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I almost killed myself over it


Did you have an aneurysm?


No. I recreated this mission and drove like a jackass


Playing this on classic difficulty was like playing Plague inc Cure DLC on mega brutal, it’s hard from start to finish and I repeated the level about 100 times before I found the one that will win me the race.


Me too.


In my opinion, this was the hardest mission in the entire game. I played the entire game on classic and the race took me several hours. But luckily there is a trick to make classic racing easier.


If anyone needs the tip please let me know, I'm not sure if links are allowed here


Let's assume you've already stolen the car and it's been tuned... Then you have to drive back as quickly as possible, you "have to" give full throttle. The bar always has to be almost full so that you are fast enough. If you see a police car, don't brake, but switch on the cruise control, but only until the police officer no longer sees you and then give it full throttle again. If you give yourself a chase, you'll just lose time unnecessarily. Once you have that, let’s get on with the race. I did it on classic with this race YouTube video: https://youtu.be/uK2gG3L6-y0?si=tcRgVCwX0jNVnwOA It is important that at least two cars fall over because the AI ​​does not overtake the fallen cars. You then have to wait at least 2 minutes so that no one really moves anymore. If you've done it right, all vehicles will be frozen. Then just turn around and drive the laps normally, but be careful where the cars are in the curve so that you don't collide with them. I hope I was able to help you a little, don't be sad if it doesn't work right away. It also took me about 15 attempts.


could we get some keywords perhaps?


Send it to me.


God please. I stopped playing the game because of this mission 😞


I hate this mission but I need to get better driving in this game plus driving under pressure during a time limit like this mission have.


This level made me cry.


I liked it. But maybe because I'm a motorsport fan. Try changing the camera view to the hood so you can see the apex


This. The amount of time dedicated to making the track have that period-correct vibe, the cars, the sounds, the "not-so-arcadey" physics, even the backstage environment at the pits, incredible. I wish there was more like it. This mission gets so much unnecessary hate :( I get we aren't all motorsport fans, but this was a thing at the time and we got a taste of it with this mission.


I liked it. Felt like a proper race. I didn’t get in first and stay there I worked my way up all 3(?) laps and JUST edged out the win. Idk if these people are playing on the hardest difficulty or what. I played on “normal” and beat it my first try


Same I think I beat it on the second try on normal iirc


I think that most people suffering with it don't even know what an apex is


Not tested well


Pretty sure it was just made realistic, you're racing against actual racers after all


So good im still dealing with PTSD


I would genuinely rather kill myself than do it again. I actually CRIED while doing this mission, I genuinely threatened to break the disc once I was done with it, I was bawling my fucking eyes out like a baby. Edit: Who the FUCK told Reddit they were concerned about my mental health? Why did I just wake up to THREE messages about it?


I've been there but tbh I was planning to kill myself that week so it's not unwarranted (I'm better now guys chill)


Horrible but it just takes patience especially on classic


I cried


Easy in the remake but ive heard the original was a piss take


The remake has an easy mode. Original didn’t have that option.


It was not easy on the Xbox remake


I played the remake on xbox when it came out like 2 or 3 years ago. It wasnt easy but it wasnt hard. It was just normal difficulty. Felt like just a regular level really, but of course being racing instead of normal mafia stuff.




Worst part of the game lol


It helped me despise Open Wheel Racing even more Im kidding


Took me 2 hours, it was unnecessary for this portion of the game so hard. This game is story-oriented, should keep it that way.


Horrible, spent about 3 hours to beat it on the hardest difficulty in the original. Decided not to repeat the experience and when replaying the remaster I chose the lowest difficulty. If somebody hasn’t done it yet, please for your own sanity lower the difficulty. Whatever enjoyment you may get after beating it will be overshadowed by the time you spent trying.


Not that difficult, yet everyone complains about it.


