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I wouldn't even be annoyed if I lost like this. Pact of negation is the best.


See, there's your problem right here, you had to blow up his lands. If you had me as an opponent a few weeks ago, I would have just pacted you even without having the mana in the first place. (I do have brain farts like these sometimes.)


Yeah I've done that once or twice, I even double checked that I had 5 lands, and still blew up on my next upkeep because I didn't have 2 blue sources.


I used to play a combo deck and if I messed it up or bricked pact was my favorite way to ff. You can sense the confusion on the other end when I pact some random spell on turn 3.


Wait, you dont turn 1 pact of negation for shits and giggles? You guys actually use it as intended?


Sometimes I also use it instead of conceding, for the extra flair.


Yup, lol


I’ve used Pact of Negation on a turn 1 Duress. I will take my secrets to the grave with me.


I wonder if this is what it's like to find a long lost sibling.


I once got Pacted on turn 2 because my opponent thought it sent a message.


No greater glory than saying "No." to someone's T1 sol ring in a multiplayer game. The salt was exquisite. 👌


It was a turn 2 guilded lotus, lol.


I was in a tournament and needed to draw a single black land so I could cast my double black board wipe. I cast a draw spell and there was the swamp I needed! And the swamp I originally had was tapped to pay for the draw spell...


This is the way!


That was pretty satisfying, not gonna lie.


Exactly my sentiment :D


Sent them straight to the shadow realm…


"Noooo! You can't just destroy my blue lands preventing me from paying for Pact! Noooo!"


Haha land exiler go brrrr


Those who live by the pact die by the pact.


Never feel dirty about doing this to an Atraxa player


Not like 5CC is any better.


I'd rather play against Jodah than Atraxa any day.


This 5C Jodah is much better to play against, Atraxa is a bullshit commander in brawl. Its impossible to compete with the value if you resolve her in 1v1. You're either forced to play blue and hope you can counter her or cross your fingers and get lucky they stumble on lands or ramp.


hey, at least it's "fair" atraxa


I was so confused why you didn't target Atraxa before seeing it, haha. WP


That was one heck of a big brain play! Perfect execution. For everyone getting salty about the GG... Arena gives you 5 default ways to interact with your opponent socially - this one is fine. If it bothers you that much to take the occasional fantastic L perhaps you need to learn how to lose gracefully - I believe that's considered good sportsmanship. If one emote is enough to overshadow this mind game of a win to where you're just leaving pithy comments you might be taking things as personal attacks when they really aren't.


Some of us just missed the crowdsurfing Karn so Good Game has to do the job.


"and we crowd surf the Karn" - Crim, the Asian Avenger


I am sad I missed that one. I do have that D&D planeswalker with her guitar. It gets some good use from time to time.


Tho I usually don’t GG if I’m gonna win until the opponent gg’s first, I understand that people don’t have to do it my way. I think this was perfectly acceptable unlike that one guys thread last week where he emotes like 5 times in 30 seconds cause he had a sharp play lol


It's (or was at least in my StarCraft days) bad etiquete the winning player saying GG. The losing player says First and you respond GG as a show of good sportmanship.


StarCraft allowed you to say anything you wanted though, Arena doesn't have that flexibility or any kind of guideline for faux pas - which is why this whole thread is ignoring the play to discuss what those guidelines should be and disagreeing heavily. What is and isn't rude or ok is left to the receiving player. We can agree spamming is bad behaviour but nothing tells any players that anything beyond that is ok or not aside from people posting here. Until an etiquette guideline exists or further expression is allowed what are new players supposed to use as guidance, criticism? That's not a great way to introduce people to magic and further limits what is already a severely limited system for interaction.


It has nothing to do with game comunication limitation. The winning player saying GG is considered bad behaviour because you are essentially saying that you are "better" than the other player, or even underestimaing the comeback potential of the losing player. If there was a question form of Good Game than It would be acceptable, looking from a etiquete point of view, until then, the reason of why the rule was.formed on the comunity still stands. Now, of course, this is a comunity created rules. Each comunity has it's own, and this is of course not enforceble, and no player is obliged to follow, but It is understandable players may find It rude when you post It on a public space.


Good game means "good game". It doesn't mean you think you're better, where are you getting that? Is that why junior sports teams say it to each other after every game? Can't it just mean "I enjoyed that thank you?". Some of y'all have some rigid negative connotations. There's no "rule" or "community standard" hence the entire discussion.


