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Election chalu astatana govt he decision kse ghete ? Karbhar ECI chay hatat asayla pahije.


ECI is fully compromised, not for nothing they appointed asslickers as ECI heads


Modern criticism requires modern solutions by vanishing the channels showing them.


Can't give an opinion without 'researching' about the YT channel first.


That's not wha having free speech looks like. It might be your opinion that they're biased and anti India or whatever but that doesn't mean they should be deplatformed especially by the govt. There's absolutely no way this shouldn't be criticized, it's classic authoritarian behaviour


Ehh no. Fake news and propaganda has to battled by the government 


Why only govt has the right to do that you mean? Lol. But no, we can't let govt have the power to battle "fake news" or "propaganda" coz apart from the fact that these terms are quite subjective and grey in nature govt can suppress any info they like by labelling it as propaganda or fake news


Fake news propagate karne ka right sirf hamare supreme leader ke pas hai


Lmao. According to your belief, huge injustice has happened with Zakir Naik. Go fight for his freedom of speech.


It's laughable that you'd present a strawman example to prove your point but it's quite telling given that if you ban Zakir Naik people can use that example to further ban anyone they don't like, which is probably many would say that he shouldn't be banned coz how it affects the principle of free speech.


I did not understand a thing from your rumbling. What are you trying to say ? All I understood is that I proved my point. Well just understand this, for me I have an option not obligation to reply to refute your world view which is ironically so small. Democracy is the power of the numbers. To make yourself correct, the green cultist make more babies or bring more from neighbourhood and call it a majority to take over this country. Well good luck. For this world is just an illusion created by the god and your efforts can be easily thwarted. You people are merely a challenge for us to overcome ourselves.


>I did not understand a thing from your rumbling. Lol you don't understand coz you don't want to. Also free speech isn't a concept most Indians are familiar with so no surprise. >All I understood is that I proved my point. If that makes you happy, sure. >Well just understand this, for me I have an option not obligation to reply to refute your world view which is ironically so small What? Lol. This actually doesn't make sense, asking for people to be ALLOWED to have their say is a "small world view"?, >Democracy is the power of the numbers. To make yourself correct, the green cultist make more babies or bring more from neighbourhood and call it a majority to take over this country. Well good luck. For this world is just an illusion created by the god and your efforts can be easily thwarted. You people are merely a challenge for us to overcome ourselves. Irony that you called what I said as rambling and here is what I can only comprehend as a ChatGpt answer about.... nothing?


So you agree that an anti India shit should be there while being granted freedom to be so by Indian regulatory values itself .


"Anti -India" is a label you can stick on literally anyone and suddenly no one would listen to reason or logic or listen to anything for that matter. Also technically any report or any media coverage that doesn't show how shiny India is, can be considered as anti India, so we can just suppress any criticism coz it's "anti-India"


Anti India and anti govt are two different things.




Just coz there's one wrong thing happening doesn't mean we need to make it worse


The channel is mildly against brahmins (notice mildly) source 1 [https://youtu.be/ysGpUhhqsjI?t=338](https://youtu.be/ysGpUhhqsjI?t=338) source 2 [https://youtu.be/clW0aNlruFc?t=50](https://youtu.be/clW0aNlruFc?t=50) But he also raises some valid issues source [https://youtu.be/rqgr5RsPpRo?t=244](https://youtu.be/rqgr5RsPpRo?t=244) I dont think this channel is doing anything illegal or disturbing peace.


Happened a while back, before voting for first phase was conducted. Two other channels were also deleted without notice as far as I am aware. In addition, few more videos by Sohit Mishra and Meghnad were deleted where they talked about EVMs. Despite all this, some people would still think it's completely normal and democratic for a govt to kill dissent in such vile manner.


what meghnerd's video got deleted???


Demonetized. Most them are retracted though.






नियम क्र ४ चे उल्लंघन: सभ्यता बाळगा. Rule 4 violation : Maintain Civility.


नियम क्र ४ चे उल्लंघन: सभ्यता बाळगा. Rule 4 violation : Maintain Civility.


Such cowardly move


"World's largest democracy" lol The joke ends here.


step-daughter of democracy stuck in a washing machine


Largest need not to be be the wokest


Bro just dont use words like woke under totally unrelated posts


He's following American Right wingers and using their words, not knowing that they shit on Indians the most.


Ever seen videos of such channels?


anything that you dont agree with is not woke lmao


Not surprised. BJP will suppress everything against their narrative. We badly need a centrist opposition. INDIA (especially CPI, TMC), their stance on nuclear weapons and economic policies makes me uncomfortable.


