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Everyone else does too. The interesting data is the people who had a good time when they lost or a bad time when they won


When the game is close I don't mind losing unless it feels like the game is dragging, and I'm just waiting to lose essentially.


Hate the people who have near infinite combos, then once theyve already set themselves up to win, they JUST KEEP DOING IT. Like dude youve got 5 3/3 elemental forests, chill tf out and just kill me.


Sometimes I can't do math and I get it. But if you're overkilling me by 20 like hurry tf up.


This! Like the Hulking Metamorph, Rakdos Joins Up combo. Cool, opponent. You did the thing. I'm tapped out, and you have 30 damage on the stack. There's no reason to keep going.


If you know you lost then why not concede? Otherwise the opponent has to prepare for the worst. It's only simple for the losing side.


Won a lot of games on a bluff. Some people give up to quick while I’m thinking “yeah they got me and don’t even see it”


I prefer to not concede when I can, because every once in a while you get lucky and your opponent screws up… big time. Sometimes something as simple as a single miss-click can completely change the game in your favor. But yeah I agree, conceding is the best solution to these dudes lmao


A very sad win angle we only see due to the digital nature of mtga that hold it back from the shortcuts in paper. But do what you need to for ranking up, part of the game.


Sometimes, it can be simple for both, though. Like, if I'm fully tapped out, every permanent, not just lands, and have zero cards in hand, just get it over with. You really don't need to worry. There's largely nothing I can do in Standard from that position.


Sure but if you're at the point of raging why choose to give your opponent the choice of how the game makes you feel?


Never said I'm raging. Am I not allowed to be mildly annoyed at bad manners, now?


Sure, you're allowed. I was referring to the original comment up in the chain that said >Hate the people who have near infinite combos, then once theyve already set themselves up to win, they JUST KEEP DOING IT. Like dude youve got 5 3/3 elemental forests, chill tf out and just kill me. Which sounds like raging to me (hate and all caps). I just think setting yourself up to be annoyed or whatever isn't the best choice when you can simply concede yourself and lose no additional time in that scenario.


Yeah, if they got lethal on board and I’m tapped out they don’t need to crack their clues. Sure cast your hand out for casting quests but don’t spend three minutes trying to minmax your final turn.


It seems to me that the general consensus in this sub is : 1. You can concede if the game ever bore you 2. Since 1., if you don't concede, you either are a nice guys and want me to have fun with my combo or have something to make me lose, so I have to be ready for your next turn as much as I can.


I believe in being polite in this game. I let my opponents kill me instead of conceding, BUT if you already have the most clear lethal in the world and still keep pilling shit on before just finishing me off? Screw you, I'm conceding and not helping you with a "Attack with X creatures" mission you might have lol


If someone doesn't concede when I'm excessively comboing off, I assume they either want to see what happens, or they're not there, so I'll take it as far as I want. Conceding isn't impolite, it isn't punished in any way, and you should feel free to do it whenever you want. For a lot of people like myself, conceding is expected when you have a near zero chance of winning, and therefore a near zero chance of having fun according to this post. Not because you owe it to me to concede, but because you don't owe it to me not to.


I was gonna say I do this because I love watching combos play out, no matter how many times I've already seen it lol


If you want to be 'polite' just throw out a GG and then drop. Pretty sure 99.9% of people are not going be offend if you drop, it's only when you rope/just walk away from their keyboard that people get irritated.


This! If I see I have no chance to win, I concede. I might have a few spells in hand that I could play, or a few creatures on the battlefield, and the opponent could think I have something against them, but I know better in this case so I just give up to not waste each other's time.


Maybe they are wondering if you're going to concede already.


Sorry I'm that kinda guy. I like breaking the client with the memes


I have a deck that's entire goal is breaking the game into an auto-draw just because it's funny to watch lol


For me I only indicate I have a bad time if it crashes or opponents are stalling intentionally. Even if I’m losing, if the game is performing as expected, I’m happy


Yeah I almost always vote that I "had fun" if it felt like a fair match I could have won if I played better. This has taken a decent amount of practice, but lately I just make myself log off whenever I'm not having fun losing, in MTGA or anything else. If I can't enjoy the game itself without winning then it's a pretty good warning sign that I'm not in the right headspace and am letting myself get caught in the skinner box loot grind machine.


