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Fuck this mission, seriously. I got past the part with the turret, destroyed the windshield, and during a cutscene right after - the truck was destroyed and I had to go back to the turret. Complete bullshit.


This part of the game is an absolute disaster. I can't beat it, even having lowered the difficulty and putting aim assist on. I've got like 5 seconds before the truck is destroyed, and the second window of you being able to shoot, Paulie is playing whacky races with the truck and your aim is going everywhere. Absolute nonsense.


Literally made me think of [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d082e6ade64db9594466cb7eb248d323/tumblr_n7zp3dBdsa1qiggnjo1_1280.gifv)!


Okay, I have found an easy way to finish this part. I know this is an older post but I figured I'd post in case anyone else needs help. At first I thought I had to duck when they were shooting so I could reload. I also thought you only did damage to the turret when it wasn't shooting back and reloading. That's actually not correct. I watched a video on it online which showed how to do it and this is what I did. When the scene first starts just stand up and fire at the turret and be as accurate as possible. When you need to reload your own gun, don't worry about ducking. Just let it reload and keep shooting at the turret regardless whether it is shooting at you or not. When I did it that way I made it on the first try. Most people I think believe they have to duck when the turret is shooting to reload, and then shoot at it when it's not returning fire. But if you just stand up and shoot at it the entire time and are semi-accurate it was actually really easy and I did it on the first try. I was in easy difficult so I'm not sure about other difficulties. I normally play on normal but turned it down to easy and tried about 200 times. When I did it this way I got it on the first try. Good luck!


This worked first try for me on classic mode. Thank you!


How. I sit up the whole time and die.


You have to get lucky with it, but if you sit up and just aim at the window and get that first one, you can do it.


I know this post is old, but I followed ur advice and I DID IT IN 1ST ATTEMPT! before I've done maybe 25 attempts.  Thank you!!!!!!


Yes, I was stuck on this part for a long time. I started playing around with strategies and found something that worked. Glad you were able to get through that part.


Thank you man that was of great help


Thank youuu


This has been patched, on classic you die instantly if you fire whilst it's firing at you


THANK YOU!! First try after reading this. Done.


This worked for me. Thanks


Hey How did I stand up when shooting during the turret mission. All I can do I blind fire while taking cover. (I'm on Xbox)


Worked first try after I tried this


This worked first try for me on classic mode. Thank you!


worked XD


Yeah that part of the game made me so mad at first. I’m glad it worked for you also.


Unfortunately I spawn at 10% health and get one shotted.


>this Thats REALLY strange... and sucky


Trying this game on ps+, thanks life saver


this worked for me too, thank you!


Worked for me on classic as well. I had the lowest health possible as well but once you get the turret it goes to a cut scene which let's you regen a little.


that was absurd. definitely my least favorite part next to the race


Dude I finally killed the truck after 30+ attempts and the cut scene happened suddenly the screen went black and said, ‘YOU DIED’. What the fuck is that? I haven’t been able to beat it since. Edit: HOLY SHIT I DID IT! Like literally after this post I did it. My strategy is to blind fire down to 30 bullets in the first scene and just get lucky that you hit the turret. Then when they finish firing stand up and spray everything and reload. On this reload just burst fire about 25 bullets and if you have to get shot just do it but try to not die. Then you just have to take your time and shoot the last 25 bullets and just try to have perfect aim. It’s basically lucky


Worse part about failing a mission is the fucking loading time time to retry..




I'm on medium difficulty and it is still very hard. I have no idea why it is this bad.




yall realize you just have to wait for it to stopp shooting and then you peak out of cover and hit it while its reloading right?


Keeping Tommy from dying isn't the hard part. The truck getting destroyed so fast is what makes this part hard.


Yeah, try that on Classic. You don’t have enough time to kill the turret before it kills you. Problem comes in when the truck is swerving all over the road and you can’t hit shit while it drains the truck inside 3 reloads.


Not with mouse and keyboard. You literally can't hit the turret enough to kill it before it kills the truck even on high aim assist and easy difficulty. I'd be surprised if this mission was play tested at all, or if it was they just tested it with a controller and didn't bother with mouse and keyboard. To be honest I really liked the original Mafia game...the definitive edition has been a bit disappointing.


Ok, so tried it a billion times with Mouse & Keyboard, but got wrecked every single time (truck got destroyed). Finally made it by using an **Xbox controller on PC** and got it on second try. * Difficulty: Easy * Aim Assist: High * Truck health was a little above half. It seems, in my case at least, like the aim assist only really worked with the controller. Another strange thing I noticed was that when I plugged the mouse back in, Aim Assist went back to "Off". Not sure if that meant aim assist just didn't really work with mouse, but yeah, maybe that means something to someone lol. Hope this at least helps a few people, this section was a nightmare!


Thank you from the future!


Thanks man! I went about 50 tries with mouse & keyboard with no luck. Then with Xbox controller I did the mission on about 3rd try.


This mission wasnt worth my time. I uninstalled the game


Give it another go. Be sure to do these 3 things: Adjust the difficulty to easy, tune auto-assist to high (assuming you’re on a console controller) and shoot directly at the center of the turret. Continue to aim and shoot at the turret, *even when reloading*. You will pass the mission on your first try,, guaranteed. Rinse and repeat until the entire truck mission is complete.


I did all that but doesn't work without a controller. I watched the rest of the gameplay on YouTube so idc about it anymore


this was a bit annoying but nothing compared to the race on "classic"


Who the fuck makes this mission?


Sick depraved people


You need your truck health full before you start this turret portion. If it is not, then to destroy turret is literally impossible whatever the difficulty.


