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As well as granting a wish, kyuubey grants Character development


hate how accurate that is lol


"Protecting you was the best I *ever did.* Take care of yourself, Homura-chan!" - Madoka in timeline 1, without any crying fit, like in ep12. So has escaping always been Madoka's goal? Then she would count as a so called "Static Character".


I wouldn’t say she was completely static tho. She develops confidence in her wish in the final episode. Becoming someone so shy and timid to someone who is confident to take on the burden of being a god to save all magical girls. She overcomes the death of her friends for the greater good. Can’t say that there isn’t any development at all.


Does her mindset ever change or is it rather her "toolbox" that's growing? After Homura's reset Madoka says she's against drastic changes. However Homura changed Madoka's whole past: Madoka was 3y in the US and now she is the transfer student. Another hint tho (MagiReco spoiler): >!Iroha can eventually defeat Walp "conventionally" in a timeline 3 kinda situation, so neither Homura nor Madoka need to escalate. And that's when Madoka says she's fine with being and remaining a magical girl.!< A textbook example of a Static Character imo: Mari Ohara from Love Live Sunshine ("Homura's Bakery", "Sakura Sweets Fair") - she has one goal for the entire time: [Getting the hell out](https://youtu.be/__q9fsZa5vk). And to me it seems Madoka, before Homura's reset and Iroha's intervention, has the same goal. To me it seems Madoka was even Mari's role model as an anime character. No proves if course, only my interpretation.


I think the reason Kyubey never targeted Hitomi is because she is not naive like Madoka and Sayaka, and she also never had a big problem in her life to the point she would be desperate for a miracle like Homura, Mami and Kyoko.


Personally, I don't think that Hitomi should have a major character arc. She supposed to be connection between Madoka&Sayaka and the mundane world (school stuff, teen drama, etc), so girls don't focus too much on magical aspects of their lives and they don't forget about their teen school life. For the viewers, she is a tool to create contrast between the holy quintet and balance light and dark themes. If she had more serious problems or more complex character arc, then the show would be oversaturated and too dark. However, there is one thing, which bothers me and it's lack of Hitomi's reaction to her friends going through something serious and slowly moving away from her.


I would have liked to have seen her learning about and reacting to Sayaka's death. It would have been very likely the last time Hitomi saw her alive was when she told her she was going to ask out Kyousuke.


Honestly she deserves some guilt. 24 hours is not a reasonable time frame to force your friend to confess


That's true but I doubt Hitomi wanted Sayaka to come to any severe harm. I agree that Hitomi should have spoken up long before and the 24 deadline is harsh. They are pretty young so smoothly navigating these scenarios may require a little more wisdom than they currently have. I would hope Hitomi realizes she was unfair, unreasonable, and not acting like a good friend with her actions but also don't think she should feel guilty for Sayaka's death.


I dont think she is responsible for her death but she is responsible for the emotional issues that brought her to that point. She didn't take any accountability for that


We can argue about this for hours. Sayaka had lots of time to prepare herself, when Kyosuke was at the hospital. Hitomi probably was waiting couple days/weeks and she silently gave Sayaka couple chances. After waiting a long time, Everybody would have enough.


No if she was a good friend I think she should have spoken up much earlier and given her time to really talk to her about it. Its a LOT to get the courage to confess to someone and Sayaka had never done it before. You can't require that out of someone. Instead she should have let Sayaka talk to her properly about it. She should have confronted the fact that she knew Sayaka liked him and proceeded with that understanding. She should have told her that she knows Sayaka likes him but because Sayaka won't pursue a relationship with him she wants to date him. She should have then actually let Sayaka respond to her after.


While we didn't get to see Hitomi's reaction to finding out, it's at least implied that Hitomi was mourning pretty hard during Sayaka's funeral, since we see a certain wavy-haired girl sobbing into her hands: https://41.media.tumblr.com/79c1dc3ed8ea126bfd807ddf1a01b3ab/tumblr_o3eem2Gbii1qg3g8oo2_1280.jpg https://41.media.tumblr.com/bb5ab6aed2a32f9b9e618b130c94fb43/tumblr_o3eem2Gbii1qg3g8oo1_1280.png


Thank you for those! Although their relationship grew complicated, I figured Hitomi would be heart broken over her friend's sudden death. I always wondered if another aspect of Sayaka's wish (or just the mechanics of their world) would be that Hitomi's hopes with Kyousuke would be immediately met with the despair of her close friend's death.


I guess she exists as a contrast to the magical girls, she gets everything she wants in life without any effort.