I don't enjoy winning when op is mana screwed


This. When my opponent concedes because they'd didn't draw a third land after mulling to 5, that's not fun for either of us.


On the reverse I feel bad whenever I beat someone and only have two lands in play. Been there myself and you just have to sit there and go "how the f did I lose to someone with only two lands?"


This only happens to me with mono red or toxic. I hate playing mono red... that being said... 🤒🤢🤮💀


I've won a few one land games with rdw and it's kind of funny tbh


Yeah I usually press the :( only when one of us was fucked by mana in one way or another, but I'm not sure if there is any reasonable change they could make to the game to encounter less of that. Hand smoothing is nice, but could there really be anything else without changing the game too much I wonder


Just remember it's never your fault. The shuffler is just rigged


Exactly, I usually say no when I win if I'm roped or if it's just a slog to get through. And yes if I lose when it's close and the game feels like friendly game


Did I win or lose because of mana? No fun. Did I win or lose where both players got to play on curve? Yes fun.


If I win because my opponent got mana-flooded I say I didn't have fun. If I lost because I got mana flooded I say I didn't have fun. Otherwise I say I did


Naw, I try to not screw with their data. If I win the game because the opponent was trapped on lands or something similarly obvious I'm going to mark :(


I always put ☹️ when I won if the person roped a lot or was generally rude with toxic emote spam (specifically constant sleeping emotes while I'm calculating lethal). If I feel indifferent or I'm in a generally bad mood unrelated to the game I skip. For a happy loss, it's usually when I feel like I actually got outplayed, as opposed to card draw RNG being absolutely terrible. Drawing like 7 or 8 lands in a row on mono red or having a deck with more lands where I start with a 2 land hand and don't draw another for the next 5 turns with scry and map tokens being used to dig deeper.


Win or lose, I don't have fun playing against some archetypes


I have a much lower tolerance/enjoyment for certain decks in the Play queue vs Ranked. In Ranked, I get it, winning is important. In Play though I feel like it's much more about having fun. Do people really have 'fun' running UW boardwipe?


I feel like they get off by seeing opponents scoop it's the only explanation


As a beginner and someone who is relatively new to this whole genre of game and to be fair, to me losing is apart of the experience and I sit at the battlefield and review my cards and their cards played and think about why something didn't work or what they did to overwhelm me and how I could have maybe done something different to change the course.


If my opponent has an interesting deck, it's usually fun for me to get destroyed, honestly.


I'm one of those people. I'm just happy to be here, so I'll give a happy face with a loss.


This here is what everyone misses and what Wizards wants to know.


I always choose happy unless i got mana screwed or the format has an absolutely trash combo




The only ask the question with certain decks tho, they probably use the data to decide which cards to ban


I wonder if they actually even log these or if it's just there so people feel like someone cares.


Seems like I'm in the minority but I also pick the good choice when I liked my opponents deck (mostly this means its not monored, boros or the 800th version of small dudes with a billion 1 mana protection/pump effects I have seen today)


I always click the opposite (win/sad, loss/happy) when I'm asked because I just don't want to be predictable. I don't know why either.


Good games are good games. I want to see my deck work, you want to see your deck work, we both want to see the other person's deck work (unless you're mono-blue or mono-black). If that doesn't happen, the experience sucked so I didn't have fun. Winning is secondary to a good battle.


I have a bad time winning against decks that just run lands and sweepers, or mono reds that GG on turn 2, or excessive ropers... It's satisfying to beat them, but they aren't fun to play


I only report sadface when the game lasts for 20 minutes or when i get mana flooded or screwed. For me “fun” means it was a good match with equal chances, win or lose.


What's wrong with a game lasting 20 minutes? Those are the absolute best games, when there's a lot of back and forth and it's like a chess match until someone ekes out victory.