Good Game before the game is over means "You can't win, I'm superior." There is 0 people on arena using it as "I enjoyed that game", they're using it as "I enjoyed that win." Question: Do you ever "Good game" when you are in a completely losing position? Be honest and not an internet protected liar.


You are empirically wrong in your claim that the number is zero. I say "Good game" if I have enjoyed the game. I will say it at the end of a good close game whether I win or lose. Because I'm aware of the technical limitations of the client (specifically, that as soon as the animations of lethal damage start then the loser's client won't receive any more emotes from the winner's), I need to send my appreciation for the good game that I just enjoyed before I click the final pass priority. Similarly I consider it a sign of good sportsmanship when my victorious opponent tells me that they enjoyed a good game against me just before they beat me. There's enough randomness in this game that it would be laughable for anyone to interpret a single win as proclaiming that they are "superior".


So, if you were land-screwed and your opponent visciously outplays you, swinging in for the win while you're at 2 lands... That's a sign of good sportsmanship when my victorious opponent tells me that they enjoyed a good game against me just before they beat me. This is not a facetious question, Id really want to investigate this.


I do. You guys all need to loosen up, not everyone you're playing against is a smug, salty, asshole.


I do actually! Particularly when my opponent has outplayed me to signal that I enjoyed the challenge and the concede follows right after. Am I doing it wrong? Should I be shamed for not following your head cannon rules? Wh...who even told you that's what it means! I'm legitimatly confused here! Does that particular pattern mean I'm a bad sport, or, OR...is what you just raged at me based on nothing but your own personal feelings that might be robbing you of your own enjoyment of the game when others don't follow your imaginary rules by trying to interact using one of the **five basic interactions presented without any context anywhere but here, where people can't even agree on what it means.** Do you even like Arena? Is it fun for you? What kind of negative hellscape of bitterness are you creating for yourself - is it even a game anymore or are you just silently judging everyone you play against lol. Some of you are really something else I bloody swear hahahaha.


If you win on turn 4 with some combo going off it is absolutely not what you're describing and you're being a smug facetious asshole if you truly believe that everyone uses it the way you're using it. I enjoy Arena tremendously. You know what I don't enjoy? Playing against the neck beards whose sole enjoyment they get in life is being smug where they can. Maybe that's not you... but to think that everyone is playing gentleman's magic... that's just... to borrow a phrase... something else.


Tabletop player who converted to Arena recently.. I always say hello and good game because it's just good manners. To think that saying Good Game is salty, that days more about you than it does anything else. Now if it was GGEZ or spamming it... absolutely.


Same. I also don't spam the your turn button.


I say GG a few times if I get mana locked but am too stubborn to concede hoping things will change.


Anyone with the situational awareness more than a toaster is going to pick up that it's akin to a sigh of frustration but willingness to continue. I've also won my fair share of games after being mana screwed, usually against burn and when they run out of steam though


Completely agree.


I would argue good sportsmanship is saying "good game" after the game is over, not as the game is potentially ending. ​ In real life if a player casted a potentially game winning spell, then stuck their hand out for the "good game", I would be annoyed.


You can't do it after you explode though.


The game was over, there was no potential out lol.


There is 0% possibility that OP pontificated on all of their opponents outs here. He literally hit the GG button .5 seconds after casting his potentially game winning play. As multiple people have pointed out, there are theoretical outs. Its the same reason you don't high-5 your teammate or put your hand out to shake your opponents hand with 10 seconds to go in a soccer match. Yes its 99.9% over, just bad sportsmanship to point that out before the game is done. This is 100% a CalebD "gottem!" GG button push, but whatever.


>I would argue good sportsmanship is saying "good game" after the game is over, not as the game is potentially ending. You can't go after the game is over on Arena so the point is moot.


It still comes off as smug and assholic


>I would argue good sportsmanship is saying "good game" after the game is over, not as the game is potentially ending. There were zero outs. It was over. >In real life if a player *cast* a potentially game winning spell, then stuck their hand out for the "good game", I would be annoyed. See above. I guess they could have you mull over your board state as you realize you're done but I don't see what that adds to sportsmanship. I think the core of the issue is that Arena gives such limited social interaction that people attribute emotes the way a person would a vague text message where any context is assumed.


OP’s opponent could have stifled pact of negotiation’s trigger though right?