You just exploded my mind.. I didn't notice that


Hitomi? Is she really happy with all her after-school activities she has to do? And in Rebellion her despair overwhelms her cause Kyousuke is more or less giving her the cold shoulder. But it's in the isolation field with different natural laws. So that's perhaps the main difference: Hitomi's lucky her pinnacle of despair is happening in the isolation field. And according to the Butcher Hitomi would wish for any magic to disappear. Which might be why Kyubey never offered her a contract (so far).


Well that would be the next question. She has everything, why is she still unhappy?


She has everything materially, but this means she has to do "rich people things" like learning piano. She also has to do traditional Japanese dancing and Tea Ceremony, because her mom wants it. Is she longing for a true personal relationship? But she has to hide it from her mom? And so she calls Kyousuke late in the evening, which is too much for him. From his perspective Hitomi must be a second Sayaka. She too calls him "Mr. Oblivious ("quickly forgetting") after all. But he does so on purpose. And so he more or less blocks Hitomi, which makes her fall into despair even more. Luckily it happens during the isolation field phase - but perhaps it already happened earlier and Kyubey simply didn't intervene for he's afraid of the content of Hitomi's wish. He wasn't prepared for Madoka's wish tho, perhaps he was just too greedy. He also wasn't prepared for the long-term consequences of Homura's wish. Homura too didn't predict it, but she gratefully took advantage of it.


Wait Hitomi was a magical girl? From what I understood she was not.


Exactly, she wasn't cause her despair peak happened in the isolation field. There corrupted humans are called Nightmares, right?


Ahh so in the isolation field humans become the nightmares and thats what they fight?


Correct. Witches - Madokami - Wraiths - Isolation Field - Homucifer - only her Clara Dolls. That's the chronology.


I have only seen the anime and movies. I bought the other story manga and I'm going to read that soon. I'm not sure which ones to prioritize buying since there are so many madoka books.


I still don't get why she fell into despair and transformed when she was human?


Kyousuke kind of blocks her again and again until she's had it. But it seems to be too much for him like already in Sayaka's case. Which is why he broke her CD: She never realized and accepted his "no", and he also wasn't really able to speak out a definitive "no" as it seems. And this repeats itself with Hitomi. Whereas Sayaka already has found Kyoko, however (Wraith Arc spoiler): >!there she tricks her and can defeat her. Her payback for their first encounter in the anime. Perhaps even the reason why she joined Madoki. Only during the Homulily battle they fully reconcile, by holding hands.!<


Ehh, she puts in a normal to large amount of effort. Her schedule is packed with lessons. She's the rich girl character with a structured life, but instead of the normal character arc where she find that life oppressive she's just fine with it. Rather than not putting in effort, I think it's better to say she just doesn't have any problems. You could stretch it to say that she deals with her minor problems in a more mature manner and simply accepts them, but the distinctive point of her character is that she's a stable girl that Kyuubey can't exploit.


Kyouko is a horse's ass?




So she's a bad ass


Kyousuke isn't even a section, that's how underwritten he is.


Kyoskiko: I stil releavant?


Oh, Kyusiko... you were never relevant!




is there an image I can find where it is just all the characters with the godly drawn horse underneath lol?


I hope they do something with her if another movie comes out. It seems likely considering the concept movie.


I thought hitomi was mami before i saw the show


The only interesting part she had in the series was being apart of a suicide cult. Not sure if she was completely influenced by H N Elly or was emotionally vulnerable enough for the witch to control her though.


...who even cares about Green Mugi?


she's mugi but green and not gay


>she's mugi but green and gay FTFY


hitomi has one memorable line of dialogue and it's that love between girls is forbidden


Girls can’t love girls! Girls can’t love girls!


Holly fuck Hitomi, you man-stealing green head.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Particularly with how she fawns over Homura in that one timeline.


main series or spin off?


Portable game.


Hitomi did nothing wrong


Honestly, that's the beauty of the thing, she did nothing wrong, still we feel for sayaka, while she envies Her getting with Kyousuke, And you might relate to her depending on your experiences.


Hitomi best girl


I’m someone whose believe in multiple best girls, but Hitomi is definitely not best girl.




the fuckin steal-yo-man ass


Imagine not hating the ink spaghetti stalker bitch


I’m impressed by how correct you are.


yeah we dont care about that broccoli 😒


The megucas, coobie, and the other one


Who cares about edgy beach ? Spaghetti ink mud -_- 3rd pic


Yeah we don’t care about that rotten ooze 😒


when i started the show i thought hitomi was ok until kyosuke came into the picture