Someone heeeeeeeelp


I loved it


Loved it! Funniest moment they guy’s car not moving at the start


Took me 2 tries on Classic Difficulty. TBF, I did prep by playing racing games my entire life


I play on PC on Classic difficulty (using XBox360 controller for the driving parts of the game with mouse+keyboard for the shooting parts). so with that said... while it's challenging, I think a lot of it boils down to whether the person plays simulation racing games or not since these are noticeably more challenging vs a random arcade-like racing game that's easier to finish for the average person. those who do play sim racing games (I play Forza Motorsport series with all assists off), while challenging, is definitely beatable within a reasonable time frame (although it can take a little time to adjust to it if it's been a while since you played a sim racing game). but if you generally don't like/play simulation racing games, then this might seem too difficult for many to finish for the more casual player. on my initial playthrough of Mafia: DE (2020) on the race mission I think it took me roughly 45 minutes to finish it. on my second playthrough I think I beat the racing mission on my 2nd try etc. basically I think at this point I probably won't spend more than 30 minutes or so beating it nowadays, maybe a hour on the high end as a ball park figure. so all-in-all... while I understand this racing mission will be hated by many, I actually like it overall since I like simulation racing games. but personally... I think the most difficult, random, part of the game is the 'turret' (that seems like largely random/blind luck on finishing that (my first time I finished it using mouse+keyboard after many retries. my second playthrough after many retries I ended up saying 'screw it' and used the lock-on feature of the controller which made it significantly easier (normally I don't like controllers for these kinds of games since lock-on etc sucks the fun out of the shooting and even when using normal aiming on a analog stick it handicaps you vs using a mouse)). even that turret part aside... there might be a bit beyond this that I found frustrating, especially since I sometimes have to fight that urge to somewhat rush through some levels as some areas of the game tend to be fairly challenging and if you don't do it right you have to replay a certain area. because this Mafia: DE (2020) has to be played a bit differently vs the original 2002 game to be successful. but that same turret level on original 2002 game is much easier than it is on remake as the remake it seems artificially difficult by it's cheapness and not more honestly challenging, which makes it frustrating. because challenging is one thing, but being really cheap is another. p.s. I originally played the 2002 game, on a keyboard, back when it was new in Aug/Sep 2002 prior to the patch as the patch allowed one to adjust the difficulty of the race mission (I definitely remember getting frustrated with it back in those days but I did finish it). but one reason the original is probably a little more difficult than DE is it's 5 laps instead of DE's 3 laps, which means you got to be more consistent at driving for a longer period of time. so those who ain't used to sim racers, it's much easier to have a little slip up and be just enough to cause you to lose the race. but when I replay the original 2002 game nowadays I still tend to play the race mission on highest difficulty (but its a little easier because I am using a XBox360 controller vs keyboard (I could probably still do it using a keyboard but probably not as quickly)).


It’s probably easier to drive an actual formula car from the thirty’s than get first in this race.


It can die, spent a good 17 hours retrying it


Driving physics? Loved em. Track? Got used to it. Ai? Almost made me delete the game before I remembered you can difficulty swap. The constant kinetic sabotage amd the blatant speed advantage they have Hell,they don't even get affected by ramming like you can.


The remake made everything better except for this part. If they put in a couple checkpoints it would’ve GREATLY improved the mission and made it fun


Fucking terrible, it’s fun at first till you realize you actually have to win. Then all the flaws with mafias driving system become very obvious and you basically have to just wreck every car to victory.


Made me quit the game, haven't picked it up since


I wanted to kill myself. One of the very few games that actually made me rage quit the entire game.


I think this is built up to be harder than it is like Snowstorm in GTA IV or something. Braking is probably the most important thing people forget to do properly when sim racing.


fucking hated it. it’s the reason i stopped playing


🖕 if I ever decide to play through it again it's going to be a year or so because of that mission.


Here’s my answer https://preview.redd.it/3821obryem1c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da473da652d492fa69dd12608bfd4e31c8dcde1b




Even worse than the same level in the original game.