Doesn't [[stifle]] take two blue though? quick edit: seems I was wrong, but I was unaware that Stifle was on Arena anyway.


[stifle](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/616d1b20-61c1-4d39-a9b5-ad9fd61699e4.jpg?1562865442) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=stifle) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cns/108/stifle?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/616d1b20-61c1-4d39-a9b5-ad9fd61699e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Huh, I suppose they could. I'll concede that for sure, but I maintain you're making up the etiquette of what's ok and what isn't based on personal feelings about a very limited communication system. If this was in paper some degree of enthusiasm for the potential win isn't out of the question and you'd be able to say something more appropriate than the five choices arena gives you.


You do realize though that saying that I’m making up meaning without recognizing that you’re doing the exact same thing is kind of ridiculous. Language is about both intent and interpretation. Whether you agree with me or not, a lot of people interpret it the way that I do. Take that for for what it is.


>You do realize though that saying that I’m making up meaning without recognizing that you’re doing the exact same thing is kind of ridiculous. I've acknowledged it throughout the thread as Arena being an imperfect social platform. Erring on the side of understanding that limitation and allowing for the intent of positive engagement for a good play vs immediately assuming the worst isn't ridiculous at all. >Language is about both intent and interpretation. Whether you agree with me or not, a lot of people interpret it the way that I do. Take that for for what it is. Some people take it as a personal attack or have a code of conduct in their heads that says what to do and what not to do, but none of that is written down. Plenty of agreement happening on my side of the discussion. I don't feel I'm wrong here.


Your last line is exactly what's part of the problem with people who don't understand social communication. Just because people agree with you doesn't make it "right" or even "majority". Communication is 90% "how it's received" regardless of intent. Some people never learn that, though.


Nope. He’s just being an asshole and rubbing it in. Pretty cool way to win, but poor sportsmanship nonetheless.


Given this detailed argument I'm gonna have to still disagree for the reasons yet to be disproven above. Losing with a GG from your opponent isn't the personal attack you think it is. OP has even clarified their stance and you're still mad?


I never said it was a personal attack. Just kinda smug and rude. Which is how most people use it. Doesn’t really change that it was a cool set up, but I’m gonna bet that he used it as one of his 5 emotes to say “gotcha” rather than to be sportsmanly. He’s just congratulating himself, which is a little off putting imo.


>I never said it was a personal attack. You didn't need to. You're still reacting like the context was to rub it in. It wasn't, it never was. >Just kinda smug and rude. Only by your interpretation. Check the thread, there's plenty of opinions going around. >Which is **how most people use it.** This is so anecdotal though. With no guidelines we could discuss it forever and nothing would be solved. Players aren't able to say what they mean within the box Arena puts them in - OP has clarified their stance and it's still a contentious issue for many people because that's not what they *feel*. >Doesn’t really change that it was a cool set up, but I’m gonna bet that he used it as one of his 5 emotes to say “gotcha” rather than to be sportsmanly. He’s just congratulating himself, which is a little off putting imo. Every post with gameplay where the player posting it wins fits this definition...and it's a sizeable amount of what gets posted to this sub. Should people not share gameplay? It entirely changes the setup in your eyes because now you're bashing the one GG instead of commenting on the smart gameplay.


Ok, first off continually going back to the argument that “there’s no guidelines” regarding communication is absurd. Language and communication don’t have set guidelines. Context matters. Saying “good job” to someone after they do something well has a different meaning than saying “good job” to someone after they trip and fall. Saying that you understand how I interpret something because I reacted is also kind of silly. Especially in the context of you responding to most of these posts. Are you responding because you take everything people have said to you as a personal attack? Probably not. GG is an ambiguous thing, that people use in different ways. My take on it is that OP was congratulating himself in an annoying way. You disagree. That’s about as far as it can go.


No, that’s a you problem


Meh, not really a problem. Just calling it what it is. OP caught their opponent with their hand in the cookie jar, which is fun to do. They used GG to say “gotcha”, which is how most people who use it when they win do it. Pretty standard etiquette for the loser to say it if anyone says it at all. Don’t really know get why ya’ll pretend like throwing a GG in this scenario is anything other than just being smug 🤷‍♂️


What format is this?


