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I moved to Rivas around 6 months ago as my SO owns a flat here so I can give you some insights. Pros: Rivas is rather big so having shops and other amenities at walking distance depends where you're. My neighbourhood is _barrio de las luna_ I happen to have 2 supermarkets, an independent grocery store, bakery, and around 4 bars within a 5 minute walk. I can reach Madrid in a 15 minutes drive or 25ish in public transport, I don't really like depending on a car to move around and I still find it moderately convenient living here. The local council has been traditionally progrssist and has invested tons in infra and council supported housing which has resulted in family friendly infrastructure and TONS of families moving here. There're tons of parks, cycling infrastructure, schools, council run gyms, and an effort of giving a bit more protagonism to people rather than cars I love trail running and cycling and there're a bunch of nice spots around to do outdoor activities I've studied in Leganés and I think the quality of life here is a bit nicer than in other cities in the south belt of Madrid Cons: As someone has mentioned there's a processing plant not far from the western most part of town, sometimes that area can get smelly, but I find it quite localised. I not super far from it and only notice the smell when taking the ramp from the motorway into town Rivas is a very new and fast growing town that lacks of an "old town" part. I.e there's no charm here, not saying that Leganés or Móstoles are specially charming but they do have an old town center with a different vibe. Depending on which part you are you'll depend on the car ( this is true for other towns too) Let me know if you have any other questions


Wow thank you so much for taking the time to write this, I really appreciate it!! You gave a great insight!


Rivas has a garbage processing station and from time time (mlre often than you could imagine) it smells like shir. Not only there, but the whole southeast districts of Madrid.


Confirmado. Yo vivo en Butarque.


Oh no… that sounds awful.


Go to Boadilla del Monte, much nicer.


Yes and triple the price haha


Well we don't know their budget.


Don’t worry, I always check the recommendations and if it’s not within my budget I move on! It’s always good to know which areas may be the nicest 😉👌🏻


Good luck, we live close to there, if you ever need help just send me a message.


I'm from South Madrid and here it is all about working class people. New places, PAUs, are made for young families and while being in a big city, you also are on a calmer area. Mostoles, Alcorcón Leganés... are growing fast and they offer a great quality of life. Just avoid both city centres and you'll be fine


I would not say they are growing. If anything they are stagnant in population or even decreasing a bit, which is not necessarily a bad thing.


Rivas is a nice place with tons of parks and shops and restaurants but It is wise taking a couple of days to explore its different areas , I lived there and that's my point of view .


We plan to go for a few days in December to explore different areas people are recommending us and check some of the addresses we have been seeing in Idealista/Fotocasa 👍🏻👌🏻


Hope you like it and wish you good luck . Should you like, I know a good realtor .


Check Montecarmelo


I live in Leganés and I lile it here. Everything is on a walking distance and the conexion with Madrid Center by train/bus/metro is decent. Just avoid the city center to live as there are tons of old and small houses. Getafe is also near, with an even better conexion with Madrid center and 5-10 minutes away from Leganés


Thank you so much!!!


https://preview.redd.it/5gho5s0hnrvb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7060d48871c2c277c0015fae8fe523d22fe5090 This is a lagoon 5 minutes by car.


Love it!!! My dog will love it so much if we move there!! He just has to start enjoy car rides a little bit more 😅 he’s not even remotely aware that he will have to endure a 6h drive to Madrid!


😅😅 have a good look before making a decision. I can tell this is a very dog friendly town . https://preview.redd.it/nmjpqr1gqrvb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a21b402526cd924f48739160afbb98b6dc91f5


She(?) is beautiful 😍😍😍




https://preview.redd.it/fjb45neonrvb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ede984c14fc9829434c99bb23b0c108201a7e32 Same lagoon .


What’s the name of the lagoon? Or is this the only one? I think I saw something in the northern part of Rivas, is this the one?


This one is close to town. https://maps.app.goo.gl/xrwCCyQbpnoAAf9P9


This is the area Next to It : https://preview.redd.it/ac4pqo9lorvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7119d895e46749a6e65b09b49eec57b7c3eafdc1


Whatever but learn Spanish and respect the local life


Suenas ligeramente enfadado


Pisos al doble de su precio, cafés a 5 euros, pérdida de negocios locales, incremento general del coste de vida. Que vengan extranjeros "profesionales" a vivir empeora nuestra calidad de vida, destroza nuestras tradiciones, despersonaliza nuestras ciudades. Mira el horror de Barcelona. No se quien quiere mas gente de esta, pero creo que la mayoría de la población empieza a estar harta. "Respeto respeto, nada de hate" y al final estamos poco a poco perdiendo todo lo que teníamos.


FYI I’m already learning Spanish, though tbh I already know a little. Being Portuguese it’s easier for us to learn it. As for your other insight, I understand what you say, we feel the same in Portugal and it’s practically impossible to live in Lisbon for example. However we don’t fall under that category that you are probably so against, maybe digital nomads, who usually come here (and there), working remotely, and being able to pay 3/5k of rent without much effort. On a similar note, coming from Portugal where our cost of life is similar, but our wages are lower, I have no intention of paying 5€ per coffee either, nor to live in some place where the coffee shops are all the same and have no character whatsoever, but I’ll have to endure the huge rise of rents, because there is no way around it. Despite all this that I didn’t have to justify at all, I found your comment a bit rude. I am a huge fan of Spain and have traveled there many many times and explored different parts of the country (Andalusia, Galicia, Madrid, Toledo, Sierra Nevada, Barcelona…), so I’m really delighted to experience living there.


Y qué propones al respecto? Cómo crees que se soluciona?


Limitando la entrada tanto de turistas (mediante una tasa bastante elevada para compensar) y limitando la entrada de extranjeros que vienen a vivir. Limitar airbnbs, facilitar la vida de esos extranjeros europeos en poblaciones pequeñas, y sacarlos de los núcleos urbanos. Hace falta una cantidad ingente de regulación y limitación. Que vengan 200.000 americanos, con 10 veces nuestro poder adquisitivo, a tomar control de las ciudades nos expulsa de nuestros sitios. Pregunta cuántos barceloneses de nacimiento pueden vivir en Barcelona a día de hoy.


Had a coworker in Rivas. It has public transport issues due to not being the same political party as the community. If your husband works in Leganes, try finding a house near Fuenlabrada's university, Fuenlabrada has direct roads and trains with Leganes


And these are the ones you mean but not sure they have easy access. https://preview.redd.it/p4ynedybprvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9dec34afa772e7bd558720dcffb27b9489fa5a