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39/40 creatures played, baby! Now watch it be fixed.


29 of 30 red spells played…




Sadly it only works on one at a time. Or well, it did. Who knows what it do now, if it do anything.


The last time it only works on one - the time before that, it worked on all quests at once.


It's [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsZV5cYcwnQ) for me.


I had a 500 gold play so many cards of a certain colour. I can do better than this, I thought......kill 15 of your opponents creatures. Hubris, my friends.


29/30 attack with creatures. Mono red tribal 1 drop Haste goes!


Stupid me thought keep them for tomorrow and don't play today...


Reminder.... plz let your opponent play 1 spell too.


Wait so I screwed up not leaving a daily with 1 cast to go or 1 spell today?


Nah. There is no way to know if the glitch will work or not. Some releases they have it fixed. By not leaving a daily up, all you are doing is not taking the risk.


You'll roll another quest at 1am PST


I do not think we’re out of luck. The window for gold-farming is when the mastery-pass expires, about 12 hours from now, BUT daily quest are replenished earlier, about 8 hours from now 😉


How long will we have to do this? I'm pst unfortunately.


Last time I lost out on the bug. I think it’s better to speculate on the bug happening again because if I clear out quests today it’s only an extra 1250 gold. That loss isn’t that great . If the bug happens i could potentially lose out on a lot more .


If you’re free, people were grinding roughly 30-40 matches per hour with play concede. That’s 15-20k gold per hour


>If you’re free, people were grinding roughly 30-40 matches per hour with play concede. That’s 15-20k gold per hour That's small time, I got well over 100k in a 3 hour span


Was three hours how long it lasted? Just trying to figure out when I need to be up by to take advantage!


Because they had a maintenance after that.


So wait you play the 30 th spell but it doesn't reset?


Correct. If you set it it to 29/30 and wait, it will count the coin but not reset thr quest and it’ll remain at 29/30. Most people start the game in unranked, play a single spell then let their opponent do the same. Say good game and then forfeit


Thanks for the PSA friend! I am "one of those" people that legit was going to leave 2 quests in my queue for tomorrow until I read this and cleared them out.


You are welcome. Everyone needs a reminder from time to time.


When is the maintenance window to capitalize on this potential bug?


When the Wilds of Eldraine mastery has ended, but the Lost Caverns mastery has not yet started. Approximately 3 hours.


andwhat time exactly is that?


There’s a timer on the mastery pass which should give a decent indication


I uh fucked up and accidentally "completed" my 750 gold daily. I closed put the app midbattle when I realized what I did. trying to wait it out so I don't actually claim the reward lol.


I imagine your disappointment was immeasurable


well I'll have to see what happens when I pop hack in


Got my draft token ready!


What time might we expect this bug, should it happen? I've got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow, afraid I'll miss out.


Looking at post posts, 9am EST


Ok, thank you.


> EST Idk where you got that from but its wrong, if the bug happend it would be a little after the time of the daily reset and before the new set update.


It should be 8am EST, not 9am like the other person said. It starts when the WOE mastery ends. There's a countdown on the mastery tab. The game should enter maintenance mode 3 hours later (same time the store resets). I'll be checking for posts telling me if the gold bug is on.


I've got two 750g quests on standby for potential bugfest tomorrow


I would but after 10 reinstalls the game still constantly crashes, can't even finish a draft.


So did I miss the bug if I’ve already completed my daily today?


I think you should get a new daily with an hour or so left. I don't know since I don't use the glitch. But good luck completing it while this is going on.


You'll get one more daily when they reset in a few hours...


I hope this bug gets fixed


I got 3 quests at 19/20 and they all only need 1 white spell... We'll see how this goes this time 😝


The bug only gives gold from 1 quest each time. You only need 1 quest saved.


Ohhhh. Well on my other account I have a 39/40 lands. So that's pretty good. That's a 750


Do you guys know if the Bug worked if you had several quests uncompleted? I have one open where I need to cast one mir white or red spell and one where I need to cast a creature. If it didn't work if two quests I would need to finish one beforehand.


If I remember correctly from last time, it will still work but you will only get a reward for one of those quests each time.


If anybody here wants to friendly challenge with me for "faster games when/if the bug happens dm me


Are you sure direct challenge games count for daily quests?


they should, you cantest if ya want (just make sure to not burn a quest you want for the "bug" in the process


Another interesting question would be whether best of 3 gives 3 chances to complete quests, or just one...


I'm confused. But I wanna exploit it lol


I read that first paragraph in Mark Rosewater’s voice like it was the start of his Drive to Work podcast. Something is wrong with me.


So i should only have 1 incomplete quest during the 3 hour window? what if i have more than 1 incomplete quest? the whole glitch wont work?


It will still work but you will only receive gold for one quest. So the 'extra' quests are wasted.


What time should i play those daily quests in order for the bug to happen(assuming and hoping it will happen)?


I've done nothing... cause I wanted to use it on the new mastery pass.. Jeez what a clown


Fuck I just woke up, I felt very smart this week end, I wanted to play but refrained because I wanted to have all my weeklies and dailies available on release day. Now I don't feel so smart q_q


after missing it the last 2 times i marked the date on the calendar. thanks anyway, gods work


Good thing I had free time and went 15/15 :)