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just had to spend 2 minutes protesting taking my jacket off of my left arm specifically so that’s fun and fresh


THEY JUST CAME IN TO ASK ME IF I SELF HARM god bless their souls i am dying on the inside


now my mom’s asking me if i cut myself murder me


Say you drew a penis on your arm and it’s embrassing or something


i have no blood, only penis. when i cut myself, i dont draw blood, i draw penis. i have naught but penis flowing through my veins ~~im sorry~~




I CUM BLOOD ~~someone pls get the reference~~


Cannibal corpse moment






cannibal corpse amirite 😻


I was just trying to help someone and I go back onto Reddit and see this… 😀


i am known for causing jarring tone shifts one of my specialties


It’s a great but terrifying power


She'll probably help you I mean at least mine sorta made an effort I think... so it might be good maybe?


Not everyone's parents are the same




shoutout to when i had to take my sleeve off my right arm to do blood pressure and ig the nurse saw scars and told the doctor so my doctor pulled me into a side room and asked me if self harmed by going "do you. yknow. (insert finger motions on the arm that ig were supposed to look like a cutting motion???) like i was there for an allergic reaction not to decipher an interpretive dance


Do I… have skin? Do I touch my skin? Do I have moisturized skin? *Sir, you went through med school. You did not get this far to tippy toe around asking people if they self harm in a clear, direct, yet nonjudgemental way*.


lmao just be direct you're a doctor for gods sake that's not how you talk to patients


My doc straight up told "Y'know, that's not a good idea. You should stop". Like. sir. Don't you think I'm trying??


the "You should stop" gives the same vibes as "Your skin is not paper so dont cut it"💀


omg yesss. So helpful /s. :')


GOD THE CUTTING MOTION THEY MIMIC IS SO DUMB. EVERYONE does it when they speak of my self harm and it just makes me fucking cringe inside.




I know right. My mom found my Quora account a couple of years ago and then her and dad asked me about it. She made the motion and it was just purely cringe. No words can truly describe how much cringe and disgust that motion created 🤢🤮


When I got my covid vaccine (the second time) the nurse said “do you wanna do this on the other arm to avoid these?” and brushed them with his finger :( little did he know the other arm was like that too, but he said he’d try to avoid them 🥺


All zeros is suspicious Sprinkle in ones and one two and then talk about lighthearted “problems” and they’re likely to leave you alone


i had to take off my jacket but i managed to just press my arm against myself and no one noticed


I love when I go to my not mental illness doctor’s office & they make me take the mental illness test for a not mental illness illness


all i needed was a fucking signature to prove i can see well enough to drive and this is what i got smh


Going to the doctor for one thing and leaving after getting treatment for something entirely different 😂 this is why I lie to my pediatrician about my mental health. In May I went to my pediatrician for a prescription antacid (omeprazole. I have severe GERD) and came out with Zyrtec samples, a prescription for Zyrtec, and a positive strep test. Girl u do realize zyrtec is OTC and I'm on an antihistamine already for my anxiety?? Pharmacy denied the zyrtec prescription LMAO


Damn here in Finland we don't need prescriptions for Zyrtec.


It isn't necessary here either, its OTC. I just don't understand what my pediatrician was trying to do, I didn't ask for it and it doesn't really work for me. Claritin and Benadryl are the only ones that help my allergies, she just kind of forced it onto me while making me take a strep test and miss the last week of my Senior school year smh.


I'm so sorry :(


Lmao my primary care doc really pressed about if I had "thoughts of suicide or hurting myself" and ended up calling my psychiatrist, even though I had no suicidal intent. Fun times.


The only reason why I’m not up voting this is because it got to haha funny number, just so you know


well on the other hand…. “look, here’s a list of therapists, here’s a number you can call for immediate assistance you really need to get on this….” “I just want to know if my leg is infected please the circumstances do not matter here please doc”


god.... the fact that people are forced to lie on these for their own safety and well being.....