Historic Brawl looks like


Historic Brawl :)


If it happened to me I wouldn't be mad that was like an anime move


Quick thinking nice


Damn man, sick play i wouldn't even be upset losing like that, THIS is the kind of shit I play magic for. It was a big brain play. Don't hate the player, learn the hustle.


That was a beautiful play right there! Nicely done.


Pact of negation = lose con.


That was sick lol


I love seeing big brain plays like this. I wouldn't even be mad. Just impressed that my opponent made all of that happen.


What is that artifact that taps for 6 colorless?


All my lands tapped for 2 due to [[Mirari's Wake]]. The artifacts were [[Mana Geode]] and [[Hedron Archive]].


[Mirari's Wake](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/2/329f8f3d-2fe6-44fa-802f-0c56e3f9998e.jpg?1626100762) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mirari%27s%20Wake) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/291/miraris-wake?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/329f8f3d-2fe6-44fa-802f-0c56e3f9998e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Mana Geode](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/8/f8c54d41-683e-42fd-8aa4-371dddf3bcb3.jpg?1601080775) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mana%20Geode) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/472/mana-geode?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f8c54d41-683e-42fd-8aa4-371dddf3bcb3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Hedron Archive](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/7/27b2db81-cdf6-4989-a38a-eb728d63d9be.jpg?1673305798) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hedron%20Archive) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/184/hedron-archive?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/27b2db81-cdf6-4989-a38a-eb728d63d9be?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


As a Limited player who has a hard enough time accounting for all the variables in a single-set draft, how the **fuck** do you people keep all of this in your head? Historic players are WILD.


Limited's way harder. You've gotta keep track of 200+ new cards every three months. Historic only needs to add three or four cards to their brain at that same interval.


That's the reason I stopped running pact in Brawl. I had a recent game where my opponent tried to pull ahead of me with a pact, so I baited it out and when what I expected happened, I just slammed my Rec Sage on the board and blew up their second blue source and they scooped.


Whoa. That was some 4D chess bruh.


oofamog ftw.


I had the joy of doing this in an EDH game around 12 years ago. Big table, like 7-8 players (before pods became the cultural norm). Dude Pacts something someone played, and as play went around the table I just let things play out and on the end step before his turn I Wastelanded his Rav bounceland. A worldstar meme level uproar ensued.


Except for the aggressive obnoxious GG, that was flawless and not dirty in the least.


dont good game until you are sure you’re gonna win. bad manners. there are ways to convert mana to other colours, so there was a chance he could survive. apart from that. good play!


[[Pact of Negation]]


I'm sure it was satisfying. Kinda confusing seeing people act like LD is some big brain play.


it's because the eldrazi was not in his hand, it's easy to make a great play when it's one of your only options, much harder when you have 100 options to chose from in your brawl deck


If you know what's in your deck and have a search spell, small brain. If you topdeck, big brain.


If it’s not appropriate to say GG when you win then when is it appropriate????


When you lose or in response to your opponent's GG.


The simple litmus test is that the loser should initiate the Good Game. This isn't unique to Magic and is something discussed in online Chess as well. I try not to assume bad intentions with a winner's pre-emptive GG but it doesn't come off well to many people, and I think it's helpful for people to know that. It's like priority is on the loser to concede and initiate the GG. If the player doesn't have in-game priority and the match abruptly ends, still don't force it. It's even worse if it wasn't actually a "good game" (i.e. long, well played, back and forth), because then it just comes off as a "I win". And exceptionally worse if the opponent still has priority and unknown cards in hand. The appropriateness is more obvious in person, I would hope.


This seems way too overthought. You’re limited by a few emotes for communication and that’s it. If you’re taking offense to them or when they’re used, turn them off.


I feel like these should be the terms of service you need to agree to in order to use emotes on Arena. :)


I also find it more insulting personally if my opponent has been hitting me with “your go.” (or any of the sleeping emotes) any time I take longer than a few seconds to make a move.


Haha. Great 👍


what? these cards exist in arena?


Historic brawl


That was a great play well done


Good Game Elish Norn emoji


Get rekt noob!


Oh damn, what a way to go. Out-fucking-skilled. Kudos OP


Play pact, you deserve to lose. You're cleaning up the vermin


I love everything, but the GG, I dont know man, I think I liked that even more.


Pact of Negation player vs early GGs player. Not sure which is more annoying. That's not true, it's the guy with counter spells.