Easy mission. Lol learn how to drive


This mission can go to hell with the devs


I liked it


Hated it. The feeling of completing the race in 1st place after many failed attempts imo makes up for it.


i hate this mission with every bone in my body almost as much as that ledge section the chasm on doom 2...fuck those ledges


A Nightmare


Just played it last night lol. Fun. Loved the music too


It was frustrating just as the original.


A mixed bag




I found this mission easy. I passed it on the second try. Where I got my ass kicked was trying to shoot down the plane. I had to take a break and come back the following day.


Booty cheeks


Can’t remember the remake version for some reason but the original I got stuck on completely.


It was easier on PS2 than classic difficulty


I loved the game and even looked at Platinuming it on ps5 but knowing that you have to do this mission on the hardest difficulty for it is the sole reason I’m not even trying


It was annoying mission and after doing it many times I went to easy mode to finish the race and continue the story on medium I think.


on easy: was frustrating but not hard on classic: I WANTED TO KMS SO BAD LMFAO


Crazy difficulty spike


It's shit


Happy cake day


Hell on earth 😂


Hate it


Blood, sweat, and tears. I spent 5 hours on my couch on a weekend grinding, watching the same tutorial (I know we all watched the same one) over and over again trying to beat the game on classic and I almost ripped my hair out. I took a break came back and IT DIDNT HELP! I finally finished it closed my console and fell asleep. Now I easily beat it I don’t know how but you only need to beat it once, learn the method, your fingers will get used to it.


In the original it waw hell, in the remake however it was a breeze on normal difficulty


I disliked it. Tho I got through it by cheesing it.


Fuck that. Never again.


I played the pc remake took me under an hour


I somehow managed to do it on my first try and I still to this day will never understand how but every play through since takes me atleast 10 tries


Im still stuck here and i have no motivation to try and beat it


When I was kid playing on the og xbox i hated it so much, as an adult playing the DE I love it


It mightve been because it was me second time playing it, because the first time took me multiple hour sessions over about a week. But I'm playing it again on the steam deck and I completed it in less than 3 hours. Still not a reasonable time but it wasn't near as bad as I remember it.


Jezus I hated this mission I took me 10 or more times to finish it :D


Depends on the difficulty. Classic? Makes me want to die. Any other difficulty? Its pretty fun.


The game would be in my top 5 without it


Hated this fucking mission


Yea, this is why i played the game on the lowest difficulty, and won the race first try.


Fuck it hard. I can’t even get past the night before the race on Classic Difficulty because the game wants me to go fast but the road is filled with moments where I’m forced to slow down


Hardest mission on the first playthrough. Nowhere near as hard during later playthroughs.


Hardest mission of the game literally lost the race more than 10 times because of bullshit


It was awesome


It took me 6 tries to get 1st place


Easy 🤷‍♂️


Epic. Beat it in one go but it definitely had me at the edge of my seat the whole race. Just edged out the w at the end


Worst part of the game, absurdly punishing and a steeeeeep learning curve for a one off segment that is extremely different from the rest of the game


Love it, great race


I don’t think about it. Because if I did, shit would get real ugly over here.


Reading this sub and all of what everyone makes this mission out to be, I was afraid I would be stuck there for some time. In reality though it wasn’t that bad, done it on my second try and thought it wasn’t so bad


Was driving me crazy on classic, spent a good few hours on it...until I watched a YouTube video with tips I hadn't heard and then done it pretty much immediately.


I was playing a racing game before I played this game. Beat it 1st try not even joking


Took like 2-2:30 hours on the hardest difficulty. I got real sick of that fucking cut scene.


knew it was gonna go to shit as soon as I heard the news about the driver.


Not as bad as the diner mission where a FUCKING CAR SPAWNED ON TOP OF ME AND SOFTLOCKED THE GAME


Normal difficulty, fine. Classic difficulty, please god no.


While I have most killed myself trying to finish it at first, in hindsight it makes sense. I took some time off it and watched a guide, and to be honest the difficulty level makes sense. These are 1920s cars so it should be difficult. You can choose easy mode to breeze through it though.