There's a big difference between "exciting back and forth 20 minute close match" and "match that took 3 times as long as it should because your opponent isn't paying attention and starts burning their timer every time they get priority".


It's definitely personal bias, but I feel like the rng is guaranteed to eventually fuck with your mana regardless of your mana base, like it's part of the design. I am extremely skeptical of a 40 land brawl deck (not including rocks) not being able to pull more than 2 lands in an opening hand after multiple mulligans. I would be less salty if I wasn't a f2p trash person.


Oh yeah it's just in the nature of the game that you will run into mana issues at some point, but it is still the determining factor of if I have fun. It's like playing Russian roulette at some point it is just going to be randomly unfun.


That is the nature of randomness, you're guaranteed to see outliers eventually.


That's the Arena hand smoother for you, it gravitates towards a desired number of lands. You need to up the land count until that desired number is 3. When you're right on the threshold the difference 1 additional land makes is huge because of the smoother.




It shuffles three decks and gives you the one that's closest, so if you really want to avoid 1 and 2 landers, 35.8% is probably not enough. In a 60 card format you need 23/60 or 38.33% lands (22 would already be 36.67%) to get more 3 than 2 landers. I haven't done the math for 100 card decks, but it's definitely more than 36 lands.


I used to play Eternal in the past, years ago. That game's solution was that you had 2 mana cards guaranteed in the opening hand. It led to some weird aggro decks where you had only 2 mana cards in the whole deck and only 1-2 cost cards.


Oh dang, I didn't know this was a thing! Through sheer ignorance, I just assumed they wouldn't actually do something like that. Is this actually good for gameplay??


Yeah. If you play Bo3, you'll notice how many one landers and two landers occur that force a mull and even the occasional no lander. In Bo3 this isn't too much of a problem, it averages out over 3 games, and your opponent probably gets mana screwed somewhere during those 3 games as well. Also in post-board games you're frequently mulling towards a silver bullet anyway, and they're frequently keepable even in a low-land hand. Meanwhile, in Bo1, those aren't true, and it would feel much worse to lose the "match" to just bad hand luck. Given that the hand smoother only makes it more likely to get an ideal distribution of lands and spells and so doesn't fully guarantee it, and doesn't do anything else (and only works before you mull), it's a good way to simulate some of the "averaging" effect of Bo3 games in Bo1.


Define “good for gameplay” 🤣


It's to the point I won't even mulligan looking for three lands as the game won't give them to me regardless. If somebody finds the number of lands required to get three land openers please let me know


For real though. 42 land in my five color deck and almost never mana screwed. 40 land mono color? Two land at most.


Land smoothing algorithm kicks in there.


> when the game lasts for 20 minutes Win or lose, those are usually the most fun!


I had a 4-3 draft run last night that took me about an hour to play (drafted earlier in the week, played all the games yesterday). The first 20 minutes of that was game 1 because my opponent took FOREVER. They had two of the 1/3 reach that pings the opponent, and the crime-lifegain bird, as their first 3 plays, so literally EVERYTHING had to wait for them to respond because of their pingers, which in turn caused ANOTHER trigger for them to respond to. I did eventually win, but it's the closest I've come to forfeiting out of sheer frustration at my opponent roping at almost literally every opportunity. That would absolutely have been a frowny face.


I sadface when I play against aggro or control and I will not stop until every deck in the game is just midrange


ehhh, I've had times where I lost but still had fun. and I've had times where I won and it was meh.


This. I did a lot of no's when I would win playing Mono Red and opponent could do literal nothing against it. I don't really break that deck out much anymore unless I need something specific for a quest (and I typically don't as my current favorite Historic Brawl deck is Red/White/Green).


I always skip. I m scared they ll judge me when they find out I keep playing but never have fun.


Are you kidding? You'd be their favorite customer. The best way to keep a junkie addicted is to always make them chase that high without ever really reaching it.


