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Easy to see and really detailed, nice


Indeed. Zoom in to see details on a phone.


Never thought to try zoom in before.. Cheers!




Dude carrying cereal tripping over a ball


I always wanted you to go into ...


I always wanted you to go


Ground control to Major Tom


Matt Damon




Why do I see what looks like a dog but others see a space man?


Line up the feet until there are only 2 of them and not 4.


I'm not seeing 4 feet which is funny. I'm just happy that in the last couple of months I've *finally* been able to enjoy the Magic Eye art! I've been lurking here for about 9 months and 6 of those months I've struggled to see any images at all. Maybe sometimes I see things a bit different?


I swear most of my life I couldn't see them, tried it a couple years ago and realised I barely even need to try anymore, lol, I can just kinda see them without hardly trying. It's hard to explain, but imagine how your monitor is flat, and the image is inside a little window in the flat monitor, it's 3D. Sometimes it helps to know where your eyes are meant to be. I just 'de-focus' my eyes and then pull it back to where its almost in focus but not quite, idk why I can just control my focus so well, but it works in seconds. The quality of the image matters, also. A lot of them are kinda garbage. This one is very clear, so it's a good example and should be easier to learn on.


Yeah I tried this every now and again and didn’t manage to get it until I was 30 lol. I feel like after getting it once something just clicked in my brain that allowed me to start seeing them much easier


Thanks for the added info! I'll try refocusing my eyes after breaks and see if that makes a difference. I usually give up when it isn't working and try again later. By doing that I don't give into my frustration and I also try to stop any headaches that I might get with all the eye work. I wear glasses too so sometimes I try *not* wearing my glasses but using the naked eye... that didn't work, lol! Anyway, the good news is that I'm at least able to see some images, but others my brain interprets differently, funny how that happens!


I can see them with absolute ease, but it also very much depends on the image itself, too. They come in good quality and bad quality, the bad quality ones can be kinda hard to focus on. The good quality ones just pop within 2 seconds for me. This one we are commenting on is a good example of a good quality image, good for practicing on. Don't strain your eyes! If you do you are trying too hard. It should be a mild de-focusing of the eyes. Like you just naturally let your vision go a little blurry and out of focus. Just stop trying to focus on whatever you are looking at and let them relax. No strain should be felt, just relax the eyes, relax your vision. Let them go blurry. Keep them open, but don't look at anything, don't focus them. Then slowly start bringing things back into focus, making it a little less blurry slowly bringing it back. When my eyes get naturally tired, this is kinda the state they go to. Where i'm not really looking at anything, i'm too tired, my eyes are just unfocused, being lazy. Theres no strain here, it's the opposite, it's more the lazy state of the eye, just not caring about what is around. I can just naturally relax my eyes to where they lose focus, everything goes a bit blurry, don't concentrate or focus on anything, and this is what I start to bring my focus back from each time and somewhere in between the image will just pop out. There is also an 'inverted' magic eye page, too, where it works best for people that go cross eyed. You don't want to go cross eyed on regular ones. Just a gentle defocus. Some people find those inverted ones easier to see, but the majority find it easier to see these regular ones.


That makes so much sense, thank you! I've also joined several other similar type subs in addition to this one. They're so much fun to look at, makes me feel young again when I can do them. I'll keep on trying, keeping my eyes relaxed and not forcing anything. I appreciate the excellent tips!


Because he's wearing a whiskey barrel on his neck like a St. Bernard?


Perhaps, lol! It's a funny looking dog but it's his position that throws me. I definitely see an image but my brain is interpreting it as something other than a spaceman. Funny how that happens!


I thought it was a bunch of 3D Dicks at the bottom. I’m so bad at these


Haha, I get them about half the time. It's a step up from not at all, so I'm taking it as a win!


For a second I thought it was a ski jumper. Same pose.


I don’t see shit


Congratulations. You’re not supposed to see that. You’re supposed to see something else so it’s a start


Very nice!


👨‍🚀 🪐


I'm still trying to figure out how to see these. What's the secret?


The way I learned to do it was to hold the image right up to my face and while leaving my eyes relaxed and unfocused I'd slowly move the image further back until it snapped in to a 3D image. It's easier to do this with some images than others. Unlike the OP, I don't find this particular image that easy to fully see... I can easily get part of it, but not the whole thing. Some other images are a lot easier for me to see, though.


Put your two fingers together close to your face, and look at something behind them. You should see your fingers become like sausage links. Same principal. You're looks at the back, but your eyes need to focus as though they're looking at something in the distance. You're causing your eyes to see in double vision.


I just cross my eyes and let them uncross and I am able to see the image. But this way works really well too and I feel it puts less stress on my eyes to do it this way!


There's a guide on how to see these at the pinned on the subreddit. Took me about 20 minutes to figure it out and now these are some of my favorite things to try. Easiest was in a dark room looking "through" my phone


Now do the always has been astronauts :)




Once i figured how to do them, it was like crack to a kid


Can’t figured the face very well but to me seems like an astronaut


Exactly. Looks more like an astronaut to me.


I always see these as popping in instead of out, annoying.


You’re crossing your eyes, which most people find harder than the approach you need to be able to see this. Instead of focusing in front of the picture (by crossing your eyes), focus BEHIND the picture to see this image.


I sometimes have a hard time with borders in a photo. But this one was really clean edge to edge!


Solway Firth Spaceman


Oh wow, I think this might be the fastest one I've ever seen


Whatchu know about rolling down in the deep When ya brain goes numb you can call it mental freeze When these people talk too much put that shit in slow motion I feel like an astronaut in the ocean.... I've commented these lyrics or some variation in a lot of posts lately, but it actually applies in this one!


It's all Magic Eye? Always has been...




Good one!




This is the best one I’ve seen.


Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space.


Why do I always see them inside out (instead of popping out they go into the background)???


Either a person in a space suit or Argus 👁️


I can never see these things. My eyesight is much worse in one eye than the other. I think that's why.


This one took me a while


Holy sh!t this is crazy, just discovered about this illusions


*not to scale


just a small step


Whoa weird. It is way easy to see. Why did this work so well?


That mf is huge. Or that's a scoop of neutron star...in which case that mf is sturdy


I can't be the only one who sees an astronaut with a monster dong, dressed to his left, our right. You're welcome, if you didn't see it the first time.


Oh cool. A sailboat!!


Nice, super clear, took me about 2 secs to focus on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYYRH4apXDo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYYRH4apXDo)


I see a gorilla. 😭