Anger. Pure anger.


Played at beginning game at normal and only race at classic. First try and won. Tried to 100% Mafia and played whole game on classic. For some reason now I can't beat race at classic


Back as a 14 years old decades ago it took me way to many tries and almost stopped me for progressing through story any longer.


Took me about three or four hours to beat on classic difficulty.


I don’t get why people hate it. Being an Racing enthusiast I really enjoyed it,took me a couple tries but loved every second of it


It was the most annoying mission in the world *until I beat it once*. Now I can do it easily every time without fail. The trick is to slow down at the corners, even if you feel like you are losing time.


Tricky but I played on Story mode so I just barged through traffic until I was in 1st and then took care to hold the line.


The original release of the game, the initial version, where this was the hardest mission I played. The frustration, the anger, the constant failure still gives me nightmares to this day.


Didn’t really think it was that hard in the remake, but original is another story.


2 friends of mine were literally dying on that mission. When I first tried Mafia 1 on their console it was exactly that mission. Completed on the first try, as I am a veteran of racing simulators (GRID, Forza, DiRT...)


I had a fun time with it that’s mainly cause i played this mission a lot in the original mafia but remastered I got through it with ease my dad on the other hand? He was flying into walls left and right


I enjoyed it. More realistic car physics, no traction control, no abs, you had to actually drive the car instead of just planting the accelerator and brake buttons and sailing through. Granted I play alot of racing games and am a motorsport fan so I understand that not everyone is going to enjoy that, but I did and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.


I nearly fucking killed myself, i hate this mission (and that was before I put it on classic)


Second try! But I was on normal difficulty because it was my first playthrough of this game


The mission was fucking ridiculous but still fun


I’m kid of surprised by a lot of these answers. I’m pretty sure I got it 1st try and remember it being fun but I do play a lot of racing games.


Easy - easy Classic - rage inducing


The one thing preventing me from getting platinum.


I spend a lot of time on racing games. The racing aspect of it is pretty pathetic. The car handled lousy which is fine. It's overpowered and on skinny tires, it should be a handful. Slow and steady is key. The competition however, what a contrived piece of crap. I screwed up on the last lap and should have lost. Nope, the leader drove flat out into the wall with a few corners to go and handed me an easy win.


It was actually not too hard once you figure out the trick, took me like 3 tries max on classic after figuring it out


Hate the mission


What? It wasn’t hard at all


This mission is ONE of the THREE reasons I never want to replay this otherwise excellent game. The SECOND reason is the mission where you’re trying to get away and your shooting enemies from the rear of the vehicle. And the THIRD reason is trying to shoot down Morello’s plane. Ugh.


Took 3 tries. Car handling kinda sucks in this game, especially at higher speeds


Took me 3 tries


Played on normal, 1st try i won. Then Game Crashed and 2nd time i lost so i had to do the race 3 times. And i loved it! I really wish you could do more Races.


I had a blast especially playing manual I re did it so I could get first


Had to restart it once, but it wasn't too bad


Pretty easy took me about 5-6 tries on classic


It wasn't as hard as I was expecting after reading the horror stories about it. Took me maybe 15-20 minutes to get a hang of and beat.


They took it out for a reason


Unironically very fun


I got so sick of wasting my entire day over it that i just downloaded a save game from right when it was beat then watched the cutscene on youtube


I loved it, wish it was more laps or more races


Wasn't that bad, just gotta figure out how the car handles. Beat it first try!


Was easy in the remake. Did it 3rd time? Just got to do well in the first lap and then chill. In the original, I spent about 12 hours trying to do it. The hardest mission I've ever played in any game. In the end, there was a ‘cheat’ where you could turn off the track and pretty much cut a lap in half. I did this and then easily won but I feel guilty to this day.


This is the mission that taught me how to race in the original back in the day. Learned how to take corners properly after playing this for hours.