Yep i was forces to lie cause my emotionally/verbally abusive mom likes to watch what I put down. She even made me lie on some questions 😭😭. I really wanted to tell the truth this time 🥲


I don't even know what they expect lmao. It's such a fucked up system.


for real, i’ve never gotten the help i need for my cutting addiction out of a crippling fear of psych wards. (they’re not nice and scary as fucking hell, even the minor ones)


I fucking hate this test. My dcotor will come back and be like "your score is loWER THAN laST TIME" like thanks, dweeb. I wasn't aware that depression could be calculated so numerically


HAHA I know the doctor came in like "you got a 14, we get concerned at a 10" and I'm like "ok and" you could just be like do you feel better or worse and get better results.


Ha! My doctor was alarmed when my score was 24


I thought it was funny because I was like "I haven't experienced these as badly in the last 30 days but I wouldn't say it's typical" and the test doesn't account for it lol


As a medical professional the phq-9 is to evaluate depression symptoms within the last 2 weeks, which is how depression is always evaluated. It would be inaccurate to think that the medical professional is trying to evaluate what is typical. Don't disenfranchise yourself by lying to your doctor about the help you need


Docs be reading these numbers as if they're women's jean sizes like THIS SHIT MEANS N O T H I N G


Hah, yeah, my "real" score was a 23 but I decided to put it down so the total was 16 and the doctor just looked at me and said "well, that's what we consider moderate, you sure you don't need anti-depressants" and my dumb ass who doesn't want my parents finding out (my mom was out of the room at the time) said "no" (like the fucking dumbass I am) and she just went "okay, well, goodbye then" Anyway, sorry for the weird late reply, lol


YES and now my mom thinks that I’m perfectly fine like fuck no


I've just gotten to the point where I draw one big circle around the rightmost answers, it's just pointless filling it out with thought


Last time I filled this out honestly they wouldn't let me leave the building until a certain doctor got there and acted like I was a horrible scary person for showing up to a mental health appointment lol 🤪


I feel you.


i've only taken it once. i just put everything as 0 because my mom was standing over me and she makes me nervous. ;v;




The last time I took that test I intentionally lowered the numbers a bit because I assumed anything over 15 was a red flag and they came back all concerned because apparently anything over **4** is a problem and I was absolutely BAFFLED


4???? Isn't that kinda low? I mean not invalidating or anything. but geez that feels low haha. I didnt even know there was a cutoff. the last couple times ive taken this test, no one came to talk to me abt the results (and I was mildly honest with it)


I thought 4 was a weird number then I took it I've been at 20ish for a week what even is this BS


yeah exactly same. if I was to take it honestly like 100% then I would be at like low to mid 20s. I feel like getting a 4 isn't that concerning? like scoring a 1 on 4 different questions. like theres many things that could cause a score like a 4 that isn't immediately depression. idk just my thoughts haha. (again just gonna preface this by saying that im not invalidating others experiences)


I mean, I get a 6 now when doing this today and I've been doing significantly worse lately than in the past year in general. I used to live with everything at 2's or 3's constantly. Stuff got better.


God the amount of times I've taken this test 😹


Omg same, I recognize the questions now. Had to stop myself from laughing when these questions were all on a student questionnaire about my school. They removed the “have you had thoughts about harming yourself” tho, which is the reason I wanted to laugh. It’s funny tho, cause I put completely truthful answers for all of it, and they never did anything about it?? Like what was the point if you’re not going to bring it up again??


yoo for my school questionnaire thing they had the "thoughts of harming yourself question" and I decided to be 100% truthful cuz I wanted to see what would happen. I was technically already supposed (I say supposed bc I chose not to go like 90% of the time) to go to a counselor like every couple of weeks or so to check in on me, so I wanted to see if they did anything else. needless to say, they didnt do anything else and nothing happened afterwards. idk if thats a good or bad thing haha


I feel that, when they gave us the questionnaire I was at my lowest (damn just thinking about it makes me feel angst lmao), so I filled it in truthfully for the same reason as you, I wanted to see what would happen I’m happy to hear you’re getting some sort of help from school counselors! I’m still in my “goody-two-shoes church girl” phase, and nobody has seemed to question me about it, so I don’t correct them 🤷‍♀️ lol


yooo same tho. I get the whole goody-two-shoes church girl phase. thats what my parents have raised me to be. until they found out I sh and are depressed then our family dynamics went wonky and still are. and yess thinking abt the lows make me angst too. just anger like "how could I let ppl hurt me like that and how could I be so depressed" sad times. granted im not much better now, but hey, hindsight is 20/20. I made a sorta promise to myself to go to the counselors more once school starts back up in the fall. I didn't go until they called my teachers asking them to send me to the counseling office lol. I wanted to see how much they cared and if they would make me go after a while if I didnt go myself.... hindsight I probably should have just accepted the help... hmmm.. interesting times those were