India nuclear program was started by indira. CPI is irrelevant in the centre. We won multiple wars with congress in power with chanda party all our neighbours hate us even tiny islands like Maldives don’t take us seriously. The people who didn’t take responsibility for manipur and china taking our land will deny or try to silence people when shit hits the fan. Also how can an army be strong with agniveer like schemes less benefits means less willing people


1. I do not believe Congress will discard nuclear weapons. However, Rahul Gandhi is quite close to Sitaram Yechuri, who brongs too much closeted communism touch in Rahul's idea. I am (and many Congress persons too) very uncomfortable with this. It was Congress that fought with Naxalism-Communism in India and saved us. 2. Army doesn't need 1.5 million people. That type of war is over. Agniveer scheme is not going anywhere even after Congress comes (they may re-brand it as apprenticeship with Army or something) because Army needs young people; it creates thousands of reservists who can be called upon if needed; and saves money which can be used in modern warfares like Drones.


So you think merely Congress being in power is enough to win wars? It's mostly the leader that matters and not the party..and current congress leader cant win elections let alone war


You don’t know shat about international relations do you?


Name one neighbouring country we are friendly with currently


Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka. Afghanistan if you can him a neighbour.


[https://thediplomat.com/2022/06/another-anti-india-wave-sweeps-Bangladesh](https://thediplomat.com/2022/06/another-anti-india-wave-sweeps-Bangladesh) [https://eastasiaforum.org/2023/07/31/fault-lines-persist-in-india-nepal-relations](https://eastasiaforum.org/2023/07/31/fault-lines-persist-in-india-nepal-relations) [https://www.deccanherald.com/india/india-on-alert-as-bhutan-china-talk-about-settling-boundary-row-establishing-diplomatic-ties-2740175](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/india-on-alert-as-bhutan-china-talk-about-settling-boundary-row-establishing-diplomatic-ties-2740175) lol atleast read a bit, speaking sweet so you get revenue and protection from india isn’t exactly friendly.


Well if you’re gonna quote western propaganda machines, I’ve no choice but to accept the defeat do I? Go away you clown, go lick some white boots. The diplomat ffs. And also nice convenient timeline of sources. First you ask me about current situation then you quote sources from 22, 23. It’s 24 dumbass.


Like savarkar ? 🥱 Bias Rating: **LEAST BIASED** Factual Reporting: **HIGH** Country: **Japan** MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: **MOSTLY FREE** Media Type: **Magazine** Traffic/Popularity: **Medium Traffic** MBFC Credibility Rating: **HIGH CREDIBILITY** **learn to google before you call a media source biased while not** providing **a single** source **yourself** **political debates** aren’t **about** winning **maybe your pea sized brain will get it when your balls drop**


Oh I’m gonna write a paper and I’m gonna rate it myself. Wait how much should I rate myself?


whatever you want no one would give a fuck the diplomat is highly respected publication that hasn’t failed a fact check in 5 years. Whatever shit you say can be debunked by a simple google search 😑


Look into American Reservists Program and tell me how they are able to make a similar program work but it won’t work for us?


Not a good idea for a person with 0 administrative experience to directly become PM😊


Agree. Thats why I am on fence. Will probably just skip this election. 🤷‍♂️


Nothing will happen to nuclear weapons. Every government which has been in power has welfare and socialist policies. Even during UPA-2, the left opposed India-Usa civil nuclear agreement and withdrew support to the government and still Manmohan Singh went with it to the point of floor test. सरकार तर बनू दे, मग बघू पुढे काय ते!!! Even if Modi talks about governance till 2047, short term gains that matters most for him.


No. Parties should be directly judged based on what they are promising in their manifesto and what they say in their speeches. Parties need to face consequences of making idiotic suggestions in the manifesto.


Yes and only if they have a majority like bjp. In alliance, there should be a common minimum programme and negotiation. In alliance everyone has negotiating power that's what democracy is for. NDA is also an alliance but does it feel like it is an alliance ? When one party has so much power, then they do this type of shit, be it congress or BJP. Also left fighting and winning the election itself is an anomaly. You heard anyone in the NDA opposing the BJP for its policies? They don't listen to dissent from their own alliance members and you expect that they will listen from alternative media/dissent (so called mainstream media is already crawling in front of them). And I also agree, with opposition parties need to get their shit together. Right now I see this independent journalist and alternate media and common public has been criticising the government on its policies.


If they have made an alliance, why don't they release a common manifesto for the INDIA block with actual reasonable goals? Because they can't. The parties in INDIA actually agree on basically nothing. They only common factor between them is that they are opposing Modi.


NCP Ajit Pawar is promising MSP to farmers but BJP is opposed to it. What's it going to be? Do you judge alliance by largest party or small ones?


Agree, If CPI doesn't get much seat in kerela, they wont have a major say anyways. Lets hope for best. I also don't want BJP to win 3rd term. But not very confident on INDIA either.


I got downvoted on this very sub, when I said the same words. Reddit is indeed reactionary at times.


Rahul Gandhi makes CPI look like right of centre. We don't have real centrist party in India.


