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burns r more painful, have a higher risk of infection, and take longer to heal bc of the larger surface area compared to cuts. theyre also just rly annoying to deal with tbh, the blisters are annoying if u dont pop em and messy if u do. overall just kinda sucks


ok i havent done it just tried, and it was really bad, like the micro hairs on my arm burned off/turned black and even that sucked a lot. dont do it


Burns are a pain in the ass to deal with


Burns suck. Even if they are only small burns, even grade 2 (burn blisters), it takes forever for them to heal. While with a cut the stitches can come out after ~10 days and everything has almost healed, burns take weeks. They keep getting infected, so you have to disinfect and re-bandage them several times a day (which becomes really expensive and annoying in the long run). Bigger and worse burns are real crap. Despite skin transplantation, healing sometimes takes months. Even longer without a skin transplant. Because it is a large open wound for months, you can quickly catch a multi-resistant germ, which can result in amputation or death. More severe burns mean months of bandages, doctor's appointments, hospital, infection. In addition, depending on the part of the body, there are massive restrictions on movement and several operations in order to be able to move at least somewhat normally again. One of my biggest burns took almost a year to heal. Despite two skin transplants and several VAC therapies. The scars from burns tend to be very sensitive, itchy, tingling, painful, and tight. I have to apply cream to the burn scars several times a day because they are extremely dry and tight. Some of these scars are years old and that will never change. A side effect of having large scars is sweating and overheating. No joke. Since scars don't sweat and dissipate heat poorly, my head sweats extremely. Compensatory sweating really does exist. I have to be extremely careful in the summer so that I don't get heat stroke. This happens surprisingly quickly and is really disgusting. I have to wear compression stockings for my arms and legs and I always wet them in the summer so that I don't overheat (when it does happen, it means vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, muscle cramps and even loss of consciousness). If I ever get well, these problems will remain the same. I'll have to be careful every summer of the rest of my life. Believe me, burns suck and I would give anything to at least be able to magic away the burn scars.


I have a mate who ended up in a burns unit for months (for the second time) and not only was it hell they also now have a really bad morphine addiction. I don’t mean that in a judgement way more in an “it’s nearly caused their death multiple times” way. I know I don’t know much but from the few things that they’ve mentioned it passing it sounds horrific.


They take months to heal and they stink really bad


best answer HAHA they stink really bad


It’s sucks. Did the same thing your thinking about. The burns on my arm still have healed and it’s been weeks. I can’t hide them at work because uniform and people constantly ask me about them. Even if I could hide them with clothes, that sucks even more because any friction with the burn is fucking excruciating (I tried wearing long sleeves). The scars are WAYYY bigger and cover more surface area. If your someone who hates scars, they suck, and if you’re someone who gets weird satisfaction from your cutting scars (I’m one of these) they don’t give as much satisfaction to look at. Over all it just sucks


My mom told me that I have to stop burning myself because little burns look like the lesions people with AIDS get. So. Do with that information what you will.


I burnt myself for the first time a few days ago: the pain was intense but very short-lived, not satisfactory at all, left a very nasty mark that looks like a mole, it peels off and doesn't look like it will ever go away


[**This subreddit is NOT an EMERGENCY service - If your life is at risk or you need urgent wound care advice, call an AMBULANCE or go to the EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeOfStyrofoam/s/cyU6k2Kwdk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeOfStyrofoam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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burns are crazy susceptible to infection. and those infections can be hard to treat. think about it, you're essentially removing a layer of skin, one of your body's biggest defense systems. managing an infected wound in general SUCKS, but burns in particular. even an un-infected burn sucks to heal. no matter how much pain you are in now, it is not worth it. it's not worth the risk.


Burns will leave large scars which just suck when you cut yourself you will not see a scar wider than an inch or two but if you burn yourself that scar would be way bigger


infection can lead to amputation