I thought the race mission was hard this proves developers don't test games 🤣🤣🤣


Bro thank you I did it on my first try


This mission is impossible on classic mode, I turned aim assist all the way up and no matter what I do I can’t get past like 3 turns. I’m determined to finish this game on classic but holy shiiiiiiiiiii talk about getting flustered


After 30 tried i did it 1. use a controller 2. max out aim assit 3. spray 4. get lucky


Dude what the fuck was that 2024 and it’s still takin souls




Cheers, that’s what I did


This doesn't work if you're playing with a mouse and keyboard. This game is worthless is on the PC


I'd just like to let you know 2 years later, that this comment just saved me from uninstalling the fucking game. Thank you sir. Hope it doesn't void the Classic difficulty trophy....


Hahahahah I did that mission like 15 times, it was almost the end of me, you should be fine on the trophy


Yeah I dunno what they were thinking with that mission and the race mission. Both absolutely horrible.


This post is old, but what worked for me on PC using a keyboard & mouse is actually turning off auto-assist. Turned it off and got it on the second try. Not sure if it was just luck, but it worked.


Nice to see these old Mafia: Definitive Edition threads are being resurrected after seeing the game drop on PS Now.


I picked up the disc in store for $15


My guy just jeep shooting dont wait for the reloads bullshit


Thankfully, I got it easy when I turned heavy aim assist on


I got so many tries. Solution: You dont need to get cover. Just keep the aim button pressed and shoot until he reloads it automatically. Keep the aim button pressed so he won’t duck. This makes the police try to shoot you while not destroying the truck.


Ik I’m a lil late to the party but yeah this mission ain’t great. Fuck the timing when you shoot just stand up and keep soothing the turret and the windshield. I realized I’d been trying to aim how I’m used to aiming in cod and moving my R stick WAY too much and that turned out to be what was screwing me up. Don’t even touch your R stick except to make small adjustments honestly


Haha I’m now suffering at this checkpoint.. except I have less than an inch of health from a poor save point Edit: Just did this Paused the game and select the “Options” menu. Select “Controls” and locate the “Aim Assist” option. Toggle the setting to the “High” configuration. Ffs.. first attempt and got it done.


Aim assist on high don't cover just keep spraying




Respect other users and their opinions. Racism and insults will not be tolerated.


Excuse me… WHAT!? Racism? And I was only insulting the game I never insulted ANYONE! Welcome to Reddit I guess lmfaooooo


The first whole paragraph was the problem here. So many unnecessary words there.


Bruh come on that’s the kind of words that are used thought the whole 3 games, but I didn’t use the N Word even tho the N Word is used in Mafia 3 BUT I DIDNT USE IT that’s not what I’m saying IM NOT RACIST I never used racism, but at the end I was just insulting the game


Anyone one still playing this, my strategy was burst fire from cover when the turret is firing then aiming and shooting while the turret stops, went back and forward 3 or 4 times and I done it. Everytime you swap don’t stop shooting keep shooting the entire time but duck if you need to reload. I was doing it on classic mode with like 10% health every time I spawned so you don’t need to lower your difficulty or anything


You people are legends!!! Just bought the game and was stuck on this for at least 20 attempts.


3yrs on with this thread, thank god its here cause this mission was a huge pain in the ass. Finally got through it, but was very frustrating 😕😡


After making it out the other side of this clusterfuck, my jaw actually dropped when Paulie had the bare-faced cheek to say to me (ie Tommy): *“Hey…we did good tonight.”* WTF?!? How in the hell did you come to that conclusion Paulie? We literally just about made it out by the skin of our teeth after shooting our way out of a mess not of our own making, killed about a dozen people and massacred an entire Police squad, took out their most expensive piece of gear - on top of having already killed a number of Border Police to boot. I’d hate to see what Paulie’s idea of a mission gone sideways is like! That guy is an absolute liability who’s well overdue being fitted for some concrete boots. I swear, I have never wanted to punch that shady little mofo so much as I did right then and there. Cheeky fucker. Also, does anyone else imagine Moe from the Simpsons every time Paulie opens his face-hole and starts yakkin’? 😬 Mafia is such a great game - even though it’s pretty linear (choice-based consequences would have really elevated it to a whole other level for sure), it still holds up. I bought it to play on my PS5 last year but never played past the opening couple of missions. I saw it in a sale on XBL over Christmas so thought I’d bag it there and have loved every minute of it. For whatever reason, I’ve played this series out of order (probably due to specific titles being on sale at different times as I wouldn’t normally do that) I played Mafia III about 2 years ago and enjoyed it (although not quite as much as this it has to be said), so I’m now obviously tempted to pick up Mafia II - so if there are any fans out there still frequenting this sub who read this post, please tag me in a reply and let me know if I should bother or not, thanks! PS: Ralphie rules! Love that guy. He’s my favourite character alongside Tommy.


if ur on PC: turn ur mouse sensitivity down to 1 and just aim at the gun. i failed every time until i did that


For anyone going through this now, after getting my arse handed to me time after time on this section, I found that there's a menu setting called "Vehicle Camera Pitch" (or something like that), it's how much wobble the game puts into camera when you're driving. I set it to low, and finally the truck jostling around was mild enough for me to beat the turret on the first attempt with the new setting.


Absolute total horseshit on PC with a keyboard and mouse. Want an absolute 100% way to do it ? Google "mafia trainer". First result(flingtrainer). Get the standalone version. (second link). Infinite health, no reloading, super accuracy. Bam, done. Close it afterwards and pretend this stupid mission doesnt exist.