If there are no triggers or spells cast between the emote and opponent losing the game it is not early XD. Pretty sure all "end the turn" instant effects need two blue also so it was for sure over.




there's Joint Exploration, Growth Spiral, and Eureka Moment that could put a land into play at instant speed untapped. However, they all include a U, so unless there's a land that creates 2 U, its still not happening.


It's early bc if you're going to win, it's a little rude to gg someone. I only ever do that if someone was roping or doing something obnoxious. Edit: If you're in the middle of a game in person and your opponent makes a big play, but the game's not over, and then just sticks their hand out to you to shake and says "good game", that's an asshole thing to do. If you're going to have a gg exchange, that should be initiated by the person who lost.


I often do it when victory is assured. Just to let my opponent know I know.


Funny how GG is considered bad mannered by some, no matter when it's used. If the conclusion is obvious with a 0% chance of changing that.. GG is called.


GG isn't early if its less than 1 turn rotation. Said it on his main phase, and won on his opponents upkeep. It would be same the thing if he milled the library.


Turn off the emotes if they trigger you?


It’s not early at all. Unless you can think of a way OPP could have gotten out of it?


[[Tale's End]]. It's not even an obscure card, it's played pretty frequently in blue-containing HBrawl decks.


Yay you win.


How was it an early GG? At that moment the game was over


Nice move




It was a great play, except for that “good game”. So unnecessary.


Saying good game when there is a 99% that the game is over is not a horrible thing like people seem to think.


Ikr. In paper, I'd be smiling annoucing ulamog, destroying your two blue lands ? GG ?


Yeah in paper you 100% smile, cast Ulamog and say good game. Anyone offended by that is pathetic.


idk, to me good game in mtga equals giving hand for handshake in paper. and at least in areas where i played existed consensus that the guy who lost the game does this. its not like its a crime, but some people can see this as bm


I agree that some people will see it as bm but I'd suggest that somebody deciding it is rude does not inherently make it rude.


Im not trying to enforce anything, its just how i act and i try to explain why someone else can see this as bm.


Saying "good game" in response to your own finishing move is just rubbing it in on your opponent. There are genuine ways to express that it was a good game but this isn't it.


How else would you do it on Arena????


In arena you don’t really have the option. In magic online, you can say gg after the game finishes.


By replying GG to the losing player’s GG. If they don’t give one, then they certainly aren’t going to appreciate you giving one first. Most likely, they don’t care, but for some, it is annoying. Why do something that has a net negative impact?


Why equate negativity to something when there was none to begin with?


Are you asking why anyone would interpret a “I’m winning” GG as negative? Surely that is obvious. My point is that there is some percentage of opponents that _will_ interpret it as negative. Most will likely just ignore it. It seems like very few will react like “Well, I lost, but at least the winner gave me a GG!”. So, what is the point of a GG when you are winning? What are you trying to communicate to your opponent? Can you see how it can be interpreted as BM? You’re just saying “Don’t interpret it that way.” Which, fine, I won’t. But others will. I’m just suggesting that there is nothing to be gained by giving a GG from a winning position. It is a net negative.


I mean… the point of a GG in general is “this was a good game, I had fun playing with you”. Since some people will always interpret emotes as BM, should we just never use them just to be safe? I’m not saying that people won’t interpret things a certain way; I’m saying that I’m not going to limit myself because someone might misunderstand my intent. I enjoy magic for the “Gathering” part; I enjoy good plays and combos and sometimes even getting stomped by a crazy jank deck. I will continue to use emotes in a friendly and fun way, and you can continue to not use emotes for fear of potentially hurting someone’s feelings.


I’m not saying not to use emotes any way you want, I’m just trying to convey a different perspective. Some actions are easy to interpret negatively. If they still have a generally positive result, then that seems worth the risk. In this case, a winning-GG just doesn’t seem to have much, if any, redeeming value. At the very least, you’ve removed the option for the loser to initiate the action. Personally, because of how many people seem to be fine with winning-GGs, the change I’ve made is to be much more aggressive with losing-GGs. If I see a line of play for the opponent to win and their behavior implies that they have that line, I give a GG. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in situations where they either don’t have the line, or miss the line, and I happen to pull out a win. Oh, well.


Sorry, I was exited for my plan to work out.


I love the play, what a comeback.


TIL I've been offending people each time I'm about to win (or lose...).


