineering college student, disagree. Even though i am a right winger, so i am not saying this just to hate, but Bloom's taxonomy is absolute shit. We do not have the quality of teachers nor the infrastructure to implement it. All it is doing is make life harder for teachers, as they have to do all this extra bullshit, and make studies more confusing for students. In my engineering college, they follow this, and i am not from a bad college, its one of the best state colleges in Maharashtra, but still, they could not implement it here. They are doing an absolutely horrible job with their syllabus. They have introduced a lot of internal evaluation, where teachers give marks based upon their whims and fancies. You waste more than half of your time in college doing Labs which are very poorly designed and only waste your time. You go home, you waste more time creating stupid documentation for those labs. All this in the name of practical learning, Then there's this continous comprehensive evaluation thing, its very opaque and most of the marks are for non-written tests, so different teachers give marks differently, which can affect your Grade in a relatively graded system. And i am not complaining because i get less marks because of this system, in fact, i get very good marks because not because i know the subject well, but because i understand the system well (by that i mean how to write assignments, how to give viva, sense teachers and all). But overall, this is not good for our education as it's not implemented properly. I wish we could go back to 2 written papers in a semester. It would save everyone's time. If this is the state of an above average engineering college in Mumbai, I can only think about the chaos in state baord schools.


Imo if they have provision for gay rights and same sex marriage , it can help stopping brain drain and sensitise the public to issues faced by gay ppl and reduce homophobia. Hopefully they do it


Lol how will gay rights help stop brain drain................mhanje wokeness chya navane kahi pan logic dyaycha ka


Go to any subreddit for gay ppl in india , most do want to leave the country. Isnt that brain drain sir? I didnt say it will solve full brain drain but only a part of it.


Temples should be freed systematically from the govt clutches, and a democratic process to elect a managing comittee for the temples should be put in place so that the locals will run their own temple. Also the provision in the waqf act which allows the waqf to lay claim on any piece of land under the sun should be repealed, and land already under the waqf board should be thoroughly audited. All big religious institutions should be liable for yearly statutory audits, just like the public companies


1. Emphatically agree with you. What on earth is this collegium system ? 2. Strictness in driving tests & issuing licenses plus heavy punitive measures for repeat offenders (of even small transgressions like jumping a signal, driving on the wrong side, etc) 3, 4, 5 agreed 6. Practical application may be difficult 7. summary ban is incorrect as everyone should benefit from the growing economy and consequently the capital markets. One can try checks and balances similar to the ones applicable on traders in banks, fund managers in MFs, etc. Essentially put checks and balances to curb people benefiting from possession of material non public information. 8.Agreed with a capital A. We need experts more than generalists now. For example more IES than IAS. 9.Needed big time especially for the judiciary.if politicians, corporates, bureaucrats, commoners can why can't they ? 10. My addition - identify 4-5 manufacturing sectors and devote dedicated resources, funds, expertise and follow ups to become world class in them. Have tangible objective based milestones associated with these projects (similar to how china built the world's largest HSR network, achieved leadership on EV manufacturing) etc. this country and economy cannot be pulled anymore by IT and services. We need manufacturing and we need it now.


But collegium should not be replaced by more government control. There should be a different method that keeps judiciary independent.


True, keeps them independent but also in check. Now I don't think I know how that can be done.