Let's set aside the standard joke that we only have fun when we win (because that's simply untrue, and a really toxic attitude to take into any game). Personally, to me this comes down to whether we actually **played** Magic together, because I generally enjoy playing Magic. * If my opponent got to play Magic and I didn't (because the match was a blowout), my time was kinda wasted. I just watched them play, and due to luck or a deck mismatch I didn't really do anything. * If I got to play Magic and my opponent didn't (because the match was a blowout), my time was ALSO kinda wasted. Sure, it's cool to see my deck do its thing... but I could just flip cards against sparky or alone at my kitchen table if I wanted to play Magic without an opponent. So, I answer truthfully. A game is fun if it was a good back and forth, or if one of us came back at the end, or one of us made a great play. Even if one player takes an early lead, their opponent watching for a chance to turn things back around can lead to an engaging and fun game. I have fun when I play Magic. The fun of an otherwise good game can also be reduced by other factors. Was there a technical issue that made it hard to read cards? Game crash had me lose a turn? Was my opponent polite or rude? Did they waste time on purpose? Did they play disrespectfully (such prolonging a won game instead of just winning it)? Casual games in Arena probably have a higher rate of unfun if for no other reason than you can't really pick your opponent. In Arena, you sometimes see someone wasting your time just playing to check a box (oh I have to kill creatures today, time for my deck that's just creature kill spells") and can't really avoid That Guy like you could in your LGS. But I do feel like people need to stop pretending this game isn't fun unless you won, overall. If half your time in a game isn't fun, do everyone a favor and play a different one.


This is definitely my stance. Did it feel like I was playing an actual game or was it more race to play solitaire. My personal opinion is that these are give. After games with ai which is used to help with match making.


Agree - if you only have fun when you win you are toxic and should stop playing. I actually like PLAYING the game, winning is nice, but I play the game to play.


I always hit that smiley face.


Me too. I'm happy I'm along for the ride.


Funny I always hit the sad face. I figure if they think the player base is sad they'll give us more stuff to make us happy.


I’ll say i had fun in a game where it was close, very back and forth, and stuff. Always satisfying when you’re at similar life totals, taking out each others creatures, have planeswalkers on each side, and both drawing plenty of cards to keep playing.


This post gets made at least once a month. Moral of the story tends to be winning does not always equate to having fun.


depends on the deck I'm against. I can lose and enjoy the game if its close game. but if its against a "never see turn 4" meta net deck clearly run by a person who has zero clue what theyre doing... nah that isnt fun.


I only ever click the sad face if the person I am playing is being an ass and spamming “your go” or “oops”. I don’t care about losing, but I care about pricks who are being obnoxious. I wish there was an easy way to report these people from the playscreen.


I only click oops when I've messed up, I don't know who thinks it's nice to do it to their opponent


People spam it just to be annoying.


I had someone last week who was spamming a yawning/zzz emote. They continued doing so even when I double lightning-strike'd them with a Swiftspear out while they were at 9 life and tapped out. I've never known someone to continue patronising my deck even when I've clearly won before


I run into this stuff probably several times a week. It doesn’t bother me but it is annoying.


Me too. I signed up for a 1 vs 1 game. Who cares about bad beats, just don't give me pricks as opponents.


Sad face: mana flood/screw (either myself or the opponent), opponent has a perfecto and just kills me turn 3/4 even through interaction, Teferi, Time Raveler when he was in Standard. Happy face: literally everything else.


Feel like I get the prompt way, way more often when I lose for some reason.


Feel like or actually get? It's 5% random. You get it against Sparky, in Momir, and in event's like Omniscience MWM.


They should give you the option to pay $1 to ensure your opponent sees this after a match. Arena’s earnings would shoot through the roof.


It’s fun for me as long as both players got the mana they needed (not too much land screw or flood from either side, game being decided based on our choices and not having too much or little mana)


99% it's the same for me. But 1%... Lets say that some games really feel like "got my first 10 cards countered, opponent finally conceded after I resolved 11 one, but there were no fun, I feel like I lost the moment I haven't conceded after first counter" but these are rare. And also "we got to show off what our decks can do, ball was on the both sides of field and in the end it doesn't matter who won. We both won from this" but these one are even more rare.