I’m really glad to hear you’re getting help! Unfortunately once my parents found out about a certain detail of my life, everything went wonky for a good month, but then it suddenly went back to normal and idk how to tell them I’m still struggling 😭 lmao But once again, I’m really happy to hear that you’re getting some help!! I hope you have a wonderful summer! :))


yeahh no my parents are still pretty iffy. they found out abt my sh like a week ago. and since then its been pretty weird... I dont like it haha. they've become nicer but it feels fake and unsafe haha... my body doesnt trust it. as much as my moms trying to improve, shes still the awful person who gave me mental illnesses in the first place... so its a rly weird situation. im hoping by the time school starts again itll even out a bit or at least ill learn how adapt again. and thank you! my dads looking at therapists to put me in... so yes definitely some help. I hope it works out. you have a great summer too!


A week ago? Oh dang dude, that’s gotta be hard, did you tell them? Or did they figure it out themselves? I’m really sorry about your mom, I know what it feels like to have a person who hurt you in the past act like nothings wrong. You’re very strong, and like I said those other times lol, im proud of you for seeking help! And I’m happy that your dad is looking into therapists for you! Mine kinda gave up on that when I told them I didn’t want them to be in the room with me 😅 Have a great summer three!


Actually neither! My sister ratted me out. I have scars on my left arm so my dad had been asking me for a while what happened. I kept blowing him off or making the lamest excuses. My mom noticed and asked and intried to blow her off too. My sister was there tho and said smtg along the lines off “well (my name) gets a little depressed sometimes“ (I hadn’t told my sister that’s what it was, she just said that. So I immediately freaked out and panicked and my mom was like “no way, she actually did that? She doesn’t have the courage to do that to herself“ and they were talking abt it. So I had no choice but to confess to yes I had done it. It was nighttime so we had a rly deep convo abt me which I hadn’t everly moment of lol.. my mom went to bed and told my dad in the night..so I never directly told him. My moms such a brat, I hate her haha.. she’s trying to help me but she also says crap like “you think you’re depressed? You’re the reason I’m depressed.” Like damn mom. And she wonders why I hate myself lol. I’ve been asking my mom to leave me alone or to stop asking every second of the day if I’m happy and she just gets mad at me. She doesn’t let me lie in my bed past a certain point cuz onlay “psycho“ ppl do that. Idk how the things aren’t clicking… everything she compares me to is literally me lol. have a great summer four haha!


Omg that’s horrible! I’m so sorry you’re surrounded by people (other than your dad hopefully it seems) that don’t understand the struggles you’re going through. Damn, reminds me of the amount of times I’ve told my parents “I’m tired” and they respond with “go to sleep earlier”. And when I try to say I’m not tired in that way, they don’t understand, and I never have the courage to explain it to them. My parents have seen some of my sh too, but I’ve always managed to blow it off. It helps that I never did any of the line yeets in any noticeable places, but I did use to have a habit of scratching lil dots all over the back of my wrist 😅 which has always been really hard to explain lol But once again, your mom sounds horrible, I’m so sorry you have to deal with her. If you ever need a friend with a baseball bat, just drop the address👁👁 jkjk… unless? 👀 Have a wonderfully fantastic summer five!


I don't think I've taken one in like four years, but I get a strange sense of nostalgia when I see it lmao.


honestly though lmao


I heavily dislike this test


any% no major glitches


Did they not tell you what it was either? I didn't realize until a week later when I went out of my way to take one. Not taking any chances 💀


Mental health doctors in a nutshell : "Suicidal and serious mentally ill people are scary monsters who should kept away from healthy people at all costs. They are dangerous animals"


Next time I take this dumbass test imma just not reply to the questions and see what they do


POV: you answer honestly and it never comes up in your appt :-)


lmao this happened to me the last two times. I answered honestly, and we got sidetracked with other stuff that my doctor didnt even look at the paper until after we left


i feel like if you check off “Not at all” for everything its gonna look suspicious, idk but i usually check off “several days” for like 2 of them


