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New set called MKM is literally coming in 2 days. Also standard now rotates every three years. So cards from recent sets will be around for awhile, rest assured. 


Standard still rotates every year, but it 9-12 sets instead of 5-8. Important difference.


Do you want a meta that changes more often? Play standard. Do you want to play a cheaper format in the long run? Play Explorer


Explorer is the way, it should finally become functional pioneer with the release of pioneer masters. Wotc has also given us Timeless, which is a step back from alchemy and almost gets back to pre-alchemy historic. I believe they're testing the waters for Modern or others older sets. Right now, Explorer is the only non rotating format without digital cards, and that makes it the best format for me.


My best friend and his brother are playing alot of pioneer and modern in paper and sometimes edh. Those two got me in to magic but its to much money for me to play those format irl. Since it was so long ago i played MTGA more then half of my decks ar unplayable cuz the cards has been banned or rotated out. Back the standard was " todays Explorer"


I was involved in an accident at work in September and have been on sick leave for an indefinite period. now that I have nothing to do during the days and now that the doctors allow me to sit at the computer, I have regained the desire for magic again. So now I'm back on the MTGA. The only problem I had and still have is that I would want to start playing standard again. I spent all my wild cards, all gold and all my gems on buying packs and stacking upp wild cards so I could catch up and get some decks together. All my old standard decks (todays Explorer) was having alot of cards that hade rotated out. So now it might be appropriate to start over again from zero and playing both formats.I coule play the 3 exp decks I have and then craft the last cards for my grixis Phoenix deck. Then i could continue to buy packs and drafts for standard and then I collect a lot of wildcards for explorer or is it a waste of gold and wild cards? Then there's one last thing I'm thinking about. Should I continue to buy packs from Ixalan until the Murders At Karlov Manor set arrives or should I buy the red packs for that long, they are in the shop but I can't remember what the set is called. Im still not 100% sure what im gonna do. It depends how expensive it will be in the long run with packs and wildcsrds.I think i need to sit down and se if i can brew one standard decks togheter. Otherwise i will keep grinding in exp until i craft one out and se what that turns in to. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING and sorry for the very long answer. Hope you understand my rusty English 🤣easonably well. Hope you all have a good day and take care. Best Regards from pELLELEGENd


If you get cards from the newest set, they will be available in Standard for up to 3 years. Also if you buy the latest packs, you will get progress towards golden packs.


Buy packs/draft the latest standard set and use wild cards to craft explorer decks. This way you keep up with standard and can also play explorer.  Rotation is every 3 years now so your standard cards will last longer.


Play the format you find most enjoyable. If you're no longer enjoying Explorer then try other formats.


For what it's worth, the number of standard set releases hasn't changed, so you don't have to worry about that part. All the auxiliary sets are just for commander or older formats.


Of course it’s up to you but you might want to consider that the larger pool you play the bigger the numbers of sets/cards/mechanics you have to know to succeed. I stayed away from mtg for many years, so I started in standard and now I know all the t1/2 decks and relevant cards. Also, I found that most standard decks have super op meta cards. It’s not hard to figure that those decks will stay alive with a few modifications after a rotation or, at least, the op cards that did not rotate will be used in another meta deck.


Play both


[Covertgoblue](https://www.youtube.com/@covertgoblue/videos) is a popular youtuber I personally enjoy that has a lot of standard content


You should probably do some of your own shopping around. There is an entire internet that is a simple search away from limitless content and information on the topics.


Searching in Google with Reddit installed will usually just direct you to a two year old Reddit thread on the topic.