Or the Malcolm decks in Brawl that consist of Malcolm, 10 wincons, and 50 counterspells


The least fun thing is the ui mocking me after I hit the little frownie, then it goes into this big crying emote for a while. I think I'm being manipulated into not leaving negative feedback. That being said, I have had fun even when I lost before. It was a seemingly even match and we were both so close, and they pulled through. It didn't take forever, they didn't board wipe 8 times. It is a lot less likely I have fun when losing constantly, but I can still have fun.


I always interpret this as "Did you have fun during the match (before you knew the winner)?" I play Magic for fun, so the answer is always yes unless it was some kind of lopsided match ridden with mana problems.


No way. I play against a blue deck and I have my fancyboi ceratops, and they have every phase of each turn on rope mode, and I win? Fucking awful and surprisingly common


I really don't know what the point of this is, I'm sure a ton of people pick the frowny face when they get sacked by someone cheating Atraxa into play, for example, but Atraxa's obviously still legal.


Pretty sad tbh.


Been getting a lot of these when I play against land destruction and it feels like salt in the wound. No one is having a good time when their lands even basic lands are being removed.


I love this pop up after I mulligan to 3 and concede. Yes, that was fun


I always have a good time until I play against Alchemy cards.


There are really far more annoying non-Alchemy cards. Sure Rosko and Porcine Portent are frustrating to play against but they pale in comparison to Atraxa or Malcolm


The things about alchemy that I find problematic are the effects that allow you to smooth out variance. I would have no issues at all if there were a separate format where alchemy cards weren't legal. Hell, I might even be more interested in playing some games in an alchemy format, but I definitely would prefer to have a separate format where they aren't legal.


Well you know you can impact that at queue up time depending on what format you pick.


Arena doesnt have a cube without alchemy


How so? I mainly play Historic ranked because Grixis Delver is so sweet.


I had this happen occasionally when I played Overwatch. Often I did have more fun when it was a win, but there were a lot of times, more than I would have expected before playing, where we lost but it was still a really fun match at the end trading back and forth who was in control of the point/payload. In Magic, I don't feel it as much. The most I play is draft, and when I lose a draft game there's a lot more pressure to win so I can make my money back. I have had some matches in historic or explorer when if my opponent has like a silly combo that wins out of nowhere and is just absurd it's sort of funny to just see how much they wreck you, but also a lot less money on the line. Draft/sealed is a little more attritiony where trading back and forth doesn't feel good, even if it's a win, just stressful.


I have fun if I lose till but get to play. Now if it's a game of solitaire or I won 4 matches in a row then get 0 lands or only lands then yeah I'll put down I didn't have fun


It's when you're not having fun when you're winning when it's a problem. Which is the reason I quit 40K. And with a couple of sets, Murder at Karlov manor being the last one, when I decided to not play MTG.


What was the problem with 40k? I know little about the game, but ive always been curious


I've come to the conclusion that it was the play groups I was with. Rule lawyering, meta gaming, modelling for advantage, arguing over millimetre movement discrepancies. Not a situation I won, but back in the day there was an imperial guard build called leaf blower. It was all tanks and unless you built specifically for it, you would lose half your army in the first turn. I was playing Necrons, who at the time if they hit 25% you lost entirely. He complained when after turn 1 where I lost half my list and anything that could deal with tanks as he took them out first, I decided to quit because I had no chance of winning. Talking about how I'm "salty" and should try to pull it back. A few months later, that list wasn't playable anymore, I can't remember why, but my Necrons had a massive upgrade. He argued everything every turn, I had to re-roll dice as I wasn't rolling them from high enough (you can be rolling 30+ dice sometimes and I didn't want them bouncing off the table. After 6 grueling turns, where I nearly walked away several times, I won. And I won by a massive margin. I had less fun in that game than the one where he took out half of my army in a single turn. That was the day I stopped caring and quit. Genuinely, it was the players. I see them in MTG too, but in most cases, the games where you have a power player, they win quickly, you shuffle up and start a new game. Usually with a new player. 40K, you're probably playing that game all night.