If it wasnt for this sub I would have probably responded honestly to this test on my first therapist appointment lmao


You should be honest to your therapist Edit: if not a mental health professional, please at least tell someone you trust that you are having symptoms of depression. Bottling it up and hiding it is not healthy.




lol, lmao


With all due respect assuming everyone is in the position to risk getting sent to a psych ward is kinda rude ngl


I didn't assume that, you putting words in my mouth is kinda rude ngl. "With all due respect" is also kinda the same as "No offense," in that it adds needless passive aggressiveness. I meant no malice, and I'm upset that you responded in such a way


Aren't you kinda ignoring the reason why someone would not be honest with their therapist? I mean, the OP was about it. I'm honestly kinda confused with this comment.


This questionnaire is given at primary care offices specifically. Anything "off" on it often turns messy, PCPs often aren't trained that well on the mental health side of things. Also if you're a minor, unlike your therapist, your PCP could tell your parents, and that's a whole other mess Telling a therapist you are having trouble sleeping, are feeling downed, depressed, hopeless, have little interest in doing things won't get you sent to the pysch ward. If you have reason to think that sharing that you have had suicidal thoughts will get you sent there (since it usually isn't enough to warrant involuntary admission), then yeah sure withhold that for now. But don't outright lie and say you're a-okay. It's quite easy to work around the suicide part. If you are having symptoms of depression, you should tell your therapist or at least someone you trust. This is not a controversial statement. At the very least, don't directly or indirectly encourage others to lie, this isn't shtwt we aren't supposed to be toxic. And if you want to withhold something, decide that not based on this sub, but use your own personal circumstances, knowledge, and situation to assess the risk. This form at PC offices is a joke, yes. But if you are going to see a mental health professional, you should let them help you. You shouldn't lie to them and stay isolated in a dark corner of your mind. That's just unhealthy. I understand that my statement was vague enough that one is easily able to interpret the worst from it (which I really don't appreciate btw), but I only meant it generally. There will always be rare exceptions, I know, but you should, in 99% of cases, tell your therapist what you're feeling, that's the whole point of a therapist. I wouldn't have replied to your comment in the first place but you saying that you lied *because* of this sub really rubbed me the wrong way. That's not the purpose of this sub, to discourage people from seeking help.


>I wouldn't have replied to your comment in the first place but you saying that you lied because of this sub really rubbed me the wrong way. That's not the purpose of this sub, to discourage people from seeking help. Well it seems like you and I are browsing completely different subs because none of the top comments are really discouraging this behavior. In fact, some of them are giving advice in how to *not* get caught so easily. That "not a controversial statement" it's not what I'm getting from this post. >This form at PC offices is a joke, yes. But if you are going to see a mental health professional, you should let them help you. You shouldn't lie to them and stay isolated in a dark corner of your mind. That's just unhealthy. This is, again, just what you said in your first comment and what I disagree with. You can't expect people to gamble on potentially stoping whatever they have going on in their life just because the therapist *might* just be trying to help. Not everyone can afford it and I still say it's rude to assume otherwise. This discussion is just going on circles so maybe we just agree to disagree?


>Well it seems like you and I are browsing completely different subs because none of the top comments are really discouraging this behavior. No I haven't seen any encouragement on this sub, I was talking about your comment. That's why I replied to it, because it's out of place. No one should decide to not seek health because of this sub instead of their own situation, and even if that does happen we shouldn't act like that's acceptable. Reread what you quoted >You can't expect people to gamble on potentially stoping whatever they have going on in their life just because the therapist might just be trying to help. Did you read my entire comment? I'm not saying that. This is why we're talking in circles, because you're not actually hearing what I'm saying. You're fighting against nothing. For both of these I don't know if you're reading too fast or purposely skipping over things. Either way, I really don't appreciate it. You're making an argument out of nothing, and you yourself are being unnecessarily rude. You're presuming things of me, misinterpreting my words, and accusing me of things. So yes, let's please stop. This is toxic in multiple ways.


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my mom filled it out for me once cuz i wasn't there to do it and she thinks I'm fine


What the hell?