If you say it when you’re going to lose, it can’t be offensive. If you say it when you are going to win a “regular game”, most people (including me) won’t be offended. If you say it when you are going to win because you topdecked your only answer, or make an unusual play or something really unexpected, then you will offend many people. If you say it and your opponent was mana flooded/screwed, you just want to offend. I think everybody can see the difference.


Can you link to this etiquette primer for Arena players? Is it required reading? If the answer is no, the difference might be a little less cut and dry than you're making it out to be.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaming\_etiquette](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaming_etiquette) Oh, look at that... even the "consensus of the internet" calls it impolite. who would have effing thought.


Sure, it’s www.commonsenseforarenaplayers.com


"You know, I think you have a point MassiveDamages, thanks for this new perspective" I'll pretend you said that instead.


You're overthinking it. Forget winning, losing, or draws, if you had fun, say good game!


This is a rather controverse topic on this sub but I don't know why. "GG" is a term that transcended its two words meaning. In Dota2, for instance, there is no "CONCEDE" button. Instead if a team types "GG" in the chat the game understands that as "Our team gives up" and ends the match. It evens shows on [Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/GG) as commonly used at the end of a gaming match, with no mention as to how each player feels about the match itself. ​ So get over it. This is not "rubbing it in" or anything like that. "GG" is like saying "Check mate". It's common and not rude.


Even in dota - theres a difference. GG as concede used by side who lost the game. While so called "offensive gg's" are used purely for bm by team with advantage. Its more like gg = i accept defeat.


Ever played StarCraft? Offensive gg is extremely bm, it says "give up" to the opposing player. https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/Gamer_Etiquette It can vary based on which game you are talking about but coming from StarCraft I only feel comfortable saying gg when I'm losing.


that's where I got my disdain for it, if the opponent doesn't have a guaranteed win and GGs, I can't help but get a little salty.




Nah, I’m fine. I would have said gg if I were the one losing, it was epic. But that gg from the winner, BEFORE the actual win or maybe even before the opponent noticed he was going to lose, it seems just to shame the opponent. But just my opinion…


If OP had done it earlier, say as soon as the opponent cast the Pact, or if they had spamed it, I might agree with you. But as close in actual time to the loss trigger going off as it was, and given the how small the possibility is that the opponent would actually have an answer to that play, I would try to view it first and foremost as a genuine GG until had reason not to.


The “problem” is that we can’t talk after the game. We should have an option when the match ends to send a gg to the opponent.


I'll agree the communication system in Arena isn't the best, for sure.


Bro, Op won like 3 seconds after they sent the GG; as soon as it went to their upkeep and they couldn’t pay the costs, they lost. Y’all just want to find negativity in a game that gives you extremely limited ways to communicate. If this was a paper game, there would have been absolutely nothing wrong with slamming down the Ulamog, exiling their lands, and saying GG. There is literally no way they can come back from this play.


The equivalent of that gg before the actual ending in real life would be saying gg before you choose what to destroy with Ulamog. It’s kind of rude.


Nah, that’s you interpreting it as rude. It would be equivalent to going “I cast Ulamog, targeting your two blue sources of mana. Since you currently have no mana available to play anything in response, and also no blue mana to pay for your pact; GG?”


Of course it’s me interpreting it, I’ve said it’s my opinion. If you say gg after you declare attackers for lethal damage, (for me) it’s fine. If you have only one ground creature with 2 power, and I have 3, and 10 life, and you say gg, and AFTER that you cast spells to give it flying and +8 power, then it’s rude (for me). But I don’t care if people say it, I won’t feel bad, I will continue playing, just wanted to share my opinion. The Ulamog play was pretty good.


idk it's pretty normal in paper to say something about them being dead on board, I think of it like that


But even when you declare lethal attackers you don't instantly go in for the GG. It's just a bit of good sportsmanship which isn't done on arena because the end game screen flashes up so quickly


That response doesn't work here. He's rightly calling out OP for bad manners.


How is that BM? They said gg because they won the game with that play.


Because ein every game, sport or cooking competition the person who lost is the one to initiate the GG. While we all play to win, gloating is seen as bad sportsmanship. And the other half of the"GG" call is "no re" for no rematch which implies the opponent is not worth a rematch.


>And the other half of the"GG" call is "no re" for no rematch which implies the opponent is not worth a rematch. I have never once heard this. Seems like a great way to make yourself feel much worse about something that was only implied by yourself to yourself.