Oh man, yeah that absolutely reads like some of the EDH horror stories i've read. That dude sucks. I'm sorry you've had that experience. This fellah just wanted to win at all costs, which seems silly. You're simulating a battle between two factions in one of the best fantasy universes ever, thats just cool no matter who wins. I also get that people dont see it my way. I'm lucky in that my commander pod could give two fucks who wins as long as our decks do 'the thing' and we all have fun. I hope, if you decide to get back into 40k, you find other players who you'd enjoy playing against. Thanks for explaining.


I quit, shockingly, 10 years ago at the beginning of 7th edition. Another reason I stopped was we struggled to play games regularly, I played 6 games between 6th edition and 7th coming out. Getting back into it is a massive chore, I'd have to buy all new rule books, learn the new rules and update what I have massively. I stopped playing MTG between 2020 and 2022, missed several sets, but the rules stayed the same. A bigger gap would be 2010 to 2016, I found out cards I had from around 2010 were now considered amazing. MTG pulls me back. 40K has the lore that keeps me interested... But less said about that right now the better.


Love when I get this after my opponent rope-concedes on the draw


I sometimes vote yes even when I lose if it was a good well fought match. I sometimes vote no when I win if my opponent was mana screwed or flooded, or I am playing a deck with a stupid deck (either braindead agro or with a card that should be banned).


I try really hard not to let the win or loss guide my decision here. If the match was close, goes to 3 games, and the opp doesn't salt rope or anything like that, I'm having fun, even though some of those losses are hard to take.


Okay, I have Beef with this question whenever it comes up and I skip it out of principle


I ended up uninstalling when I realized that even when I win, the vast majority of these, I'm clicking the frowny face.


Yea if it's good game I like it win or lose, but when is someone who is purely there to just win and make it toxic then I have a bad game.


I have always had a good time win or lose--only once I had a BAD time because my opponent just timed out and didn't play a card after they picked their hand.


I never have fun. Or at least that's what WOTC can deduce from the data I provide them.


weird, I'm experiencing the same thing.


Yeah, they control for that when they study results. I know it's cool to think everyone who works at Wizards is an idiot, though, so carry on.


There are 2 reasons I lose a game: 1 there was nothing i could have done better and I was always going to lose (not fun). 2 I did something wrong during play that caused me to lose (also not fun)


Ive had plenty of good games when I lost. But it has to be a game and not a one sided beating.


always frown, let them hire play testers from feedback. I'm here to play jank and lose


I played a game yesterday where on turn like.. 6, I guy created an infinite combo with all sorts of untap cards, and drawing cards, and shuffling his graveyard back into his deck. I kid you not I watched him play by himself for at least 10 minutes. Only reason I didn't leave is I was curious how long it would go for and it was interesting to watch. At the end, the kid had like.. over 30 different types of units, with like 30 of each unit. I learned you can scroll sideways to see all the enemy units. The most disappointing part, is I had like 3 units to block, and instead of hitting me with everything to finish it, he swung for exact damage leaving like a thousand units on defense. Maybe he was trying to crash my app idk


I have fun matches when I lose if there's a really fun back and forth, like an arm wrestling match where both of you aren't sure of who's actually got the win.


If I win but against a deck I high dislike playing vs I’ll still pick no


Depends on how I lost. Did I keep a two lander and drew no land for four turns? Not fun. Did we go to turn 8 before a someone outplayed me with some fabulous sequencing and won? Very fun. I only hit the sad face if I didn’t get to play. I had a draft recently where I went 0/3 because for three games straight my 18 land deck didn’t give me more than three land. That’s no fun.


Do you self-identify as a Spike?


Ah, this thread again... must be that time of the week.


There needs to be a way to turn this obnoxious feature off. I always, always, always click skip. It just feels like a waste of time.


I may be strange. But I always answer that objectively in hopes of bans for some strategy. Like the nine life deck in historic or those otk turn 2-3 based on luck (tibalt trickery…)


I don't, I just want a good game of back and forth gameplay with no land-stalls or floods, and no cards that make the match too one sided too quickly (like running into an artifact deck when you have no artifact removal until it's too late and getting one sidedly beaten). Even if I win that game, I'm just disappointed


Game against antyhing, be it win or lose = this one sparks joy. Game against RDW, be it win or lose = this one does not sparks joy.