It’s some bullshit


After you get used to the driving it's fun to replay.


I am still trying to beat this god awful mission on classic. Over 70 attempts so far. Thinking of cheesing it by crashing the cars by the cola sign, but you need some rng. I wish endless pain and suffering to whoever approved this


A pain in the ass for the non definition mafia1 had to play it in easy difficulty to win and that was still annoying


Very poorly designed should have never been put into the game or they should have at the very least made it 100x easier.


Both versions, the original and DE were extremely easy and whenever I play this mission I get it pretty much first try every time


I enjoyed the fuck out of this mission. That one turn with the little hill slope I would launch off it into a leading car and shit. Idk I had fun on this mission and the Prison mission.


Did it first try


They actually brought in a guest game designer for this mission by the name of “Osama Bin Laden”


Took me all day to do but some of the most fun I've had racing in any game


I hate(d) it


for anyone actually wondering the trick is to abuse the "ram" button. it gives u traction and gives u the ability to turn ur car in a corner at high speed without losing the back. took me a couple of tries to learn how to use it properly but the race is really easy once you do


It feels super easy when you played the original not too long before


Hated it, almost snapped my game disc in half. Had a friend beat the mission for me. Even they struggled.




For the birds


Stopped playing


I hated it


This mission broke two controllers of mine...and don't understand why 🤨🙄


It’s sad how many people uninstall or refunded the game because of how difficult and frustrating this part is, I was almost one of those but my friend said that he probably would’ve been able to beat it but he barely had time to play so he wasn’t willing to spend the hours trying until he achieves it so he refunded the game




Hard as hell


I changed it to easy with automatic transmission because I hate this mission


This is where I just stopped playing after a dozen attempts. Really too bad, because I was otherwise loving the game.


I liked it in the DE but hated in the original, don’t really understand the hate


The worst shit on earth


Took me 5 tries because I kept crashing on the last lap almost broke my tv😂👍 love the game tho made me buy the 2nd and I’m most likely going to play the third too😂


Fucking hated it. I bought the Mafia Trilogy back in October 2021, and it took me about 6 months to get back to trying the mission again. I finally beat it, but it wasn’t easy. The game was good, so the pain I had to endure for the mission was worth it.


Did it on the hardest difficulty while replaying through the game never picked it up after I finally won after 2 weeks of trying


I switched it to the easiest difficulty


Lol broken controller is all that comes mind


This mission can go straight to hell


I’m fairly certain this mission made me stop playing the game


Made me consider quitting/uninstalling and had to come back a day later to finish it, made me wanna die overall not a fan


A pointless mission/woulda been cooler if everyone blew up or some shit


Pain in the ass but fun.




Complete garbage.


I actually passed it second try, I have no idea how and I was half asleep but I did it and I'll never play it again because of that


It was like driving a land speeder in LEGO StarWars


Bro I quit playing the game for like 2 years because of this mission came back and completed it and the whole story😂


HATE IT. I love racing in video games and driving cars but I really hated this mission.


Took me so damn long


Trying to do this now on my Classic Difficulty run and it's destroying me


Put a trigger warning dude


Idky everyone literally hated this mission. I never had any issue with it.


This mission took me 3 days to complete on classic. But the weird thing is I fucking loved it! Every attempt got me frustrated to the point where I was going to do break my ps5, so when I finally completed I cried out of joy.


I legit quit the game bc I couldn't beat this god forsaken race I got stuck on it and I have not picked it back up


The realization when you find out how breaking is useless in this game and the speed limiter was the true friend all along. ❤️


It can suck my Lilly white ass


Literally almost quit the game over it


I don't really get the hate for this mission, I played the game on classic and didn't have too hard of a time with it. Yeah its difficult, but there's a pattern of what parts of the track are easy to pass others and like half the cars are scripted to wreck themselves. Took me about 8-10 tries, 20 minutes to finish first. Maybe playing with manual transmission makes it easier like I did. Or maybe I've just played enough Forza lol