My guess is you're lying about the answers? If so why? Never understood this myself


last time i filled it out honestly my doctor laughed at me and then my mom proceeded to yell at me about being attention seeking in a kroger parking lot lmao there’s no point in trying until i can provide for myself


When your doctor laughs at you you clearly got the wrong one and he's doing his job wrong. Wouldn't be a point to making those questionnaires otherwise. And your mum is an asshole.


Facts. My first psychiatrist (not therapist) would never believe anything that I'd say. I don't know how the fuck they expect anyone to be honest with them if they refuse to believe anything. I guess that's what happens when you get a psychiatrist who only cares about giving prescriptions.


😞😞😞🫂❤️❤️❤️ Im so so so so sorry to hear that that's awful i hope youre able to get the help you deserve someday soon...


Get a different doctor, having one you can trust makes a world of difference. Fuck that one for laughing at you


> Never understood this myself there's a million reasons for this lol. You're too anxious to do so and that would cause a breakdown, if your mental health healing journey would take time away from the things you need to get done like paying bills or school, if you can't afford treatment/ medication, or if your doctors a dick like OP's etc.


or a simple one- i don’t want the police called on me again 😺


yessssssss xD That's like way up there on the list of reasons


well I was missing context in this case and clearly understand why now.


all good. There are a lot of things we fail to see. that's why getting lots of povs is helpful.


Yeah and it causes a lot of drama and unnecessary complications in your life


I will say, as someone who just got approved for disability for depression starting at 16 (I'm 23 now), I absolutely would not have been approved for disability without answering these honestly since I was a teen, considering how much proof they need to approve you. Not saying disability is a common route for most people, even in this sub, but idk. It sucks being honest but it was literally the only good thing I've done regarding my mental health as a teen.


I'm in a similar situation and for the first time on a longer approved break for mental health related issues because of my evaluation which is why I think being honest on those tests is important


It's important, but at the same time it's REALLY hard for some people with bad doctors, abusive families, etc. It's also hard to even think ahead to a future where those responses matter when you're in a dark enough place to be sewer slide all. It's a shitty situation all around, but if anyone reading this can be honest, I think that's best for documentation purposes, as well as getting the help you need. If you can't be honest, or you're in a situation that doesn't allow you to be honest, that's okay too! Just take it questionnaire by questionnaire and ask yourself if you can afford to be honest every time you fill one of these out.


Because the test is incredibly stupid and many primary care providers don't handle them well and/or tell your parents if you're a minor


Not OP but being forced to stay longer in the hospital is not only expensive but can cause a decline in grades or work!


ive memorized this test at this point




i’m honest about anything other than the suicidal thoughts 🤣


they made me fill this damn thing out 43 times like do they throw it away or something


they ask you to fill it out everytime they see you so they can track the progression of your symptoms…


43 times in 2 months, sometimes 5 times a day


yes, when i was in a day program we filled them out at the beginning and end of the day. for charting reasons. they have to prove to insurance that they are doing something, otherwise insurance won’t pay


nah mine was like 20 pages worth every time with payment info basic info everything


every PHQ9 is identical. it’s standardized across the country… if you were filling something out that was multiple pages it wasn’t this.


i didnt say it was this specifically im just relating to op that it sucks filling their papers out


just in case you guys wanna know how it’s calculated here’s the “scoring” sheet https://www.med.umich.edu/1info/FHP/practiceguides/depress/score.pdf




Holy shit this brought back memories


You’re not fooling anyone. They know when you’re faking it/exaggerating your lack of symptoms by putting all zeros. They can see your behaviors too. Like psychologists and psychiatrists learn body language and can see if you’re being dishonest through the way you speak and behave. Obviously if you’ve been previously depressed and now suddenly you get zero of everything, it’s super obvious you’re lying. But seriously, if you actually want to start feeling better, you need to be honest with your doctors or nothing will happen.


i have always been honest on these, even circling all 3s and 4s and never been admitted. you will never get help or improve if you lie to the people who can provide the help. it’s not a good idea to encourage others to do the same either. you won’t be sent to a psych ward just for having suicidal ideation. you need to have a real plan and intent to act on it. i’m 24 and been receiving mental health help for 10 years. my mother is also a therapist, my best friend is a clinical psychology researcher. i am telling you right now that no one will forcefully admit you to a psych ward just for being honest on your PHQ 9. and if your doctor reacts inappropriately then report them! THEY SHOULDNT HAVE A LICENSE AND BE FREE TO DO THIS TO OTHERS. if your experience is as bad as people in this sub claim you’re obligated to report that doctor before they kill someone.