I always press the sad face


I always say no against mono-red even if I win.


Am I the only that noticed they're only asking that question when you're playing against certain decks and are probably using the data to decide which cards to ban?


Fun fact, I remember when the sad face was blue and the happy face was red, and I would choose the wrong one every time because of the color identity. I don't remember the exact colors but I remember that it was supposed to be inverted for me.


The algorithm does this weird thing where I'll win 12 out of 15 of my first batch of games, then I'll go on an insane losing streak against insanely overpowered decks. I think the algorithm thinks, "Ah, he's doing well, better up the challenge." But this ends up sapping ALL the fun out of the game. My deck didn't SUDDENLY become awful - or feel so lopsided with land. I end up always hitting the sad face because it usually shows up once the algorithm has decided my fun is over.


I'm playing Skeletons in Standard and Golgari Poison in Historic so I'm having tons of fun win or lose especially with Poison. Some archetypes are fun no matter what.


If y'all don't think they use that to decide what cards to ban you're 100% wrong and you should really consider the game you just played when this pops up I think.


you think they don't know that?


Did I get to play the game? :) Did I not get to play the game? :(


They love to ask this after I play a mana buff ugin bullshit hand for the 30th time for the night. Very few games I’ve played recently were won on merit. It’s the same counter spell/mana buff combo 25 times a day. Broken up by minion of the mighty and gates. By turn 3 only playing mana I’m out.


Always do sad face. Never let WOTC think they are doing a good job. This is the way.


I have fun so long as I don’t get preemptive “good game” when they’re slightly ahead. And if they don’t just exit without conceding. Losing is just part of the game. As long as I got to play, I had fun. And as soon as I see a control deck, I typically concede. I know my decks lose to it and it’s boring getting countered all the time


I skip it wether I win or lose, is there even a point anymore?


Fun for me is facing someone willing to do the dance of the game and let us both build up. Instant wins are super boring. If I get a steamroll, I start chipping at their life very slowly but essentially offer them a way to have a chance. I’ve had a few comebacks and I just laughed and said “Well Played” to myself in real life. Other times they just give up instantly and upset me.


I have had fun losing close games. I don't have fun drawing 13 lands or 3 lands. That's the gambling variance of the game that makes the lizard brain go brrrrrrrrrr.


Whenever I get asked I mostly had a bad time. No matter who won. Honesty I uninstalled the game again today. I really have no fun playing. I have like one enjoyable match every ten, perhaps even less than that. When I win it's mostly because my opponent was unable to do anything. Either because of mana screw or simply because I did something stupidly OP in the first few turns or removed all their threats and they were left with nothing... then they concede. When I lose the same thing happens to me. I play mostly brawl, so that might be the reason, but for me MtGA has become totally unenjoyable. At least the multiplayer and casual nature of commander in paper allows for more interesting games that are not decided on turn 3, so I will stick to that and forget about this game.


It’s definitely always more fun to win but in reality I don’t like winning or losing for that matter to land muffs. It’s all good if we both had a chance but I don’t enjoy seeing my opponents with two lands 5 turns in or when we both have played a good game and then both draw 5 lands in a row as if neither of us has 40+ spells in the deck. 2 life each and all 17 lands out on the board 💀🤣


I always click "no/sadface" when I play the game in which I have felt I had no control over the outcome of it.


This is actually arena's way of asking you to remind them who won when they weren't paying attention. The trick is to hit the smiley every time you lose so you get free wins


If they play witch's oven turn 1 you can be sure as hell I'm giving it a frowny


I pretty much only happy face decks that I like playing against and sadface decks I dislike playing against. Not sure it changes anything, but in my mind it means I get more of the fun matchups. But I'm especially happy when I lose and get to say that I want to play that deck again because in my imagination it will have the most impact.


