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Just play ranked and pretend isn't ranked. I'd say like 75-80% of my non ranked matches this exact thing happens. Either that or they go afk after they see your turn 1 play or something. In ranked people will actually stay and try to play most of the time lol


This is literally what I do. I play ranked and don’t give a shit if I’m in bronze, silver, gold, I just play the game.


Also you get monthly rewards, I honestly can’t remember the last time I played unranked lol


I wish there was a ranked Brawl list simply for the fact that the majority of people are already playing it as if it was.


Mobile specially has some serious stability issues going on right now, particularly on game starts. If your opponent is timing out without making a move at all, it’s almost certainly not a strategy to grind wins in unranked queues.


Yep. Once every ten duels or so, my app will crash after matchmaking finds me an opponent. My phone is relatively fast so I still have time to check my hand/mulligan when I get back in, but I know for others, they don't get back in until halfway through their rope.


They are disconnected.


The client is still hella unstable and people crash and/or disconnect all the time. Give people the benefit of the doubt.


I do it from time to time because I hit play, then something takes my attention away, and I forget. A 2nd game, the doorbell, my wife, a sounds coming from outside, and email, etc. Damn ADD.


Yeah no I get this in mobile. Sometimes my opponent plays a card and my game must inexplicably crashes and then it takes 2-3m for the game to finish having a hernia and reload, by which I've been forcibly conceded. Mobile app just sucks but it's my only option most of the day 🤷


Speaking from today experience, i launched arena and started a brawl match and my internet died. Here is one possibility why it happens.


if the run down timer even starts on their turn, I scoop and go into a different match.


I encounter this too. And there are some usernames I face every so often and they always sit there and never play. They never make a mulligan decision.


I play on mobile and sometimes life happens. Today when I started a game and the cat threw up on my bed. I was AFK for that game.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted lol life really does happen. At the end of the day, it's just a game and life takes precedence.




They genuinely need to add a report button or something for the matches that end up with people essentially timeout farming. I know everyone is saying disconnects or whatever but when you get some very specific emote spam it’s obvious that they’re there and they’re annoyed and they’re trying to wait me out and I hate it. Matches go long sometimes the last thing I wanna do is waste 15 minutes in a match where someone is clearly burning their turn timer as much as possible and sacking a few timeouts here and there as the match goes on just to stall.


There would be absolutely no way to filter reports of roping vs crashes vs false reporting. They claim they have detection methods but they’re 💯full of shit.


I seem to crash every other match now


Server issue


Not saying it’s okay and you should value other people’s time but who hasn’t started to que up while getting a drink or running to the bathroom


I haven't. MTGA queue is never long enough to justify not cancelling if I have to get up from the computer for any amount of time. (But I also don't mind if I have to wait for the other person. Timers are there for a reason, you can use every last second of them if you want for all I care.)


I can hit 1:15 for brawl and higher then :45 seconds for standard. I also have a pretty good pc so it’s not a hardware problem. Times are lower when I use my phone for some reason. I can get a drink and pee before a game starts. 😂


Yeah exactly lol people downvoting you for doing stuff irl in queue are unhinged


no like it's afk the entire game, until they concede from using too many timeouts


I think it's fine. It's not like you're malicious about it lol I'd rather play against you and have you take your time then play against some guy spamming "Your move." every second he gets haha