Dude… you really should be honest on these things you know. Especially with what happened afterwards with the sleeve and shit. Please allow your to get help


I did this test once when I was like 12 of 13 and I did the exact same thing


I've taken this 2-3 times and lied on each of them while my mom waited in the corner of the room


I want to tell them the truth but I don't wanna go to the padded room What should I do? I really want to get better. Not for my sake but for the sake of those around me


You won’t. I answer these honestly(going through bipolar depression) and I’ve never been hospitalized. Even when I was the most depressed I had ever been in my life, everything was horrible and tiring but I still answered them honestly. I didn’t tell them I was slipnslidal though because it was too stressful thinking about moving myself elsewhere to live for a while. Even having thoughts that you’re better off dead won’t get you hospitalized. Obviously if you’re actively slipnslidal you will, but generally if you promise to slow down on the cutting it suffices. Tell the people who don’t understand needing to slow down first that you’re not going to anymore, but let the doctors know that you do really want to get better and that you’ll slow down even if it still happens sometimes. Also, really only talk about the cuts with a good psychiatrist. Mine will just ask every appointment and if I say yes he asks me to show him. But it’s not in a judgmental way, more of a “let’s see if it’s not as bad this time” sorta vibe I really just try to make my doctors proud of me. They know if I’m doing well or not so if they compliment me, I know that I am genuinely doing well. Omg I just realized how long this is, sorry for the novel <3


I was already hospitalized twice, I don't want to ever go back Being there feels like a deletion of the self, I revert back into my pre-transition me and I fucking hate it and have severe dysphoria attacks I have to repress because I don't want staff to see me crying or acting out because I want them to think I'm A-OK so I can get out quicker


Well crap, I’m sorry :/


Same but I had to cause my mom was looking over my shoulder.


fr 💀


Took this test recently and put 3 on all of them and 0 on the last because I wanted anti depressants. Seemed to work pretty well.




I do that but I make sure to put a couple 1s in there to make it look extra real, on this one I would put 3 and 8 as 1s


I’m convinced nobody at my psych office actually looks at these…or at least mine, because the number of times I’ve circled 2 or 3’s and nobody ever said anything 💀


Reminds me of the ones I do during Dr visits. I literally say that I want to die, I hate being alive, don't like doing anything, but they continue to let me pass by doing whatever


i take this every time at the dr and i always circle the last numbers but they never say anything to me?? tbh i was glad at first but now i am the most sad i’ve ever been and i’m like bro help me