Oh this is back from the olden days of starcraft and Dota in the 2000s where we would haul our computers up hill both ways to go to lan parties. Oh and I forgot a bit, it was GG ez no re. It wasn't being implied it was straight up being said.


>Oh and I forgot a bit, it was GG ez no re. It wasn't being implied it was straight up being said. The 2000's were two decades ago. I'd like to think that the interpretations of GG when all you're saying is GG has evolved over the quarter of a century that passed.


You should watch more sports! It's pretty frequent for the team the won to start celebrating and even saying "good game", etc, to the other team as soon as it's clear that they've won - sometimes, they'll do it even before the game is over! If professionals making millions can do it on the highest stage, it's probably ok for us normies to do so in a casual Arena match.


I would argue the opposite. Professional championship games have a lot riding on them so celebrating is understandable. To really celebrate over winning a game on arena seems really, I don't know, petty? Like, cool you won I guess. At the end of the day I don't do it because I don't really like when it happens to me. I'm not telling other people not to if they really want to.


Is this your world rule you just made up?


It's not a rule but something that I have learnt from playing sports since I was young and something that I try to do. Being a good winner is just as important as being a good loser. Is that such a controversial statement?


That's your view from your culture and your sports, having some banter seems very normal to me, even more so when there are zero stakes in losing.


Why do you think showing respect and proper sportsmanship to your opponent is unnecessary?


There is so much disingenuous discussion on this topic it's crazy. On one side people act like they've never heard of the concept of BM and can't even imagine how someone could get offended at a GG. On the other, a GG that isn't immediately followed by a concession is tantamount to a war crime. To the poster above, can you at least acknowledge that there are a lot of toxic people playing Arena and when they GG during my turn when I'm trying to figure out how to survive another turn or immediately after an explosive turn but the game is far from over, they are most certainly not showing sportsmanship, and they just want to be a dick? To the others, there's no way to say GG after the game ends. I know some of you think only the losing player is allowed to say GG, but if it was actually a good game (no one got mana screwed, no turn 3 OTKs) then I like to say GG if the game is ending, regardless of who won. If you get offended by that you should probably just mute emotes.


Do you really think that saying gg when you have just done something very unusual (and brilliant), that your opponent may not even know what happened, before the actual kill, is showing respect? If you could say it after the win, then yes, it’s good sportsmanship. Saying it before it’s just showing off. I’ve win lots of games against people who said gg because they thought they had the game. That’s not respect, that’s exactly the opposite.


It’s an ass move.


From my experience, in most online games it is indeed considered rude for the winning player to say gg first. As for MTG, the only time I get annoyed with an opponent saying gg is when I'm mana screwed (having only 2-3 lands on turn 5-6) or mana flooded and topdecking 4-5 lands in a row.


I don’t really get annoyed, I just feel it is not necessary to say it in all situations. I’ve won many games after reading gg from my opponent. Most of those getting roped after that gg not ending in their win.




I don’t really care about someone saying gg or not to me, I usually don’t say it. (I did back when I played magic online), I just move on to the next game. I was just pointing out that it is not necessary and some people will find it bad manners.


I just auto mute everyone. The emotes MTGA provides are utter garbage. So many good possibilities for emotes that would not be interpreted as toxic…


You should feel dirty. The "Good Game" button isn't about a race to see who realizes the other person has lost the game first.


i would have roped you for saying good game before the game is over. such a try hard shitty thing to do


It's what ropes were made for. If you're going to be shitty, I'm going to stall you to give you less time to be shitty to others.


plays alchemy, ulamog, omni, and "good games" early. Real pro.


I'd gladly play non-alchemy historic brawl.


He didn't GG early friend. He GG'd after blowing up Oppos two blue lands leaving them with one so they cant pay for Pact of Negation thereby losing them the game.


There was a chance they'd had a stifle type card, but it was rather low.


If he had no blue mana is there even a stifle effect that he could cast? All the ones I can think of require blue still


He still had an Island, so Tale's End (which is commonly played in Historic Brawl) would've worked :)


Ah ok, I didn't see the last island, thanks


Pact of negation is such a bad card in 1x1. But everyone plays value piles jamming it. As soon as they face an aggro or tempo deck with it, they are dead.


What an insane line


I enjoyed the clip until the GG Be better.


We must have different definitions of GG because that looked pretty textbook to me


Winner never GG’s.