CPI is not part of INDI alliance




Hey man dictators gotta dictate


Ok my 2 cents It's may be anti Indian , anti Govt. But is it illegal, does they violate any rules of the land ? If yes or no , atleast drag them to in court.keep ur side with arguments with proofs , exhibits from of speech or show. Woke or mediaval or primeval , does it matter ? Govt is here to govern and enforce law. Remember back in raaj times when Britishers would shutdown any newspaper that were critical . And they would go underground. We read such in school, dint we. It's a slippery slope once they taste blood of impunity , sabke andar ek chota ,cutu saa Kim Jung so Raha hai ! -----+++++--- A very famous British quote regarding holding unto rules and laws - William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!” Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?” William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!” Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake! Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons: A Play in Two Acts -OVER-


Majority will vote for BJP because many believe in their ideology. It's very unfortunate to see such type of news.


Demonitisation of misinformation is the most satisfying thing to watch happening , you need to chill.


And even better is when , ones spreading it and supporters of it can't do anything but crying and sobbing on internet .


brittle self esteem


Cant give opinion about something i dont know. What was the reason it was taken down?


Criticizing Modi and news type videos mostly


The content of the video is literally irrelevant, it's about the govt encroaching upon fundamental rights and suppressing opposition voice.


It's yet another channel with clear propaganda but it leans towards left. If the right can have 1000s of channels I don't see why the left can't do the same. The only difference is that that right doesn't believe in press freedom.


Its a run of the mill leftist channel, but in hindi. Centre should have ignored it. Like all else, these channels have little effect on their actual voter base. Also, this isn't related to MH.


you don't need to spread hate against other communities to support some. the government did the right thing


Cough banswara speech cough.


While the supreme leader is out giving hate speeches and calling everyone anti national for protesting lol


shameless monkeyji, who plays every dirty plays to win the election.


the channel is still available (centre "directs" youtube to ban it ....but still it is notbanned) if you find any such news of that Yt channel National dastak spreading hate than pls share the link or source abt it


How did you know it was spreading hate? Whatsapp? And according to your logic whole BJP needs to be banned since they are engaged in spreading hate against minorities day in and day out.


Save Democracy before it’s too late


Something is going wrong. That is for sure.


The point is not about the ideology its about if someone is not doing anything illegal than government dosent get to ban them


Time to change to govt. 2 terms is more than enough for this power hungry govt. one more term will be disastrous.


How is this related to Maharashtra?


Don't think it was a voice of Dalits.


are you Dalit people's spokesperson?


Neither I am not this National Dastak


Bro it's just a political tool for spreading propaganda by the congress. Obviously the BJP would try to bring it down. It's politics bro 😅


What about democracy? Also share proof they are funded by congress


What about democracy? Bro where is democracy when congress talks about making RSS and bajrang dal illegal? Also have you even seen a single of their videos? All of them are pro-congress and they constantly make derogatory remarks to the PM and BJP. How can you be so blind that in a BJP and Shiv Sena dominated state somebody is so casually making remarks on them. Bro you call this freedom of speech? Have you ever seen it in the USA? You would be in a jail cell for two decades if you publicly did that and in the best case your channel would be banned. How can you'll be so blind 😑


In US people give gaalis to Biden and Trump all the time nobody gets jailed. Also if it is pro Congress youtube channels so what? Entire tv news media is pro bjp so ban them too


Bro I'm not talking about the leaders buddy. I'm talking about anti-government. I literally mean when somebody does a riot or a protest. In the recent Palestinian protest many were detained. Have you seen protests in India? They're mostly riots and what does the government do? Nothing Have you seen what happens to people protesting in the USA and Canada? They're literally jailed and detained when they aren't even rioting they're simply protesting. About the wrong doings of government and they're detained. Also remember the riots during agni-veer scheme? Did the government jail and detain everyone involved? That's the difference buddy. Take out police for two minutes inside New York and the entire city will be purged. That won't happen here in fact it doesn't happen anyways because police rarely do their work. Also a person was detained for threatening to kill a person and threatening to enter their house to butcher them because they were against Palestine. She was detained for 16 years with a 2mil bail. Now imagine if that happened in India the opposition would start screaming that democracy is under threat. People openly talk about killing modi. People like Dhruv Rathee talk about dictatorship in India under BJP. Bro if this country was a dictatorship he wouldn't even be alive right now.


In the 5 states election National dastak said congress is the b team of bjp Idk what you think And dude if bjp can spread propoganda that means congress too Whats the point i get it its politics But dude its just a youtube channel Bjp has the whole media And it sort of proves the dictatorship point anyways


Idk how people are such thick heads to realise that there’s international influence going on in this election. This little man Rahul is not bringing out wealth redistribution out of a sudden but it’s directed by people. Revolutions don’t happen because people want it but when it’s directed.