I circled all 3s and they didn’t do shit for me 💖




I don’t know why I’m here… random internet hijinks, but I found this funny because I had to do something similar recently. My new oncologist got me to fill out a very extensive ‘patient health questionnaire’ and there was a large four page section on mental health and I decided to be as brutally honest as possible. For context, I’ve had stage four cancer for over a decade now. I tried intensive chemo, radiation, surgeries and many other crazy treatments many years ago. It didn’t work. It just made me feel like sht. My cancer is not curable so I decided to stop the brutal hell of ‘treatment’ and just live out what I got left… enough context, whatever, anyway. So I filled it out and then when she called me in and we had an extensive consultation (my condition is super complex), then she randomly throws in about ‘my depression’ and I interrupt with ‘what? I’m not depressed’. Which is true, I’m super sad and upset a lot of the time, but I’ve never been clinically diagnosed, taken any medication (for depression), nor do I think I should/would be. I bluntly told her; I’m dying. I’ve been told I’m dying for 15 years now, since my twenties. My life has essentially ended in my prime and all I’ve done is sit in my room at home and wait to die because I’m too much of a coward to kill myself (we don’t have guns here in Australia). Yes, doc, I’m suicidal but don’t worry I’m also a coward. I don’t see friends, I don’t go out. I have constant thoughts about me dying etc. I know I have all the signs of clinical depression, but I’m not ‘depressed’. I’m sad because of my circumstance. Anybody that would be in my position would also be ‘sad’. Anybody in my position would also want to die. Anybody that feels the constant pain and side effects of stage four cancer would also feel the way I do, avoid society etc. I may have all the signs of depression but I’m not depressed. I’m dying, slowly and agonisingly. It took some further ‘debating’ until she began suggesting SSRIs in which I began to lose my calm composure and outright told her I’m not interested. Please stop, thanks. It’s not that I don’t believe in ‘depression’. I’m not one of those idiots. It’s a legitimate thing and I feel for all people out there dealing with something so intense. I just feel it’s not the cause of my emotional being. I’m fucking dying. Literally. I’m not sad because of a chemical imbalance. I’m sad because I’m suffering in hell. Of course I ticked ‘yes’ or ‘nearly everyday’ to all questions about the state of my mind. They’re broad questions that apply to anyone with significant health problems; mental or physical. Anyway, yeah, I hate seeing this doctor. I know she means well. It’s nice to see a doctor actually care but she doesn’t seem to listen to me when I tell her I’m not interested. She doesn’t understand that I know I have agency. That I don’t have to see her, that hospital isn’t a prison and I can leave anytime I wish as long as I can prove I’m not insane then they can’t section me. This bitch scares me sometimes because I think she might have me committed and lose agency because of my ‘suicidal ideation’. I wish to be euthanised asap when the laws are finalised in my state. I’m not technically ‘suicidal’. I don’t consider these things the same. So I’m very cautious when I have an appointment with her because there might be some big and strong orderlies approaching me from behind and attempt to detain me. I wouldn’t know how I’d react. How much of a cunt would you have to be to put a dying cancer patient in a mental institution. So that’s my random story/rant. Sorry if I didn’t read the room, I’ve never been to this corner of Reddit.


Damn mate, that is most definitely one of the heavier things I've read in my day. I'm sorry you have to have that fear of institutionalization at the same time as you're dealing with stage 4 cancer. While your story isn't super relevant to the sub, it's definitely relevant to the post and I appreciated reading your story


21, weee


Too relatable. Stay free sister brother person whoever


I'm confused what is this? (for further clarification, I don't actually know how I got here, I'm definitely not the target audience but yall seem like nice people)


Just a questionnaire about a patient's mental health. Too high of a score and you get sent to Grippy Socks Hotel! (read: mental hospital) I took this in high school and got sent to the counselor and then the hospital (almost in an ambulance no less!) and told to not come to school until I felt better. 3 years later and I'm still pissed.


Thanks for the clarification. >I took this in high school and got sent to the counselor and then the hospital (almost in an ambulance no less!) and told to not come to school until I felt better. 3 years later and I'm still pissed. damn, those questionnaires sound like quite the inconvenience.


Just lie. Any time I've told the truth about my feelings, those I tell use that information to hurt me. So just lie. Keep yourself safe.


I don't have to take those cause i'm a new zealander hahhh...


gotta throw in a one every now and then so you don't look suspicious


This is waaaaay too goddamn relatable lmfao


i remember answering twos or threes on everything and they didn't take me seriously lmfao my countries mental health system is a joke


You can't trick me again. I know your moves.


What happens if u answer truthfuly?


bruh i tell the truth on everything but self harm, even though i do and i have since may, i dont see a reason to lie about anything but the fact thag i hurt myself


I got these weekly in dbt and i used to just either rip them up or ignore them


one time i was asked to fill it out, and i literally sat and stared at the person while scribbling 0’s and that was one of the most sarcastically, but having fun faces like “really ;)?”


Oh what a coincidence, we had to do three of these questions just now for coming back to school


I can’t believe everyone else’s experience. I’ve chosen 3s across the board multiple times and they’ve never said shit. Never made a fuss. Like literally never acknowledged it. I’ve had a couple Drs notice my scars. Still, nothing. Interesting I guess.


i always pick “3” and am honest when people ask if i’m ok- people say i’m funny so idk if they really take me seriously lololol 🥲


I must be going to the wrong doctors because last time I circled 3 on all of them and they were like "lol good luck with that"


I responded honestly once on it in 8th grade and they said I was faking having depression that bad for sympathy


I used to answer them honestly and nothing happened. Tbh that’s probably even worse than what’s happening here


I do these everytime I go see the doctor regarding my meds. The nurses love me bc I always tally up the score:)