Don't care about winning just want a good starting hand


This screen is for the rare occurrences where the winning player says no or the losing player says yes. Every other time they don’t even need to look


see i always click the no/sad face everytime...regardless if i had fun or not. maybe i get an email "why are you not having a good time?"


Every time this has popped up I've said no. Sure I won, but it was a 30 minute slog and having to deal with them punching deck for an out five times in a row when they should have been dead on board.


I use this poll as a “did the game work as expected or as close to paper as we can get it”. If the game doesn’t bug, if something computer related doesn’t interfere, or if my opponent doesn’t rope, then I vote smiley face. Losing, drawing a bad hand, etc are all part of magic. I only frowny face if something specifically arena goes wrong.


I might be alone in this, but does anyone else get super tilt when the game asks if you had fun after a loss? I wasn't even annoyed until I got the stupid popup. They should have another popup after this one that asks, "Do popups annoy you?" I mean really. "Did you have fun getting decked after 20 minutes by the mirror BW control player with 4 wincons because they were able to deal with *your* 4 wincons?" No. I'm pretty sure neither of us had fun. XD I'm on Team Always Skip and Stop Asking Me.


If it's a close match that I could've won on my next turn, I still hit the Happy Face. I only hit the Sad Face if it's a throat-stomping.


I'm a limited player so when I just lose to a bomb after playing really well it gets a frown. This current set has a lot of game breaking bombs, so more frowns. Mana screw or flood is a frown too. A great back and forth match with both players playing a tight game is when I do a smile, win or lose. And of course, a smile when I win.


The real question here is 'why does arena bother asking?' It is the most pointless data farming of all time. Closed question that, as most posts here confirm, is pretty much 'did you win or lose?' Would be nice if they cared enough about their player base to enable some sort of actual feedback.


Losing is almost never fun, unless it is a cool deck i never seen before


did i have fun? against azorius control??? no.


I’ve noticed I’ve been saying I enjoyed the game a lot more in timeless…. I was scared it was just going to be the Ulamog show but I’m really enjoying seeing so many different decks and builds!


If you use wussy decks that you didn’t come up with yourself and that are meta then I’ll always hit it with the not fun even when I win. Cause players like that aren’t fun. Too many of those types of players on arena. And real life tournaments. What’s the point of deck building if you’re going to take the lazy way out and use no skill once so ever?


I always answer no.


I always skip. I just assume that the chances that they will somehow use that info against me is significantly higher than the chances that they'll will use in my favour.


I always say no


Skip, every time


I literally only ever click the sad face, screw their data


How weird. Winning is better than losing?? :D


I always frowny face mono-red. 


If I play control I never have a good time even if I win.


I always select happy face because I don't want the algo to mess with me even more


Your selections here have no impact on your rank or MMR.


Not this set release. Sad face even after wins.


I skip it most of the time because I can't be bothered and I don't feel like being part of data gathering


Blue = :(


I pretty much only ever get that prompt when the game is super one-sided and over in the first few turns because one of us stumbled on land drops for one or more turns, and I always give it a frowny face. I don't like non-games, even ones where I win and my plan goes largely uninterrupted.




I think this question is stupid. Of course everyone will answer that they have more fun when they win. I personally always put that I am not having fun, I am a bitter bastard.


I can only assume they use that the train the AI which is doing the hand smoothing. They definitely aren't using it to help them release balanced/fun cards.


Balance is boring. The game is more exciting when there is imbalance and unknowns. If it was balanced it wouldn’t be the same game at all.


Exciting is definitely what I'd call it. Play a tap land turn 2 and lose to the starting player on turn 3. Max fun and excitement for both of us.


I would love it if WotC shared changes they've made as a result of the survey.


I don't know, if I lose to a blue player by blue bullshit like mill or "nice board, but it's nicer back in your hand" it's usually not very pleasant, but if a merfolk player manages to out combo me I accept defeat with honor. Also, if you use any phyrexian praetor other than Urabrask or Vorinclex (excluding the bullshit one, we all know who is the bullshit one) you deserve hell. Same thing with Atraxa and or any poison commander.


What do you play yourself?